Fuskie Posted August 20, 2018 Posted August 20, 2018 Welcome to Week Nine of the Morty's TV Fantasy Big Brother USA contest for Season 20! And we're back for Week 9 and 30 points on the line, plus more Wildcards, and I'm making sure to get this out on time this week. With the number of HG rapidly decreasing, your odds of guessing correctly go up, so it's possible even now for new players to make a run for the Big Brother T-Shirt from Morty's TV! Be sure to check out the Wildcard Questions, good through the rest of the season, in addition to this week's questions. I've indicated which questions are no longer in play and each correct answer is worth 4 points. There's are so many great opportunities to score points and win the Morty's TV Fantasy Big Brother USA contest for Season 20! We're going to continue to extend the deadline for entries to 9pm ET Thursday, August 23rd. Please remember, you can only submit one entry per week (we cannot accept changes), so make sure your predictions are good ones! Contest standings will be posted at the end of each week, along with your Top 10 Fantasy Point Leaders. To make it easy to record your predictions, please copy the questions below into your reply post and include your prediction on the next line. Separate each question and response by a blank line. Note that your response to one question is not bound by your responses to the previous questions. In other words, the HouseGuest you predict will win Veto does not have to be one of the HouseGuests you predict will win HoH, be nominated or be picked to play Veto. Though we will wonder about your thought process. Unless otherwise specified, the response to each Prediction Question should be a HouseGuest currently in the Big Brother house at the time the weekly contest entry is submitted. Points are awarded for correct answers; no points are awarded for incorrect or incomplete answers. Because we don't know what Big Brother is going to do before he does it, we can only try to anticipate the events in the house for you to predict in the upcoming week. Questions for events that do not happen will be ignored with no points awarded. For example, if the Veto is not used, there would be no Replacement Nominee and that Prediction Question would not count. So without further ado, let's get to this week's Fantasy Prediction Questions. Which HouseGuest will win Head of Household (2 Points)? Which HouseGuests will be nominated for eviction (name 2 HouseGuests, 1 point each)? Which HouseGuests will be picked to play in the Veto competition (name 3 HouseGuests, 1 point each)? Which Houseguest will be chosen to host the Veto competition? (2 points)? Which HouseGuest will win the Veto competition (2 points)? Will the Power of Veto be used (Yes or No, 2 points)? If the Veto is used, which nominated HouseGuest will be saved (1 point)? If the Veto is used, which HouseGuest will be the replacement nominee (1 point)? Who will be the first HouseGuest to vote for eviction? (1 points)? Which HouseGuest will be evicted from the Season 20 Big Brother House (3 points)? BONUS QUESTIONS: Will Faysal learn the truth about JC & Brett lying about Scottie's vote against Rockstar (Yes or No, 2 points)? Will there be a Double Eviction This Week (Yes or No, 2 points)? Will Tyler use his Cloud App power this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? Will there be Have Nots this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? Will a new twist be introduced this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? Wildcard Questions These questions will remain in effect until if and when the event happens. They can only be entered once into the contest. Additional wild cards may be added, so check back weekly! Round One: Which HouseGuest will be the first to climb the climbing wall on a broadcast episode (4 points)? Answer: JC Which HouseGuest will be the first to threaten to DOR (Depart on Request, 4 points)? Answer: Kaitlyn Which HouseGuest will be the first to call a house meeting (4 points)? Sam Which HouseGuest will be the first to give up and not complete a competition (4 points)? Which HouseGuest will be the first to cast a mystery vote (4 points)? Answer: Kaitlin Which HouseGuest will be the first to win a tie breaker (4 points)? Answer: Scottie Which Houseguest will be the first to complete a secret task (4 points)? Round Two: In what Week # will the first Double Eviction occur (Week 4 through Week 13, 4 points)?* Rule clarification - this question will not count if you submit your guess AFTER the Double Eviction (if any) takes place. Which evicted HG will use the Bonus Life Power App for a chance to return to the game (Kaitlyn or Rockstar, 4 points)? Kaitlyn Who will be the last Houseguest evicted before the start of the jury (4 points)? Rachel Who will be the first Houseguest to join the jury (4 points))? Bayleigh Who will be the first Houseguest to intentionally start a fight (4 points)? Brett Will Pandora's Box make a return appearance (Yes/No, 4 points)? Who will be the first Houseguest insulted by Zingbot (4 points)? How well do you know Big Brother? It's time to put your knowledge to the test! Submit your entries before 9pm ET on Thursday, August 23rd!!
