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Big Brother Australia - The Housemates


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Here is the current status of the Housemates in the 2006 Big Brother Australia House


The color around the name denotes their status:

Green = In The House - - Blue = Nominated - - Red = Evicted

Blue/Green = Intruder - - Brown = Removed from House

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Current Status: Evicted in week 4

age: 20

state: Victoria

Occupation: PA / Promo Model

Myself in three words: cheeky, mischievous, nice.

Personal motto: Bite my ass.

Are you going in with a strategy?: Don't know.

Deepest, darkest secret: I

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Current Status: Evicted on day 99

age: 26

state: Queensland

Occupation: Farmer.

Myself in three words: Cheeky, Altruistic, Farmboy.

Personal motto: Never say no to an opportunity, you never know where it'll take you!

Are you going in with a strategy? : No strategy, I don't know what to expect.

Did you ever get teased at school? Every day

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Current Status: Removed from house on day 70 for Rules Infraction

age: 19

state: Western Australia

Occupation: Bricklayer.

Myself in three words: Passionate, straight up, honest to a point.

Personal motto: Every day could be your last.

Are you going in with a strategy? : Yep, be myself.

Big Brother

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Current Status: Runner Up to Jamie

age: 22

state: Victoria

Occupation: Student / Nightclub Host.

Myself in three words : Vivacious, irritating, a bit crazy!

Personal motto: Keep it real, kids!

Are you going in with a strategy?: I'm going to try and be perceptive.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? The Queen of rock

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Current Status: Evicted in week 6

Notes: Had a steamy Love Triangle with Danielle and John

age: 21

state: Victoria

Occupation: Business student

Myself in three words: Honest, Generous, Direct.

Personal motto: Go with the flow.

Are you going in with a strategy? : Make people laugh and just enjoy myself.

Which endangered species would you eat if you had to? Whale (I

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Current Status: Evicted in Week 2

age: 21

state: New South Wales

Occupation: Student / Finance analyst

Myself in three words: Passionate, interesting, adventurous.

Personal motto: Think well then do well!

Are you going in with a strategy? : No - just be easy going & have fun!

If you changed your name, what would you change it to? Fluffy Blackwood.

If you could pash any historical figure, who would it be? Augustus

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Current Status: Evicted in Week 10

Notes: Had a steamy Romance with Krystal

age: 25

state: Victoria

Occupation: Carpenter

Myself in three words: Excitable, funny, charismatic.

Personal motto: Live every day like its your second last.

Are you going in with a strategy?: I don't think so - tell you when it's over.

Favourite film: Pulp Fiction.

Big Brother

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Current Status: Removed from house on day 70 for Rules Infraction

Notes: Part of a Love Triangle with Danielle and Dino

age: 20

state: Victoria

Occupation: Media and Communications student

Myself in three words: Eccentric, natural, exciting.

Personal motto: Love life.

Are you going in with a strategy? : To be who I am.

Phobias: Losing my legs.

Party trick: Wait & see.

Big Brother

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Current Status: Evicted on Mother's Day in Week Three

Special Note: Karen is Krystal's (19) Mother. She got pregnant at 16. This was a secret revealed at the end of week one.

age: 36

state: New South Wales

Occupation: Postal Worker / Mum - she has 3 children (including Krystal)

Myself in three words: Creative, compassionate & spontaneous.

Personal motto: An eye for an eye will make us all blind.

Are you going in with a strategy? : Be myself.

Phobias: Claustrophobia.

Which endangered species would you eat if you had to? Great White Shark.

Biggest regret: I don

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Current Status: Evicted in Week 8

Special Note: Claims she is still a virgin, but she has done everything else!!

Note: Proposed to by Jamie and Wed in 4th week - Probable Serious Relationship

age: 19

state: Victoria

Occupation: Promotions model

Myself in three words: Loud, out-going, fun.

Personal motto: Live every day like it's your last.

Are you going in with a strategy?: No.

If you were an ice cream, what flavour would you be? Bubblegum because it

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Current Status: EVICTED on Day 92

Special Note: Karen's (36) daughter. Fact was Unknown by other Housemates until end of 1st week!!!!

Note: Has steamy romance with Gaelan

age: 19

state: NSW

Occupation: Retail Assistant / Model

Myself in three words: Exhibitionist, glamorous, caring.

