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Big Brother Season 21-Episode 4

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Previously, on Big Brother, at a colorful clash for power, Christie emerged as the first HOH of the summer. With the game underway, Nick, Bella, Jack, Holly, Christie, Michie, Sis, and Tommy formed a super alliance. Kathryn was bad mouthing Michie which painted a target on her back. Needing a pawn to get Kathryn out, Christie enlisted a pawn, Cliff. But she made Kat believe she was the pawn. After Ovi overheard Nick and tommy spilling secrets, he unknowingly ratted them out to their own alliance.


So they formed a fake alliance with Ovi to cover their tracks. At a new competition for a secret power, Ovi sniffed his way to victory and earned the nightmare power! With noms looming, Kemi tried to push her own agenda, which rubbed Jack and Christie the wrong way. At the nomination ceremony, Christie stuck to the plan, but warned her target may shift. Tonight, it’s the first veto of the summer. Will it be used to save one of the nominees? Plus, BB20 winner Kaycee returns to surprise the HG. And there’s already cracks in the alliance! All this right now on Big Brother!


We pick up on Day 8 after the nomination ceremony and Christie says she’s nominated Cliff as her pawn and kat is on the blokc. And she wouldn’t mind if Kat went home, but there’s still veto and she’s ok seeing what the universe will send her way. Cliff was hoping something would change and he’s really hoping this isn’t some big elaborate scheme. But all he has to do is win veto and ensure his safety.


Kathryn says it sucks to be a pawn. She doesn’t have the personality for that, she has the personality to be running everything. None of these people would be messing with her in the real world. Ovi is happy that he doesn’t have to use his nightmare power yet. Kemi is talking to Bella and she says she can’t believe her showmance went home day 1! Bella says Nick could be her showmance and Kemi says that’s your showmance. Kemi loves Bella. They are talking about the guys and they don’t think Jack is hot. Bella says Nick is the only option for her. Bella says Kemi is down to talk smack with her about anyone and everyone. She loves Kemi. They say they should be in an alliance and name it rush hour.


Kemi says she likes jokes that hit her out of nowhere. Christie is trying to subtle to the Gr8ful alliance to have a meeting, but it’s hard with so many people. Jack says Bella is with Kemi, they are inseparable. Christie is telling Tommy, Nick, Jack, and Sis that she is good with the alliance. The only crack is how close how Bella and Kemi are and she thinks Kemi is the wedge. They think Kemi is the most dangerous. Nick suggest backdooring Kemi and Jack says you take the blindside when you can. Jack says Cliff and Kat are placeholders for Gr8ful for now.


Kat and Michie are flirting. Michie says hell no! He’s not getting in a showmance and his mom would kill him. We then see Kat and Michie in the hammock and talking about how much they like spending time with each other. Michie tells again, he is NOT getting in a showmance in this game. We then see the lights go out and Michie and Kat are making out and we see movement under blankets, Michie says Kat is hot and he says poor Mama, she’s seen enough. Michie then looks at the camera after making out with Kat and says we are NOT in a showmance.


Michie and Kat are in the KT and it’s 3 am. Christie is in the HOH room and she turns the TV on and sees it’s Kat and Michie. Sis is in bed with Christie. Christie says Kat, don’t you want to win the veto? Kat go to sleep? They talk about how immature Kat is and Christie says what an idiot! She’s literally putting a guy before her game. Christie says her alliance wants Kemi to go, but Kat seems more focused on her relationship with Michie and if she doesn’t want to fight to stay here, then maybe she’s the one who’s meant to go home this week. Michie tells Kat he doesn’t like sleeping alone, he never has.


It’s time to pick players for the veto competition! Only six people will participate in the veto competition, the HOH, the two nominees, and three other players selected by random draw. Christie calls Kat and Cliff up. Christie wants members of her alliance to get chosen so they can decide what they want to do. Christie draws Sam. Sam says he’s super, super excited. First veto comp of the season! He was the first name picked! Cliff draws HG choice and he chooses Jack. Cliff says he knows he’s been told he’s a pawn, but he wants Jack fighting on his behalf. Kat draws Nicole.


