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Friday, August 10, 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

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Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)
Blue bedroom  (BBR)

Pink bedroom (PBR)

The combined bedroom is (CBR)

The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR)

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Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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12:00 AM BBT Sam is trying to flip a hat onto her head while Rockstar watches. Sam is talking about the lighting. Sam can’t believe Bayleigh is gone. Can she just come back, can they have her back? Rockstar says maybe they can do a battle back. Sam asks Rockstar if she can explain a battle back. Rockstar explains it. Rockstar says sometimes the person that comes back in gets put right back up and sometimes all their people are still there. She says it depends and she says sometimes there is no battle back. Rockstar says let’s go upstairs and Sam asks why? Rockstar says so she can be on the couch and she doesn’t want to run after a bunch of people aren’t Haleigh’s friends. Sam wants to do the bridge meditation. Rockstar keeps talking and Sam has stopped and Brett asks who she’s talking to. Rockstar says Sam, she’s a person in the house and not her imaginary friend. Sam, Scottie, and Rockstar head upstairs. JC, Faysal, Angela, and Kaycee are downstairs on the LR couch. Brett is cleaning the KT.


12:05 AM BBT Angela is talking about Victoria’s secret models in the LR with the others. Rockstar says she used to have coffee up there with Winston and Scottie didn’t know that was the coffee spot. Rockstar says when she was in sequester she’d get up at 4 because she was still on east coast time. She’d have her coffee then go sit by the window, then back to the bed and back to the window. Scottie says his view stunk. Tyler has joined the LR crew. Rockstar is talking about the HG who are at home and Sam asks if they are sure? Faysal and Tyler are talking about Kaitlyn and her telling them both she had feelings for them. Rockstar and Scottie are telling Sam that as the numbers get lower, Julie will start asking each HG questions. Faysal is telling the story of how he and Kaitlyn became close. JC says Kaitlyn said she was an open relationship. They talk about Kaitlyn saying she was in love with each of them.


12:12 AM BBT Who wants to see my HOH room? We get lots of cheers and everyone heads upstairs. Very loud cheers and drumming against the railing as Haleigh waits to be able to open the door. Haleigh got The Weeknd as her music. Everyone looks at her pictures. They ooh and ahh over the pictures and they think her mom looks good. Sam is holding back on the other side of the HOH room. Haleigh got some sweaters and she puts one on right away. Haleigh got chocolate covered pomegranate’s and those are her favorite. She also got baked Cheetos. There’s a little gift box and she opens it and she has a little plant and it says congratulations on your HOH! From Orwell and Pop!


12:15 AM BBT Haleigh promises to do her best to get through the letter. It’s from her mom and she’s already crying. Sam asks if she wants to read it alone.


Hey doll,

Congrats on winning HOH! Oh my goodness, I miss you so very much. All of the family are doing well and we’re so supportive. So just a few updates from home: I’m keeping up with our snow cone habit very successfully although not nearly as often as you did. I am stopping by a few days a week to enjoy the yummies and make sure to get extra cream.


I have also managed to continue my workout challenge and meal prep, less the snow cones, and I can’t wait until you see how strong that I have gotten. Thank you for all the support and push before you left. As I grumble and complain to myself the entire way to the gym, I keep hear you say you can do this mom, you’re doing great. That has pushed me to keep the journey going.


Scarlett is doing fabulous! I am taking extra special care of her sassy self while you are away, which means that she will be so much more spoiled than she was before you left. I attempted to take some pics to send you, but she just wasn’t in the mood. So it was an epic fail and I finally just gave up. Who is HOH here? Scarlett is.


Everyone sends their love and support, I love you so much.





12:18 AM BBT Haleigh says that made her so happy. Faysal wants to try the music out and make sure it works. Kaycee gets her music and she starts exercising and everyone is dancing. Sam is asking Haleigh about her pictures. Faysal and Tyler are listening to the music and we get FotH. We get feeds back and we hear Faysal, please stop singing.


