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Big Brother Season 21-Episode 8

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Previously, on Big Brother, within hours of moving in, Bella teamed up with Jack and Michie, and it evolved into the Gr8ful alliance by adding Nick, Tommy, Analyse, Christie, and Holly. But Bella joined a side alliance with Kemi, Nicole, and Jessica. A new twist called Camp Comeback would keep evictees living in the house.


After Jack kept Gr8ful in power, Bella spilled the beans about the Black Widows. So Jack put Kemi and Jessica on the block. Bella confessed her betrayal to Nicole, and the long islander let Jessica in on the bad news. With the veto on the line, Sam took home his second golden win. Both Kemi and Jessica begged for their lives, but the trucker didn’t let either hitch a ride to safety. Tonight, will it be Kemi or Jessica sent to Camp Comeback. Plus, a new HOH will be crowned. All this live on Big Brother!


Julie welcomes us and says it’s day 23 in the BB house and tonight’s live vote and HOH are more important than ever. Julie tells us Loose Lips sinks ships…and alliances. We pick up on day 20 after the veto and Jack says Kemi has been his target for quite some time now, but Camp Comeback means evictees are lingering and he has to send Kemi to Camp Comeback a happy camper.


Jess is hoping she doesn’t have to do much campaigning. Kemi says if she’s going to stay in this house she has some work to do. Kemi is talking to Cliff and he says he could keep either one because they’d be willing to go after HG on the other side. He’s talking to Ovi and Nicole joins and they are discussing who might be more likely to go after the bigger group. Nicole says Ovi has to come back. Cliff says Ovi isn’t currently in the game, but if he comes back they could be a real force in the game. Ovi, Cliff, and Nicole solidify an alliance and Cliff says it isn’t official until they have a name for it and he thinks he’s got it. Fellowship of the Zing! Nicole says oh my Gandalf! Fellowship of the Zing is a perfect name for their alliance.


Bella is painting Nick’s toenails and he says he likes her and he wants to protect her at all costs. Bella says she didn’t want to be in a showmance and we see Nick and Bella cuddling under the covers. They are annoyed by the cameras. Jack and Analyse are in the KT and Jack does a handstand and Analyse does one Jack says Sis is a naturally beautiful exotic chick. She’s super playful and he can totally dig it. Analyse says he’s really hot. He’s cute too actually. Jack asks Analyse if she’s staying the night in the HOH and Jack says Nick and Bella sleep together all the time. Analyse says he makes her nervous because he’s so cute. Jack and Analyse are under the covers and Nick is trying to knock so he could wish him a happy birthday, but Jack is “busy” with Analyse and he tells us Happy Birthday to him!


Cliff says he’s a creature of habit. He gets up early, goes to the WC, gets some coffee, then off to the boat room to send love to his family, the live feeders, and then he unloads what’s on his mind. He’s an open book and he doesn’t mind sharing his strategy with his family and thousands of strangers and live feeds. Cliff is talking about the couples of the house and he thinks they are working together and he talks about Christie and she’s walking by and listens at the door. Cliff mentions his alliance and Christie is still listening. Cliff is talking about being very subtle and Christie tells us this is crazy! She’s learned so much about Cliff’s monologue and she’s going to use it as much as she can. She needs to find Gr8ful and tell them everything she heard.


Christie goes and talks to Michie, Tommy, and Holly. Christie says it’s really lame because he’s with Ovi and Nicole and he thinks Tommy and Christie are a fourth couple. Christie says he’s probably next after Kemi and Jess. Cliff waves Orwell in the air as he ends his monologue and heads out of the room.


A secret alliance only works if it’s kept a secret. We head back inside and Nicole and Kemi are talking about the Black Widow alliance. Kemi says Jess spearheaded it and Nicole tells her that Bella leaks secrets. Nicole says she’s the one who told “that side” about the alliance. Kemi says she thought she could trust Bella, but she plays both sides of the house. Kemi says Bella actually starting the Black Widow alliance is good information and it might help her stay in the game.


Kemi talks to Michie in the KT. Kemi says she’s just found out Bella is the one who leaked the Black Widows and she let it slip she has a F3 with Jack and Michie and she thinks she can use it to her advantage. Kemi tells Michie Bella actually did start the Black Widow thing, not Jess. Kemi then says Bella told her about a F3 she made with Jack and Michie. Michie says he is close with Jack, but it’s news to him he’s in a F3 with her and she’s a smart girl.


Michie tells us he thought this week would be a cake walk, but now he’s getting juicy info from Kemi. Michie says the moment you get comfortable is the moment you get killed and people he thought he could trust he can’t. Kemi asks if he were to vote today, who would he vote to stay? Michie says based off today? Probably Jess, but it’s 50/50. Michie tells Kemi if she hadn’t come to speak to him he would have voted her out. Kemi says hopefully Michie sees a reason to keep her in the game.


