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4:07PM BBT Jackson tells Holly that he is so happy. He is righting some wrongs and putting people in their place. He says he isn't gett ing a big head from it but just happy he can fix things.


4:12PM BBT Jess comes out to hug Christie. Christie is sniveling and says she just had a moment but she is okay.


4:15PM BBT Cliff comes in to check on Analyse. She says she is ok but just that she was blinsided being nominated. She is bummed that she hasn't won anything.


4:17PM BBT The comp was called Coral Grief. It was a mental comp mostly. There was a shark and pulleys.


4:21PM BBT Tommy, Cliff, Analyse and Nick are talking about themses and comps. Trying to decide if there will be  a battleback. Analyse asks what the them of BB was this year. Cliff (keeping  straight face somehow) says "camp".


4:26PM BBT Holly and jackson talking about comps. Holly was bummed somehow that Tommy said she was 2nd when she doesnt know if she was. She says that most comps she is bad at or throws them.


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4:31 PM BBT: Jackson shotgunning a beer in the HOH room


Holly- you’re soo sexy 



4:39PM BBT: Jackson counting possible votes. He thinks it could be unanimous. He thinks he might get Christie’s jury vote because she would respect his gameplay. He doesn’t think he would get Sis’s jury vote. He is really proud of this comp win because puzzles and memory are not his thing and he is excited for his parents to see it. 


4:51PM BBT Sis and Christie in the CBR praying to BoB to shake it up. Give them something. There hasn’t been any twists. [Didn’t Christie have a power, duh! AND didn’t we JUST HAVE America’s Field Trip.  - rms]


5:32PM BBT Christie talking to Nicole. Analyse comes in. General chatter about being called in the DR. We get FOTH.


5:34PM BBT Christie saying how you have to hide a bit of who you are in the house and she is having trouble finding the balance. Nicole says that she only has one face.


5:36PM BBT Christie says when she watched this game she thought she could do it. She doesn't crack under pressure, she would havce an impeccable social game and she felt she would win a decent number of comps.She said its so much harder then she thought.


5:46PM BBT Nick, Holly and Jackson talk about all day drinking. No game talk.


5:53PM BBT Christie tells Analyse that she talked to Jackson quickly. She said that she told him she wasn't crying because she was a sore loser. She was just frustrated and congraulated him on the win. She said he told her it wasn't personal. Christy says that she wasn't crying becuase he won.


6:00PM BBT In the HOH, Nick, Holly and jackson discuss if there is a battleback  or double.  They said that it would be terrible.

6:06PM BBT Cliff telling Christie the story of when Sharon came out to visit him the first time. He had to go to work and gave her isntructions on how to get into his apartment. He left a box on its side and lid open. He left her a note to not touch it - it was his pet tarantula. He says she looked around for a bit but figured he was just pranking her. Christie says that he has always been a prankster. He says he has.


6:22PM BBT CHristie and Cliff talking about Cliff's daughter buying a car and the salesman would ignore his daughter. She gave him a really bad review. In the HOH, Tommy wakes up Holly and Jackson (after BB told them no sleeping). Tommy says if he is absent this week, it's not a reflection on them.




8:05pm BBT


Christie, Sis, Nick and Tommy are in the tree house playing board games.


Holly and Jackson are in the kitchen.


There was no family style meal this evening so it looks like Jackson is making some sort of omelet.




Nicole, Christie and Sis decide to prank Cliff. The put Vaseline on his dresser pulls. They have a hollow space under each pull that they can fill. They also put Vaseline on the door knob to the room. They do both sides of the door knob for good measure. They are giggling like evil little chipmunks while they do it.


After they are finished, they go to the kitchen and see that the back yard is open.





Yelling can be heard from other part of the house. Holly and Tommy were the first victims. Cliff says he knows they are the culprits, he saw Sis with the Vaseline earlier. Lots of laughing.