12:20 AM BBT Haleigh is going through her basket and listing what she got. Sam says she knows Haleigh was trying to do her one-on-ones so she’ll leave her to it. Sam congratulates her again and gives her a hug. Sam leaves and Rockstar goes to grab something off the bridge. Faysal is singing again and we get FotH. Tyler reminds Haleigh to put her laundry in the HOH bag and he says to let him know when she wants to do the one-on-one. HG are filtering out so Haleigh can do her one-on-one with Kaycee.


12:25 AM BBT Haleigh and Kaycee are alone in the HOH room and Kaycee congratulates her. Haleigh says she wanted to tell Kaycee first about her vote because she knew Bayleigh and Kaycee were close. JC and Faysal are in the lounge and they are talking about Sam again. JC says Rockstar is chasing Sam around like crazy. Kaycee says this is so stressful and whatever Haleigh decides to do, she respects it. She knows it won’t be an easy week, especially with the hacker. Haleigh says whatever she does is probably going to undone. Haleigh says she was hoping after all the one-on-one’s things would be clear. Haleigh says it’s dragging because she gets all the great stuff, but then she has to deal with the game. Kaycee says Haleigh has never crossed her radar. Kaycee says she respects it either way and she’s in a tough position and there’s a comp that can mess it up.

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12:30 AM BBT Kaycee says she cares about everyone in the house and she doesn’t want to see anyone crying or upset. Haleigh says plus we’re stuck together the rest of the summer and Kaycee says the rest of our lives. Haleigh says Sam is having a really hard time. JC interrupts and he says he wants to ask a question really quick. He leaves and Haleigh thought she’d be doing this forever. Kaycee again says Haleigh was never on her radar and she respects her decision. Kaycee says she’s not super tight with anyone, she’s just trying to be friends and be there for everyone. Haleigh says I care about you peanut. Kaycee says you’re halfway through, let’s finish strong. Kaycee says I love you and Haleigh says I love you too. JC wants to know if Haleigh told Sam anything about what he said and she says no, she thought people were making fun of her. Faysal walks in and Haleigh says knock! Faysal heads downstairs and lays down in the bed with his bandana over his eyes.


12:35 AM BBT JC says Sam is making him uncomfortable because Rockstar is chasing her around. JC says and Scottie and Rockstar came upstairs while she was in DR and Sam joined them. He just wants to let her know because they need to pay attention so they don’t mess anything up. JC says he’s freaking out right now because Sam is freaking out because she thinks people are making fun of her. JC says no one in this house has ever disrespected her. JC says Bayleigh would be here now if Sam had told him and Faysal how she was voting. JC says Sam didn’t know how she was going to vote. We hear Scottie, stop that! But we can’t see what he’s doing. JC says Haleigh needs to talk about anything he understands and will be there. JC says he understands Haleigh not telling him about the hacker. Haleigh says she didn’t tell anyone. JC says he wasn’t mad Haleigh didn’t tell him, but that she didn’t tell Faysal.


12:40 AM BBT JC says don’t let these people get in our heads and let’s play smart. Haleigh asks JC what he thinks about Kaycee next to Angela. JC says if there was no hacker thing, he’d be with her 100%, but she shouldn’t take that risk right now. JC says don’t make the same mistake Bayleigh did. Haleigh says which was? JC says she went crazy and put people on the block who never once threw her name out or targeted her. Haleigh says she’s heard they are trying to turn Scottie against her, but she can’t say anyone is targeting her openly, except Tyler. JC doesn’t think Tyler is targeting her. Haleigh wants Tyler out of the game and JC says he likes Tyler, but he doesn’t talk much game with him because he’s a big target. Faysal comes back up and knocks this time. Brett, Scottie, and Kaycee are all in the WA. JC says he gets what Haleigh is saying, but he thinks she needs to be safe until she has the hacker in her pocket. JC says if Haleigh nominates those two and then gives her speech and she finds out what Scottie says wasn’t true, then she’ll have blood on her hands.


