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Friday, August 2, 2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Updates

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5:32 PM BBT Jack tells Holly that he has been told that he is safe and that he doesn't even have to try to win as long as Jackson stays up there. But he is going to try to win anyway. 


5:44 PM BBT The HGs are lounging around and talking about general things, like items that they have lost since being in the house. Cliff makes note that Jack has been awkward lately. 


5:52 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Jess, Nicole, Kat and Cliff in the HoH. They are discussing how things went down yesterday. Jess loves Jack but he was trying to flip the vote and he has people. Feeds 3 and 4 show Sis braiding Jack's hair.

2019-08-02-17.55.02-Cam 5.jpg

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6:06PM BBT - Nick joins Nicole, Jess, Cliff, Kat and Holly in the HOHR.  He reports on which part of the Bible he read today before moving on to chat about who they hope to pick for POV tomorrow.  Jess says she wants the noms to remain the same.


6:09PM BBT - Sis and Jack are canoodling in the WA.  Holly talks with them about how Jackson expected to go up, and that he hardly talks now.  Kat joins them wishing that she had some eye makeup remover.


6:11PM BBT - Kat asks Sis if she can shadily talk to her in the boat room because she'd heard some stuff yesterday. 


6:16PM BBT - Kat is thanking Sis profusely for saving her game last night and speaking up as to "why" flip the vote.  


6:24PM BBT - Jess regurgitates the story that Michie shared about the threesome knowing each other ad nauseum.  


6:29PM BBT -In the bedroom,  Jackson practices his story leading up to yesterday's mahem.  She says "is that true??"  "Nope"  She totally buys his story and says she'll play along, but doesn't feel like they really need to throw Jack under the bus, and if the noms stay the same, he has the votes to stay. 


6:46PM BBT - Jess is listening to Fat Bottom Girls and thinking of her husband and how he loves to squeeze her.


6:51PM BBT - In the KT, the HG eat the pasta meal that Tommy and Christie made while Jack reads the Bible.


6:55PM BBT - In the HN room, Michie says Christie can sit and spin with her pasta, that he's not having any part of it.  She laughs and tells him he needs to think before speaking something like that with them.


 7:43PM BBT - Up in the HOHR, Jess, Sis, Christie and Tommy rehash what they know.  The same goes for the other BR with Jack, Holly and Nick.  Nothing really new....



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9:25pm BBT


Kat, Holly and Jessica are in the HOH room, Jessica says the reason Jackson and Jack are up is because of the conflict.


Jessica is rehashing the stories that we have heard rehashed all day, while the other two girls talk over one another. Holly and Kat are insisting the story about them knowing each other is not true, although Jessica is telling them that people in the house believe it to be true.

Holly insists she has not confirmed any of this story to anyone and she is angry at Jackson for telling any of the story to anyone.


Kat just wants to evict both of them. (patience my dear).


Kat mentions Jack's game play, she says he cherry picks pieces of stories to retell to other people and uses it against them to call them liars and other negative things related to game. Holly remembers one incident when Kat mentions it.


I was surprised, Cliff has been in the room the entire time and was not on camera. Sorry Cliff..


Jessica tells them it is “Up to y'all if you continue to rehash it.”....nevertheless since she had no clear answer, she put both of them up, they can play the veto and do what they need to do.


Kat says the name “Courtney..” and we get FISH.



In the kitchen Christie, Nicole, Nick and Tommy are eating ice cream and talking about penis pumps. (As distasteful as this is, let's stay here a few minutes). Nick is giving Tommy instructions on the use of the appliance. Nick offers to send Tommy photos after they leave the house. Christie says, “My number is....” they ignore her. Nick gives pretty detailed information on the use, answers questions. Jack in the background making the odd comment (and I do mean odd). Talk moves to girls taking personal body pictures and sending them with titles. (in my day these were sacred and secret and seldom viewed).


Topic moves to dates and numbers for competitions.


In the HOH room conversation is still centered on the “Holly and Kat know each other” story. Jessica says she is only concerned about the blow up and who lied, she does not care about the story itself.


[These conversations have been ongoing all day, depending on the visitor to the HOH room, either Jack or Jackson is portrayed as a villain.]


Kat mentions her “friend being dragged through TV” and we get FISH again. Assuming the friend is still “Courtney”.



9:46pm BBT


In the kitchen house guests are trading pinches. They seem to be entertained.


In the HOH room conversation continues, Jessica is calling attention to Jackson not telling the whole truth if other people in the house are telling her differently. She lists the tactics Jackson was using and Christie's dislike of Jackson and his game play. Jessica calls the atmosphere “weird”. Holly denies that Jackson would “ever” do the things listed.


In the kitchen Jack is posturing, (acting like a braggart), he slaps the table, poses a few times, kisses Sis on the cheek, while he tells the others he hopes they can watch him in the veto competition. Christie stares into space. Tommy drums his fingers on his cheek. Jack continues to pose and make batman sounds.


Christie, Sis and Jack go to the bathroom lounge area to scrub teeth.


In the HOH room Holly is complaining about things she will be known for in this season. (she should have been more vigilant).


Finally the topic changes to Sam, they says he is with his kids and Melissa now.


