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Tuesday, July 23, 2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Updates

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To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB21-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

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Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Target Bedroom (TBR)
Camper Bedroom (CBR)
Boat Room Lounge (BRL)
Tree House Balcony (THB)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

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Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

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12:00 AM BBT Bella and Nick are in bed talking to Tommy. Christie and Michie are in the KT.  Bella and Nick are talking about what’s going to go on outside of the house. Nick says his mom is probably reading BB updates and probably knows how much Bella means to him. FotH. Nick is saying Bella has nowhere to go and she could go stay with his mom. Bella says she’s so respectful and she would do everything for Nick’s mom. Sam has joined Bella and Nick and Tommy. Nick says his mom and Bella would talk crap about him. Cliff is talking to Nicole in the hammock and they are talking about Christie. Cliff says he made this move in the first place because he feared their numbers and didn’t want to get picked off. Cliff says with Bella going and then hopefully Nick next, they can see if more divisions pop up. Nicole is concerned that no divisions pop up and then Nicole and Cliff become the next targets.  


12:05 AM BBT Nicole asks Cliff if there’s any chance of Jack going home over Bella and Cliff doesn’t think there is any way Kat will go along with it. Nicole says if they could sway the votes, that side would be mad, but she thinks they are already solid together. Nicole says she heard Tommy and Michie whispering and she heard Nicole, Jess, then Cliff. Cliff says he expects Bella will be campaigning hard tomorrow and he’d love to see Jess, Kat, Nick, Sam, and Nicole come together, but if Cliff takes the shot he would take it. He says he has to take the shot, that was the whole point of his HOH anyway. Nicole says Christie is setting herself up for perfection and she says if she wins HOH and puts up Jack and Michie again, Christie can use the power and put up Nick and he’s a number for them. Cliff says if there’s a way to get Kat to do it, then Nicole needs to talk to her too. Nicole worries about Jess and Kat running to the other side and giving them information. Nicole says Jess and Kat aren’t level headed enough to hear her out. Cliff says he heard Bella was going to talk to Michie and Holly and ask them to vote for her to pin the votes on Jess and Kat and create more division. Cliff says that would be good, but he doesn’t think they will fall for it. Cliff doesn’t think they’ll abandon that little group and join Bella and Nick. Nick says Christie has been on a cloud today and she doesn’t think it’s appropriate. If Christie can play her game, then Nick and Bella should be able to play theirs as well.


12:10 AM BBT All four cams are on Nicole and Cliff in the hammock. Nicole says she’s not buying they flipped the votes because she was bullied. Nicole says she’s a number for them moving forward. Nicole says Kat is so mad at Nick and Bella and Cliff says Kat was so disrespected by Michie and then she still runs back to that side. Nicole says Kat is at the bottom of the totem pole, she’s not even on the totem pole. Cliff says Michie has said that Kat is a follower and she is a lot smarter. Cliff says she’s playing a game with some of the ways she acts. Cliff says Nick and Michie are treating her like a dumb blond. Cliff says there’s a lot more to Kat than he realized. Cliff says he wants partners in the game and he doesn’t feel Jess or Kat are getting the respect they deserve. Nicole says Jess is telling her that she needs to stand by her morals and vote out Bella and Nicole says she is standing by her morals, but she’s also playing a game. Nicole says it’s sad to say she trusts Nick and Bella more than she trusts the big group. Cliff says that’s why he likes working with her because she’s thinking logical and not getting emotional. Cliff says tomorrow he’ll visit with Kat and see where her head is and Bella is going to campaign tomorrow. Nick and Bella are now alone in the camper and talking about Nick’s friends and family. Tommy comes outside.


12:15 AM BBT Tommy is looking for his hat and Nicole says she was going to bring it in to him. He joins them next to the hammock. Cliff says he’s decompressing. He says the house meeting could have blown up but he’s glad it stayed sensible. Cliff says we are so much more stressed when we’re all locked down inside. Tommy says now the next few days get to be really pleasant which will be nice. Cliff says he suspects Bella will campaign tomorrow and Tommy says of course. Tommy says we’re all amazing people and it’s sad to see anyone go. Cliff says he offered his HOH BR to Nick and Bella so they can have alone and cuddle time. Tommy says what a progressive America’s favorite dad. Cliff says cuddle time could mean a lot of different things. Cliff thinks there are true feelings there and they need to enjoy each other while they can. Tommy says Bella and Nick look very happy right now. Nicole says she’s going to hang out outside for awhile and when she goes in she’ll knock. Nicole says she knocks in every room so she doesn’t walk in on something she doesn’t want to. Cliff tells her she can come up any time and they’ll put a fort of pillows between them so her parents and his wife don’t get upset. Cliff starts talking the movie The Patriot and the scene where they put Heath Ledger’s character in a bundling bag. Tommy says that’s so funny.Cliff says my how the world has changed.


