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9:43 AM BBT Tommy tells Nick that the girls think that he is going to throw the veto. Nick is visibly frustrated and asks why no one will ever trust him. Tommy puts his finger to his mouth (quiet down motion) and says that he does and that is why he is telling him this. 


9:44 AM BBT Nick tells Tommy that he is pi**ed off that he is constantly being questioned. No one questions anyone else's loyalty and he has been nothing but honest and transparent. He is sick of it. 


9:47 AM BBT Nick confronts Christie and Sis in the CBR wanting to know why they are questioning him. Christie says that it is strange that he is not on the block. And that she was told by Holly that Nick threw the HoH. Nick denies it. She says that he finds a way to stay off the block. Everyone is whispering that there are deals made. 


9:49 AM BBT Christie tells him that she keeps hearing that Nick is not on their side and never wanted to keep Jack safe. Nick admits that he is getting upset when he has been nothing but transparent. Christie says she was told that it isn't a coincidence that Nick keeps coming up second in comps. She says there are just so many things that don't add up. 

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9:46AM BBT

Nick and Tommy are talking in the Campsite area

Nick- so I'm not allowed to say anything. Should I ask them if they really think I threw the competition

Tommy- no


Nick leaves and heads to Sis and Christie in the RV

Nick- is there anything you guys want to ask me? Why are you questioning me?

Christie- it just seems strange that she's on the block

Sis- I'm not mad at you

Christie- it's also strange that Holly said well Nick threw it

Christie- I also just think it's weird that you have a deal with Michie and Holly but then Holly was up in the HoH room saying that you were...I mean there is just so many inconsistencies

Nick- I'm actually getting upset

Sis- it just adds up

Nick- I've been nothing but transparent

Sis- I'm not saying I believe it. It just makes me question

Christie- why does that stuff keep coming up

Nick and Nicole are in the RV debating about whether or not they should go in there (Campsite Area)

Christie- why didn't you gun for it

Nick- I did gun for it


Nicole, Cliff, and Tommy are feeding the fish

Nicole says she wishes there were three spots to put food in so that the fish could get the food fairly

Cliff to Tommy- How are you doing Tommy?

Tommy- yeah, it's weird. I did tell Michie and Holly that if I get picked I was gunning for it



9:52 AM BBT Nick tells Christie that if she doesn't trust him, then she can put him up. "You can believe whatever you want. I don't f'ing care anymore. I am tired of it. I have been nothing but transparent to you and it is bulls**t."


9:54 AM BBT Nick tells Christie that if she doesn't trust him than she can go to Michie herself and ask him straight up. She says come on, like he would tell me that. Nick reminds her that he punched the wall when he didn't win. Why would he do that if he wasn't upset he couldn't take her down.


Tommy- I probably would have used it on Sis. I mean I used one on Christie, but I probably would have used it on Sis. I think it sucks because since they are both on the block they are feeding off each other

Jess- are they feeling defeated?

Tommy- feeling defeated and angry...getting each other amped up and that could hurt both of them

Nicole- the new Big Brother catchphrase that Nicole invented "Get comfortable with the uncomfortable"

Cliff- I'm glad we've gotten to this point

Tommy- one of us nine will win $500,000...that's crazy

Tommy- any combination of two people would be hard at this point

Nicole- I agree with that


9:57 AM BBT Sis tells Nick that she is not questioning him any longer. Christie tells him that they have the right to ask questions. She says that he has to understand why the circumstances make it look like this. Nick says he has told everyone that he has been loyal to them back since day 30. Ever since the blow up, they are the ones that keep making themselves a big target. 


10:00 AM BBT Nick tells Christie and Sis that he has a great social game but that is because he got kicked out of gr8teful. He got booted so instead of laying down, he started talking to other people and developed relationships. So, that helped his social game. 


10:05 AM BBT

Nick tells Christie that if he wins he will use it on Sis because he has had more loyalty with her throughout the game

Nick- listen I swear I thought I was going up. He said he was gonna put up two competitors, no back door. I thought I was genuinely going up.

10:07 AM BBT

Nicole, Cliff, Jess, and Tommy are talking about the way they are to the cameras. Tommy says he can't talk to the cameras. Nicole says she talks to the mirrors, "I'm always like, I'm frustrated". Jess jokes that her friends are frustrated with her because she knows nothing.

Jess- the only thing I know is that I know nothing




10:07 AM BBT Nick continues to try to prove to Christie and Sis that he is loyal. He tells Christie that if he wins, he will use the veto and vote for the other one to stay. He promises that he would vote to keep Christie unless she is sitting up next to Sis or Tommy. Nick says that once Christie goes, Sis is the next big female target. Christie going is not good for Nick's or Sis' going. And him going is not good for any of their games either. 