Kat mentions a misdirection game, comparing it to possible distractions from what is happening in other rooms.


Kat is laughing, says she is not in MENSA, she doesn't know Holly, and it almost sent her home. (comical, classic Kat).


Holly decides to go get ice cream and says she will check on Jackson.


Jessica tells them they are just complicated. Kat says it has been a hard day and she is not happy about being the center of all these conversations in the house.


Cliff tells her tomorrow is another day, and it will go away. He has not heard her mentioned anywhere but in the HOH room.


Holly comes back with her ice cream, she says Michie is sound asleep (In the Have Not room).


Finally talk goes to general chat and teasing.

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10:09pm BBT


Tommy and Jack are in the target bedroom.


Jack asks Tommy if he trusts Christie, Tommy says “Yes.”


Jack says when Michie is gone it will be “Nicole, Cliff, Christie, himself and Tommy.”


Tommy insists he is defending Jack.


Bob: “Jack, Tommy, please put on your microphones.”


Tommy, “thanks.”


Tommy says he may go up as a replacement, Jack says “I might not even have to come down.”


The repeat their trust for each other, Jack crawls into bed.


Christie comes into the room with Sis. Sis immediately pops into the bed.


Christie tells Jack that Jessica used the word, “condescending” when she described him. Jack utters a nasty curse phrase. Christie tells him she is trying to help him know how to “be” around her. She tells him right now things are fine, she doesn't want it to go into reverse.


Kat comes into the room, talk stops.


Kat plops down while Christie tells her sorry for flipping out in the HOH room earlier. Kat says she doesn't want it to be “a thing” anymore. Jack rolls his eyes to the ceiling, but is silent.


Christie tries to make jokes about it, and apologizes again, Kat tells her she understands. Christie begins her bashing dialogue on Michie, but stops short, saying she understands that two people have to be on the block.


Tommy throws a hint by crawling into his bed and pulling the covers up.


Christie asks if Kat is sleeping upstairs, Kat says no, she thinks Jessica wants alone time. Christie says she wasn't invifed.


Kat says no slop people have been chosen yet, but the rest of them say it is not midnight yet.

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10:21pm BBT


Cliff, Holly, Nicole, Nick and Jessica in the HOH room talking about the picks for veto.


Nick says he will respect her HOH and do what she wants with the veto.


Holly says replacement nominees suck.


Christie, and Kat come into the room, Nick hops out and yells “boo” Christie jumps.

Tommie comes into the room, Nick jumps out again, yells “boo” Tommie jumps

The rooms laughs.


Bed discussions ensue.


Tommy says goodnight to everyone, he hugs Jessica before leaving (no, that wasn't fake).

Christie mentions she is going to bed in the rv bedroom, (maybe waiting to be invited to the HOH room to sleep?)

Jessica: crickets

Christie hugs Jessica before leaving. (no, that wasn't fake either).

Nick gives Jessica a hug before leaving. (that one seemed real).


Now only the four, Cliff and the Angels are in the room. They are watching the television laughing.


Cliff congratulates Jessica for a good move, they tell her it was a “ballsy move.” They all say they will support her.


Cliff refers to the comment earlier that more people were in the HOH room than anywhere in the house can be a goal from here on out.


They call the six “the Cult of Jack.”


Cliff says Jack knows that he (Cliff) is gunning for him. Cliff says Jack is right, he (Cliff) does want him out of the house. Cliff wonders why Tommy follows Jack so much. Kat thinks Jack is Tommy's shield. Jessica says when playing board games Tommy plays a defensive game. (backgammon). Cliff is impressed with the insight, says he had never noticed that. Cliff offers to teach Kat play backgammon tomorrow. Cliff says they will take out Tommy's big shield and see what he does. The girls agree.

Cliff tells the girls goodnight, he is going to bed. He asks if the girls mind a hug, they laugh and hug him, call him “dad” Jessica says like he is tucking them into bed.


Jessica. “the Hogg clan.”

Cliff: “pigs in a blanket.”

They all giggle and snort when as Cliff leaves.


After Cliff leaves the girls talk about the upcoming eviction.


Kat says there are things she does not like from Michie, but Jack is so bad for her game. She plans to make them think she is a vote to keep Jack so they won't scramble for votes. They agree they need Nick, and Jessica confirms that Nick will vote Jack out. Kat says that the worst case scenario is that Jessica will break the tie. Kat says no way the vote will be flipped between Holly, Nicole, Cliff and herself.


(There have been many questions about Kat' lady menses. She tells Jessica she feels that she is about to start.)


Jessica says she doesn't want Michie to know too much, she will be devastated if Michie goes home,

Kat says there is just no way Michie goes home. Jessica says if Jack wins she will put up someone else, wonders who it will be. Kat suggests Tommy since he instigated the votes. Jessica is worried that no one can let Jack know he is going home, that they need to plot to make sure they all believe it is all a plot to send Jackson home.


Jessica says she will respect the house's decision will be her line for the house guests.


Kat tells Jessica that against Bella, Jack did not campaign to stay, she wonders if in this case he will do that.


Jessica says since they said Nicole was a “last minute decision”, that is what they will use again this time.