12:20 AM BBT All four cams are on the BY. Christie runs out and joins Tommy, Nicole, and Cliff. Jack comes out to the BY as well and joins them by the hammock. Sam is looking for his sandals and he joins them by the hammock. Christie says Sam has dad shoes. Christie says she bets Sam was cool at one point. Sam is talking about what his style used to be and how whack it was. Sam says he just did his own thing style wise. Christie says individuality is always cool. Nick and Bella are talking about Jessica and Cody and how cool they were and he’d like to meet them. Christie says what are we going to do inside for two days?!?


12:25 AM BBT Cliff and Nicole are in the hammock and Tommy, Jack, Sam, and Christie are next to the hammock and they are talking about prospective comps and Christie wants to know what next year’s theme will be, it can’t be cooler than theirs. Tommy says last years was weird. Bella and Nick are still in the camper and they are talking about the order and groups they came in with. Christie and Jack think a vintage theme would be really cool. Cliff says next year will be 2020 and that always sounds like a sci-fi theme. Cliff says it will be weird to see new HG next year. Jack says the funniest thing will be them talking crap about the current group. Christie can’t wait to see people talk crap and she says she wouldn’t come back and call anyone out for it. Sam says when you have a disagreement or a fight there is no place to go. Sam is talking about Rockstar and Brett and where they went after they fought. Tommy starts talking about the Bayleigh fight. Christie says the Bayleigh flip out was week 2 and Tommy says it’s when she was on the block. Cliff says it was when Haleigh used her power.

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2:05 AM BBT  Kitchen (Jess and Nicole)

Jess is telling Nicole that this game is a marathon and there are definite cracks...that Holly and Jackson broke up

Nicole- Jack has wons so much....Christe reveres him, Tommy reveres him...it just scares me


The camera moves to the backyard where Holly has approached Michie at the hammock. He is lecturing her about how to be a better partner in a relationship...


Holly- I describe my sense of humor as sarcastic asshole

Michie- I'm not gonna sit there and insult your appearance or as a person

Holly- I guess I was just being clueless...of course in my mind I obviously don't think that about you at all...I didn't connect the dots and I wish you would have expressed that before

Michie- I have a sarcastic sense of humor, too....if I talk shit to you, I don't like you..but some personal jabs aren't necessary because after awhile that little shit gathersshit gets in your head

Holly- but Jack was the one who started that conversation and you would never get mad at Jack for those jabs.....like, shit, I didn't even start the conversation ...I was chiming in and I know it was a dick move...it just seems like a double standard....

The cameras cut back to Nicole and Jess


Jess- this is your comp

Nicole- if I don't win it I will have a breakdown


cameras switch back to the hammock

Michie- sometimes I just need some space...I don't want anyone to check on me


cameras switch back to the kitchen  [these camera switches are freaking annoying! They have to be training newbies or something.  -MamaLong]

Jess- the devil you do know is gonna bite you

Nicole- absolutely

Jess- it's like as a person I feel for him like they will be seperated...


cameras switch back to hammock  [ARGH]

Michie- like I broke up with a girl....sometimes when I get in those headspaces the best thing to do is just give me space and then here I am 24 hours later...open to conversation. But, just think about what you do like and don't like from past people in your life and you do stuff you didn't like for them...you gotta break the patter or it will be constant spin cycle...you gotta be the one to make the change

Holly- just know that nothing I said is with ill intent

Michie- but you still say it

Holly- I'm tryin to rack my brain...what else I ever said...I've also been working on telling you like when you look cute and stuff...you did point out that I wasn't complimentary so when I did see something I vocalized it

Michie- vocalize it

Holly- I said you looked good in Jack's shirts....so I'm not as bad as you make me out to be...all I wanted to do is be careful  [there is a kiss and make up coming]



this is a marathon.png


2:19 AM BBT  Jackson and Holly are in snuggle mode once again

Jackson sticks out his tongue to show it is red and starts making silly faces

Holly- You're such a child  (pause) but it's adorable....See? I'm learning

Jackson- there is no reason I should get more compliments from Kat than from you

Holly- well she is trying to stay on your good side, so be wary of that

Holly tells Jackson in a baby voice "look we're so cute"

Jackson- don't be a kiss ass

Holly- I have to be a kiss ass. I'm gonna be kissing everyone's ass. 

