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97 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you happy about BB allstars?

    • Yes I cant wait to see all my old favs back
    • Heck No!! I want to see a whole new batch
    • Who cares! I am just glad BB is back
  2. 2. Are you happy the Audience gets to choose?

    • Very happy I cant wait to vote for my fav
    • Not at all I dont trust the public to vote good PLAYERS into the house
    • Who cares I am just glad BB is back

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So anyone that did not hate the friendship is a "phoney"? Wonder what that makes you? I have an idea or 2.

I think having Eric in would make for an interesting house. As for Will....I think he could use the same strategy and still win. After all he told everyone what he was going to do and it still worked. Lets face it there won't be rocket scientists in the house....:>

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I think you bring up a good point about Dr Will. Everyone has seen his strategy from the season he won. It was brilliant....BUT, he will not be able to use the same strategy. He is my favorite hg of all the seasons and if he makes it in the house, I will be interested in seeing what he does this time around.

I dont think so. Will openly admitted to everyone he was lying and cheating and backstabbing. People are stupid and I think he could use the exact same strategy this time, he could use it on absolutely every single former houseguest including people form his season. The only person it wouldn't work on is James. No one else is smart enough to listen!

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I actually can't see any of the Fiendship going back into the house...ESPECIALLY APRIL!!!!

Not so sure about that. I think Ivette may be in the running. I also think she would be crazy to do it again, don't get me wrong. However, if you go by who CBS is showing in clips on the commercials, those are the ones that may have agreed to be on the show. She is one of the few you can recognize the first time you see the commercial, along with Jase and maybe Will from BB2.

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So anyone that did not hate the friendship is a "phoney"? Wonder what that makes you? I have an idea or 2.

I think having Eric in would make for an interesting house. As for Will....I think he could use the same strategy and still win. After all he told everyone what he was going to do and it still worked. Lets face it there won't be rocket scientists in the house....:>

Well to each their own, seeing a steriod freak stalk about, lording it up to cover his own inadequacies because they're a short pice of crap, screaming 'lights out bitches' just don't do it for me.

But hey, if you miss 'Crappy' that much, just go to any hardcore gym. You'll surely see his type there and you can bask in all that baldy goodness!

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Well, if it came down to Cappy or Ivette back in the house then I would have to choose Eric Littleman over Ivette. He may have been ridiculous in his actions, but she was so annoying every time she opened her mouth or her face was on the screen!

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I am not thrilled at all about the all-star version. I would much rather have a house of all new people. I mean 1/2 the fun is getting to know them & watching as they slowly lose their minds to paranoia. With repeats we already know how they lose their minds :lol:

That said I have no choice but to try to look for positives in an all-star show. It might be interesting to see how they change their previous strategies & alliances. Also most of the HG do not personally know each other. They only know the people from their season so I really really really hope the powers at BB do not let too many people in from each season. I would die if they let too many in from last season. If they do that they might as well just rerun BB6 :D

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I'm actually looking forward to the All Stars Edition!! These people think they know eachother by watching them play the game each season. t'll be fun to sit back and watch them all try to figure eachother's game plan out.

As for Eric, I hope that bastard is on the show!!! I loved watching him hang himself.

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I'm not sure how I feel either.

The only good thing, I guess if you call it good.....Is that we know the different personalities and what not of each House guest.

While we think we know them from how they previously played. I think we will see some differences - only beause they can't really get away with what they did last time. They have to change things up. Plus hopefully everyone won't be as gulliable as they were the first time around.

They all know what has to be done to win - hopefully those that didn't last long the last time - will have learned something new. I think this will be interesting. Atleast that is what I tell myself getting ready for this season.

Less than 7 hours to go for me.

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I don't think you have to worry about seeing Eric again this year. Last I heard he was really disillusioned that he and his cult were so universally rejected the first time. No way would he go back in there again.

But, he will be there in spirit. If any of his minions are back, they'll resurrect his memory and erect that cheesy shrine again to inspire them. I actually wouldn't mind seeing Ivette again, though. She showed signs of humor once in a while, and kept things interesting.

The idea of having us vote people off has already been done in season one. We voted off all the controversial people right off and it was deadly dull after that. They sat aroung for over a month talking about relationships and Eddie's missing leg.

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Oh yeah, the shrine....my ace in the hole. Everytime certain people were called Kaysar Kulties, I brought up the shrine - gee, I don't don't know about some people but you can't get any more Kultish than erecting a crappy (no pun intended) shrine to someone you hardly know.

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Believe me you would have stuck your finger down your throat when you seen how he was and they idolized him. It was not only crazy but wierd! I never liked him!

Ivette, oh my god, I have never heard someone open their mouth more and spit out so much meaningless information. A sailor had a cleaner mouth than her!! BB7 can do without that latina! That or give her a good run for her money. If she is there bring her someone that will put her in her place.

Carvin you really need to hit the archives and watch last season. Completely crazy!!!

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Last year was way to extreme. I mean I love a good fight & some good scheming as much as the next guy but last year was a bit much. That's why I would hate for many Season 6'ers to make it in this year. I would like to see James make it in even though I think he acts a bit like a steaming POS I would like to see if he can continue winning vetos.

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That would be interesting to see.

I am still riding the fence on who I want to see back in. I will definately know in a few hours. Though we all know that whomever America picks the producers will counteract it with their nemesis.. I really hope it makes for a good season.

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