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Previously, on Big Brother, the final 5 in the quest for a half million dollars was set, and it appeared the alliance of Holly, Michie, Cliff, and Nicole were intent on taking out Tommy. But secretly Nicole hoped Tommy would win HOH so he could get the blood at his hands. At a cinematic battle for power, the movie matinee was Michie winning his third HOH and Jackson’s sights were set on Tommy. Tonight, BB Comics is back. How will the POV impact the final 5? Plus, Tommy spills the beans on his biggest secret!


We pick up on day 80 after the nomination ceremony. Michie says he nominated Cliff and Tommy with Cliff as the pawn and Tommy as the target, but the veto will decide who will be on the block Thursday night and who will go home. Cliff definitely feels like he’s the pawn, but in the veto competition it’s everyone in the house versus Tommy.


Tommy is in the have-not room talking to the cameras and says it’s really hard being in the house with the four people who blindsided him. He’s lonely. He saw it coming for weeks, but he never got the opportunity to take the shot. He’s living in fear, and that’s hard. He can do this. He’s going to give them hell.


Tommy and Holly are in the HOH sitting on the bed. Tommy says he’s the underdog this week and he feels like he has people rooting for him. Holly says she’s sorry Christie went but there was no way she was going to let him walk out the door before Christie. Michie comes in and asks if they need to be alone and they say no. Holly says she wonders if Christie might be a sociopath and she’s talking poorly about Christie and how she was driving her nuts. Holly says she doesn’t fault him for being loyal and staying by her side. Michie says Tommy wasn’t wrong about Nick, but he might have been wrong about Christie. Michie then starts bashing Christie as well.


Tommy says it is hard to hear Michie and Holly talk about Christie this way, but Michie is HOH. He wants to tell them why he was aligned with Christie. Tommy tells them I want to tell you something and he starts to tell them about the pre-existing relationship. Tommy says he saw everything all along, but he had to go with it because of who she was. Michie says he couldn’t imagine being in that position. Tommy talks about them knowing each other’s families. Holly apologizes for talking about her.


Michie says everything makes sense now. All the dots he couldn’t connect in his head are all now coming together. And the fact they kept it under wraps, they played it incredibly well. Michie says he doesn’t know how they did it. Tommy says that conversation could have gone two ways, it could help them work with him, or see him as the biggest threat in the house. Michie says Tommy telling him just means he’s guaranteed Christie’s vote in jury and if he sits next to Tommy he won’t win. He needs to keep him from winning the veto.


Cliff is pacing the house and pumping himself. He’s telling himself to do whatever it takes. Fingers, bones, muscles, air can all be replaced. Cliff says people have under estimated him from day 1, but he belongs here. He’s going to do everything possible to win. He’s telling himself to leave it all on the field. Losing is not an option. There is no second place. Destroy and conquer and win.


Michie is up first for BB Comics. They will fly down a zipline and peek inside the BB Comic studio. Then they need to place their 16 comics in the same place as they are on the wall. The player who matches the studio wall in the shortest time will win the POV!


Michie says he’s seen this competition so he’s already got a strategy. He focuses on the first four and then puts them up. Nicole is Nicolossus, Nick is Elast-nick, Michie is Dr. Jackson Michie-Hyde, Kat is Conspiro, Holly is Pinot Noir, Cliff is the Ground Hog. Tommy is The Flash Mobster, Bella is Liberty Bella, Jack is Jack-Ass, Sis is Fowl Play, Sam is Big Rig. Jess is Model Mayhem, Ovi is Captain Cookie, Kemi is The Keminator David is Freeze Frame, and Christie is Desti-Knee.


Michie struggles with Bella’s and is distracted by Holly’s but he finishes and he hits his button. Tommy is up next and he is dragging very slowly on the zipline. He’s trying to take his time so he can analyze the comics. He has them all up and he guesses and he has almost half wrong. Tommy is also struggling with Bella’s and he’s struggling with Cliff’s as well. Tommy finally gets his right.


Holly is up next. She loves Tommy, but he can’t win the veto. Holly thinks she looks decent in her comic, she needs a tall glass of Pinot Noir. Holly is struggling and she’s getting flustered. She’s getting angry and we see her struggle and going nuts.


Cliff is up next. He says Tommy can’t win veto, and he wants to win to get safety and build his resume. He’s doing the order first, then he’ll look at the difference. He needs to be slow, steady, and accurate. He says he never envisioned himself being a groundhog in his own comic book. Cliff says he wouldn’t want to be a conspiring b*tch and have Kat on his tail. Cliff says the way he’s huffing and puffing maybe he should have been the big bad wolf. Cliff finally has them right.


Nicole is up next and she says she’s doing this for Cliff. She needs to win this veto, not only to ensure her own safety, but to take Cliff off the block. Nicole says Christie’s is spot on. She loves her comic and she says she IS a Colossus. She has the order down pat and now she’s finding the differences. She has three wrong. Tommy’s and Bella’s are giving her a little trouble. She has one more wrong so she’s looking at Jack’s comic to figure out the difference and she sees it’s the tail. Would she call him a Jack-Ass? No comment. She pleads the fifth. She thinks she did well, but she hopes it didn’t cost her too much time.


