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Holly Allen discussion thread


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232b06487c6bf65a_hollyallen.jpgHolly Allen

Age: 31
Hometown: Lander, Wyoming
Current city: Los Angeles
Occupation: Wine Safari Guide

Three adjectives that describe you: Spontaneous, sarcastic, and relentless.

Favorite activities: Fostering dogs, hiking with wine, and road-tripping with a camera in hand.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? 
I live on my phone. I'm a millennial. That will admittedly be a struggle.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?
I haven't watched it enough to have a favorite.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Oh, I have plenty of strategies already stacked up. Plan A-Z.

My life's motto is...
"Make them proud." I've lost a lot of people in my life and I always try to say "yes" to opportunities because I wish they were still here to experience them all too.

What would you take into the house and why?
- My dog (fat chance).
- Headphones to listen to music.
- A book to keep me sane.

Fun facts about yourself:
- I grew up teaching people to fly fish.
- I can sneeze like Donald Duck.
- I can ride a horse standing up.
- I rolled off of a 30 ft. cliff in a pickup truck and survived.
- I used to go down the Oregon Trail every summer in a covered wagon. With a bonnet on my head.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If people are confused about the "Beth" houseguest that is referred to in other places online, it's basically that David mistakenly called Holly "Beth" when he came back in the house and Holly was not having it.  So the internet is calling her Beth now.  Here's a video from a few hours later, David apologizes AGAIN, and Holly is STILL mad about being called Beth...


So, she's Beth now.

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3 hours ago, CrazyBBFan said:

She had so many bad things to say about Kat hooking up with Jack.  What goes around comes around.  It’s my understanding that Jack wants to break up with her because she doesn’t want to hook up with him because of the cameras.

Because of the cameras AND the crotch rash that she got.

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1 minute ago, Keepittogether said:

You’re joking right?  About the crotch rash I mean...

Oh, no, it's been a thing for about a week. She's been airing it out since it is apparently painful.  You can really tell from some of her backyard poses laying down at the end of last week into this last weekend. Hasn't talked about it too much the past couple days, so maybe she got it treated.

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1 minute ago, BBLurkerPlus said:

Oh, no, it's been a thing for about a week. She's been airing it out since it is apparently painful.  You can really tell from some of her backyard poses laying down at the end of last week into this last weekend. Hasn't talked about it too much the past couple days, so maybe she got it treated.

Ohhhhhhhhh that is SO gross.  Way to keep it classy Holly.  Your parents must be so proud. Sheesh!

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2 hours ago, valleyofthesun said:
12 hours ago, BBLurkerPlus said:

She's a MAGA-lover, so I doubt anything is too much.

And this comment was necessary why? 

Why not?  I figure anything discussed by HGs is fair game to comment on here and the LFUs are on the scene to hear and see everything discussed.  I don't get BBAD or Live feeds so I'm grateful for the updaters who work hard to keep us informed on the goings on in the house.

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5 hours ago, KarenP said:

Wow, talk about keeping it classy.



Anything is fair game in the BB house including being in a relationship with a man that's has been sleeping with your best friend in the house.   She’s the one talking about her conservative values and coming from a conservative family. 

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  • 1 month later...

To win BB, she need to win the final HOH, then make the boldest move in the game and puts up her partner Jackson. He would get all the votes to evict, making sure he never makes it to the final 2. Nobody beats him if remains all the way to the end. He as won too many comps without creating enemies that would against him out of spite. If in the final 2, there is good chance he'll sweep the jury no matter who else sits next to him.


Anybody that makes the move that gets Jackson out of the game will earn the respect of several on the jury.

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On 7/23/2019 at 6:42 AM, valleyofthesun said:

And this comment was necessary why? 


Instead, let's discuss her upper lip injections and makeup applications that have her looking like a whacked chick off a Rob Zombie horror flick.... 

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21 hours ago, echo said:

To win BB, she need to win the final HOH, then make the boldest move in the game and puts up her partner Jackson. He would get all the votes to evict, making sure he never makes it to the final 2. Nobody beats him if remains all the way to the end. He as won too many comps without creating enemies that would against him out of spite. If in the final 2, there is good chance he'll sweep the jury no matter who else sits next to him.


Anybody that makes the move that gets Jackson out of the game will earn the respect of several on the jury.


All the jury know Snackson cheated and broke the game as a result. No way he'd sweep the votes, and I doubt he'd win against anyone who is left just becase of that.

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7 hours ago, echo said:

Cheat how? 


It has been rumored that production talk to all members about Jackson. They were told not to say anything bad about him. They were also told not to say anything about his cheating.  Several of the players would talk in code about not saying anything about Jackson.

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