They both agree that Jack will go after all of them if he is in the house.






Holly and Michie are in the have not room, Holly asks Michie when he told Jack that Kat and her (Kat) knew each other.

Michie says it was the morning after he had “relations” with Kat. He says he did not tell Jack that Kat told him, he just referenced similarities. He says Kat mentioned that she and Holly planned to come here and work together. Holly says they met once or twice in Colorado but did not know Kat would be here.


Holly says the hangup with Jessica is that Christie is saying Jack did not know about this until yesterday. Michie plans to call it out. Holly tells Michie that Sis heard this and said Christie's claims made her uncomfortable. Holly says she told them she was mad that Michie said it, but she told them she did not confirm that it was true, and “they” are trying to say Jack blew up because it was brand new information. Holly tells Michie that it is important to Jessica when Jack knew and to bring it up organically. (Holly has no idea these girls are making plans to keep Michie).


Michie says he sat outside a room and listened to Jack, Christie and Tommy while they discussed, laughed and made jokes about the blow up. He calls it “high school drama bully bulls**t.” Michie says if he gets a shot he is going after Jack and Christie and he will tell them to their faces. Holly tells him to salvage the relationship with Jack, that it is a game. Michie says it has become personal. Holly says keep the emotion for her and no one else gets any.


Holly says he needs to stop digging holes, she is tired of digging him out. He whines.(good humor).


Holly tells him again to save emotions for her, and leave it out of the game. Holly says Jack might not come after Michie, so be careful about letting him know what he is thinking.


Michie starts talking to Holly in a strange cartoon voice while she looks for his brain. (fun little exchange. 11Pm camera1).


Holly goes over the highlights of the earlier conversation, that Jessica has indicated that her target is Jack, and throwing out the cookie dough, Jackson says he did not throw it away, he hid it and passed it out before they could use it. (If I remember right, he did hide it and he did pass it out.) Jackson insists he would not waste food, and he did not really pour out the mouthwash.. Holly tells him that if Jessica asks, he should come clean. She tells him not to make it a topic so Jessica will not know she (Holly) told him.


Michie says if he wins the veto he will not use it. He wants to watch Jack go out while he is sitting beside him. Holly calls it “ballsy”. Michie says he likes to gamble. Holly calls him annoying.


Michie starts kissing Holly's neck and around her microphone, but stops teasing and tells her he appreciates her.



Tommy and Christie are whispering.


Christie thinks Holly knows both Michie and Kat, but Kat only knows Holly.


Tommy tells Christie that Jack is very sensitive, and that he chose Tommy and her (Christie) over Jackson.


Christie says she has had his back all day,


Tommy tells her that Jack asked earlier if he (Tommy) trusts Christie, and Tommy told him yes.


They talk about the attempted vote flip, Christie turns it onto Tommy and Jack. She says Jessica is upset because she (Jessica) heard Jack yelling that they could not tell her (Jessica) about the flip.


Christie tells Tommy that Jack's attitude is what is hurting him in the house, and that he pushes his ideas on other people in the wrong way.


Christie tells Tommy that if she believes Michie will leave and Tommy, Jack, or she (Christie) has the veto she will use it to save Jack. She does not want Tommy to tell Jack she is thinking like this.


Tommy tells Christie that he had to sit upstairs and listen to people telling him the things she has said, she responds by whining about how much she hates Michie. Tommy tells Christie that she needs to stop bad mouthing Michie when his name comes up, she needs to make things easier for Jack.

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About midnight on camera 3


Kat and Nicole have been goofing around in the HOH room while Jessica is in the DR.


After a bit Kat looks up, sees the camera light on and says, "Oh look, we're relevant"


They have already been playing around with a hairbrush (microphone), and Nicole lifts it to "interview" Kat.


Just a few questions into it, the fun begins.  Nicole has the tv remote. she clicks it


Nicole asks Kat what she sees, Kat tells her she sees two couches

Nicole asks if she sees anyone, Nicole, "If you say yes I will be very scared."

Kat: "I see Holly in her camouflage pants."



Nicole pushes the remote

She says she needs to go see, tells Kat to watch.

Kat gets excited, yells for Nicole to come quick, she sees someone!

Nicole runs back, but the person has vanished.

Kat describes this person as frantic, waving arms and disappearing.

A few more tries. Nicole can't get back fast enough to see the person.


Kat decides to try.

Nicole sees a woman in grey  (Kat is wearing Jessica's HOH robe), Kat runs back, woman is gone

Nicole describes the woman. Kat is too slow.

Kat goes back to try again...Camera moves to Kat hanging onto the HOH door.

Nicole encourages Kat to come and look again.


Kat hangs onto the door, " I can''t move," she says, "I think she's behind me."


Kat runs into the HOH room, collapses on the bed, Nicole is giggling so hard she can't talk.


This entire time they are talking in some unknown accent, at one point Kat talks like a cartoon and an accent at the same time.


(This is the absolutely funniest thing so far this season.  These girls are having a terrific time while the alliance of 6,7,8 or 9 (whatever) is collapsing around them.  Reminds me of children playing in the water around a burning house.). 

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