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Friday, July 26, 2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Updates

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To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB21-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Target Bedroom (TBR)
Camper Bedroom (CBR)
Boat Room Lounge (BRL)
Tree House Balcony (THB)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

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Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

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12:00 AM BBT

Michie and Holly are alone in the campsite area talking about Sis being mad that he was encouraging Holly "not to drop"

Michie- you don't hang up there for 2 hours then throw it..."you're not sleeping up there though"

Holly- Why?

Michie- if I'm not, you're not   (Holly will share her HOH bed with Christie and SIs, just like Christie shared when she won)

Holly- Petty man

Michie- stubborn


He tells her she has pink on her elbow "awkward"

Holly- I want my HOH key so I can take another shower

Jessica walks through

Michie- love you Jessica

Jess- love you guys

Michie- I really do love her....she drives me crazy but I love her

They talk about her outfit and Michie tells her if she is gonna get a letter from her mother, she doesn't want her tits hanging out

Michie- I feel like I should get cute because this is monumental...it's such a big deal

Holly- if the think it was undeserved...it's fine...let them






12:15 AM BBT Campsite Area  (Cliff and Michie)

Michie mentions that he was doing shady shit (NIck); Cliff mentions that she was condescending (Bella)

Michie tells Cliff he wants to work with him and that the others think this is just a 2 week deal. Let them. He says that he and Holly understood what Bella said (her campaign about Jack being a bigger target and Michie's biggest competition)

Michie tells Cliff "all of us got from A to B. It was the scenic route...with bombs...but we got there.

12:39 AM BBT

Holly comes out of the DR with her HOH Room key and says, "Who wants to see my HOH room?", but no one was there waiting or heard her. She had to go the RV to get the.

There is the typical struggling with the door and lock. Holly goes straight the her pics .."Aw, no Jackson"






Everyone oohs and ahhs over her family photos saying everyone is gorgeous. "Robert Redford....you weren't kidding" (a Redford look alike)

Holly about her mom- beautiful, the best person you would ever meet, delicate

Holly's HOH letter is from her mom and dad. It makes her cry.

Holly- sorry that was rough....my parents are the best things ever...they are so...the're the best

Christie- you deserve it so much

Cliff- enjoy this week, every minute of it


1:43 AM BBT

Jess reports to the HOH to tell the queen she comes bearing gifts.

Holly- do you though, because I see nothing (with asparagus held up regally, and a Taki, I think,  as a cigar)

They joke about doing an eviction telenovela style


The HGs talk about the competition for hours. Many are developing bruises. Michie mentions that he got called out for crossing his legs and tapping his feet. Jack mentions that Christie sweats a lot during comps, and that his groin was about to explode. Christie says it's because she wears a ton of cream, so when she gets hot, it beads up. "My body don't sweat [sic]...it's my face and my neck"





2:36 AM BBT Kitchen (Sis and Tommy)

Tommy tells Sis that that they told her about all the stuff Jackson was doing (hiding the towels, spilling out the mouthwash....[that really is cruel] 

Tommy- we are giving her little tests

Jess comes down and tells everyone that Kat is sleeping in the have-not room "she wants to be alone"


The houseguests were up all night. Christie, Holly, and SIs were the last ones awake before the house got dark and quiet around 4:30 AM.

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7:00 am BBT.  Michie is up in the kitchen making fruit salad. Cantaloupe,  honeydew, orange, pineapple, grapes, banana and kiwi. He also has a pound of bacon in the oven covered in brown sugar.

Interesting... he cut up the pineapple core included. 

He has a big bowl of fruit cut up as well as piles on the cutting board.  

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8:00 am BBT  Michie is still preparing breakfast. 6 slices of French toast, a huge pan of scrambled eggs with sliced cheese and parmesan, to go with the 3 bowls of cut up fruit. The bacon and french toast are in the oven.  Bagels just popped out of the toaster and were schmered with cream cheese and grape jam. 

He's going to great effort to display his creations on trays. He underestimates the size he needs though and upsizes often. He is basically dirtying up every dish in the house!

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8:17am BBT Michie takes the tray loaded with breakfast upstairs to the HoH room where Holly, Christie and Sis are all sleeping.  He wakes the girls with breakfast in bed. Says he didn't sleep.  BB has not officially woken up the HG yet.

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8:15 am BBT. Michie  enters the hoh bedroom with a BAM! he throws on the lights and announces his spread! Christi, Sis and Holly are asleep in the bed. They do not seem to be as impressed with the offering as Michie is until he leaves, then they hop out of the bed and ooooh and ahhhhhh at the food!