Jackson starts talking about the hot tub and how the jet doesn't work

Holly- I hate that f'ing hot tub

Jackson it's a petri dish. The next H1N1 vaccine is gonna come from that

Holly- oh....that thing only lasted a few days and I didn't even take the stuff I was supposed to take...Thank God


*Cameras switch to Have-not room


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12:30 AM BBT Nick and Bella are in bed in the camper talking. Tommy, Jack, Christie, Sam, Nicole, and Cliff are in the BY. Tommy is talking about the boot order from season 20. Bella says Nick shouldn’t take game advice from her because clearly, she sucks at the game. Christie is talking about Angela’s “mean” good-bye message to Rachel. Bella is hungry so her and Nick get up and head to the SR. Christie is saying Rachel’s eyes were filled with tears over Angela’s good-bye message. Holly has joined everyone outside. Christie wants to know what time it is. They want to go to bed but they want to be outside before they are locked down. Holly wishes they could sleep outside and Christie says she’d probably sleep outside every night if she could. Bella and Nick are giggling as they head to the KT. Talk outside has turned to Ariana Grande. Nick is getting cereal and someone is singing so we get FotH.


12:35 AM BBT Cliff is talking about line dancing at a place they went to back in the 1980s. They are talking about country music and line dancing. Michie is in the KT with Nick and Bella. Jack talks about a place in Tampa that had mechanical bulls. Michie sings and we get FotH again. Cliff is talking about a family reunion in Acapulco. Michie starts singing again and we get FotH. Jess has joined the KT. Cliff is talking about a mechanical bull and his brother wanting to ride one. Michie is making a protein shake. They are talking about fish. Jess didn’t know some schools had microwaves and Michie says it’s 2019, most schools in America should have microwaves. Cliff is saying Acapulco was like San Francisco, it has a heavy gay population. Tommy wants to know why they went to a gay bar and Cliff says it was right next to the restaurant where they had dinner. Sis joins the BY crew. She can’t go back to sleep. Michie is rubbing his teeth in the KT sink and he uses the dish cloth to clean his mouth out.


12.40 AM BBT Tommy is playing with Jack’s hair in the BY with Holly, Sam, Christie, Cliff, and Nicole. Nicole is talking about The Sims games. Nick, Michie, Bella, and Jess are in the KT and Sam heads inside and joins those in the KT. Bella is talking about how chill she’ll be when she’s evicted. Sam says if they ask if you’d do it again you’re supposed to say heck yeah! He says what if when you’re evicted you heard the camp music and you have to go live in the have-not room? FotH. Sam is wiping the glass behind the sink and Nick is telling him he’s leaving dry marks. Nick is going to spray window cleaner in the center and sam is going to wash it. Tommy and Jack are talking about something that could have been misconstrued and we get FotH.


12:47 AM BBT Feeds are back. Jack is asking Sis if she’s pooped. Christie and Sis are on a lounge chair. Jack is on the ground next to them. Nicole and Cliff are in the hammock. Nick, Bella, Kat, Michie, and Sam are in the KT. Jess and Holly are headed to the WA. Sam wants to know if Bella will watch the live feeds and Bella says yeah, that will probably absorb her life for three months. Bella hopes she still like Sam and Nick after she watches the show. The outside crew are talking about guinea pigs and how they give birth if they’re older. Cliff says if she’s too old their pelvic bones fuse together and they can’t give birth naturally. Cliff says his mom spent $600 to do a C-section on a guinea pig. FotH.


