morty Posted September 21, 2019 Posted September 21, 2019 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 21 observations and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here: you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house. To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Mortys-TV-BB21-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Dining Table (DT) Living Room (LR) Target Bedroom (TBR) Camper Bedroom (CBR) Boat Room Lounge (BRL) Tree House Balcony (THB) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you!-Morty
NanaFan Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 12:00a.m BBT ( Monday) September 23, 2019 Michie goes back into the house. Holly talks about her college experience and says she was one of the only out of state kids. Most leave and work in the city in sales and she does want to own a business. Went to work, living in the city, living in a high raise overlooking the bay - and she HATED it. Nicole is good at her job and loves the kids more than she could ever express but not for her forever. It’s the scariest thing. Holly says we have one life but we can have multiple careers. She’s been a safari guide for 6 years but she needs to take a leap of faith ...When she was working in tech sales, she financially was OK. Michei comes back out into the BY and brings blankets. Michie asks if he came across as smart at all. They said yes. Michie says he threw the comp to Jack because he had just won Camp Director and then win the first mental comp. Nicole says she didn’t throw it but turned the answer to red and put her head down. Nicole says Michie got her for awhile as they are very similar. Holly says because of her car accident, her memory was more difficult. Holly says memory is hard for her, but she’s plenty smart. Michie says his memory is shot from all the concussion playing sports. 12:15 am BBT Holly is talking about riding a colt that was completely trained and would be it’s first ride out. She bucked Holly off HARD and she landed on her face. Her dad told her to go get Gabrielle, got on a different horse - she is pretty sure she broke her nose that day. Recalling certain things (memory) is hard and frustrating for her. Visual memory she is great at. Nicole: “There are a lot of smart people on this cast”. Holly agrees. Nicole really thought she had Holly beat in the comp.Nicole says she gets anxiety but she is a great test taker. They all continue to talk about tests and Michie wishes he had gone through school with the mind set he has now - no hesitation, no fear, just go. Nicole: “Everything happens for a reason, I’m even learning now. What happened yesterday, it really scared me. It’s not worth it to work yourself up over things like that. It’s not worth put pressure on yourself. With only two of them in the game, it was more pressure than if there had been 10 in the comp. She felt she had to beat Holly or she was freaked her out.” Michie said it’s how he felt before this, he almost bit the dust and he was 23 (24 now). Holly says when she was 21 in summer school, she had to drop out and go to Wyoming because of anxiety. Nicole tells her it’s very real. Holly describes panic attacks. Holly has always wanted to write a novel but writes two chapters and stops. Nicole loves to edit, being an English major. Michie is being very quiet... 12:30am BBT The girls continue to talk about what they want to do in the future - Nicole felt stuck, stagnant when she came to play the game. She never understood she was the different one of the three sisters. They knew exactly what they wanted to do. She didn’t - but liked English. Nicole never understood why she was different than her sisters, but wanted to go on Big Brother and her family supported her i her decision. She feels this process, amazingly enough, I need the experience and people who she has leaned on. - she needs to get away from this and be with those she doesn’t know with new experiences. “This journey has made me love myself and it was a point I never thought I would get to this place”. (The camera keeps going to Michie and blurring his face) Nicole continues saying it’s ok to be quirky and wear colorful clothes and be herself. She hadn’t known this experience would change her so much. Holly tells her ‘we’re very similar, I was much like you at age 24. She says Tommy asked her how it has changed her and she says it has because she had self hate and struggled with self worth. She has gotten a grip on it much more since turning 30. Holly says through her 20’s there were lots of transformations and finding herself. She was the black sheep of three sisters. Her sister always knew she wanted to teach in a one room school or a small school and get married. They are very different but her sister is insanely supportive of Holly. Her other sister is taking over her parents ranch. They all got scholarships, her sisters a full ride but Holly didn’t because she went to college out of state. Holly says she never knew what she wanted to do. 12:25AM BBT Nicole is still talking about wondering why she was always different than her sisters. Applying and being accepted to BB forced her to stretch herself further. She realizes if she applies for a job and they say ‘no’ “It’s OK”. [Michie seems to be staring at the memory wall...Nana] Nicole says if she did her best, it’s OK. Holly tells her fear of failure is