8:30 PM BBT

Sis pranked the houseguests by putting Vaseline on the inside handle of the Target Bedroom door. Tommy got stuck in the room, and Sis went running to see. She then claimed she had no idea what what happened but is a horrible liar. Cliff told her that seeing her walking around with the Vaseline earlier was a dead giveaway.





Sis waits until Christie is inside, then she goes to an outside camera, she checks to make sure it is safe. “America, I have been very good in this game, please grant me a power.” She holds her hands as if in prayer.


8:37 PM BBT

Analyse appeals to the live feeders- America, I have been so good in this game. I haven't done anything bad. Please grant me a power. Please?

Sis is very giggly tonight


8:46 PM BBT

Analyse, Christie and Jess were sitting on the boat couch in the backyard when a leg breaks. Jess gets completely startled. They discover it's made of particle board and it's wet, so no wonder it broke.




Jess- and now that I see your ice cream bowls I realize I need more ice cream

Christie- yeah, go bowl it up

Jess- I mean we already broke the boat, so why not....I thought I was losing weight.






Nicole and Nick are talking about coming evictions and who could be sent home in the next few evictions. Nick says he is not interested in putting Cliff or Nicole on the block, but there are so few options. He says someone will do something stupid. He mentions Jessica, saying she has drug him through the mud more than once.


He asks Nicole who she would put up, he says Sis and Tommy would not make him mad. He would take Nicole off if one of those people put her up. Nicole says she would rather win a single eviction, the double is too much information too fast. She says if you are HOH for a week people give you more information. She would use that to make assessments moving forward. She says she never knows who she would put on the block.


Nick says he needs a pawn if he wins HOH, Nicole repeats he is scaring her with that.


The chair in the back yard collapsed, Jessica and Christie have determined the legs are cardboard. Christie and Sis were laying on it at the time. The girls say it was wet and crumbled.


Nick is asking Nicole if she would put Jessica up, she says she doesn't know, but she would like to work with her in the future, she doesn't like seeing her alone on a limb.


Nick says if he would put Cliff up, but expect him not to use the veto. Nick says he has no one to put up, he will not put Nicole on the block, he tells her she is his number one. She questions it.


Camera moves to Holly and Jackson


they are counting possible votes to evict Christie, they both realize there are two jury votes lost.


Jackson says he hid all the beer cans, it is the little things. He is worried that might become a thing if people notice they are gone.


Holly mentions that Nicole and Tommy talked for a really long time in the have not room around the time of the blow out.


Both of them talk about them listening in doors. Jackson says “here are a lot of clips of him doing that this summer. He says if America can do it, why can't I?' He is hoping the deals they made will carry them through the next eviction.


Jackson says Christie and Sis are acting like two kids put in time out, probably because people are talking to them and making them feel loved. Holly says she doesn't want to talk to Sis right now, she is acting out too much. She says they should just continue low key for now.


Jackson notices that the entire house is out there, “when Cliff comes out here.”

Holly says “at least we know what they are saying.”



Sis is trying to explain “the deal” to Jessica. She says it was to get them past the double. She insists she didn't make 'the deal' that left “them” out. [Jessica is hearing herself referred to “them']


Jessica says Jackson is probably testing to see where people go, he may have people just choose.


Sis says it was stupid that he put her up, and now she is coming after them.


Christie says if she goes home, both Jessica and Sis will be free agents and Cliff, Nicole and Nick will still be a close threesome.

Christie tells them everyone is concerned about protecting Nick.


Jessica says if Nick is in final two, she will choose Nick.


Sis says Nick will not win if he takes someone who is a competitor.


They all agree that Nick will not take Tommy, he will take Nicole and win.






Jackson tells Holly that Tommy slipped up with information, he says they all had decided to throw “it” (assuming an HOH)


He says they planned to allow Cliff or Nicole to win because they thought one of them would “take a shot”.

He says Cliff is viewed as an object. Jackson says he has respect for Cliff, and if he had the money he would cut him a check for 50k if he did not win America's Favorite.


