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Big Brother Season 21-Episode 5

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Previously, on Big Brother, David was banished before his game began. HOH Christie was part of an 8 person super alliance with Michie, Tommy, Jack, Nick, Sis, Holly, and Bella. They originally wanted Kat out but after fearing Kemi was gaming too hard, she became their backdoor target. Ovi won the first ever whacktivity comp earning the secret nightmare power.


It was a Fooood Fight! For the power of veto, and the trucker drove down Victory Road. After changing her mind about targeting Kemi, Christie broke the news to an unhappy Jack. Sam told Christie his veto plan so she needed a replacement nominee that wouldn’t get more blood on her hands and the universe came knocking. At the veto meeting, the former student body president was elected to the block. Tonight, Kat or Ovi will be leaving the game…or will they? Something that’s never happened before will happen tonight! Plus, who will become the next HOH? All this live on Big Brother!


Julie welcomes us and it’s day 15 at Camp BB and a new twist in the game is about to send everyone in uncharted territory. For the first time ever, the evicted HG will not be heading home, they’ll continue to live in the house. Christie says she doesn’t want to do someone else’s dirty work and she thinks Ovi is an easy person to get out. Kat says if Sam had not used the veto, she’d have zero chance of staying another week, but she has better odds against Ovi.


Ovi feels blindsided by Christie because he thought they were in an alliance, but now he’s on the block. All he can do now is campaign is tail off and hope no one votes him out. Christie tells Kat that she’s going to tell him he’s a pawn and it sucks, but she’s playing her game. Christie doesn’t know how the house will vote this week and she doesn’t want whoever stays mad at her going into next week.


Christie goes in talk to Ovi and she tells him she thought Sam wasn’t using veto and she thought Ovi would be the easiest person to stay as a pawn. Jack comes in and hugs Ovi and he’s crying and Jack says they don’t hug often. Christie says she was surprised in the last hour. Christie says Kat will dig a hole and Ovi says he just really likes them. Christie says Ovi is liked just as much by all of the house. Christie says she thought Sam wasn’t using it. Ovi says he trusts her.


Jack is telling the rest of the alliance that the Ovi play was unique. Jack says they planned all week to put Kemi up and execute a backdoor. Christie had her own plans, but he’s not a greedy man. Ovi was on his hit list too. Cliff is hungry and he’s talking to Ovi and Cliff says he can’t imagine Ovi isn’t all good. Ovi wonders if Nicole is good with them. Cliff says he’s going to tell people that Ovi has his vote and that will help guide the rest of the house.


Ovi says he loves Cliff, but he’s only one guy. But if he wants to stay in this house is campaigning to the other HG. Ovi campaigns to Michie and Michie says if he had to pick, he’d pick him. Ovi says next stop Kemi Station, and he makes his pitch and Kemi doesn’t really respond. Ovi says the next stop is the tiny village of Nicole and she says she’s going to cry, this sucks. Ovi says ask now what you can do for Ovi, but what Ovi can do for you. Now he can only hope his opponent does something to hurt themselves in the polls.


Holly says Gr8ful has Kat’s back, Ovi is the target. Holly says the only thing she has to do is relax and reside. We then see Kat going into different rooms and asking if those B*tches are conspiring against her. We see her ask about 10 different times. Tommy says he was in the Broadway show Newsies. Extra! Extra! Kat’s going nuts. Michie says Gr8ful wants to keep Kat here, and he does too, but it’s almost like she’s trying to get herself sent home. Christie is talking about Kat’s paranoia. We see her ask about 20 more times if people are conspiring against her. Sam comes in and asks if the pretty ladies are conspiring against him.


Holly and Michie are in the hammock and Holly says her neuroticism is horrible. Holly says it’s constant! Michie says Kat’s always asking him too! For the 400th time, she’s not going anywhere! Holly says it’s too early in the game for her to lose her mind. Michie says Kat has been spiraling ever since she got up on the block, but she’s rubbing people the wrong way. Michie says she MIGHT be the better choice to send home. We hear Kat in the background are you b*tches conspiring against me?


Julie says it’s too late for Ovi’s nightmare power to save him…or is it? Ovi says people have been ensuring him his good, but you can never be sure and he needs to keep working the vote. Ovi is talking to Nick and Nick says he has heard votes might not be going Ovi’s way. Ovi wants to make one last pitch to Jack and Michie because he knows they have enough sway to move the votes and he has one more trick up his sleeves.


Ovi pulls them in the archery room and he says Kat is a floater and she won’t help their game because they need a shield. And he can be their shield. He tells them about his nightmare power and he tells them if someone tries to put them up next, he can take them down. If he goes, the power goes with him. If they want to win the game, then here’s an advantage.


Jack is up pacing and Michie says we still have to send him that way the power is off the board. Michie says we both know people are going to be coming for us next week and it’s naïve to think our alliance will last. And we know if Jess, Kemi, or Nicole win, they’d come after us. Michie says he’s at rock bottom and he just gave us his cards. Jack says he wants the power bad. Michie says this power is huge and it might even vote flip worthy. He doesn’t know what they’re going to do or how they are going to do it, but they have a big decision to make!


