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Hi everyone! I am "Bunky's" niece. I am surfing all the greatest forums I can find to spread the word to please vote for "Bunky"! My Uncle Bill is the kindest, most carring family man and deserves for all his dreams to come true. I noticed on one of your threads several comments about his appereance changing...He does shave his head and has kept his weight off since BB2...he works out at Golds Gym on a regular basis! Please vote for Bunky! He is the greatest!



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Welcome to Morty's Bunkysniece! It's very sweet of you to post at message boards and campaign for Bunky. He's one of my my fav's so, I'll be voting for him too! :)

Feel free to make this your "go-to" site during the BB7 season and give us all the inside scoop. ;)

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no couldnt stand bunky

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People from a country other than the one you live in are commonly referred to as foreigners. It's not a bad word.

Nice and friendly are overrated.

When Katrina hit and we lost our home,we stayed with relatives in Baton Rouge which is where I'm from,but I was referred to as a "Refugee" by my insurance company. I was like WOW,I've never been a refugee before. :lol:

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Abby knows.

P.S. I'm distracted by your new avatar Abby.

Dirty. isn't it???

When Katrina hit and we lost our home,we stayed with relatives in Baton Rouge which is where I'm from,but I was referred to as a "Refugee" by my insurance company. I was like WOW,I've never been a refugee before. :lol:

That was so ridiculous to me, I think the correct term would have been displaced, but everyone said refugee, and I'm going hello? lets go to Websters please....

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BLAH...Wheres your face (avatar) at?? Getting a few tucks here and there? LMAO!!

Hi Bunkies Niece!! ~**WAVES**~

<<<<<here I am Cherokee....Thats my sexy picture :) ya like?

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