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Big Brother Season 21-Episode 14

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Julie says Cliff returned to the game and rose to power, Jack used his power, and it turns out the power that wasn’t used was the most powerful of all. Previously, on Big Brother, the Six Shooters wanted Bella out of the game, but when Hogg became Boss of the house, Michie had to come up with a plan to get their target on the block and with Christie seemingly on board she told Cliff about her power.


Despite the threat of a diamond veto, Cliff decided to take a big swing at the Jacks. With the veto on the line, Michie stripped the others of a win. Worried that the panic power could unravel his whole game, Cliff struck a deal with Christie. At the veto meeting, Christie didn’t use her power but the Six Shooters still got their target on the block. Tonight, will Bella or Jack be sent packing? Plus, tonight an epic battle of endurance begins. Which way will the power sway?


Julie greets us and tells us it’s day 27 and Cliff attempted to make a big play in the house. But the Michie veto win and Christie’s power foiled his attempt to get an alpha male out the door. Can Bella talk her way out of the trouble she’s in? We pick up after the veto meeting. Cliff is saying he didn’t break his word because he’s looking 3-4 weeks down the road. Cliff WILL get Jack one day.


Jack says it sucks he’s on the block, but Bella doesn’t have a lot of friends. Nick says Cliff forgot the six people he likely made a deal with just voted him out last week! At least make Christie use her power! Bella says this just happens to be the week for her I guess. Michie says Six Shooters has been wanting Bella gone a long time, not just them but the whole house because most of them have been burned by Bella.


Nick confronts Cliff and says they are going to lose the game. Cliff tells him he could go against his word and he tells Nick he had to or she would have used her power. Cliff says Nick’s upset but he doesn’t care about Cliff’s game and Nick and Bella are a sinking ship.


Bella and Nick are playing checkers and they are saying it’s them against the world. Nick says there is no way Bella is staying and it’s going to suck living there without her. Nick says he doesn’t even know what he would do next week and they cry and hug and Bella says she loves him and she’s obsessed with him and Nick says I love you so much. Bella says she cares about Nick so much and she’s going to do whatever it takes to fight to stay in the house. She feels like she deserves to be there and she’s not going to give up hope.


Jack and Michie are talking to Cliff and Jack says Cliff has made himself a pretty sweet deal. He could have not respected the deal, but he kept his word. Cliff tells them he took a shot, it didn’t work, but no one would expect Cliff was working with Jack and Michie. Cliff says he realizes he’s at the bottom of the totem pole, maybe he can buy himself a couple of weeks and they’ll start turning on each other and he can capitalize on that. Jack thinks working with Cliff is a great idea and Christie has joined and she agrees. Jack says Cliff is an honorable guy and he’s proven he’s a great competitor. Maybe bringing him on their side isn’t such a bad idea!


Holly and Kat are sunbathing and talking. Kat says her and Holly have more than just Michie in common. They are both part of the pageant world, they don’t really “know” each other, but they have a lot in common. Holly says it’s weird because she recognizes her face from the pageant world. We see clips of the two of them interacting and they have created a F2 together.


Sam and Bella are playing pool and Nick is watching and a pool ball jumps up and hits Nick in his junk. Bella says she’s so sorry did she pop a nut? Nick says let’s not do that again!


Cliff is talking to Bella and he says he wanted to send Jack home and it was obvious Christie was going to use the power and Bella was going to be put up. Bella knows in order to stay she has to get 5 votes to create a tie and Cliff can break it. Cliff says if Bella can make it work, more power to her. She’ll come off as a champ if that happens. Bella thinks she can get Nicole, and Sam joins and tells her to work on Kat. Cliff says we need them all and Sam says Cliff would break the tie. Cliff says it’s a tie-breaker he’ll do what he needs to do. Cliff tells us if he gets a chance to boot Jack out of the house, what will he do?


Bella goes to talk to Kat and Christie and she says her two points to campaign is Jack is a bigger threat in this game in her. She doesn’t have a great track record in comps, and on the social side she knows she’s burned bridges and she’d be a bigger target than both of them. Kat says Jack is a big player, but she’s afraid if she votes Jack out that would be bad for her game. Eventually they have to get Jack out, but is it the right time?


Bella says she would definitely need Jess and Nicole’s votes to stay and she’s betrayed both of them. Bella makes the same pitch to Nicole that she made to Kat and Christie. Jess says she’s still mad at Bella for outing the Black Widow’s and Jack seems to be part of a six that’s making house decisions. Nicole says this is the most genuine Bella has been in the house and this is the Bella she wants to work with. And who knows when they would get a chance to take Jack out again? Bella says she campaigned so hard. She took her shot. It might be her last night in the house, but hopefully not.