Personal motto: Everything in life happens for a reason.

Are you going in with a strategy? : No I'm not, I'm just gonna go in and take it as it comes.

Favourite film: Anchorman

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Current Status: Evicted in Week 5

Special Note: Selected as the "Insider" in the House by te public (and BB) in first week

age: 25

state: New South Wales

Occupation: Political Science student

Myself in three words: Loyal, Funny, Stupid.

Personal motto: Everything happens for a reason.

Are you going in with a strategy? : Yes. Not to tell you.

Most prized possession: I

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Current Status: Evicted in Week 2

age: 19

state: SA

Occupation: Psychology student

Myself in three words: Infectious, Drama Queen, Control Freak.

Personal motto: Do whatever comes naturally!

Are you going in with a strategy? : Befriend everyone first, lay low then let loose.

Favourite film: Fight Club.

Big Brother

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Current Status: The WINNER of Big Brother Australia 2006

Note: Proposed to and Wed Katie in 4th week - Probable Serious Relationship

age: 22

state: Western Australia

Occupation: Personal Trainer

Myself in three words: Quirky, original, player.

Personal motto: It'll be alright on the night.

Are you going in with a strategy? : Not at all, my plan is not to plan.

Phobias: Growing old + STD

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Current Status: EVICTED on Day 92

Note: In Love with 'Zoo Guy' on the Outside

age: 22

state: Queensland

Occupation: Big cat keeper.

Myself in three words: Determined, passionate, loving.

Personal motto: Set yourself goals, don't give up til you reach them. Never say 'cant'

Are you going in with a strategy? : Yes - Be myself.


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  • 4 weeks later...



Status: Evicted in Week 7 - INTRUDER introduced in week 4

Notes: Had a steamy Love Triangle with Dino and John

Age: 18

State: Southern Australia

Occupation: Host of 'Supre TV'

Myself in three words: Crazy, mysterious and loving.

Personal motto: Drop it like it's hot!

Which mutant superpower would you most like to have and why? : Invisibility, so I could eavesdrop.

Big Brother

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  • 1 month later...



Status: Evicted on day 78

Age: 19

State: Queensland

Occupation: Student

Myself in three words: Awesome, good looking, personable.

Personal motto: Don't take life too serious, you don't get out alive anyway.

Which mutant superpower would you most like to have and why?: The ability to heal myself.

If you were an ice cream, what flavor would you be? Vanilla

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  • 3 weeks later...



Status: Evicted on day 95

Age: 22

State: New South Wales

Occupation: Musician/waiter

Myself in three words: Confident, vain, fun

Personal motto: If you build it they will come.

Which mutant superpower would you most like to have and why?: Telekinesis. To control anyone and everyone.

If you changed your name, what would you change it to? Hurley Tweeder.

Deepest, darkest secret: I want a girlfriend. But don't tell anyone.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Famous.

Which endangered species would you eat if you had to? The American Bald Eagle.

Why I want to be a Housemate:

I affect people every day of my life. I hopefully affect them in a positive way most of the time, and I want the chance to affect Australia with every bit of brightness and with everything that makes me so different and special so that I can positively affect such a massive amount of people in one go. Yes, I could go join a TV series or soapie but the effect will be greatly lesser and in Big Brother I get to play the greatest character I know. ME! As an honest guy like me there are also all those smaller reasons, like being watched 24 hours a day would be AWESOME. Living with so many random people would be awesome. Not having control for the first time in my life would be awesome. Big Brother is a ride I simply cannot miss.

About me:

In the world I live in at the moment, I am like gravity. People are pulled towards me and they want and need to be around me for a reason they can't even tell you. I'm the biggest grub you've ever met yet also the most romantic guy around. In school I was called the DRAMA JOCK. I'm a man's man and a woman's man and you only have to be around me for an hour to realise just how special I am.

How I feel about being filmed 24/7:

I am honestly comfortable with being filmed for 24 hours a day in every aspect. I'm on show every day at work as a waiter. Every day people are watching me. I then go out after work. More people see me. I might bring a girlfriend home who'll see me naked or having a shower. And I pee in public every now and then so I don't care about getting seen using the toilet. Honestly.



Status: Evicted on day 99

Age: 20

State: New South Wales

Occupation: Caf

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