9:00PM BBT Christie, Sis and Jessica on BY couch.  Jessica and Christie eating ice cream.

Sis begging for BB to give them yet more powers.  

Jess: Are you guys not talking to Holly?

Christie not letting that deter her talking, "No, I'm not not talking to her, but, there's nothing to talk about."

Sis: I am just a little upset in my own way.

Christie: "I'm not upset because I expected it. (smack, smack)  I think she has more of a right to be upset. But, (insert ice cream, Smack, see food, mouth full as she says) It is what it is there's nothing to really talk about, (Smack, slop, squish, see food) I'm not talking here and now (mouth still full) when there's something to discuss.  But what is there to talk about?"

Jess: She wanted to go up there and apologize to you.  Did she apologize?"

Christie: Go up where?  When I was crying? No.  But I came down when called (?) and she apologized to me.  I said it was fine. No worries.

Jess: I'm cold.

Sis: You are eating ice cream and it is a little chilly out.

[BB, here's a tip, quieter mugs, bowls, utensils, for the sake of ALL live feeders! - rms]


  • morty unpinned this topic

[PoPTV code: UNDE9ABLE  - rms]

9:17PM BBT Christie speculating on why he was in the America's Field trip with Jess and Sis on couch still.

Jess says she sometimes sees this game as a choose your own adventure book.  She explains it is a book that somewhere in the book it asks you which way you want the person to go, right or left.  Then, it tells you which page to go to.  

Christie and Sis haven't heard of them.

They discuss some examples in the game like if someone hadn't won a veto, etc.

Jess says She basically blames me for ruining her relationship with (?)

Sis and Christie both flip their right hands up with palms up in the WTF move.  

They all laugh because they did the same thing at the same time.



9:23PM BBT Christie saying that They didn't align themselves back with someone who was "dragging" them basically.  Mad at you but not mad at themselves for speaking the information about someone that never spoke a word about her.

Sis says, I never said one bad ever when I could've, I really could've. Never said one bad thing because that's not me.

[You seem to forget all the bad things you say, though. - rms]


9:29PM BBT Michie talking to Holly on couch in BY.  

Holly says she wants to go to bed when it gets to the sh*t talking portion of the conversation so they can talk louder.  I don't want them to have to bite their tongues.

Michie says It just makes him nervous that they are gonna sit there and potentially make up lies or spin things and make us look bad.

Holly: They are gonna.

Michie: And people believe it.  That's what scares me is if Jess believes it or other people believe it.

Holly: That's why I am nervous that Jess is over there.  That's what I was saying.  She is easily swayed.

Michie: That's why I put both of them up to put people in this position.

Holly: I know.  I just don't want her going back on her deal and going after one of us because of something one of them say.


Bob: Multiple times in past few minutes, You are not allowed to talk about production.


Holly: If anything, let them talk, let them bitch, maybe people believe stuff or maybe it makes them look bad.  If they want to say sh*t, they are gonna says it.  If not now, in the RV at bedtime.  What are they gonna say, what do they have against us?  I have never said I would put Jess up.  The only person I said I would put up is Nicole and she already knows that.


Michie: I made sure to not say she was not going up on the block.  I said trust me on blind faith.  I don't see you going.

Holly: Who approached who in the conversation when we all said we are all good in the (?).  

Michie: Me

Holly: Was I there? Or was it you and them?

Michie: It was me, Sis, Chris and Tommy.  I'll own that, because I did.  At the time I was trying to flush it and move on with people who burned me multiple times.  Trying to give it one more chance and also trying to not have people gunning for me when I apparently were on my own.  BUT, little did I know they already had a deal worked out to throw it so they wouldn't have to be the ones to take a shot at me.  They wanted the shot to be taken.

Holly: Did you hear me, kind of caught Tommy today as he said.  That deal turned out to be the worst f'n thing ever.  I said, why, because Jackson won.  