12:50 AM BBT Holly has re-joined the BY crew and she’s talking about cat they had named Jessica. She is saying the cat ate one of its babies and we get FotH again. Holly says it just ate the one kitten. Michie has joined the BY crew. General chatter in the BY about animals and nature. Nick is talking about someone who wouldn’t let their child sleep in the same room as their fiancé. All four cams move to the BY where general animal chatter is going on. Christie says Holly has the best life for animals. Nicole would like them to release a puppy in the house. Cliff says one season they had a chicken coop. Jack says we can barely keep fish alive. Christie says Michie would be sneaking out at night to the chicken coop.


12:55 AM BBT BY chatter has turned to water moccasins. Sam is yelling across the BY to Christie about Kat eating a bowl of slop. Christie asks if she’s ok and if her headache went away. FotH. Jack wants to know if you can put taco seasoning on slop and it’s not an approved condiment. Sam, Nicole, and Bella are talking in the KT. Bella tells Sam he needs to be careful so people don’t get mad at him for talking to her. Sam says he’ll go outside soon. Bella says Sam is one of her best friends and she gets emotional. Sam says Bella gave him a cool haircut. She can give him another on Thursday and she can lather his hair with tears. Bella says whatever you want. Nick says they need someone to screw up between now and Thursday. Nick says they have a 25% chance of winning the next HOH. Sam is correcting Nick. Sam says one of us has to win HOH and if Nick doesn’t win he’ll be out the door. Sam says Christie was mad that Nick and Bella didn’t sit at dinner with them.

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3:30 AM BBT Nicole is the last one up in the kitchen with Michie.

Michie is eating slop and Nicole tastes it

Nicole- hopefully you won't be on it for two weeks in a row

Michie- I will not be volunteering for another week FYI

Nicole- if it's volunteersa gain, it should be 4 new people

Michie- yeah, it's hard just eating this and not the other stuff....this is the week of the new recipes....the onion rings....new cereals...Cliff's HOH basket [he is struggling being a have-not]

Nicole- yeah...I want to win HOH

Michie- SAME.....it makes everything sweeter.....How are you doing?

Nicole- I'm doing alright

Michie- what do you think of Bella going up

Nicole- I think it's a very good decision

Michie- for the morale of the house

Nicole nods

Michie starts talking about the people outside that door....the ghosts and then says "I know you were being conflicted"

The feeds cut then come back

Michie is laughing and says  "just that I knew you were conflicted"...... feeds cut again

Nicole- how so?

Michie- just numbers...like Cliff was doing

Nicole- yeah it was just like am I looking at this from hurt feelings or from a game standpoint

Michie- I've got your back

Nicole- I know...my nature, I feel bad for everybody.

Miche- well, Bella this week....you're not going home


They start talking about punishments (the Shakespeare thing, tutus) then Jackson hears a cough from inside the walls and gets distracted

Jackson- did you hear that?  *feeds cut

They discuss how annoying the Shakespeare thing was; the granny thing was funny; Nicole said she would want a tutu or fairy wings



4:05 AM BBT Nicole washes dishes then heads to the bathroom to get ready for bed; Michie is in the shower [again]

Nicole- alright, love you Mick

Michie- good night Nicole, love you girl

Nicole-  love you, too...I enjoyed our chat


4:15 AM BBT all cameras are on a dark and silent house


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1:00 AM BBT All four cams are on Sam, Nick, and Bella. Sam asks Nick and Bella if they want to go play pool. He says they can still laugh and have fun. Sam starts folding towels and he wants to play 8-ball and Bella says what do you mean? Nick says either talk too much or don’t talk enough. Sam says let’s just fold everything because it will take two seconds. Nick says he can’t do anything right it seems and Sam says that’s the definition of being F’ed. Bella and Nick says they were just laying on the bed and pulling a Fessy and talking about how bad they were at the game. Sam says he’ll yell at Tommy because they are folding his stuff. Nick says Tommy is in the DR. Some of the clothes are Michie’s and Sam asks him if they can move them to the couch. Bella is holding a shirt and Michie says it’s his and she says what happened to it? Why is it so short? Michie says he accidentally shrunk it. Sam asks Bella if she has a Snapchat. Bella says she uses IG. Sam says he hasn’t used his IG in forever. Bella says she’ll just start a new IG for Sam and she’ll start one for Nick.