Michie goes to talk to Jack and says Kemi wanted to talk to him and she was about to cry and he says Kemi told him Bella is playing both sides of the house. Michie tells Jack that Kemi told him about a F3 with them and Bella. Jack says do you trust Kemi? Michie says how would she know about an alliance between us made day one or two? Michie then fills Jack in on Christie’s information about Cliff knowing about the couples. Michie says we can’t count on Cliff.


Bella is in the lounge room with Sam and she says she’s going to tell him something. Bella says there’s an eight, but he’s the ninth. Bella says Sam has been voting with a large group, but he doesn’t know it. She says he’ll find out eventually and it might as well be from him. Sam says wow! I’m number 9 in an alliance I’m not even in? His heart hurts. He says this changes everything! Because now he might want to keep Kemi to help him because why would he continue to help an alliance he’s not even a part of!?!


Sam says if he’s going to flip the vote, he needs to go through the house because they do what Jack wants? Sam goes to make his pitch that they know Jess is going after the guys. Jack says he’s made it clear whatever’s best for Gr8ful…for the grouping of the nine players. Sam says Gr8ful?!? You mean the alliance you made I’m not apart of? Nice cover Jack. Sam says he’s ready to take the wheel! Jack says keeping Kemi is dangerous, but he wants what is best.


Jessica or Kemi? One will be out of the game, but not out of the house. They will be the newest member of Camp Comeback. Julie greets the HG. Jess thanks God and everyone, CBS, the production team, she loves Steve and Sabrina and all her family. HG, her family, 23 days has been crazy hard and she’s been blessed to be there with them and they are family to her and she loves each and every one of them. She’s shown she wanted to be here since day 1 and she’s proud of who she is and who she’s been in the house. She loves hard, trusts hard, and she plays hard. She’s an emotional person, but she’s not an emotional person and she’s loyal.


Kemi thanks CBS and she appreciates everything they do. She’s so happy to have spent the last three weeks with them. She loves each and every one of them in their own ways. She says there are things going on that have been floating around the house. Nick and Bella have been playing both sides and creating a lot of alliance. The writing is on the BB walls and they are closing in. She thinks everyone knows what’s going on and if Bella or Nick don’t’ win HOH, she’ll see them in Camp Comeback soon!


Time to vote!

Cliff votes to evict Kemi.

Kat votes to evict Kemi.

Nicole votes to evict one and only Kemi.

Bella clearly with a passion votes to evict Kemi.

Nick says do I need to even say it? Bye Kemi!

There are 5 votes to evict Kemi, but Gr8ful is still left to vote…and Sam. She had to say it! We’ll be right back!


We’re back and the vote is currently 5-0 in favor of evicting Kemi. Let’s find out how the rest of the house votes!

Sam votes to evict Kemi.

Analyse vote to evict Kemi.

Michie says let’s kick start this horse. I vote to evict Jess.

Holly votes to evict Kemi.

Christie votes to evict Kemi.

Tommy sadly votes to evict Kemi.

By a vote of 10-1, Kemi has been evicted and will be joining Camp Comeback.


Kemi gets up and hugs Jess and then the most of the rest of the HG and then hugs Ovi and David and Julie sends those three upstairs and everyone else will head to the BY.


It’s time for the HOH competition! Kemi, David, and Ovi can watch and listen from Camp Comeback. This competition is called Power Shot. They’ll step up and throw their arrow underhand at the target to record their score. If their arrow straddles two scores, then their score will be where the majority of the tip of the arrow lands. If they don’t want to be HOH, then they can try for one of the red targets. One is for safety, they can’t be nominated for eviction, and one is for $5000. Each target can only be hit once. If the arrow bounces off the board, their score is zero.


Analyse is up first and she takes her shot and scores 50. Jess is next and she scores 5. Christie is up next and she scores 65 and she is in the lead. Nick is up and he scores 90 and he is in the lead. Sam is up and he scores 70.


Nick is in the lead with 90. Michie steps up and he scores 70. Tommy is up and he scores 35. Cliff is up and scores 15. Nick is still in the lead with 4 HG remaining. Bella is up and she scores 75. Kat is next and she gets zero. Nicole is up and she scores 15. Holly is the last HG to toss and she hits over the target and gets 0. Nick is the new HOH!


Julie checks in with the HG and congratulates Nick. She asks how it feels to be HOH and he says it feels good and he’s really happy. He just wants to see a picture of his mom. Julie asks Jess how it feels to survive tonight’s eviction and she says better than $5000. Julie says that was quite a speech, but what’s it going to be like to live with 10 people who voted to evict her. Kemi says it is what it is. Julie says what is it? Kemi says it’s not a surprise. Julie says she’ll look good in that uniform.


Julie goes to Tommy and asks what he misses most and he misses his family, they are best friends. His cousins, his mom and his dad, his Pretty Woman friends, and he misses his mom’s cooking. Tommy says they are all coming to Staten Island and enjoy his mom’s cooking. Julie asks Cliff what he misses most and it’s his family.


Sunday will be nominations and the final Whactivity Comp where a class BB power will make a return. Wednesday we’ll see the veto comp and ceremony, and next week Camp Comeback will compete for one evictee to return.

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