Sis called to DR



9:32PM BBT Michie: f' Veto.  Why do they wait so late at night.  (Because people have to go to DR for so long after)

Holly: I am gonna jump in bed and if they have to wake me up, they have to wake me up.

Michie:  We are gonna have to take a few days.

Holly: What?  

Michie: off from plans.  [Pretty sure he is hinting at SEX but she isn't getting it at all - rms]

Holly: We are gonna have to take a few days off from plans?  What do you mean? Scheming?

Michie: (?) impressing my plans.  Because I am gonna be getting called down to the DR

Holly: Oh, what hm? Are you ok?

Michie: It just hurts.  It's like very irritated.


9:33PM BBT Sis comes out laughing with Cliff. 

Christie: what did he do?

Cliff: She's making stuff up.

Sis: (Still laughing) I went into the RV (laughing) I heard someone in there (laugh) and I saw Cliff on the floor under my bed on my side.

Christie: What did you try to do?

Cliff: It may be, what DID I do?

Christie: I am trying to think what you could do to you,...

Cliff: I have a couple of things I can do.

Christie brings up her face wash, you could mess with that, ...  

Cliff says I don't want to mess with that.  We had a saying in college, There is a fine line between Reda$$ and dumba$$ and you done called it.  Sometimes you don't even have to do the prank, just make them think you did.  They end up checking for things, makes them paranoid.


9:41PM BBT Michie telling Cliff in the TBR what he heard Sis, Christie and Jess saying.  He practically quotes Sis saying her never saying a bad word comment.  Then also something from the RV.  They said it is a really good poker face to say that we are all good.  

Cliff heard that.

Michie says he never lied to Christie and he never lied to Sis.

Cliff says he didn't hear that from Christie but did from Sis.

Michie: I told Sis when she was up there. I want you to hear it directly from the horses mouth, not hearsay.  I don't want to see you go home.  I need you to have some blind faith and trust me.  Whatever happens might piss some people off but I don't want you to go through the door.  However she took it is on her.

Cliff: Being a pawn is part of this game.  If there ever was a pawn that was not going home in this game, its her.

Michie: Also, I tried to water under the bridge Christie and Sis.  I hear them saying they have no-one and this and that (the derogatory comments from the other night about not winning comps, vetos, they have no-one,..)  and that nixed it for me.


Cliff: I did hear Christie telling Sis to come and talk to you and try to smooth some of this out.  

Michie backs up and opens the door to see who is outside.  It was Holly in the dresser. [Gotta stay alert! - rms]

They all smile about it a bit.

When you all came inside and we were talking about doing the pranks.  Christie says Sis is so upset. Cliff responded to her that we will see if these pranks may help a bit.  Christie says Sis is all upset and she wants to calm her down.  If she stays this angry, she will make herself a giant target going forward.

Holly comes in and Michie has Cliff tell her, too.




Cliff says she has been on top so long, she doesn't know what it means to not be at the very top.

Michie also beings up her being only 22 years as well.

Cliff says he appreciates it.

Michie says, I don't know what they try to smear me as.

Cliff says, I will tell you if i hear anything.  I hear Sis saying a bunch of sh*t but Christie is trying to calm her down.

Michie spends some time reassuring Cliff and vice-versa. 

Cliff: We both have things over the past 8 weeks that could've driven wedges into our relationship as we tried to navigate this stuff.  If we can let bygones be bygones, I am ready.  


9:46PM BBT

Cliff: Where do you all think Nick is in this?  He goes both ways so much, I don't have any clue.

Michie: I don't know where Jess is either.   I don't know where Nicole is either.  I know you are close to her.

Cliff: Nicole would be good with y'all.  Nicole would be fine.  I don't know about Jess.

Michie: Especially seeing Jess talk to them so much.  I know how much she plays on emotion.  That's why I want to talk to you directly because I know what she said.

Cliff: The more communication the better.


