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Big Brother Australia - News - Week Nine


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Must say Hanklee your updates are fantastic. I do most my BB posting on an Aussie fansite, but find your posts the best way to keep up to date with what is (or to be more precise, isn't!) happening!

Completly bored of BB Aus now - they've lost the plot once again. The fines prove it too - they are just so petty rather than evil, and it's once again turned into a predictable mix of intruders and double evictions - over and over again!

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Must say Hanklee your updates are fantastic. I do most my BB posting on an Aussie fansite, but find your posts the best way to keep up to date with what is (or to be more precise, isn't!) happening!

Completly bored of BB Aus now - they've lost the plot once again. The fines prove it too - they are just so petty rather than evil, and it's once again turned into a predictable mix of intruders and double evictions - over and over again!

Thanks for the feedback Brekkie Boy. I really enjoy posting here on Mortys. I seem to get more out of the show by really paying attention to what is happening so I can do the daily posts.

As to your preferring the UK show to the Aussie show, well that is natural since you are from the UK. I have watched a bit of the UK show as well as every season of the US show. I find the UK show a bit over the top for me. The producers seem to intentionally try to get a chast who will cause controversy in the house. Just look are Grace this year or better yet NiKki. What a crazy girl and I really mean that she is crazy, as in where are the guys with the white jacket and tranquelizers. I just don't enyoy that type of personal interaction.

The Aussie house is for me, even more than the US house. Yes, there is some controversy from time to time, as in the case of Michael, but all in all, you have a house full of young people who are learning how to form a unit which can survive in a pressure cooker situation 24/7. You get to see relationships form and grow. They may prosper or fall apart but so they do in real life.

The Jamie and Katie relationship is a perfect example. Here are two young kids who meet under trying circumstances. Normally relationships that form in such circumstances are short lived. But they seem to have really bonded. And if I am any judge of character, I think that this one will last.

This is what I like. And if you do too, I am happy for you to read what I write. If not, well I still enjoy the writing. Thanks again for you appreciation. I look forward to your posting as well.


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Hanklee, I am loving these re-caps, I only get to see the free feeds, and only when I get the time, so your re-caps are really my only source for what is going on, you rock!!

I do like the Aus. version they have so much more to do, fines, comps and such, BBUS should take some hints!!

I really liked the Jamkat relationship, and I agree they seem to have something more then those who just have a 'thing' in the house. But I guess we will have to wait and see!!

Thanx again Hanklee!!

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