1:05 AM BBT Nick says his mom has his SM passwords. Bella says she’ll make them into memes and post them on their pages. Sam doesn’t want two IG’s. Bella is going to teach Nick something and Bella and Sam both shoot balls at the same time and one bounces up and hits Nick in his privates. Bella asks him if she popped a nut. Sam says he forget to mention the balls go nuts when they do that. Bella says she’s so sorry and Nick says let’s not do that again. Sam says when they did it the first time, the balls hit in the middle and then each went into the side pockets.


1:10 AM BBT Nick, Sam, and Bella are playing pool. The other HG are over by the hammock talking off camera. Tommy is out of the DR and Nick tells him where they moved his clothes. Sam says he would have folded it, but he decided not to. Sam and Bella are talking about the hot tub and the water level is getting lower. Bella says maybe they are draining it.


1:15 AM BBT All four cams still on Sam, Nick, and Bella. Sam asks Nick if he plays pool at the bar and Nick says no. Bella tells Sam to play like it’s a veto. General trash talk while they are playing. Nick won the game and they are going to play again. Bella asks if Sam can accept tips and he says yes. Nick says he’s going to bed after this game and he yawns. Sam says he’s going to make this game last forever so they can’t leave him.


1:20 AM BBT Nick says Julie will ask Bella about their showmance. Bella says Sam needs to keep her hands under wraps. Michie asks Sis if she washed her hair today and she says yes. She used his shampoo and he noticed it. The group by the hammock is breaking up and most are heading inside. Michie is trying to pop Sis’s back. Jess asks if he can crack hers and he says she has a lot of real estate. We hear her back pop. Michie moves to the hammock. Cliff can see the moon, but just barely. Jess is grabbing some stuff and heading inside. Sis and Christie are in the WA and Nicole joins. Jack sits next to Sis. Christie keeps her toothbrush in a plastic bag and Sis says she should air it out and Christie says she doesn’t want feces floating onto her toothbrush. Nicole is going to get her pajamas and Jack and Christie are brushing their teeth and they leave the water running while they are brushing. Holly and Jess are getting clothes out of the dryer.


1:25 AM BBT The water in the WA is still running while Christie is rinsing her mouth out and Jack is finishing brushing. Tommy is talking to Michie in the hammock about how many days they were locked down and when they might get the yard back. They are talking about being locked down early. Tommy says break down always seems quicker than set up. Tommy says they can go through and win HOH’s and vetoes and be a talented crew, but when they face adversity it shows they are a good team. Michie says they have to execute when they need to also in order to be able to do something. Their social game will only get them so far. Tommy asks if they’ve heard the plan to include Cliff and Kat and it be Gr8ful 2.0. Tommy says double evictions are coming up and Cliff is good at puzzles and if he wins he won’t be coming after them. Michie says keeping him too much longer is scary though. Tommy says when you have a team, you need people who bring different things to the team and they don’t have what Cliff brings. Tommy says we have strength, social, physical, but they don’t have mental.


***I went as far as I could! If anyone can get the rest, that'd be great! Thanks!***

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1:30AM BBT: Tommy, Jackson, and Holly are chatting near the hammock outside. Tommy is talking about a double eviction. He says their alliance has social, physical, and strength, but they don't have the mental part. Jackson says he's terrible at puzzles. Holly says she thought she had a mental game, but she'd "f***ed" at memory. In the WA, Jack, Analyse, Christie, Nicole, and Cliff are chatting. 


1:31AM BBT: Jackson tells Holly and Tommy that house meetings are "f***ing stupid" but no one is going to tell Sam that because they want him to continue to act like an "idiot." Jackson says the more you try to clear your name, the more guilty you are. They all agree Sam is paranoid. Tommy says Sam isn't guilty by association, he's guilty because of his own actions. 


1:34AM BBT: The three outside continue to talk about Sam and why he's "guilty." They also talk about other reality shows and how long they take to do things. Christie is whispering in the WA with Analyse and Jack about her power and the events of the day. 


1:43AM BBT: Tommy is in the TBR talking to Jack about the "rice pudding" comment. As soon as he mentions "rice pudding" BB cuts the cameras away from them. Jackson and Holly are alone on the hammock outside, Jackson tells her to hold her thought because he needs to use the WC. Holly says she needs to use the WC too. 


1:45AM BBT: Bella and Nick are cuddled up in the CBR. Bella asks him what he's thinking about and Nick says "I don't know." She presses it and he says he just had his eyes closed for no reason. 