The doorbell rings and Kaycee comes in and the HG come in screaming. Kemi immediately runs for hug and Tommy is jumping up and dawn. Tommy says Kaycee was one of his all time favorites! Let’s Go! Kaycee says to be back in the BB house, it is so wild. She got a BB tattoo and she’s so pumped to host the veto competition. She’s the veto queen. Let’s go! She crushed the slow mo competition and now she’s back to host it.


Cliff comes out first and there’s food everywhere, on the floor, the tables, even a squirrel. There are cardboard cutouts of the HG ready to pelt him with food. Kaycee welcomes Cliff to the Camp BB mess hall. He must brave an out of control food fight to save Kaycee’s favorite food before catching them before they hit the floor. Who’s ready to play Food Fight!


Cliff knows he’s a pawn, but the only way he’ll ensure his safety is by winning the veto. First, he much catch onions for the salad storm. Cliff missed the first three. Cliff says he’s not had this much salad tossed in his face since a really bad date a long time ago, before the wife. Cliff doesn’t get any. Now it’s time for meatball madness, he’ll catch 5 points for each meatball caught. Cliff says as Kaycee always said last year, Let’s Roll! Cliff says he’s trying to catch the meatballs, but the marinara sauce is slippery and he keeps thinking of Josh and his big meatball. Cliff says that round was just as bad as the first. In the final round, Cliff has to slide down a table and catch strawberries and they are worth 10 points each. Cliff is very excited to win this veto. He runs and slides and turns over and one lands right on his chest, but it falls off. Kaycee says almost.


Christie is up next and she says what’s important is making sure nominations stay in her control. She says it’s impossible to see and one hit her in the head. We see Kat and she says she’s not wishy-washy pawn person so she needs to win the veto and take herself off the block. Kat looks confused and steps off the mat and slips and falls. We see Sam catch one and he says he really wants to win the veto because he wants the power. We see Jack next and he isn’t even close to the first onion. Nicole is up and she laughs at herself. Sam got one.


Kaycee says it’s time for meatball madness. Jack says he needs to win this so they can stay in control and put Kemi up. Kemi, Christie, Kat, and Nicole all miss. Nicole says the marinara sauce is so disgusting. Kaycee is using a tray to hide behind. Sam gets hit right in the mouth and falls down. Jack misses and falls to his knees and says brutal!


Kaycee says it’s time for the final round. Sam slides on the table on his knees and he caught a strawberry. Nicole just misses two strawberries. Kat slides on her back and she misses. Sam caught one on his second slide. Christie also slides on her knees and she catches one. Jack slides on his knees and he gets both. Kaycee congratulates Jack for catching two strawberries. Jack hopes that’s enough points to keep the power in their hands.


Christie finished with a score of 10 points. Jack’s score was 20 points. Cliff’s score was 0 points. Kathryn finished with a score of 0. Nicole got 0 points. It all comes down to Sam or Jack. Jack is praying Sam doesn’t beat his score. Sam got 21 points and he wins the POV! Sam says give him a second to relish in the spotlight. Kaycee gives everyone five and says see ya later! Sam says now he has power! What does he want to do with this? Kat says she really needed to win this one because she needed safety, but now she has to trust these people she’s only know for a little over a week. Jack says Sam is a wild card, but hopefully they can get him to do what they want this week.


Jack is in the lounge with Nick and Sam comes in and Nick suggests taking off Cliff. Sam says he’d like to do that. Jack says yeah, Cliff has been through enough. Sam says he wants to save Cliff because he was already up for banishment and he’s a dad like he is. But it’s a huge decision. Sam says Cliff seems more trustworthy and Jack says he’s a solid vote.


Michie is talking to Christie and Jack and he says they need to stay calm and not get cocky. That will kill their game. Jack says this is how the next four weeks will play out: Kemi this week, then Jessica, then Ovi, then it gets messy. Jack says he needs to make sure Gr8tful stays in power so they can run this season. Jack says Kemi needs to go because she’s a gamer, then Jess because she could win a power in the third whacktivity comp, then Ovi because he could create trouble. Christie says Jack is dictating everything and she can do without the mansplaining.


Nick is talking to Bella and the other girls are working out. Nick tells Bella to watch how Holly does lunges. Nick says Bella is awesome and he trusts her and he can tell her anything and it won’t get out. Bella thinks it would be better for their game if Kemi stayed and they got Kemi out. Bella says everyone in Gr8ful is on board to get Kemi out, but she really likes Kemi and Kemi has her back. Nick says he can talk to Christie and Sam.