12:45 AM BBT JC says what’s beneficial for his game is also beneficial for Haleigh’s game. JC says it’s crazy because they are all paranoid and it’s irritating that Sam is going around crying. Haleigh says she’ll think about everything he said. Faysal says he doesn’t want to play this game anymore. Faysal says he can’t go anywhere with Rockstar popping up. Haleigh asks what’s wrong with him. Faysal says she trusts Scottie too much, he’s playing the whole F’ing house. Faysal says JC made a good point. Faysal says the Scottie situation is pissing him off because by her not addressing this, he wants to call Scottie up. Haleigh says no. Faysal says if Scottie is going around pitting him and her against each other, that’s bad for their game. He doesn’t understand. Haleigh says Scottie is not a threat. She says he’s not a game threat right now to either of them. Tyler comes up and rings the doorbell.


12:50 AM BBT Faysal and Rockstar are on the bridge. Faysal is saying he’s frustrated. Tyler and Haleigh are talking about general chatter at first, congratulations, etc. Haleigh says as far as what Tyler said about her playing Scottie, she would never do that. Haleigh says she genuinely likes him because they can talk about their dragons and have fun. Tyler says he believes her. Haleigh says she would like to think if she could just be honest, she would not want to come after him, but she feels like if she don’t he will come after her. Tyler says he just doesn’t understand why Bayleigh blew up on him. Tyler says he knows he’s good at competitions and Haleigh says it’s not personal. Haleigh says her and Tyler were friends and talked a lot, but then suddenly he stopped talking to her and so it hurt her feelings. She doesn’t know where she stands with Tyler. Tyler says she was never a big target for him, but he understands it’s a game and they’ll be friends outside of the house. Tyler apologizes for everything that’s happened and she apologizes too. She says she could have made an effort too.


12:55 AM BBT Haleigh says she knows Tyler is coming after her now and she has to keep that in a mind from a game perspective. Tyler asks if she thinks she’ll put him up right away or backdoor him. He wants to know if he’ll have a chance to get himself off the block. Haleigh says or I could not put you up. Tyler says he would remember that if she didn’t put him up. Haleigh says she doesn’t think Tyler wanted to work with her and now it’s a different situation. Tyler says before this he was never in any fights and he feels like he yelled too much the other day and now he feels bad. Haleigh says she would never play Scottie. Haleigh says she didn’t want Scottie on the block at all, that’s why she took him down. Tyler thought it was Haleigh trying to get Scottie back up there and Haleigh says she never pushed that. Tyler says he just wants to look out for Scottie.

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1:00 AM BBT Haleigh tells Tyler she would never take advantage of Scottie. Tyler thinks Scottie is a very genuine person and Haleigh agrees. Haleigh says she’s going to feel like a dumby if he gets her out of this game. Tyler says he can offer a pinky promise. Haleigh says she doesn’t know if Tyler can trust her. Tyler says actions speak louder than words. Haleigh says she has to put up two people tomorrow and she has to think about what’s best for her game. Haleigh says she needs to be sure to put up people that…and she doesn’t even know how to justify it. Tyler says he’s not going to throw people under the bus and Haleigh says she wouldn’t expect to him to name names. Tyler wants to know if she’s going to give him two chances to take himself down, or one chance. Rockstar on the bridge still talking to Faysal and she says she understands Brett because they’ve both been on the block twice and it sucks and some people haven’t felt that at all.


1:05 AM BBT Haleigh tells Tyler she felt like everyone in the house is talking about game except for her. Tyler says he feels the same way! Tyler says he didn’t put Haleigh up on his HOH and she needs to remember that so she shouldn’t put him up. Rockstar is wondering what the hacker comp is going to be. Haleigh says they just need to make an effort to talk and Tyler says he’ll check in with her this week. Tyler says so you don’t know what you’re going to do yet? Haleigh says she has a couple of ideas and she wants to make sure it’s beneficial for her game and not someone else’s. Tyler tells her to do what’s best for her.