vyvashuss44 Posted August 21, 2018 Posted August 21, 2018 Which HouseGuest will win Head of Household (2 Points)? Tyler Which HouseGuests will be nominated for eviction (name 2 HouseGuests, 1 point each)? Fessy &Hayliegh Which HouseGuests will be picked to play in the Veto competition (name 3 HouseGuests, 1 point each)? Kaycee, JC & Brett Which Houseguest will be chosen to host the Veto competition? (2 points)? Sam Which HouseGuest will win the Veto competition (2 points)? Fessy Will the Power of Veto be used (Yes or No, 2 points)? Yes If the Veto is used, which nominated HouseGuest will be saved (1 point)? Fessy If the Veto is used, which HouseGuest will be the replacement nominee (1 point)? Brett Who will be the first HouseGuest to vote for eviction? (1 points)? Sam Which HouseGuest will be evicted from the Season 20 Big Brother House (3 points)? Hayliegh BONUS QUESTIONS: Will Faysal learn the truth about JC & Brett lying about Scottie's vote against Rockstar (Yes or No, 2 points)? NO Will there be a Double Eviction This Week (Yes or No, 2 points)? YES Will Tyler use his Cloud App power this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? NO Will there be Have Nots this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? YES Will a new twist be introduced this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? NO Wildcard Questions These questions will remain in effect until if and when the event happens. They can only be entered once into the contest. Additional wild cards may be added, so check back weekly! Round One: Which HouseGuest will be the first to climb the climbing wall on a broadcast episode (4 points)? Answer: JC Which HouseGuest will be the first to threaten to DOR (Depart on Request, 4 points)? Answer: Kaitlyn Which HouseGuest will be the first to call a house meeting (4 points)? Sam Which HouseGuest will be the first to give up and not complete a competition (4 points)? Which HouseGuest will be the first to cast a mystery vote (4 points)? Answer: Kaitlin Which HouseGuest will be the first to win a tie breaker (4 points)? Answer: Scottie Which Houseguest will be the first to complete a secret task (4 points)? TYLER Round Two: In what Week # will the first Double Eviction occur (Week 4 through Week 13, 4 points)? 9/10 its the double eviction! lol* Rule clarification - this question will not count if you submit your guess AFTER the Double Eviction (if any) takes place. Which evicted HG will use the Bonus Life Power App for a chance to return to the game (Kaitlyn or Rockstar, 4 points)? Kaitlyn Who will be the last Houseguest evicted before the start of the jury (4 points)? Rachel Who will be the first Houseguest to join the jury (4 points))? Bayleigh Who will be the first Houseguest to intentionally start a fight (4 points)? Brett Will Pandora's Box make a return appearance (Yes/No, 4 points)? NO Who will be the first Houseguest insulted by Zingbot (4 points)? JC
gishy333tx Posted August 21, 2018 Posted August 21, 2018 Which HouseGuest will win Head of Household (2 Points)? Tyler Which HouseGuests will be nominated for eviction (name 2 HouseGuests, 1 point each)?Faysal & Hayleigh Which HouseGuests will be picked to play in the Veto competition (name 3 HouseGuests, 1 point each)?JC Kaycee Sam Which Houseguest will be chosen to host the Veto competition? (2 points)?Angela Which HouseGuest will win the Veto competition (2 points)?Kaycee Will the Power of Veto be used (Yes or No, 2 points)?No If the Veto is used, which nominated HouseGuest will be saved (1 point)?Faysal If the Veto is used, which HouseGuest will be the replacement nominee (1 point)?Angela Who will be the first HouseGuest to vote for eviction? (1 points)?Sam Which HouseGuest will be evicted from the Season 20 Big Brother House (3 points)?Hayleigh BONUS QUESTIONS: Will Faysal learn the truth about JC & Brett lying about Scottie's vote against Rockstar (Yes or No, 2 points)?no Will there be a Double Eviction This Week (Yes or No, 2 points)?no Will Tyler use his Cloud App power this week (Yes or No, 2 points)?no Will there be Have Nots this week (Yes or No, 2 points)?yes Will a new twist be introduced this week (Yes or No, 2 points)?yes