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8:25am BBT The ladies (Holly, Christie & Sis) get up and check out theHoH breakfast buffet Michie has brought up to them.  The rest of the house is asleep.  Michie returns to HoH with OJ.  He gives Holly a big hug and a snog.  Christie gives him a thank you hug (without the snog).   Christie is gushing over the sugar-coated bacon. The ladies clear off the round glass table and place their plates down to eat. Michie is not joining them but goes downstairs to eat some egg whites, watermelon and broccoli.  Christie wishes the rest of the house would walk in and be jealous right now.

8:35am BBT After a few bites, Christie turns the talk to game. Christie tells Sis and Holly they only promised Cliff 2 weeks. She never bought into Jack's idea of bringing Cliff into the alliance fully.  Christie says it is going to get harder to say goodbye to people. She says its all about who wins Veto each week, not HoH. Sis says she cried when Bella left. I didn't, Christie says.  Holly says they (Holly and Christie) are the first female HoH and Sis will be the next. And they won in endurance comps.

8:40am BBT Holly says she overheard Nick complaining about how she won HoH last night while he thought she was in the DR.  She lasted 2 hours longer than he did, Holly complains, and you complain about how I won? Christie says Nick wanted to talk game right after the comp and it was so annoying. She's not going to let him get away with anything. Christie says she told Jack he needed to respect the game by campaigning and should say he's the one who never lied to anyone.  She won't apologize to Nick for that.

8:45am Christie says Nick told her he would have put up her and Sis if he had won HoH. She says during the comp, he was looking to see how Chirstie was doing, he's so afraid of her power. Nick was wobbly, and when Sam fell, she knew Nick was close, so she dropped, sure that he wouldn't last. Sis said she was shaking at the start. Holly says wobbly at the getgo. Sis thinks Holly was more flexible. Not at all, Holly says, that's why I was joking so much - I was in real pain. Christie says I thought you were having fun.  Christie says Sam uses humor to try and deflect when he thinks he's in trouble.

8:51am BBT Breakfast is over and Christie and Sis crawl back in bed yet because it's before 10am and they can still sleep. Christie says this is the second time Michie made Holly breakfast. She says he's like on speed, he never stops. Holly hits the lights and joins the other two.  They say that was really nice and fun, brunch with the girls. Christie says Michie is such a simple guy. They are watching him on the HoH screen at the DT eating his own breakfast alone. 

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8:59am BBT In the HoH bed, Holly and Sis are worried about how much PDA is being shown. They know fan want HG who are here to play. They want romance too, Christie thinks. Holly worries that she's irrelevant outside of the showmance. Christie says you're part of the best f*cking alliance and we got rid of the bad seeds early. They think there's no way their men could flip on them because it would expose their game.  They calculate how many seconds the HoH comp went: 135 minutes x 60 seconds. But they can't do the math in their heads. (8100). They go over the order in which HG dropped.   Only 12 left.

I'm out.

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9:30 AM BBT  Holly, Sis, Christie and Kat are in the HOH bed, talking about the other HGs.  Holly wonders if she should ask Sam if he wants to go home this week, or be first juror?  Christie said that would be thoughtful (or cruel??) as he said he didn't want to sit in the jury house alone.  They also discuss how easy this HOH should be, because everyone is on the same page.  Sounds like Nick and Sam are going up together.  If one comes down with the veto, the other goes home.


9:33 AM BBT  FoTH

9:35 AM BBT Feeds are back.  Sis squeals that Christie gets her punishment today.  They are not sure what it will be.  Also, wondering if Holly has to pick HNs.  She said if it is the way they fell, not including Christie and Tommy who have punishments, then it would be Jess, Nicole, Nick and Sam.  Christie said that is bad, with the two guys in the HN room, they will be campaigning and sway the girls.  Intermittent FoTH.  Feeds back as the 4 girls are now discussing family and their ages.  Holly says Cliff is 13 years younger than her dad, but seems older.  She says it has to do with his walk.   BB calls out Kat, Christie, Sis and Holly to get fresh batteries, Michie comes in.  They all thank him for the breakfast and french toast.  He leaves.  The girls also complain about being sore.  Jess comes in as they are talking about the next couple of weeks.  Christie said she is going to throw the next HOH comp, and really gun for the second part of the double eviction.  They said next week will be easy, because whoever goes home this week the other will go up next week.  Christie thinks Sam should go home this week, beacuse Nick without Bella and Sam will be a mess and not win anything.  Holly feels Sam would put her up.