Julie greets the HG. Ovi says Hannah Claire, Mom, Dad I love you all. He’s learned a lot from them and he’s not ready to stop learning yet. He says please send a vote to America to show you want to keep someone America would respect. Kat says she’s loyal to those who are loyal to her and she would love to stay and now she can find if the b*tches really were conspiring against her?


It’s time for the live voting to begin. Christie will only vote in the event of a tie. Analyse is up first!

Sis votes to evict Ovi.

Nick votes to evict Ovi.

Tommy so sadly votes to evict Ovi.

Jess unfortunately votes to evict Ovi.

Holly is so, so, so, so sorry to evict Ovi.

Jack votes to evict Ovi.

Michie votes to evict Ovi.

It’s official, with 7 votes Ovi will be voted out, but he won’t be going anywhere.

Nicole sadly votes to evict the outstanding Ovi.

Bella votes to evict Ovi.

Cliff with a very heavy heart votes to evict Ovi.

Sam votes to evict Ovi.

Kemi votes to evict Ovi.

By a unanimous vote, Ovi has been evicted. Up next, we will reveal he’s been voted out of the game, but he’s not out of the house. Camp Comeback will officially open when they return.


Julie says it’s time to unleash the next big twist of the summer. The votes are in! The evicted HG will have just a few moments to gather their belongings and walk out the door. By a vote of 12-0, Ovi you have been evicted from the Big Brother house! Hugs are happening and hear the bugle. Camp Comeback is now open! Everyone back to the LR! Ovi says even me? He looks confused and Julie says oh yes, everyone. Julie tells Ovi to put his mic back on.


As everyone just heard, Camp Comeback is officially open. And they are going to have deal with something the HG have never had to deal with before. The evicted HG will not leave the house and still live with you all. All Camp Comeback Campers ARE out of the game. They won’t compete in comps and they won’t vote.  Campers will have their own cabin upstairs, but it will be far from comfortable. They will still play the BB social game, because ONE of the first FOUR HG will be able to compete to get back in the game. In just moments, everyone but Ovi will compete in the HOH. Ovi will head upstairs to Camp Comeback where he can listen to the HOH comp playout. BUT…he will not be alone. We heard the doorbell and David is back in and everyone is giving hugs.


Julie says settle down, Beavis! Julie tells David and Ovi to sit in the nomination chairs and Julie fills David in on the news of Camp Comeback. She tells the HG David has been in sequester. She’ll be back in a few moments to start the HOH competition. The HG are all talking to each other and there is lots of screaming and few HG have concerned looks on their faces. With that, Camp Comeback IS open and the game has changed! Up next, it’s time to crown a new HOH!


It’s time for the live HOH comp! Hg, the power is up for grabs. Ovi and David can listen to all of the action, but they can’t see anything. They may be locked inside the house for the 4th of July, but they don’t want them to miss out on the fireworks. This comp is called BB Fireworks Quiztacular. Julie will ask them a question about a fireworks display and they’ll answer red, white, or blue. The last one standing wins HOH!


Question 1: What color were most of the fireworks? Everyone answers Blue and they are all correct.


Question 2: What color was the last house shaped firework? All the HG answer white except Nick who answered blue. Nick is out.


Question 3: What color were most of the key shaped fireworks? All the HG answer red except Tommy, Holly, and Kathryn who are all eliminated.


Question 4: What color was the second to last firework? Nicole, Michie, Jack, and Jessica answer blue. Everyone else answers red. Analyse, Bella, Kemi, Cliff, and Sam step down.


Question 5: What color were most of the star fireworks? Michie answers blue quickly. Nicole answers red. Jack and Jessica answer white. The correct answer is white. Nicole and Michie are out. Jack and Jessica are the final two remaining.


Question 6: What color were most of the emoji face fireworks? Both answer red and they are both correct.


Question 7: What color had the fewest fireworks? Jack answers blue and Jessica answers red. The correct answer is blue. Congratulations Jack, you are the new HOH!


Time to head to Camp Comeback and talk to David and Ovi! Julie asks what they think of their new digs? Ovi says he doesn’t hate it, he’ll take it! David says it’s better in here than the dark forest! He says he’s ecstatic, the game isn’t over yet. David says that was the best for now ever. Julie asks how Ovi is feeling and he says he’s had more awkward family reunions and he’s ready to come back in the game. Julie asks Ovi if he feels betrayed by any one person and Ovi says it’s a game and he’s not bitter. Julie asks who David wants to talk to? David would love to talk to Michie. He’s the one that banished him, but when David came in he was a big hype man. Julie wishes them luck!


With Camp Comeback officially open, it will be a week like no other. Sunday will be the next whacktivity competition. Who will win and what power will they receive? And they move to a new night next Wednesday at 9 EST. And the next live eviction will be next Thursday! For now, let’s eavesdrop as they get their first look at Camp Comeback. The HG are all saying wow and giving hugs.

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