9:50PM BBT Jess says to Christie on same couch in BY something about mean girl this and mean girl that.   Kind of insinuating the girls she hangs out with.  Well, sh*t, if you only hang out with Christie and Sis, who else are you f'n talking about.  (Cliff comes out)

Cliff says he put a single cashew under the cover just barely.  He says if Tommy goes in there, .... Tommy yells across the BY, no that's fine, I don't go in there.

Cliff explains he is trying to calm her down with the pranks.

Tommy, Nicole and Nick are just laying on the hammock.  Cliff brings over a bean bag.

9:53PM BBT Christie retelling story of how when she overheard Cliff talking about the 6 and they flipped the vote and saved her (?Nicole over Cliff).  Christie says if 6 people just did that you would think she would be really appreciative or thank us up and down.  Nothing, radio silence.

Jess: Did Kat tell you she knew about the vote flip?  

Christie: No? Who told her, Kat?

Jess: Holly and Michie told her about the flip.  Before it happened and it had been in the works for the whole week.

Christie: So they were trying to take credit for it?  

Jess: Whatever they were trying to do,..

Christie: It was definitely discussed, we were all, ...  Not we were all.  I was more like Morally and Ethically like feeling bad [Again, back to trying to use those words to sell things? - rms]

Christie: But it wasn't like we are doing this until that morning.  But probably were like, well this is being discussed and this is being so let's go to her and we'll play.  Because you know, Michie is the hero.

Jess: Yeah and that's like how I feel like he has been treating,...  You know when he talked to you in the have not room.  You know when I talked to you in the have not room and I was like Nicole's very like confused because Holly and Michie were keep on saying they are not voting Bella out.  They were asking Nicole what she was gonna do as if she was gonna be like the person who was gonna flip everything.  I feel like she has been in these positions where people want her to take this big step and she feels like she is being set up everywhere. (bunch of this was done with her head tilted down in some scowling look for some reason)

Christie then goes on to ask Jess if she know Kat already knew about the flip and they told he to not flip to stay as a mole.  

Jess didn't believe that and that she would have never voted against Cliff. 

Christie then claims they were never really allowed to talk to Kat on their own (as if Michie and Holly made them go through them to Kat).


10:00PM BBT They talk some about Nick.

Christie: "But if I do go, which I assume I am because I am sure everyone is gonna vote the way Michie wants them to, because he is gonna tell everybody he wants me out because that's the way this sh*t game goes" [You weren't complaining when you were all in power and they kowtowed to you and your alliance's wishes! - rms]

Christie: But if I do go, you  have to link up with Sis

Jess: become more of Nick's target?

Christie: No, I think if you got in good with Sis and tried to be phony with Nick, you have more of a chance to have Sis advocating for you to him.  Because, just the way he thinks he has Nicole eating out of his hand, Sis can have him eating out of hers.  If you could get with Sis and she could advocate with you, he would sooner take a shot at Michie and Holly before you.  In my eyes, because Sis loves you and if you got tight with her.  [Wait, you ALL LOOOOOVVVEEEEE each other SOO much, how could she pick one over the other? - rms]


[FFWD - Sorry, I can't take Christie brainwashing Jess any more tonight. - rms]



10:54PM BBT Sis goes up to HoH and knocks.  Michie wakes up and turns the light on.  He says he isn't sleeping and he looks as Holly is asleep.  He then realizes he can go elsewhere, so he suggests they go to the HN room and turns the light off when they leave.

She apologizes but he says, no, you are fine, I want to talk to you.  I was gonna talk to you tonight.

Sis says, I'm sorry, but I am just so upset.

Michie: I know you are.  I was gonna wait until either tomorrow after you got a workout and some sunshine in you.

Sis: I need a workout.

Michie: You and I are alike that way.  I will give her some time.  There are a lot fo things I want to clarify.  Do you want to start or for me to start?

Sis: I guess I will start.

Michie: And don't hold back because, ... I know you won't.

Sis:  Sorry for being so down and pissed.  It just really sucks to be up against your best friend in the house.  I know when you were up against Jack it sucked, but we were in power so there were ways we might have been able to get out of it.  Now it is different.