9:44 AM BBT  Christie said Nick is not strong, he wants other people to do his dirty work, which is why he spent 4 hours with Cliff before nominations last week.  They think Nick wants Jack gone, but won't do it himself.  BB calls the 4 girls out again to get batteries.  Now they are discussing last year, and who got the least blood on their hands.  Christie said in the final 2 speech, you wouldn't want to brag about not getting blood on your hands, that you want to say what you have done in the game.  Christie asks Sis if she is pooping, they all say they need to.  Sis is sitting in the chair brushing her teeth.  Jess is talking to Christie that Sam said he would never put her (Jess) up.  Christie said Sam has said to everyone that he would put Jess up.  Christie is talking about the two guys need to go home.  One is snakey the other is loud.  More re-hashing the same thing.  Christie gets an idea, and tells Holly that instead of having the talk about going home this week or next with Sam.  If he wins the veto and takes himself off, then it would be awkward.  If after the veto, they are both still up (Nick and Sam).  That would be the best time to ask Sam if he wants to go home to his wife and kids, or be the first to sit in jury.  Sis is trying to understand the double eviction, how it works, and HOH.


Now the girls are showing their bruises and talking about how difficult the comp was.  Christie said she feels guilty getting breakfast in bed when she fell after 6 minutes. They talk about being warriors, and they all head downstairs.  Cliff is in the KT, Nicole and Jack are at the table.  Sis goes to the SR to change her battery, Jack goes with her.  Christie comes in right after.  Sis is amazed by how much food they got at the re-stock.  Jack hopes there are no HNs this week.  (yeah, right), They said judging by the bags of slop, there should be. Christie sings and we get FoTH.  They go to the KT, then to the WA talking to Michie about the breakfast he fixed.  He said it took him 2 and a half hours to fix everything.

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10:01 AM BBT  Jack is at the DR table eating yogurt, Holly is showing something she got in her basket to Tommy, and Jess is trying to decide what to eat.  Jack comments how much fun the comp was last night (he fell fairly early!) Tommy agrees it was fun.  Jack said in his speech last night he was going to say how he loves all of the weird people in the house, then go around and say what was weird about each one.  He decided not to due to time.  Tommy asked what was his thing, and Jack said how when Tommy cries he curls his upper lip and does a baby cry.  FoTH.

10:06 AM BBT  Tommy gets called to the downstairs DR.  Jack gets up from the table, Nick, Sam and Cliff are all still sitting there.  Nicole and Jess are in the SR looking for some food, looks like maybe an avocado?  FoTH.

10:10 AM BBT  Nick is still just sitting at the KT table, Sam gets up to take his bowl to the sink.  On feeds 3/4, Christie, Jack and Sis are talking.  Christie is excited about getting a punishment today.  Jack said he came into the KT today, and told Jackson he has set a precedent that will be hard to follow.(Breakfast in bed).  Christie said Jack is f*cked.  She said he needs to do a massage today.  Jack said he is going to reserve the HOH shower for an hour and a half.  Christie said the shower comes after the massage, Jack said it is an all in one. 

Nick comes in and they discussed the fashion show. Now they are saying there will be some ointment in the SR for sore muscles and some other for the bruises.  Nick said he fell after 15 minutes, so he is fine.  Christie jokes about her thumbs, and she fell at 6 minutes.  More re-hashing of the comp last night, how well Kat did, people walking in and out.  Cliff comes in, says he slept in that bed, and it was comfortable.  He said if Sam isn't a HN, then Cliff will probably relocate due to his snoring kept Sam up.  Jack said Sam is very sensitive.  Now going over what the timetable is, nominations today, Veto picks and comp tomorrow, 2 days off then Veto meeting.  Cliff is looking forward to getting the yard back tomorrow night. 

10:20 AM BBT  Sam is upstairs in the HOH room talking to Holly about nominations.  She is being non committal.  Sam asked if she was in the deal where Cliff is safe for 2 weeks. She said she hasn't talked to Cliff, she wasn't a part of that.  Sam said if he doesn't go up, and wins the Veto, he will do whatever she wants.  FoTH.