paralyzing. Holly struggles to overcome her fear. She lost a friend in a car accident only a couple of months after her own car accident and she wonders why did she live and her friend didn’t. She was 16 at the time and her friend was so confident. Holly says she wasn’t confident and was scared and low self esteem. She was teased for being scrawny and bullied her in school. There was sexual harrassment. [This seems to make it more clear why she allows Michie to bully her - Nana] AS Holly has gotten older she sees she needs to live and not waste her life. But she put so much pressure on herself, she fears failing. Holly lists several objectives she wants to achieve but still hasn’t done any of them. Holly says she knows her first goal when she leaves the BB house and she is going to do it. [Doesn’t say what - at least that I heard - Nana] Holly and Nicole continue to share their struggles in self confidence and finding a goal and succeeding. Michie seems to be ignoring them but when Holly says she got more and more of a target on her back Michie says “because of me?” He says he meant it as a joke but Holly says as part of a showmance it put a target on her. Holly really wishes they could see the scores from certain things [possible testing before coming into the house? - Nana] I was told they were really really good. She asked if they could tell her and they said it was near genius level. Nicole thinks she is quirky because English professors can be different. Holly wishes her one sister could fly out as she thinks she and Nicole would get along really well. Her sister is about to turn 34. Holly laughs at a joke her sister always tells. Holly tells Michie “You always tell me I’m a child”. Nicole tells them she is very impressed with both of them. Holly says they feel the same about her. 12:50 pm BBT General conversation about the comps. Michie is still quiet. Nicole tells Holly she underestimated her in many comps. Holly tells Michie “Don't grind your teeth!” The girls continue discussing HG. Nicole talks about the way Jess talked to her and not trusting her. Nicole: “In the grand scheme of things, this IS a game”. Michie walks back into the house. Nicole: “Seriously Holly you should argue, if and when you are at the end, make sure you advocate for yourself. I think a lot of people on the jury are sleeping/keeping (?) on you. Holly: “It worries the heck out of me if I’m am standing next to Jackson because he has blown everybody out of the water.” Nicole: “I know. And I guess I am kind of biased as the other option is me. I can sincerely argue that against each other it could be a toss up depending on which way the jury... It could be ‘he bulldozed, he won so many things, she IS with him, she rode his coattails, she is behind him.” Holly: “And that’s exactly what I’m afraid of” Nicole:: “Whereas if next to me I think it would be ‘wow’, look at the accolades Holly, she really pulled out all the stops toward the end...” Holly: “You and I both... accolades, you pulled out a lot at the end too” Nicole: “I think just the fact that you adhere to a deal...” [Night all - I’m out - Nana]
BBLurkerPlus Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 FLASHBACK to 4:18PM yesterday. An important bit was missed. Apparently Nicole had a "CO2 Induced blackout" during comp part 2. She says "he's reviewing the footage." Here's the clip before BB cuts her off from talking more about it, but it explains how Nicole lost a days comp and seems very unfair... 2019_09_22_418PM_CO2blackoutbynicole.mp4
MamaLong Posted September 23, 2019 Posted September 23, 2019 4:45 PM BBT Holly and Nicole are chatting about the HGs and their first impressions. Holly said she did not get good first impressions from Christie (that she was bossy) and Nick. Nicole said David was the worst first impression for her because he hid behind a door and scared the bejeezus out of her. Nicole said she didn't realize how much people were irked by Kemi. She mentions how Jack walked around like he was in charge of everybody [Yeah. We saw that, too, Nicole -MamaLong] Michie was getting ready in the bathroom and gets called to the DR, but he goes to the Target Room first and begins praying. 4:58 PM BBT Nicole and Michie head upstairs to feed the fish. Holly- they all got some Nicole- that's so funny...and we named him that before we knew he would be so obnoxious (talking about Michie the fish and how greedy he is with the food). Look how big he has gotten. It's insanity. Holly- look at his gut compared to the other fish Michie- he is at least two pounds Holly- his girth 5:08 PM BBT Nicole is cleaning the kitchen. Michie is being somewhat distant so Holly questions him Michie- I'm just thinking about a lot Holly- okay, well I was just checking Michie- I'm just trying know, y'all are getting really close and I've been trying to join in to conversations. I'm just thinking about a lot, so let me be Holly- Okay, well you could talk to me Michie- I just feel like I can't get a word in edgewise Holly- that's how I have been feeling at times A bit of silence then change of topic They begin talking about the house decor that they want to take with them. Holly says she wants a deer head (from living room). Michie says it is doubtful because they are expensive...the chandeliers, too. Michie says that he got a hard no on the sticker on the Airstream. He says, "They are gonna try to give us suits." Holly- yeah