1:10 AM BBT Haleigh says Scottie is always pushing her to like Tyler. Haleigh says Scottie really loves you. Tyler is telling Haleigh he’s a man of his word, he recaps that he promised Bayleigh he wouldn’t use veto for her and that Rachel told him about her power app and he voted Rachel out for her. Tyler says he and Bayleigh cleared up everything. Tyler says they can build something if she wants to. Haleigh says it stinks it took an HOH win for this to happen. Haleigh says a house meeting, an hoh win, blood spewing at Tyler. Tyler says that was crazy! RS rings the doorbell and asks if they are doing their one-on-one. Haleigh says yes and RS says she wants to tell Haleigh something before bed. Tyler says if you want me out, just backdoor me. Haleigh says she doesn’t know if she wants to do that. Haleigh says she was just thinking Tyler is working with everyone in the house but her and that’s why she put him up while she was hacker. Tyler swears he’s not mad at her about it.


1:15 AM BBT Haleigh says tell me you’re mad because there is no way you’re not. Tyler finally says he’s mad. Tyler says if Haleigh doesn’t put him up tomorrow, then he’ll see he can trust her. But if she wants to backdoor him, will she send him an email? Tyler says are you going to put me up? Haleigh smiles and says she can’t say whether or not she’s going to put him up, but she’s thinking of not putting him up. Tyler says he is going to win the veto if she puts him up. Tyler says that was so hard for him and he couldn’t read any of them. Haleigh says her and her friends type like that sometimes because it’s a Spongebob thing and Tyler says he should have thought of that! Tyler tells her he will win the veto if it’s anything physical. He says it’s different if he’s on the block because he’s got to try harder. Tyler says he made a pinky promise.


1:20 AM BBT Tyler says if she nominates him he’ll be mad about it but he’ll play in the veto. Tyler says if he’s the hacker he will take himself off. Tyler says if she backdoors him he’ll understand. Tyler says he sucks at this. Tyler and Haleigh wrap it up and hug and leave. Faysal comes in and wants to know if something is true. He asks if right before the Rachel/Brett eviction if Bayleigh told Tyler that Rachel needed to go. Haleigh says she heard that Faysal flipped. Faysal says Tyler was the only other person in the room and Haleigh says Bayleigh never told her that. Haleigh didn’t know she wanted Rachel gone. Tyler says Bayleigh was trying to tell him Scottie flipped. Tyler leaves and Rockstar comes in with Faysal and Haleigh.


1:25 AM BBT Faysal is talking to Haleigh and Rockstar about the Brett/Rachel vote still. JC is talking to Kaycee about winning veto and throwing Scottie under the bus. Haleigh asks Rockstar to leave. Haleigh asks what is wrong with Faysal right now? Faysal says he doesn’t care about the game right now. Haleigh says that’s a liability for her. He says put me on the block and send me home. Haleigh says if you didn’t do it, then say you didn’t do it and get the F over it. Because she just got on good terms with Tyler and then Faysal puts Tyler on the spot right after. Haleigh says Faysal is out of control. Haleigh says she believes Faysal and it doesn’t matter. Faysal says it does matter because Scottie is lying. Faysal says is that not a problem to you? Haleigh says not an immediate problem. Haleigh says I am not putting Scottie up! Faysal says he is so frustrated that Scottie has been doing this week in and week out and he’s frustrated because he’s doing things right the whole game and hearing Scottie say that makes him mad. Haleigh says she’s never seen anyone get so emotional over something they didn’t even do. Faysal says he doesn’t care.