10:25 AM BBT  Sam asks if any other names have been put out besides him and Nick.  Holly said she really hasn't talked to anyone yet, but she is still having to look at possible back doors.  Sam mentions he is a bottom feeder, Holly said he said it, not her.  He said the other bottom feeders will throw out their names, because it is an easy choice.  Sam is campaigning on how loyal he is.  He said he has to make another week, to make it to jury, he said ooohh, sitting in the jury house with Jess.  They laugh.  Sam said who does she want in her corner, he is loyal to a fault, etc.  They joke about he and Nick are the strongest showmance in the house.  Holly feels Jack is upset she stole his man (Jackson).  Sam leaves.

(  I am out for a while, gotta run some errands)


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11:47 AM BBT  For the last hour or so there has been the usual parade to the HOH room.  The TV downstairs says nominations today.  Other than Nick and Sam pleading their cases, the rest have just been telling Holly how great she did, how proud of her they are, a few little snips for replacement noms if someone comes down.  Cliff wanted to make sure he was okay, as did Nicole.  Both are happy they aren't on the radar.  Sis mentioned putting Kat up as a replacement, so that no one would be upset, and she wouldn't go home. Tommy even mentioned that going after the guys is what others will do before going after them.  Not much news, just kissing butt.  Holly is pretty sure what she will do, which it looks like Nick and Sam will go up, so they can only take off themselves if they win Veto.  Tommy did mention that Sam and Nick suggested Jess, because they both want to make it to jury together.  Holly said both of them have something to go home to, she was surprised they wanted to sit in the jury house for four months (Nick has Bella, Sam has a wife and kids) 

11:51  Holly is putting on her make up, no one is upstairs.  Nicole gets called to the DR downstairs.

11:55 AM BBT  Kat comes up to talk with Holly.  They disucss the comp last night, how it was the three of them left, they kinda showed their hand on how strong they really are.  Kat mentions Sam not wanting to sit in the jury house, but Holly explains that he must have changed his mind, because he told her (Holly) that he wants one more week so he and Nick can be in jury together.  Kat asks if she is going up as a pawn, Holly said no.  Holly wants to put the two guys up together.  She said if one comes down, they will discuss who to put up next to him.  Michie comes in, so they continue talking but go back to the comp, and bruising.  Holly thinks she bruised her face from the goggles being so tight.  She didn't want anything getting in like it did on the first hugging the tree comp. 


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12:13 PM BBT Feeds come back on. Kat, Jackson,Jack, Holly, and Analyse are all in the HOH room talking while Cliff, Jess, Christie, Nicole and Nick are in the living room talking. 


12:27 PM BBT Jackson and Kat are talking about the comp last night. Jessica and Cliff are talking about getting picked for big brother. They said outside of the game they are both boring people who they are shocked they got picked to be on the show. Jessica goes on to say that it's easy to forget stories to share because the topic changes so fast in the house.


12:40 PM BBT Cliff and Sam talking in the kitchen. Cliff tells Sam this game is all about trust and Sam agrees.


12:43 PM BBT Nick and Sam are in the boat room talking. Sam says something and Nick says he predicted this happening though.


12:43 PM BBT Holly talking the group in the HOH room and she said something about she didn't want Bella in the jury house. While Nick and Sam are talking they both said just because they didn't vote for Bella to go doesn't give them a reason to be nominated.


12:51 PM BBT Nick and Sam still in boat room. Nick says production loves Christie because she gets called to the DR a lot. Sam agrees and then goes on to say that he didn't think Nick would go before Nicole or Jessica.


2:31 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Michie and Holly in the HoH bed and Jack sitting beside them. Holly is discussing her letter. She couldn't look at anyone when she read it because she knew she would cry. Feeds 3 and 4 show Analyse, Sam, Nick,  Cliff, Jess and Nicole chatting about their life outside the house in the LR.


2:44 PM BBT Holly and Michie are alone in the HoH and have been doing a significant amount of making out. Michie tells her that she makes the cutest little noises. Meanwhile Christie and Tommy are in the DR. The HGs speculate it is to get their Poison Ivy Punishment. 

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2:52 PM BBT Analyse and Sam have found a small feather. They are trying to take turns blowing underneath it to keep it up in the air. They look for a bigger feather because the small feather is not cooperating. 

2019-07-26-14.54.25-Cam 4.jpg


2:58 PM BBT The HGs in the LR are anxiously waiting to see the Poison Ivy punishment reveal. Christie and Tommy remain in the DR. They pass the time by seeing how many words they can come up with using the letters in the word NOMINATIONS. They make it to 27 words. 

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2:55 PM BBT

Sis and Sam have been playing a game of Keep it Up using a feather. They are taking turns blowing the feather to keep it in the air and not hit the ground.