10:10 AM BBT Jess, Tommy, Cliff and Holly are up in the THB. They are discussing how personal attacks happen when you talk to someone while still angry. It is better to calm down first so that you can talk about just what upsets you and not just throw words aggressively at each other. 


10:18 AM BBT Nick, Tommy, Sis and Christie continue to talk in the CBR. It all boils down to who the replacement nom would be. Nick says he can talk Nicole into keeping them. He doesn't think he could get Cliff to vote the wants he wants, but he could Nicole into it. 


10:20 AM BBT Nick thinks the veto will be comics. Nick says that means he will have nothing to do for host. Just reading answers from the card. He doesn't think it will be comics. Sis lowers her head and starts crying. Christie tells her she is so strong and not to worry. Sis says she isn't worried about staying. Nick "she isn't worried about staying, she is worried about you (Christie)". Sis also says that she is also upset about Holly. And she never said a bad thing about her. 


10:22 AM BBT Christie tells Sis that she is such a good person, not many people are like that and she can't expect others to be like that. She is real, true and loyal and that is why it sucks they are next to each other on the block. 


10:26 AM BBT Christie tells Nick that everyone feels like people are talking about them. Everyone questions what is going on around them and what is true or not and what is being said about them. Christie starts to tear up and says "That's because nothing is real in here. Nothing. Nothing." 




I am out for a while at 10:30 BBT if someone can take over.


10:22 AM BBT

Sis is now crying

Sis- I'm not worried, I'm just

Nick- she is worried about you (Christie)

Christie- I don't want you to worry about me

Sis- and I'm just so mad and hurt by Holly. I've never said anything bad about her ever  [so easily she forgets  -MamaLong]


Christie- this game is meant to challenge us. It's a lot harder than I ever thought it would be.


10:37 AM BBT

Tommy joins Sis, Nick, and Christie in the RV Bedroom. He gives them some great advice: to know that one of them will definitely stay and they need to only trust what they hear and feel directly from the person...not believe everything they hear and not make negative assumptions....this is just my perspective, but I just think

Christie rolls her eyes.

Sis- Tommy I love you I do, and I am always here for you but whether she or I stay....I don't want to work with them

Tommy- I know

Christie- and I want to stay true to me and work with people who I have trust with

Tommy- I do believe them when I talk to them

Tommy tried to deliver some positive advice to the girls but they are too angry to absorb what he's saying.

Christie leaves the room

Tommy to Sis- He said he doesn't want you to go this week, but if you keep digging yourself in a hole, it could be you. That's where I am coming from.


Tommy- I see what is happening. It's feeding off each other and I don't want to see you leave this week.

Sis- I know

Nick- Sis, your game is not over

11:18AM BBT

Christie to Tommy in the bathroom area- do you think it's BB Comics?

Tommy- no I think it's too soon

Christie- and we would have started by now

Tommy- we will talk about it after

Christie- my heart feels so... (Christie begins crying again)


There isn't much going on...just waiting around for veto.


The feeds popped to fish and WBRB several times and then quickly back to the houseguests. 



12:04PM BBT General chatting in the KT. In the BR,Nick and Analyse snuggling. Chatting with Tommy and Christie.


12:05PM BBT Tommy was snuggling on Nick who was snuggling on Analyse. They are discussing if they are really horny people. Sis says that she was really horny with Jack because the sex was so good. Nick says that Bella was a horndog. Tommy says that he isn't surprised.


12:26PM BBT Cliff and Holly sit at the KT looking at HG pictures. Cliff says he will not be good at face morph comp. They discuss who looks like who an what features.


12:34PM BBT Cliff and Jackson talking. Jackson explaining why he nominated the way he did. He tells Cliff that they shook on his safety. Cliff says if he wins Veto, he will dicuss with Jackson what he wants to do.Cliff tells him that there has been no game talk. Jackson says he wants to do it so that if Tommy or Nick won the veto they won't necessarily use it.




12:51 PM BBT

Nick heads to the HoH Room to get sunflower seeds

Michie tells him he won't put him on the block and then sees Holly heading up on the spy cam

Nick- I have to poop

Michie- if you want to use my bathroom it's fine

Nick leaves and Holly comes in


12:45PM BBT Cliff comes into the BR, Tommy asks him if he is excited to play Veto. Cliff says he is excited and moreso since he isn't on the block. Analyse says that this is only her 2nd veto to play in.