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1:30 AM BBT Haleigh says if Faysal does another one of these little episodes she will stop communicating with him. He laughs. She says it’s not funny, it’s not sane, it’s not a smart game move, and she doesn’t appreciate it. She says this is a game she came here to win and he can’t get mad every time someone tells her a lie about him. Faysal says but he wants her to see through it. Haleigh says she told him she believes him. She calls Rockstar back in. Rockstar is telling Haleigh that Sam is so upset. Sam says Tyler and Angela told her something that was a complete lie. Rockstar says she pinky swore not to tell but Sam wants Tyler and Angela out. Rockstar says Sam said she is tired of these fake people. Haleigh says she just had a conversation with Tyler where they cleared the air and he wants to work with Haleigh going forward. Rockstar says Sam said Tyler has so much power and she wants to take him out and Angela is fake. Haleigh recaps her conversation with Tyler.


1:35 AM BBT Haleigh says if she were thinking about anything she’s thinking about putting Kaycee next to Angela. Rockstar is good with that and Faysal agrees. Haleigh says really, because JC wants her to put Sam up. Haleigh thinks JC wants Sam up because he thinks Sam is coming after him. Haleigh says she pinky promised Sam not to put her up and Sam promised not to come after Haleigh the rest of the game and Rockstar says she won’t. Faysal says pinky promises have gone a long way in this game and Rockstar starts laughing. Haleigh says if she does put up Angela and Kaycee and the hacker pulls one down, then puts one of them up. Haleigh says if one of them is sitting next to Kaycee, they don’t have the numbers to stay. Rockstar says they have Sam and Faysal says maybe. Faysal says one vote would be cancelled. Faysal says if it’s him on the block they will cancel JC’s vote. Rockstar says you still have me, Sam and Haleigh says Scottie. Faysal laughs and says the reliable Scottie…Sam and Scottie are downstairs cleaning the KT. Haleigh is going to take a shower.


1:40 AM BBT Haleigh tells Rockstar she can take HOH showers all week. Rockstar says she’s going to sleep upstairs with Haleigh all week except tonight because she’s sleeping alone. Faysal says he doesn’t care. Sam and Scottie are talking about Scottie’s family. Talk in the HOH room has turned back to Sam. Haleigh didn’t eat dinner. Haleigh says she told Bayleigh before she left that she’d see her next week and to keep the jury house warm.


1:45 AM BBT Faysal asks Haleigh what she said in her one-on-one’s with Angela and Kaycee. Haleigh says she just listened and Angela threw Sam right under the bus. Faysal says really? Faysal says Angela must know it’s between her and Kaycee and Sam as nomination options. Faysal says Bayleigh and Kaycee were tight and Bayleigh couldn’t get Kaycee’s vote. Faysal says Kaycee is doing whatever the HOH wants to keep her safe. Sam tells Scottie she misses InstaGranny. Scottie says he was in the bed with Brett and she scared the crap out of him. Faysal says maybe Sam is a superfan and she’s just playing them. Rockstar and Haleigh say no way. Rockstar says another reason Sam is mad at Tyler is because he reminded her of her brother and so she confided in Tyler about her power and he told everyone. Faysal says maybe Sam is just throwing them under the bus. Faysal says he spends just as much time with Sam as she does and they disagree. Faysal says he has stayed up until 6am with her sometimes and he’s never talked game with her.


1:50 AM BBT Rockstar doesn’t think Sam is playing them because 1. She wouldn’t have been crying, like heartfelt crying. And 2. Sam doesn’t talk game, Rockstar talks game to her. Faysal says they have to win the hacker comp. Haleigh says she could hear people screaming when she won. Rockstar says she heard that too. Scottie and Sam are still talking. Scottie says he’s not reckless with big decisions, he probably over thinks them. Haleigh tells Rockstar she needs to win next week so she can see her kiddos. Faysal says they needed to win this week or they were screwed. Sam is giving Scottie relationship advice.


1:55 AM BBT Rockstar wants to know if Angela is so prideful that she doesn’t think she could be wrong. Rockstar thinks Bayleigh would be happy if Tyler or Angela came in after her. Faysal says F yeah. Rockstar loves the picture of Haleigh and her mom in Vegas. Rockstar wants a new picture of Isaac if she wins HOH. She thinks he has hair by now. FotH.