1:51AM BBT: Christie and Tommy are in the Have Not room whispering, Christie says Jackson is "wild" and "getting on everyone's nerves." She says everyone is saying that about him. Christie talks about how Jackson only wants people to make him slop and doesn't clean it. She calls him a "brat" and says that Jackson and Holly are "done." Christie says Jackson is a "nightmare" and calls him the "villain." BB cuts the cameras away from their conversation.


1:52AM BBT: Bella, Nick, and Sam are in the CBR talking about Jessica and how she reads the Bible.


2:30AM BBT: Christie, Tommy, and Kat are chatting in the Have Not room about paranoia in the house and how it's part of the game. They talk about the house meeting earlier in the day. 


2:45AM BBT: All four cameras are on the Have Not room while Christie, Tommy, and Kat are talking. They talk about the house meetings and things that happened before the nominations. Christie says she's going to "tread lightly" and tells them "good night." She says she hopes Jackson comes up to bed soon so they'll turn the lights off. Kat leaves.


2:46AM BBT: Christie and Tommy are whispering, Christie says Jack will beat her. She says she won't take Jack to the final two if the final three is Christie, Tommy, and Jack. She says she'll take Tommy to the final two. She throws around Kat's name as well and maybe taking her. Christie and Tommy talk about not wanting Cliff anywhere near the final few players in the game, but they both want him in jury. 


3:07AM BBT: Christie and Tommy are still whispering in the Have Not room. They talk about secrets in the house and if anyone knew each other before the game. BB keeps cutting the feeds for a few minutes at a time during their conversation. 


3:15AM BBT: Kat has joined Christie and Tommy in the Have Not room. Kat says the slop is killing her, Christie wants Jackson to come to bed so the lights will go off. They talk about Jackson not cleaning anything. Kat says Jackson wanted her to make him slop earlier today. 


3:16AM BBT: Christie tells Tommy and Kat that Jack held a "social experiment" earlier in the day to see how long it would take Jackson to clean his own pots and pans. She says Jack had to stop Cliff from cleaning it. 

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10:19 AM BBT  Jack is cleaning and sweeping the KT while Michie is making a protein shake.  Michie said no one else is up, then asks if they only played one song today.  Jack said no, they played 3 while he keeps cleaning.

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10:24 AM BBT.  Jack says they played Come on Eileen and Just Dance and he can’t remember the first one. 


10:26 AM BBT.  Jack says he was grinding his teeth last night, they are throbbing.  Jack goes to SR.  BB says “I said it’s time to get up for the day” sternly.  Jackson telling “Don” I’m awake and I was the last one up.  

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10:23 AM BBT  Feeds are back.  Jack is still in the KT with Michie.  They are discussing the songs of the morning.  Jack says he must have ground his teeth a lot last night, his front 2 teeth really hurt.  Jack heads off to the SR, Michie asks him to get the cup of coffee out of the fridge.  Cliff is in the HOH room, up and doing ADLs.  BB says sternly that HGs need to get up.  BB calls Michie to the DR downstairs.  He and Jack not sure why.  (maybe they will warn him about eating?? we can only hope  pierceka)

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10:30 AM BBT  Sis is up, talked to Sam, no game.  Now Sis has crawled into bed with Holly.  Holly is talking about something someone said about Sis, either Holly is whispering super quiet, or she doesn't have on her mic.  Sis is denying saying "it".  Michie is out of he DR.  Sam and Tommie come through.  Jack said everyone is tired to day, as they stayed in the BY last night.  Sam says until what, 2:00?  That isn't too bad.  Jack is making something to eat, not sure what.  He sings, but no BB FoTH.

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10:31 AM BBT.  In the CBR Analyse crawls into bed with Holly and asks if she talked to Jackson.  Holly says I let him talk and get it all out there.  She says it was him thinking I regretted it and says he said even Analyse sees u be mean.  Analyse says she didn’t say that and sees both sides.  Holly says she has a super dry sense of humor.  Holly says he needs to work on communication bcuz she didn’t know that bothered him.  