KatFer Posted August 21, 2018 Posted August 21, 2018 Which HouseGuest will win Head of Household (2 Points)? Tyler Which HouseGuests will be nominated for eviction (name 2 HouseGuests, 1 point each)? Haleigh and Faysal Which HouseGuests will be picked to play in the Veto competition (name 3 HouseGuests, 1 point each)? Kaycee, Angela & Sam Which Houseguest will be chosen to host the Veto competition? (2 points)? Brett Which HouseGuest will win the Veto competition (2 points)? Tyler Will the Power of Veto be used (Yes or No, 2 points)? No If the Veto is used, which nominated HouseGuest will be saved (1 point)? Faysal If the Veto is used, which HouseGuest will be the replacement nominee (1 point)? JC Who will be the first HouseGuest to vote for eviction? (1 points)? Sam Which HouseGuest will be evicted from the Season 20 Big Brother House (3 points)? Haleigh BONUS QUESTIONS: Will Faysal learn the truth about JC & Brett lying about Scottie's vote against Rockstar (Yes or No, 2 points)? Yes Will there be a Double Eviction This Week (Yes or No, 2 points)? Yes Will Tyler use his Cloud App power this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? Yes Will there be Have Nots this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? No Will a new twist be introduced this week (Yes orNo, 2 points)? No
BBwatchr Posted August 21, 2018 Posted August 21, 2018 Which HouseGuest will win Head of Household (2 Points)? Kacee Which HouseGuests will be nominated for eviction (name 2 HouseGuests, 1 point each)? Faysal, Haleigh Which HouseGuests will be picked to play in the Veto competition (name 3 HouseGuests, 1 point each)? Faysal, Haleigh, Kacee Which Houseguest will be chosen to host the Veto competition? (2 points)? Tyler Which HouseGuest will win the Veto competition (2 points)? Kacee Will the Power of Veto be used (Yes or No, 2 points)? No If the Veto is used, which nominated HouseGuest will be saved (1 point)? Faysal If the Veto is used, which HouseGuest will be the replacement nominee (1 point)? Sam Who will be the first HouseGuest to vote for eviction? (1 points)? Angela Which HouseGuest will be evicted from the Season 20 Big Brother House (3 points)? Haleigh BONUS QUESTIONS: Will Faysal learn the truth about JC & Brett lying about Scottie's vote against Rockstar (Yes or No, 2 points)? No Will there be a Double Eviction This Week (Yes or No, 2 points)? yes Will Tyler use his Cloud App power this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? no Will there be Have Nots this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? Yes Will a new twist be introduced this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? no In what Week # will the first Double Eviction occur (Week 4 through Week 13, 4 points)?* Rule clarification - this question will not count if you submit your guess AFTER the Double Eviction (if any) takes place. Which evicted HG will use the Bonus Life Power App for a chance to return to the game (Kaitlyn or Rockstar, 4 points)? Kaitlyn Who will be the last Houseguest evicted before the start of the jury (4 points)? Rachel Who will be the first Houseguest to join the jury (4 points))? Bayleigh Who will be the first Houseguest to intentionally start a fight (4 points)? Brett Will Pandora's Box make a return appearance (Yes/No, 4 points)? No Who will be the first Houseguest insulted by Zingbot (4 points)? Faysal
Amy123 Posted August 21, 2018 Posted August 21, 2018 Which HouseGuest will win Head of Household (2 Points)? Angela Which HouseGuests will be nominated for eviction (name 2 HouseGuests, 1 point each)? Fesyal and Hayleigh Which HouseGuests will be picked to play in the Veto competition (name 3 HouseGuests, 1 point each)? Tyler, JC, Brett Which Houseguest will be chosen to host the Veto competition? (2 points)? KC Which HouseGuest will win the Veto competition (2 points)? Tyler Will the Power of Veto be used (Yes or No, 2 points)? No If the Veto is used, which nominated HouseGuest will be saved (1 point)? If the Veto is used, which HouseGuest will be the replacement nominee (1 point)? Who will be the first HouseGuest to vote for eviction? (1 points)? KC Which HouseGuest will be evicted from the Season 20 Big Brother House (3 points)? Fesyal BONUS QUESTIONS: Will Faysal learn the truth about JC & Brett lying about Scottie's vote against Rockstar (Yes or No, 2 points)? No Will there be a Double Eviction This Week (Yes or No, 2 points)? No Will Tyler use his Cloud App power this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? No Will there be Have Nots this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? Yes Will a new twist be introduced this week (Yes or No, 2 points)? Yes
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