We see clips of Cliff talking about his family and his wife. He says he’s never went this long without talking to her. Even when he traveled, when he was in Nariobi he would find a phone in the middle of nowhere and get a phone card so he could call. We meet Sharon Hogg and she says Cliff is a wonderful husband. Daniel is proud Cliff is his dad and Sharon says they are Texas through and through. Sharon says Cliff loves to build things, he’s quite the handy man. We see Cliff making his space helmet and clips from Cliff’s re-enacted moon landing in honor of the anniversary. Sharon says Cliff is an expert in oil wells and he’s earned a patent in that industry and he’s a world-renowned expert.


We see some of Cliff’s notes and Daniel says his morning talks to the live feeds cameras and when he seen Christie listening he wanted to tells his father to shut up and stop talking. We see the clip from eviction and Daniel says he’ll find a place to stay. Daniel says his dad is a great competitor in anything he does. He’s out to win. Sharon says he’s amazing and he’s going strong and they are so proud of him. Kelly says her dad has known from the minute he got banished that he was an outsider. Daniel says his dad winning HOH was huge and not let that go to his head. Daniel says he wins when it matters, that’s what counts.


Bella or Jack? Will Nick lose his showmance or will Michie lose his Bromance? Julie goes to the LR and greets the HG. Bella loves her parents and she loves the HG, Nick and Sam. She’d like them to consider who’s a bigger threat in the game and some of them would be naïve there’s a majority that are making decisions and will pick off Nicole, Cliff, Jess, Kat, Nick, and Sam. She thinks they should vote what’s best for their game.


Jack hates speeches but he’s so thankful to have met each and everyone of them. He thinks he’s a great team player and he holds himself with integrity and he wants to stay and have fun. He hopes they vote what’s best for their game and he wants to be great always.


Time to vote!

Christie votes to evict Bella.

Analyse gladly votes to evict Bella.

Michie votes to evict Bella.

Nick votes to evict Jack.

The vote is 3-1. The rest of the votes plus the live eviction when we come back!


So far it’s 3 votes to evict Bella and 1 to evict Jack. Let’s get back to the vote!

Sam votes to evict Jack.

Nicole votes to evict the irreplaceable Isabella.

Kat votes to evict Michie. She votes to evict Bella.

Jess chooses to evict Bella.

Holly votes to evict Isabella.

Tommy votes to evict Isabella.

By a vote of 8-2, Bella has been evicted from the Big Brother house. Bella is ready to get up before Julie even reveals the votes. Bella gives hugs out with Sam and Nick being the last. Nick tells her not to forget to call his mom.


Julie says it’s emotional watching Nick but we’ll get to him in a second. Julie says her and Nick were blindsided when Cliff was evicted. Who does she feel the most betrayed by? Bella thinks Christie was the one to lead the flip. Probably her. Let’s talk about Nicole. Nicole told them Gr8ful was turning on Nick and Bella and then she turned on Nicole and got personal. Does she regret it? Bella says yeah, when she campaigned she made her apologies and she wishes she had processed everything more and they went wrong when they didn’t let Nicole come in the HOH room.


Julie says we seen Bella get information, why not keep it to herself? Bella says she figured if she had intel then she could share it and build trust with her alliance. Bella says it was just her being bad at the game. Bella says she hated Nick at first, she thought he was so annoying. Julie asks what happens outside the house? Bella says she thinks it is real and she’s so thankful, she can’t use the word Gr8ful anymore. She’s thankful for him Sam and she was so against being in a showmance and on Day 5. Julie tells her good luck with her Tiger mom when she gets home.


Bella’s good-bye messages: Sam says Bella was like a sister to him and he will cherish the memories. Nicole says from a game stand point they haven’t seen eye to eye, she loves and respects her, and she accepts her apology. Jack says Bella it must be you and he’s sorry it ended the way it did and if wins HOH, he’ll be sending home Nick or Sam for her. Nick says if she’s seeing this he’s devastated. He literally loves her and he would be with her 1000%. He says she’s perfect.


Final thoughts from Bella: She feels so blessed to be part of BB21 and to have met all the great people in the house and she hopes Nick and Sam have a chance.


It’s time for the live HOH competition. Let’s head to the BY and get things started! This competition is called Pose in Ivy. The object is to hold on to those vines for dear life. The vines have a mind of their own. Fall off and they are eliminated. If they fall off, they must pull a chip from punishment box and two of them will have the poison ivy punishment. The vines rise in the air. Nick and Jess seem to be struggling. Tommy is doing the splits.


America will get to impact the game next Wednesday. America will get to send three HG on a field trip that will put one of their games on the line. Jess is already out and everyone is still hanging on.

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