Now Jess says they need to take turns making as many words as possible using the letters from the word "nominations" . They have come up with 15 so far.

They finished with 27 words total.

3:02 PM BBT They are still waiting for the costume reveal.

Sam- they've been in there forever

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3:02 PM BBT Jack has found some sashimi tuna in the SR. He is thawing it in water. He and Michie admire it's dark purple color. Jack says he has no intention of cooking it. Michie compares cooking sashimi tuna to killing a unicorn. 


3:05 PM BBT Sam and Nicole are talking in the LR. They expect that they may be up on the block. If one of them wins the veto they can probably get the others to agree to backdoor Jess. 


3:08 PM BBT Sam and Holly are now talking in the HoH. Sam asks Holly what she has been hearing. She tells him just what she has expected. Sam "Are we that big of a threat though?" Holly "I think it's the uncertainty. We joked that you were guilty by association. It started as a joke. But now the house has one thing in mind. 


3:09 PM BBT Holly tells Sam that she has noticed that he is trying to prove himself as an independent player. The fact that she might have to put him up may be why her stomach is upset. If he ends up in that position, the veto is going to be huge. 


3:11 PM BBT Sam asks Holly what the plans would be if he or Nick win the veto and take themselves down. "Will a backdoor be possible?" Holly says that is a definite option. But that is a few days off yet. 

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3:08 PM BBT Nicole and Kat go to feed the fish 

Nicole- have you heard anything

Kat- you're safe....I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Nick and Sam

Kat notices a rubber band is in the fish tank so she heads to production to let them know

Nicole- oh no! They are trying to....he ate it. Spit it out!

Jess hears her and asks what was going on. Nicole fills her in that there's a rubber band in the tank and they need to get it out

Jess- why?

Nicole- so they don't die

Jess- so you would have to put your fingers in there?

Nicole- I'm fearless Jessica

Nicole tried to get it out with her hand, but the fish swarmed so she stopped.






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3:17 PM BBT Sam and Holly continue to talk in the HoH. Holly tells Sam that he is guilty by association. Michie and Jack have not done anything to upset the house. Nick has upset literally everyone. Sam says it is sucks that he hasn't done anything and now he may end up going home. How is that fair to him? That's why he doesn't get it everyone is saying Sam and Nick instead of Nick and someone else. Holly says she thinks the straw that broke was the vote. Sam "Because we voted to keep Bella?" Holly says yes. 


3:20 PM BBT Holly says that even though Sam doesn't want to associate with the other side, there is not a lot else to base it on. Sam says that no one is looking at the fact that he remained loyal to the 9 the entire time. She says that they do see that and that's why she doesn't see him as the target. Holly says that she also has to protect her own game. She doesn't want to go against the house. She doesn't feel like Sam will go home, but she can't see the future and won't make false promises. 


3:23 PM BBT Sam asks Holly from 0-100 how much do she trust him? Holly says she trust him a lot, more than someone like Nicole. She notes that Nicole keeps falling out of comps very early.


3:27 PM BBT Sam continues to try to get Holly to redirect where the noms appear to be going, with him and Nick on the block. She tells him that the house would not be pleased if she changed her mind. He tells her about Pontius Pilate and how the people wanted him to crucify Jesus even though he did not agree with them. He feels like his situation is similar. He tells her that Jess has nothing to offer her if she stays and he does. Why are we breaking this now? Holly says he can blame that on Nick. 


3:34 PM BBT in the HoH, Sam is trying to convince Holly that it would benefit her to keep Sam and Nick. Nicole, Jess and Cliff have nothing to offer her. Cliff is wounded with a bad leg. Jess and Nicole don't win anything. Sam tells her the others should respect her decisions. She replies that it would be breaking their trust. 

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3:38 PM BBT Sam continues to discuss his circumstances with Holly and that maybe the house would prefer to spend time with him when they realize he hasn't done anything wrong. He says there is a lot she can benefit from by keeping him. Michie has joined them in the HoH.


3:40 PM BBT Sam asks Holly and Michie if they feel like they are near on the top of the couples above Tommy and Christie? Because if they don't feel that way, he and Nick can help them. Jess, Cliff and Nicole are not so dangerous that anyone should worry about them being upset about the blood on her hands. 