I was surprised because you told me to trust you.  If i was going to be a pawn, I would have respected you more if you had told me.  I didn't know I was going up  Everyone in the house was surprised.  It sucked.  I didn't make the deal. I know you want Christie out and the only way,..



Michie:  He recaps what he had told her before the meeting: I am good with you and I trust you and I need you to have a little bind faith in me.  I need you to know something, that I would not put you on the block if I thought there was a chance for you to go home. I never said I would not put you up on the block.

Sis: I don't remember you saying that to me.

Michie: I said to have a little blind faith in me.

Sis: I know but,..

Michie: I didn't tell anyone any options about my noms.

Sis: I know but when you said that I was like, I think he means he is gonna put Christie up on the block but like, ok.  I just never thought me,..

Michie: It wasn't meant to intentionally deceive you.  That wa snot the case.  I wanted to ensure that she goes home.  If I were to put Tommy up, people may see it as a good chance to vote out Tommy.  If I put Nick up, there's a lot of people who don't like Nick and Christie could pitch a good pitch against Nick.

Sis: I love Nick, but you have a good relationship with Nick after he is the one who created the deal?

Michie: I know, but I am also not voting.  But I am also not voting.

Sis: I know but you are keeping him in this house and he created the deal that gets you and Holly out. (they are talking over each other some and Sis is getting a bit louder thinking she has a big point)

Michie: But what I am saying is, But what I am saying is my biggest target is Christie, not necessarily Nick right now.

Sis: But if we would have all agreed to work together, there is no way she still would have been.

Michie: But what I am saying is, after hearing the things in the HN room.  But, (he pauses) again, we had a conversation after the HN room.

Sis: i don't want to speak on her because I am not here to talk about her, I am here to talk about us.  But I am just saying ,what was said, you literally heard everything that was said.  Nothing was really said out of her mouth other than me.  I don't know if that is shooting myself in the food but,..

Michie: Listen to me, what I heard, it confirmed to me that I am f'd pretty much.

Sis: But not if we were working together (as he is talking)

Michie: I know, but listen, but that offer.  I tucked my tail between my legs that morning and came up there and talked to you and Tommy and Christie against my pride and was trying. 

Sis: Well I just f'n came up here with my pride to talk to you.

Michie: I know, I was swallowing my pride and I was trying this one more time.  This is the best way to explain it.  It literally felt like I was getting cheated on, I got cheated on, and then I am now trying to ask the girl who cheated on me to give em another chance. Then, I walk in on her with another dude right the same f'n night.

Sis: But tell me exactly what you heard.  (Michie starts talking trying to get the mic back "But Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen,..."

Michie: Here's what I heard, ... (the convo where it's 2v6, they have no-one, they don't have, ... They don't have, ..  They don't win comps, vetos, ... We have to disarm them and get Kat out, ..  etc, etc)  Did it hurt me from you, yes, but you have never been my target and still aren't.  What it did is solidified in my mind that I am on my f'n own.  My target is still Christie at this moment and even right now.  In that moment, when I heard it, it confirmed to me that I have no-one, you said that, but that did not make you my target.  It confirmed in my mind that I have to get Christie out sooner than later because I am on my own.  That's what I need you to take from that.

Sis: I do get it, I get it.


Michie: The next morning, after the conversation, after I heard in the have-not room, it was me, you Holly, and Tommy, NOT Christie.  And I am good with y'all.  She came in and left.  When  I told y'all, I meant it.  

The reason why you are on the block: 

1) If it was Christie versus anyone else, you would have to vote for Christie.  It ensures that one more vote against Christie stays applicable.

2) There is no way in hell you would go home over Christie.  (Sis, what if I did, I'd)  If you keep this attitude up I am scared that you might.  I do not want you to be pissed off because there is no reason for you to be pissed off at me.  I know you are mad about the situation being up against Christie but I didn't want to break your trust.