12:55PM BBT IN the HOH, Jackson and Holly discuss that she should eat before Veto. In the BR, Clifff and Tommy have a discussion about comps.



1:04PM BBT Jackson and Holly talking. He is saying Analyse isn't going home. He says if Analyse comes down, then Tommy will go up. He can not trust that one doesn't go home. He doesn't want the Veto used.


1:30PM BBT Nick and Analyse sitting quietly. Nicole was just waxing Jess' checks (face) of her baby hairs. Nothing major going on.


1:39PM BBT Nick, Nicole and Analyse talking about what the cameras must capture while they are sleeping. They discuss if Jack is happy that he has Kat for company.


1:45PM BBT Tommy is re-enacting Kat when she would wake up. She thrashed around in the bed and then would say "sorry" Analyse and Nicole are laughing. TOmmy says he wasn't sure if she was having a siezure or what. This was before feeds.


1:51PM BBT Tommy was just called to the DR. May be instructions for Veto as he is the host.



Tommy looks at Nick's shoes and tells him, Nick, you are a reality star. You have to do something about this"

Nick- I'm not having my beard until I'm out of here because last time I got put on the block; I'm not cutting my hair (interrupted by production)

Tommy just got called to the DR

Nicole- it's happening

Sis squeals

Christie comes in and says he was screaming in there

Sis- that means it's going to be something fun....let's go


1:50 PM BBT

Nicole, Sis, Christie do a group hug

Sis- Nicole, your boobs are so big

Nicole- What the Hell, you guys insist on making me so uncomfortable all the time

Sis- Sorry Nicole

Nicole- it's okay

Sis- I just love your boobs

Nicole- thank you


Christie to Sis in the RV- I can't wait to go to jury....seriously

Tommy tried to talk with Sis in the RV Bedroom, but she told him she wasn't interested in talking "because that really hurt"

Tommy- I'm sorry. It was insensitive


3:38 PM BBT

Christie is crying alone in the Have Not Room....she mumbles, "Do you want to Play Baywatch....Tommy"

Cliff comes in and says that everyone is downstairs realizing that they were being insensitive...not thinking at the time. He said Tommy is crying down there.

Christie- I'm not upset with you

Cliff- we screwed it up




Tommy comes in to the Have Not Room

Christie- I'm fine...really

Tommy- I fucked up...seriously

Christie- I'm not sad that I am going home...like I'm a fucking joke

Tommy- why are you a joke

Christie- Tommy. It doesn't matter. You're my friend.

Tommy- I fucked up. I know.


3:48 PM BBT

Nick and Sis in the RV Bedroom

Sis- I don't want to be here. And I fucking hate her (Holly)

Nick- I know. It was insensitive

Sis- so annoying. I'm just so mad.

[Apparently Tommy made a joke with Holly that they should play Baywatch. It struck a nerve when all the HGs were laughing as Christie and Sis had both been defeated in the veto]


3:55 PM BBT

Christie got called to the DR downstairs. She heads to Michie in the kitchen and hugs him saying he won fair and square. 

Christie- I'm not crying because you won...I had a moment, but I don't want you to think I'm a sore loser.

Michie- I love you Christie

Christie- I love you too

They hug really tightly and Christie heads to DR




3:35PM BBT Comp looks to have been beach themed. They are wearing suits and Holly has a life ring.


3:37PM BBT Christie comes in the BR and complains that Tommy and Holly are running around playing Baywatch. Tommy comes in and Analyse tells him that it wrong of him to play around and hurts her. Tommy apologizes and Christie leaves the room.


3:41PM BBT Christie is in the HN room bawling. Cliff comes to talk to her and tell her that he is apologizing for everyone not being reverent downstairs. She says that Tommy is supposed to be her friend and he is downstairs playing Baywatch. She tells Cliff she doesn't want the other HG to know she is crying.


4:03PM BBT Holly and Jackson talking. Holly says that Analyse is a lot more salty then Christie. Analyse won't even look at her.





4:00 PM BBT

Michie finds Holly in the campsite area. He tells her that her shorts are all the way up her butt. "un-wedge-ify it. It is up your butt crack. It doesn't need to be that....it looks good though"

Holly- they weren't for the comp though

Michie- We need to go celebrate in the HoH Room

Holly- oh, I'm sorry. I was talking with all of them

Michie- get your butt up to the HoH Room

Michie and Holly head up to the HoH Room to "celebrate"


4:15 PM BBT

Cliff says the competition was called Coral Grief

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