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8:31AM BBT Rockstar and Hayleigh in the HoH chatting. Hayleigh practices her nom speech for Angela. "I have built a personal connection with every person in this house" - Rockstar interjects, "there's not one person I don't really like" - then Hayleigh continues, "but I did have to put two people up, so...Angela (as she laughs) this is not a personal, malicious attack on you" then she laughs and says "just kidding - this is a blatant attack on you. Um, Angela" - Rockstar interjects, "you're boring, pretentious" - Haleigh laughs again and says, "BE SERIOUS! Angela... I want you to know this is not a personal attack on you. This is not something I take very lightly, with the way everything went last week I honestly didn't see..." she struggles with this part and Rockstar offers, "there's no way I'm not a target for you."  Haliegh tries that, then says that will lead them to ask why she's not putting Tyler up (and she says she's trying to backdoor him).  They chat a bit more and Rockstar gets catty about Angela then adds, "I hope she feels fuckin' DUMB because a once in a lifetime opportunity was made to her."  Conversation trails off.


8:34AM BBT Rockstar tugs at her spandex bottoms as she wanders off to the HoH WA. You hear her apologize to Haleigh "sorry, I'm just...Fabrezing myself..."


8:39AM BBT Hayleigh and Rockstar discuss Brett, then conversation drifts to who they want to keep around to the end that wouldn't win against them.  They discuss ways to get Fessy out eventually.


08:41AM BBT Rockstar tells Haleigh about a party Brett said he threw at his fraternity where they took all the dogs from a shelter and people were day drinking and adopting dogs. She says he's a good kid.  Hayleigh says he may be making that up to get on Rockstar's good side. She finds the story unbelievable.  She sings in a low voice, "I'm a genie in a bottle" line from the song for the umteenth time this morning.


9:07AM BBT Haleigh talking about a conversation where JC says "we have" to her and she says she thought "no, 'I'...WE don't have shit" saying he's not part of their alliance. She then says they have a 3 or 4 person alliance left because they don't know where Scottie is. They talk about how JC is playing them and Rockstar says that putting JC up would be super suprising, but Fessy would be livid.  Haleigh does the genie song again quietly. BB FINALLY tells her to stop singing. [THANK YOU BB! - BBLurkerPlus]


9:09AM BBT Fessy is called to the diary room. [Coincidence?]


9:10AM BBT They go back to talking about the timing to put JC up. Haliegh says if she gets the hacker power she will do it secretly so Fessy doesn't know she was the one that did it.




10:10 AM BBT Tyler is guilting Sam as she showers, telling her she's the only one he wanted to talk to after he was attacked by Bay, but Sam didn't want to talk to him.  Conversation dwindles and Tyler heads out.


10:11AM BBT Rockstar tweezing out hair (hairs?) in her chin in the WA while Sam continues to shower.


10:12AM BBT Sam announces today is her brother's 23rd birthday.


10:16AM BBT Feeds go to prior seasons. Nom meeting already? Hacker comp?

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12:40pm bbt  Angela and Kaycee - Angela figuring out if there's a replacement nominee it should be Sam because she'll volunteer to be voted out.   They're going through the potential voters whether it's Sam or Rockstar up with one of them.   Taking into account what the hacker might or might not do.

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11:14 AM BBT Feeds are back and everyone is hugging. Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee are in the BR and Tyler says he’s getting backdoored. Angela says just don’t freak out and Kaycee says she’s just chilling. Faysal and Scottie are in the HOH. Faysal says he’s played this game so real. Faysal says he was so adamant the week Swaggy went that no one flip. Angela says F, I just didn’t want to be in the DR all week. Angela says that was a BIG move. Angela says it’s so stupid. She just put up two people who weren’t targeting her. Angela says dumb, dumb. But she thinks Haleigh is trying to backdoor someone. Kaycee says at least they have hacker and veto. Kaycee has a feeling. Someone’s in the ear. She wonders if someone is saying something about her, but she’s chilling. JC comes in and says it was Scottie. Scottie got in her head. JC says and Sam going crazy and hanging with them? Angela says they can go kiss her a**.