3:42 PM BBT Sam is trying to convince Michie and Holly to consider an alternative nominee with Nick instead of him. Michie asks him if Sam and/or Nick stays, in the event of double eviction or next week's HoH, who is on their cross hairs? Sam doesn't exactly say. Michie asks who would not be in the cross hairs? Sam says he has never had issues with Michie and Holly and that they are not a huge threat to his game. 


3:45 PM BBT Michie "If you were HoH, would you put us up?" Sam "No. Not on my kids, no." 


3:47 PM BBT In the HoH Sam continues to work to keep him and Nick off the block. They could be so good for Michie's and Holly's game. 


3:49 PM BBT Sam argues that if Michie and Holly are not more liked that Christie and Tommy then one or both of them will be joining him in the jury house 2 weeks later. Because they may end up leaving before Christie and Tommy do. They have to know that Christie and Tommy are going first. 

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4:00 PM BBT The feeds have been on WBRB, most likely for the Poison Ivy reveal. 


4:02 PM BBT The feeds return. Christie is seen in the KT cutting vegetables wearing a yellow bikini. She is covered in fake leaves/vines and has make up applied to her body to give her the appearance of poison ivy all over her body.

Poison Ivy.jpg


4:11 PM BBT Tommy is now seen with a matching costume. 


Poison Ivy 2.jpg

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4:14 PM BBT Jack and Kat have joined Michie and Holly in the HoH. Michie tells them about Sam's Pontius Pilate analogy. Kat "Who is that?" Michie recites the story and Kat still doesn't understand. 


4:20 PM BBT Cliff has joined them in the HoH. He is curious about the Pontius Pilate story and Michie says that he doesn't want the feeds hearing him discuss religion again. It is one of the taboo topics, alone with right to carry and politics, that he doesn't want to discuss.


4:25 PM BBT In the HoH, Holly is telling Analyse, Michie, Cliff and Jack that she has felt nauseous all day long. She thinks that maybe it has to do with all the adrenaline used up yesterday. Holly tells them she feels good about her decision (noms) but it is still not easy by any means. 


4:32 PM BBT Apparently Christie and Tommy aren't supposed to go outside with their poison ivy costumes. Cliff suggests that when the gate is open that they bring chairs up to the door and get some through the glass door. 


4:35 PM BBT Cliff and Jessica read off the cereal box that panda's eat 16-18 hours a day. Jessica "Michie, are you part panda?" She explains how much they eat. Michie "Oh yeah, full on panda." 


4:37 PM BBT Sam is talking to Cliff. He is worried people will be upset about the Pontius Pilate reference. Cliff tells him that everyone knows he is devout so no one is going to think that he is mocking religion. 


4:42 PM BBT Kat, Holly, Analyse, and Christie are in the HoH. Analyese tells them that her fears are that if they don't put up both Nick and Sam together, then there is a possibility that neither of them will leave. Analyse says that everything they have been saying is pure B.S. and Nick and Sam teamed up is terrifying. They will absolute go after them. 


4:48 PM BBT Christie tells the other girls that she would love to play in this veto. She is not sore like the others. She feels great. She didn't care to play/win in the other two POVs, but she is due for a win. Christie says that Holly may also win with pure mind over matter. 


4:57 PM BBT Sam and Nick are talking in the TBR. Sam tells him about his conversation with Holly early and how he recommended that Sam and Nick can benefit her game more than the others can. 

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5:00 PM BBT Nick is talking to us in the TBR. He says that he has to keep his cool because targets change all the time. He admits that he is bothered that they are still voting with the house. They can't blame him for voting to keep Bella. Now he is without his partner and misses her. So, he is going to be quiet and stay calm. He has to work with the guys again if he doesn't want to or else they will take the shot at him again next week. He is going to have to think it day by day. There is still a veto to be had. Cliff, Jess and them didn't vote on their side so he owes them nothing. 

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5:02 PM BBT Holly is called to the DR. Maybe we will have noms soon. 


5:05 PM BBT Christie is talking to Michie and Analyse in the HoH. She has 2 bottoms and 3 tops to change into for her outfit. The other bottom has a higher waist. Michie thinks it would make more sense to have 3 bottoms and 2 tops for hygiene purposes. Christie says that she keeps a pantyliner in it so that she can just replace it everyday and stay nice and clean. 


5:11 PM BBT Furry Friends. It is time for the nomination ceremony.


 5:58 PM BBT Feeds return for just a moment before going back to WBRB. Nick and Sam are clearly on the nomination wall and everyone is hugging. 


Sam and Nick are nominated

2019-07-26-17.58.04-Cam 5.jpg


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