Nick is talking to Christie and says if getting Kemi out really best for your game? Christie says she genuinely likes her, but she wants to do what the house does. Nick says he just wants to make sure she wants to do what’s best for her game. Christie isn’t really sure she wants to backdoor Kemi, but she thought that’s what her alliance wanted. But she needs to think about what’s best for her game.


Christie says she’s freaking out a little and she thinks Sam is going to use veto and force her to go through with Gr8ful’s plan and it’s not sitting right with her. Christie is talking to Jack and she says she doesn’t want to backdoor Kemi and Jack says she needs to go. Christie says Kemi isn’t hurt my game. Jack says the plan states…Christie says how does that help her game? She doesn’t want to make another enemy. Jack says Christie needs to stay true to her heart and her word. Christie feels this is so unnecessary. Christie tells us Jack needs to sit back and let her run her HOH or she could always put him on the block because she’s picking the replacement.


Christie is emotional and Jess and Tommy give her a hug and they go to the lounge to chat. Christie tells Tommy she doesn’t want to play everyone else’s game and she was making her decision on what she thought was a team thing. She tells us it’s too soon to backdoor someone and she feels like she’s doing someone else’s dirty work. She wishes Sam wouldn’t use the veto. Nicole comes and Christie says she feels like Jack is playing everyone and Nicole says she didn’t know any of this was going on.


Nicole tells us Holy Canoli! This is interesting! She’s finally in the loop. Christie tells us she feels like she doesn’t even know. Tommy is comforting Christie and she says Jack is so manipulative and she didn’t come to play the Jack show. Nicole says you need  to do what’s best for you mentally, physically, by your gut. Christie says she feels like she has to stay with Jack, but she thinks Sam will use the veto. She can’t believe she’s crying so much in this game already. Christie says she needs to talk to Sam.


Christie says she really needs to do some convincing with Sam. She doesn’t want Kemi on the block and we see her going to the HOH with Sam. Christie is crying and she says she loves this game and she feels like there are people playing very hard and very fast and she heard the same name being thrown at her and backdooring Kemi isn’t sitting right with her gut. Sam says what? Backdoor Kemi? Why?


Christie says Kemi came on a little strong and made some comments and when Jack heard that he strong armed everyone in his group to go after her. Christie says it’s the Jack show and she didn’t come here to play some man’s game. Christie says it’s his veto and he can do what he wants. Sam says he really wants to save Cliff. Christie says Cliff is regardless. Sam tells us he already promised to use the veto and it’s too early to go back on his word. So he needs to find some level ground with Christie to make it work.


Sam asks Christie if Jack would have the votes to go or is it too big of a move? Christie says she thinks Jack is making a target of himself and she doesn’t think he’s that smart. Ovi brings something up to the HOH and Christie gets it and Ovi leaves. Sam says can you put up Ovi? Christie says she could because putting him up means neither of them will be going back on their word. Christie tells us she could put up Jack because he’s a master manipulator, or she could put up Ovi who is a mystery in the game. Or she could do what Jack wants and put up Kemi. This decision could make or break her entire summer. Sam tells her it’s up to her.


Sam says this veto meeting is going to get a little crazy. He says he knows what he’s going to do, but he’s not sure what Christie will do. So everyone should buckle up because things could get a little bumpy! Sam calls everyone in for the veto meeting. Sam has decided to use the power of veto on Cliff. Since he has vetoed one of Christie’s nominations, she must name a new nominee.


Christie steps up and takes a deep breath. She says this sucks and she wants this to be as fair as possible. She’s going for a guy and a girl, Ovi, she’s so sorry. She’s going to go with him right now and this is not even a little bit personal. She is just trying to keep the balance. This veto meeting is adjourned.


Ovi says this hurts. He thought he was in an alliance with Christie. And he can’t even use his nightmare power. Jack says come on Christie! It’s been Kemi all week! Another stunt like this and it will be chaos. Christie says this game can change in the blink of an eye and she really doesn’t know who will be leaving the house. Who will be evicted Ovi or Kathryn? And what will the HG do when a new twist is unleashed on the house? Find out tomorrow on Big Brother!

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