11:20 AM BBT Angela says they can just hang out in public now. JC is told not to obstruct his microphone. Angela wants to wear one of Kaycee’s headbands. Angela pulls out some gummies. Haleigh goes into the HOH room with Faysal and Scottie. Scottie is telling them about Bayleigh making him swear on the bible. Haleigh starts to leave so they can talk and Scottie says no apparently they need more than just them in the room when they talk. They are talking about the rumors that have been going around. Kaycee tells Tyler that she thinks Scottie is in her ear and Tyler says don’t say anything to Scottie ever again. Tyler asks what the hacker plan is and Angela says I don’t know. Kaycee says and here she thought they were an all-girl alliance. JC is told to not obstruct his microphone again. Scottie is really good he and Faysal cleared everything up.


11:25 AM BBT Rockstar has joined the HOH with Haleigh, Faysal, and Scottie. Haleigh says they all have to be on the same page right now because the most important they have to do is coming up soon. Scottie says if he wins everyone will probably know. Faysal really wants to win. They talk about the previous votes. Haleigh asks Faysal if it’s ever crossed his mind that JC is making stuff up and lying to both sides. Tyler says no peanut allergies today. Tyler says Sam is gone to the other side. He says he would check on her game wise but the other side checked on her personally. Angela is told not to obstruct her mic and Kaycee suggests they go into the HNR. Kaycee says Sam F’ing put her up and Haleigh could have gotten less blood on her hands. Tyler says they got Sam by talking to her, she’s playing a personal game and Kaycee says and now she’s F’ing their game up. Kaycee says this is so F’ing annoying. Tyler says if he wins hacker, he’ll take down Kaycee and put up Rockstar. He says he’ll put himself in veto and Kaycee says they should be fine. Kaycee says she’ll be fine and they are good.


11:30 AM BBT Angela joins them. Kaycee says F’ing Sam. Angela says they need to put Rockstar up if one of them wins hacker. Kaycee says F’ing Sam. She put both of them up and she’s an emotional F’ing wreck. Tyler says people started thinking he had a F2 with Sam and he had to distance himself. Angela says Scottie has definitely been in their ear. Tyler says Scottie is telling her everything we were saying. Kaycee says little F’er. Angela and Kaycee say there was no reason to put them up. Angela says she told Haleigh she doesn’t think she’s the hacker. Angela says this was literally not the least blood on her hands. Angela says Sam wanted to go on the block. Tyler says it’s a plan to backdoor him.


11:35 AM BBT Tyler says it’s a good thing she is trying to backdoor them. Kaycee says we just have to win hacker and veto. F them, we will be fine. Tyler says he can win the hacker. He got three last week. Angela asks if he thinks it will be the same thing and he says he doesn’t know but he’s dialed in right now. Kaycee says no matter what happens I love you guys. They says it’s a good thing they have the hacker thing. Angela says a lot can happen and maybe JC will get caught in his little back and forth and get backdoored. JC has joined the HOH room. Angela says the main thing is they have to stay calm and relax. Tyler says at least you know who put you up. Angela still thinks the hacker was Bayleigh. Angela says F Sam and her little rogue vote. Tyler and Angela hug and Tyler says no one F’s with my girls. Angela says it will suck if I have to campaign against you. Angela says we just need to get everything done and we can control who goes home. We’ll take Scottie’s vote and it will be 2 to everyone else. (with Rockstar on the block) Angela says as long as there isn’t two of us up, we’re good.

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Brett leaves group in BBR and primps in WA. Then sitting out at kitchen island eating peanut butter on a spoon and dipping one piece of chex cereal at a time into the peanut butter. Sitting all alone. Joined by Scottie after a while. 

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