MamaLong Posted September 24, 2019 Posted September 24, 2019 5:18 PM BBT Holly- you know I am going to have your back in here and outside of the house Michie- just"s totally different.... Holly- but I am very understanding...I hope you know that. Michie- well, we will see how understanding 5:23 PM BBT Nicole steps into the bathroom and whispers to herself, "Please God, let me convince both of them to take me." She heads back to the the kitchen and continues cleaning. Holly says she thinks she will help Nicole on the kitchen. She feels guilty having her clean by herself. 5:40 PM BBT Nicole and Holly reheat some biscuits and gravy. Nicole says it is so good. Michie listens to Nicole and Holly from the living room. He observes their playful interactions with some concern on his face. Nicole offers him a Seagram's (looks like maybe the Jamaican Me Happy Escapes bottles) , and he says "sure" decides to get up off the couch. Michie heads to the SR for a snack. Michie has a watermelon and prepares to make an omelet. Holly suggests he put gravy on top Michie- I think I'm going to do that
MamaLong Posted September 24, 2019 Posted September 24, 2019 Michie says that even if Holly gets a new boyfriend out of the house, they will still travel together. Nicole starts singing "Third Wheelin'". They plan to visit Tommy in New York in December so they can enjoy all of the decor. Nicole- it really is magical Michie- I've never been there during the holidays Michie then starts talking about how when Tommy won HOH, Christie, Tommy, and Nick started talking about Tommy's aunts, but the feeds cut to keep us from the details When the feeds come back, they are still discussing Tommy's "Aunt Ro" Michie- I feel bad for them...that's got to be rough (Tommy's family) Nicole- that's fucked up Holly- yeah, Nick was like Aunt Rose for Christie 5:55 PM BBT Holly- we get to see everybody the day have tomorrow. They are going to have so many inside jokes (the jury members) Michie- or they will hate each other Michie's eyes start watering while he cuts an onion Holly- it's okay, babe...It's all going to be Nicole- it's okay Michie Michie- I shouldn't have talked. I should have kept my mouth shut while cutting this onion, but I started blabbing away. Holly- so who do we think hates each other...let's play.... Michie- Jack and Jess Holly- for sure Michie- Nick and Jess Holly-yeah...Do you think Jack and Christie are friends or hate each other? Nicole- that's what I was thinking...I was gonna say Jack and Christie Michie- Christie and Sis...I could see Christie being very flirty with Jack and Sis not having it Holly- I wonder about Christie and Sis' relationship outside of here. Like was it just game.... Michie- I think it was game Holly- Kay will probably get really fed up with somebody Michie- Nick....she hated Nick...thought he was very disrespectful Holly- she hated Nick...she could not stand him...the way he talked about women's bodies and such [If they only knew LOL -MamaLong] Michie starts talking about Sis and how she expected every guy to be flocking over she got so mad when other girls got attention from the guys Michie thinks the relationship between Jack and Sis was only because they were stuck in the house...that it won't exist outside of the game [I'm out for the night -MamaLong]
NanaFan Posted September 24, 2019 Posted September 24, 2019 9:00 pm BBT BBAD Tuesday Outside the RV Michie and Holly discuss her having headaches with her hair weaves - Holly talks about not liking being told what to do when growing up on the ranch. Michie isn’t surprised. Nicole is lying down on one of the beds. They laugh about the lies Christie told to others. Michie and Holly talk about who has less money in the real world. Michie is wanting to play backgammon but has no takers. Nicole is trying to sleep but has to listen to Michie and Holly baby talk to each other. They talk about what Jack is thinking in the jury house and how Kat probably doesn’t want to be in the house with the other jurors. [They will be surprised when the get find out about Kat and Nick - Nana] Michie and Holly have the giggles and are having fun waving at the camera. They try to get Nicole to talk but she isn’t playing their game. 9:30 pm BBT Tuesday Nicole is in the boat room. She’s talking softly to herself and is teary eyed. Michie and Holly are still in the bed outside the RV. Seems like all are going to sleep - [I’m out for the night - Nana]
melmel Posted September 24, 2019 Posted September 24, 2019 10:00 PM BBT - Holly is in the kitchen cooking some food. Nicole is in the boat room dozing off in and out of sleep. BB tells them to stop sleeping. Nicole says sorry big brother 10:24 PM BBT- Holly is at the table eating and writing a message to Nicole with fruit loops. It looks to say love you Nicole. Nicole is still in the boat-room awake but looks sad. 10:39 PM BBT - Michie gets up from the bed outside of the RV and says im awake now. He goes over gives a kiss to holly. She whispers something to him and he says your beautiful face. Nicole is still in the boat room. 10:51 PM BBT - Jackson and Holly talking quietly. Nicole finally gets up from napping, puts her glasses back on and then whispers 2 days, 2 days not even. Holly said she wants to try and get back on a normal sleep schedule.
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