It’s time for the results for BB Comics! Michie finished with a time of 15:59. Tommy has a time of 14:21. Tommy is in the lead. He says he knocked out Jackson, now he just needs to beat the others. Holly’s time is 38:22. Cliff’s time is 26:32. It’s down to Tommy and Nicole. It’s down to Nicole’s time, which is 10:58. Nicole has won the POV!


Michie says she smoked them! Nicole says she won this veto for her, her parents, and her sisters. She’s one step closer and she’s guaranteed F4. She’s so proud of herself. Cliff says Nicole has won and people have underestimated him, but they’ve also underestimated Nicole. She’s underestimated herself, but she’s cleared the path for the F4. Michie says he’s so glad Nicole won it and everything should go according to plan and it should be him, Holly, Cliff, and Nicole in the F4. Tommy says it sucks he didn’t win but he’s not giving up. He’s going to try and stay in the house, but it’s not looking good for him right now.


Cliff tells Nicole they are F4 because of her. They say Fellowship of the Zing. Cliff says Nicole is telling him she will use the veto to pull him off and he and her will both be F4. Cliff tells Nicole Holly has never been on the block. Nicole says that double just made her realize there are people she wants to protect. Michie says he’s blown away, that is so impressive. He’s without words. Michie is so happy Nicole wins and then it dawns on him…if she uses it on Cliff, then Holly will be the only replacement nominee.


Michie and Holly go to the HOH and Michie mentions that to Holly. Holly wants to know if there’s any way to convince her not to use it. Michie says if he were in their shoes, they could pull in Tommy, take out Holly and Michie can’t play in the next HOH. Michie says that makes a lot more sense. Holly says this is a very humbling, harsh reality check. Holly says this could be a golden opportunity to backdoor her and send her out. She says she has gone this entire season without being on the block and she could go out on Michie’s HOH. Michie tells Holly this is an opportune time for them to set themselves up and he doesn’t think they would that. This is the first time in the game he can confidently say he trusts them.


Nicole is laying down and Cliff comes in. Nicole says she’s in shock and she can’t believe it. Cliff says she saved their ass and they are F4. Cliff says they can compete in HOH and Michie can’t. Nicole says do we send out Holly because they are so close, but Tommy is so strong. Cliff says Holly has not done well now in these comps. Cliff thinks they can beat Holly, but Tommy is alone. Michie comes in and Nicole wants to talk to him. Nicole says she’d like to use it and no funny business is happening. Nicole says when she takes Cliff down, they will have options. The plan is Tommy, but they also have a chance to break up a showmance and you don’t pass that opportunity up. Nicole says regardless of their options, they need to make Holly and Michie feel very secure this week. Michie tells Nicole it’s her veto and she can do what she wants. Michie trusts Nicole and Cliff and he thinks they are good folks and won’t do them dirty.


Nicole goes to talk to Tommy in the HOH. She wants to let him know that she is going to take Cliff off the block and maybe vote out Holly. She wants him to know so maybe she’ll be on his good side. Tommy says he’s in good spirits. Nicole and Tommy discuss what might happen in veto and she tells him he has to campaign. She says she wants him here and she wants to work some magic. Tommy says he’s not going to get his hopes up, but he would love that. Tommy is getting emotional. He says no matter what he feels at peace. Nicole says this is the only opportunity where he’s forced to put her up.


Tommy says when he lost the veto he thought he was dead in the water, but Nicole is telling him he has a ray of hope. He says he’ll do whatever it takes to stay in this house even if it’s for one more week. Tommy says they lived up here all summer. Michie comes in and Nicole and Tommy hug and talk. Michie asks if he came at a bad time and they say no.


Nicole goes into the camper and she’s trying to clean a little. Nicole tells Cliff she talked to Tommy. She says she needs to show him why keeping Tommy is beneficial for both of their games. Nicole says her and Cliff broke up on duo when there were three left. Now they can break up another duo. Nicole says if one of them makes F3 with them, Holly takes Michie and Michie takes Holly. Cliff says it’s an option. He’s not saying no.


Cliff says the biggest con of keeping Holly is him and Nicole become expendable because she will protect Michie. But Cliff is concerned about competing against Tommy because he’s stronger in competitions that Holly is. They just need to think it out and make the best decision they can.


It’s time for the veto meeting! Nicole has decided…to use the Power of Veto on Cliff. Since Nicole has vetoed one of the nominations he has to name a new HG as a replacement nominee. Michie says not many choices here. She didn’t think she’d see the block at all, and definitely not on his HOH, but Holly, please take a seat.


Nicole it’s amazing to think that little old Nicole, she did it. She knows it’s only F4, but it’s F4. She’s so proud. She sees herself in those F2 chairs and she’s hoping it comes true because she wants it so freaking bad. Tommy says Nicole wants to keep him and that’s all that hope he needs. He will do what he has to in order to get their votes. Holly says her fate is in the hands of Cliff and Nicole and she trusts their character and their morals, but this is a game. Cliff says they’ve talked whether they should flip or not. Cliff says this is a half million dollar decision. He and Nicole have something thinking to do. That will give him a few gray hairs.

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