10:35 AM BBT.  Tommy crawls into bed with Analyse and Holly.  They call him their little slop bucket.   Holly says Jess and Nicole were afraid to go to bed bcuz it’s awkward.  Cliff comes in.  Cliff says he knows Holly didn’t like song 1 (All About That Bass).  Holly says she thinks she is body shaming people that don’t look like her.  Holly says she only positively talks about her body type.  Cliff says he heard that song differently bcuz of Holly.  


10:40 AM BBT.  Jack is cooking.  Tommy and Holly are talking in the CBR about waking up and the music.  Analyse says why does she (Kat) get to sleep til noon?  


10:42 AM BBT.  Cliff is in the CBR again and says he read that Kaitlyn sleeps with her eyes open and it scares people.  

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10:44 AM BBT  Not much going on.  Holly is talking about the hot tub being re done because it was a bacterial soup.  She said she got an infection/hives from it.  As soon as BB saw it, they knew what it was from.  She is sure others had the same issue.  Holly talks about the BY gate coming down while they still had towels in the dryer.  Feeds switch to KT.  Jack is in there making pancakes, and Nicole is telling him about the towels in the dryer when the gate came down.  Jess comes in.  Jack says he messed up the last last batch, and he didn't prep the bacon but there is some thawed in the SR fridge.

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10:43 AM BBT.  In the CBR, Tommy asks what are we gonna do today?  Holly says I think I know...not s**t!  They laugh.  


10:50 AM BBT.  Cliff comes into the KT and says Kack has been busy and thanks him.  Jack says he has some hot cakes and Cliff says I’ll take u up on that.  Jack says oh no those are not for the house, they’re for me.  He then says he is kidding and to have some.  Cliff wants to eat quick bcuz he’s gonna get called to the DR.  

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10:50 AM BBT  Cliff is in the KT.  Says he will try some of the pancakes.  Jack said he enjoys a good hotcake...flapjack.  He then tells Cliff those are for himself, then laughs and said they are for the whole house, Cliff can have some.  Cliff said he feels he needs to eat and get ready, he thinks he will get called to the DR soon.

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10:52 AM BBT.  Bella is called to the DDR.  Tommy, Analyse and Holly are all in the same bed in the CBR.  Holly asks if they get penalties for talking or just certain things.  Analyse says not for talking bcuz Kat would have so many.  Holly says no bcuz they never yell at her.  Holly says she keeps thinking anout every little thing she has said about Nick and Bella and maybe she doesn’t want Bella staying at her house in case she hates her.  Tommy says she dosn’t hold grudges.  Holly says it’s the gact I haven’t said anything bad about anybody else.  Tommy says they did it to themselves.  Jackson lays on the bed and says he just crushed his nuts.  He says like a dough roller.  They all laugh at him.


10:56 AM BBT.  Jackson says he hopes the comp is endurance and he’s gonna win it with no foot, no food and no sleep.   Holly days gee I have never heard u say that exact same thing.  


10:58 AM BBT.  In the CBR, Tommy says he feels like he’ll be weak for this comp.  Jackson says do u remember “u are the weakest link...goodbye!”.  They all wonder what that was from.  Tommy says the weakest link.  The rest go oh ok.  Holly says she wants to be a deal or no deal girl.  


11:02 AM BBT.  In the CBR, Jack says I would kill for a movie today.  Jackson says I would kill for a pancake.  Jack says would u really?  He says it’s kinda like what u are eating now.  Jack says I would for a burger.  Jackson wants a watermelon.  

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10:58 AM BBT Jack brings Sis the pancakes he made her for breakfast

Sis- (screams) You're the best! Thank you! I would kiss you but I haven't brushed my teeth yet

Tommy- that was cute

Sis- I know...that was really sweet



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11:04 AM BBT.  Christie comes into the CBR and says god forbid I sleep 10 extra minutes.  Jack says is Kat asleep?  She says out cold.  she says I love Kat and it’s not her fault but...it’s frustrating.  


11:10 AM BBT.  Nick telling Several HGs in the CBR that he has visual snow.  He says he sees static in the background always.  


11:18 AM BBT.  In the CBR, Jack is telling Christie that her headache is from too much sugar and carbs bcuz of the slop diet.  Jack says promise me u will drink more water today.  Jackson and Tommy are in there too.  Christie is fristrated she is 8 days late.  


11:27 AM BBT.  Just general talk going on.  Not much happening.  












I am out, if someone can take over...

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