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Big Brother = Start of summer


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Oh I hear ya there.

I remember one summer (a couple of seasons ago) we had a black out. Our entire city went down because of the heat and everyone using air conditioners etc..

Of course it had to be on a night that Big Brother was on. I was panicked because the power wasnt supposed to be back on until sometime in the middle of the night, or the next day.

My next door neighbor (who is also a huge BB fan as well) remembers that she has a teeny little black and white tv/radio thing in her basement. So we get my hubby's power pack-battery booster thingy out, plug in the tv, and there sat about 6 of us. In the dark on our porch watching Big Brother!

Ahhhh, the memories! lol :D:D

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I only wish they would start the season a wee bit sooner. In the beginning you're still getting used to the HGs, not like you really miss anything much. It's during the last few weeks though where when things really get heated and poof, it's back to work (I have summers off). I actually work at work and can't get to a computer to sit and check this site, it totally sucks, especially when you've been so into it all summer long. One's addiction is easier to over come when you know you can't watch it because it isn't on. It's when it's on, and you know that it is, but still can't get to it that's difficult.

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I know, especially since there's nothing else on tv. Sit down, cause this is bad... I've been so bored that I have been watching Canada's Next Top Model... *gasps*, it's a horrible rendition, alas I need some sort of reality fix!

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I only wish they would start the season a wee bit sooner. In the beginning you're still getting used to the HGs, not like you really miss anything much. It's during the last few weeks though where when things really get heated and poof, it's back to work (I have summers off). I actually work at work and can't get to a computer to sit and check this site, it totally sucks, especially when you've been so into it all summer long. One's addiction is easier to over come when you know you can't watch it because it isn't on. It's when it's on, and you know that it is, but still can't get to it that's difficult.

that's a great idea to start earlier!!

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I know, especially since there's nothing else on tv. Sit down, cause this is bad... I've been so bored that I have been watching Canada's Next Top Model... *gasps*, it's a horrible rendition, alas I need some sort of reality fix!

I just started up watching Hell's Kitchen on CityTV last monday..So that will get me through until BB starts up again. Its fun to watch Gordon Ramsey!

Where in Canada are ya?

(ps..Go OILERS! lol)

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It's really amazing how addictive BB can be. I love the entire premise of the show. Yeah, we all have things we like better than others but I have yet to find anything that makes me not want to watch. I look forward to it every summer.

So, until we get into the swing of things, Hells Kitchen is my reality fix. It's pretty good. :lol:

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I do wish it started sooner because school starts for me when BB is on, and it's hard to focus on it when BB is on and I have the feeds. I deal with it, but it's kinda hard.

I'm excited I get a DVR on Tue so I can keep the whole BB season! I wanted a Tivo but DVR's are less expensive and I'm kinda low on money! haha

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I don't know about all of you but when BB starts my summer starts! Am I pathetic?

We even went as far as to run cable poolside so we could watch it during a pool party. It's a good thing all my friends watch the show.

I'm Back! (My first post since September 14th)

I definitely agree with you Big Brother does kick off my summer also (T.V. season anyways) . (This how I think summer's really mapped out).

Begins on Memorial Day.

The middle of summer is of course Independence Day (Around the time BB Begins give or take one or two days every year.)

Ends on Labor Day. BB usually ends 2 or three weeks later. usually two or three days after or before the offical start of Autumn.

I loved summer as a child/teen but, now that i'm 20 I have a 8 hour day job. I can't really enjoy it like I used to but coming home to Big Brother three times a week makes it all complete. :D

Even if i'm out of town during the summer having the time of my life I make sure i'm back to the hotel in time to watch Big Brother. ( I know I need to get that addiction checked out.) :blink:

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Oh I hear ya there.

I remember one summer (a couple of seasons ago) we had a black out. Our entire city went down because of the heat and everyone using air conditioners etc..

Of course it had to be on a night that Big Brother was on. I was panicked because the power wasnt supposed to be back on until sometime in the middle of the night, or the next day.

My next door neighbor (who is also a huge BB fan as well) remembers that she has a teeny little black and white tv/radio thing in her basement. So we get my hubby's power pack-battery booster thingy out, plug in the tv, and there sat about 6 of us. In the dark on our porch watching Big Brother!

Ahhhh, the memories! lol :D:D

During The Hurricane Season of 2004 late summer early fall when Frances and Jeanne ravaged the entire State of Florida (Tropical Storm force winds/Hurricane force gusts in Jacksonville) we had Mass power outages here in North Florida and thoughout the entire State of Florida. I wished I had a computer backup power supply/generator that year so I could have watched Big Brother 4 on the computer that year. Still don't have one...... :unsure:

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Yep, I know where Trenton is. If ever there's a BB shin dig here on this end, maybe we'll get together with other fellow Canadian fans on this site (surely there must be more than just us!). So... what would you think of a Canadian BB? Would you watch it as closely.. or at all even? Would you audition?

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Cool..Not too far from me.

You know where Kingston is? Im about 50 minutes west of Kingston in Trenton!

Ive never talked to someone on a message board that has lived so close before! Cool! B)

Hey Im a fellow Canadian, I live 20 minutes West of Toronto.

I feel ya with the blackout, although I was in Germany at the time, so I did not have to live through it, however I had set my VCR to tape the big brother episodes I missed and of course with the black out it re set everything so I missed a couple shows, I was so depressed, lol, had to run here to get the re-caps!!

Come on Big Brother - hurry hurry :D

Go Oilers Go!!!, and yes ElleNaturelle the Sens suck lol ;)

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Yep, I know where Trenton is. If ever there's a BB shin dig here on this end, maybe we'll get together with other fellow Canadian fans on this site (surely there must be more than just us!). So... what would you think of a Canadian BB? Would you watch it as closely.. or at all even? Would you audition?

Id probably watch...Would never audition though..I dont think I could be away from my kids that long (are you gagging from the sweetness yet? HAHA) Plus if I couldnt listen to music Id go nuts..And take everyone in the house with me! :blink:

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I've started to watch BB Australia to get my fix until ours comes on. But to be honest theirs is so much better I'll probably keep watching it once ours starts...


Hay Dream - I have been watching it too from the beginning and love the `tough love` they get from BB and the creative challenges, penality room, the animals, and intruders. It will be tough to watch both, but if one falls apart then there is always option B still playing out... :lol:

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