Sis: I get that but I am more pissed you didn't tell me or warn me.  You just f'n told me to my face that "I trust you" but I am f'n up on the  block.

Michie: I do trust you, but I had to play what is best for my own game.  

What I need you to hear form me:

I didn't want to put you in a shitty position to vote against Christie.  

I didn't want to risk someone else going up and going home.  Tommy, Nick, anyone else against Christie.  She is good with her words and she has a lot of people very close to her in this house.  She could easily flip a vote.  You know who she would not be able to flip a vote against, YOU.  There is no way for that to happen.  I am sorry you are on the block this week, but it has never been about getting you out the door.  I knew that before nominations.  I told you that before I was even 100% certain that I would put you up.  I was bouncing ideas in my head.  I was genuine when I said I was gonna hear out every conversation, unbiased.  I was gonna make the decision best for my game.  This is not personal.  I may never be HoH ever again.  I had to get Christie out.  I didn't want to do a back door.  I wanted to do it in a way that I was proud of and that was respectful.  I wanted to make sure the person you are up against would go home and you would stay.  I know you are pissed off.  I am the same way, I get very f'n heated but after a while I simmer.  I wanted to give you time to calm down.  I love you to death, personal and in game.  I trust you, I want to work with you.  I am sorry I had to put you up against your best friend.


11:08PM BBT 

Michie: As of right now, if I didn't win HoH, I would probably be sitting on the block, probably next to Holly.

Sis: I just wish I would have had a warning.


Sis continues to be defensive about the comment she made.  She thinks he should have talked it out. 

He says did I really out that to someone who said what you said?

(This back and forth continues, repeats some of what's above over and over...  [Ugh, can we wrap this up already? - rms]


11:15PM BBT 

Michie: She might of had my back, but for how long? Do I really think she would pick me over you or Tommy? Not a chance in hell!  Do I think she would smoke me in any spelling comp, any memory comp over the past 60 days, any f'n BB Comics where she has a photographic memory? All of those comps are still out there and I am gonna BLOW!  I know she considers me a threat in this house and it comes down to who takes the shot first.


I know that part of that deal was to keep people safe.  If I put Cliff up on the block, Nicole and Nick are part of that deal, how do I know that they are not gonna vote against Cliff?  If I put Nicole up or anyone as a pawn, that is a part of that deal, how do I know they are gonna vote to evict Christie? 

Sis looks a bit beaten down from the length of this and repetition looks to have her calmed some.   

Now she rehashes that they wouldn't be in this situation if, ...


Michie: Holly and I love you.  

Sis: Holly is a, .. I am really upset with her.  I have my own reasons.

Michie: That's between y'all.

Sis: That's between us.

Michie: But, everything that happens this week in terms of nominations, I didn't even talk to her about it, you can ask her.

Sis: I'm sorry, It's really hard for me to believe that.  Her boyfriend,...

Michie: I wanted her to have plausible deniability.   (as Sis was talking he repeated, I wanted her to have plausible deniability.)

Sis: Her boyfriend didn't tell her that, well at least I thought I was her closest friends in this house, I was going up on the block.

Michie: For that reason, I kept this shit to myself.

Sis: And then the way she acted about it.  I just felt like it was so insincere.  She almost made it seem like she knew but pretend that she didn't.

Michie: I wanted it to be plausible deniability.  I didn't talk to anybody about it.  I didn't give anyone any hints.  When I was talking to Christie, I didn't give any hints.  I never lied to anyone either during those pre-nom speeches.  I never lied in any one on one.  The way you interpreted that conversation is on your end.

Sis: (well, back to her first statements half an hour ago!)

11:27PM BBT

Michie: When I tell you something, I mean it, especially with you and Tommy.  I trust y'all. I don't trust Christie, and I knew she would come for me.

Sis:  Yeah, I get it. 

Michie:  It's that simple.

Sis: I get it.  Thanks for this talk (a bit sing singing, happy).  I feel a lot better.  Thanks, I trust you.

Michie: I hope so, because I trust you.

Sis: I do.

They leave the HN room,...



11:28PM BBT 

Sis carries a bean bag with her to the hammock in BY to talk with Jess, Tommy, and Cliff.  They ask how it went.  She said she understands his game move.  It is what it is.

Jess: He wants you to be his girlfriend's best friend again.  

Sis: I can't be best friends who f'n,...

People laugh

Jess: You can always forgive and, ...

Sis: "Fake it 'til I make it"

They all bust out laughing.

Sis: I'm someone who values friendships, severely.  Like, I really value people's friendships.  So if when I hear you do one thing to me, I'm like, ok, whatever, I throw it under the bus.  [Do you mean, ... water under the bridge? - rms]

When I hear multiple things?  I don't know this really really hurt me.  [What about what you said about them, MULTIPLE THINGS! - rms]


Sis: Michie I understand, you have to look out for your own game, everyone does and I get it.  I know outside this house and even coming into this house, I know what type of person she was. [WHAT?  Outside this house you knew?  - rms]


To have this house turn you into someone different?  I don't know.  I just always told myself when I play this game, I am gonna stay true to who I am.  I am not gonna change who I am to navigate myself to this game.

11:33PM BBT

[Wow, Christie meltdown number what? - rms]

Christie melting down to Nick and Nicole in the CBR as she folds clothes.

Christie: I'm Mad, I'm mad at the way things are going.  I am mad at like the power in the f'n house.

Nick: What do you mean?

Christie: I am just mad!

Nick: What do you mean the power in the house?

Christie: Like I didn't want them to f'n be in power!  I didn't! This wasn't supposed to happen! [Sorry, I gotta say it! WOW! Terrible twos again?! - rms]


Nick: Yeah.

Christie: I am just so frustrated.

Nick: I know it sucks.

Christie:  And to be next to Sis, it f'n sucks.  I just feel mad.

Nick: I think you have every right to be.

Christie: What time is it?

Nick: After 10

Christie: I am gonna go say good night to who's ever outside.  Yeah, and I am sure there is sh*t going on this bed.  I am not sure what it is.  Little F'er

Nicole:  He's so funny (Cliff).  Did you hear what he said earlier.  There is a dividing line in the RV room.  There is Jess' bed that's off-limits.


11:35PM BBT Michie tries downloading the Sis convo to Holly in the HoHr.  

She is still basically asleep.  

Sis, Christie head into the KT to snack.  The rest come in, too.


Cliff, Sis ,Christie eating "Froot Loops"


BoB says, "What is there about STOP that you don't understand?!" [WOW!!!  - rms]

Sis asks who was that to?

Christie says she was singing.  They hadn't asked her to stop.  Wrong button, maybe? You could've asked nicely.  

Sis said it could've been someone else  [Guessing Michie was singing upstairs - rms]

Cliff says maybe Michie and Holly are getting a little adventurous in the HoH room.




11:54PM BBT 

Jess mentions something she was asked before on a test:  It was like overly nice people make you question their ulterior motives or something and I said, yeah.

Christie: Really?

Jess: Hell, Yeah!

Christie: I don't

Jess: Hell, Yeah!

Christie: I don't think that.  I guess maybe that's just because like.  I guess because like with me.  I'm either like...

(Sis burps opening her mouth, very audibly, then says excuse me)

Christie: curt with you lie ok, or I am like.  Because when I am overly nice to someone, it is because I am just really in a good mood and I just feel like being overly nice.  So I think we always think,...  Why do you feel like you sometimes when you are overly nice to someone you like are really f'n hating them and putting them (?) on them.

Jess: I just think sometimes really overly nice people have ulterior motives.

Sis: Am I overly nice?

Jess: NO (shaking her head no)

(They laugh) 

Christie: Na, Bitch.

Cliff, Not really.

Christie: No, you're not overly nice.

Jess: That was like the way Kat started off.  That's why I was like, Chill girl, like she was like.


[Whew, another save by Orwell.   - rms]

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