IndyMom78 Posted July 26, 2018 Share Posted July 26, 2018 Previously, on Big Brother, Sam got a power app in the BB App Store and she let Tyler in on her secret. Faysal and Kaitlyn became good friends in the house, but his heart belonged to Haleigh. With a bromance on the block, Brett liked in his eviction speech to turn the house against Rockstar and after Winston got to stepping, the Pagan witch unleashed hell on the hacker. With the welder wielding power, she was tight lipped on her targets. At the nomination ceremony, Sam cast the first stone. Tonight, the power of veto shakes up the house like never before. Plus, BB legend Rachel Reilly returns! All this and more right now on Big Brother! We pick up on day 31 after the nomination ceremony. Sam says she nominated Kaitlyn and Haleigh who have very little respect for others and themselves. She’s old-fashioned and to her being a lady is what makes her empowered. She doesn’t think either one of them has the grit it takes to return, and if they do return they can easily be sent back out. Kaitlyn says it sucks being nominated, but she is not the victim. She just has to go out and win POV because she is not the type of girl to ever give up. Haleigh didn’t like Sam’s speech and Sam doesn’t know her integrity or character. She just needs to fight for veto. Faysal says the nominations couldn’t have gone worse because he has two allies on the block and hopefully he can play in the veto. Rockstar says Sam’s speech was off-putting. Kaycee didn’t like the way Sam’s speech came at Haleigh and Kaitlyn, she doesn’t think either of them are playing the guys and that was savage on Sam’s part. Sam and Kaitlyn talk in front of everyone and Sam she’s the type of lady who thinks actions speak louder than words and she’s not going to go ten rounds talking about it. Haleigh says she doesn’t think she doesn’t respect people. Sam says that’s fine, take whatever fire is fueling you into competition. We see Haleigh go into the BR and we hear her crying. Haleigh tells us the most upsetting part is…and she’s emotional. She says she doesn’t want her family seeing that and thinking people believe that about her. Sam and Tyler talk and Sam says she’s just trying to get to veto and if she has to make a replacement nominee it’s going to be Rockstar because she’s close to the two nominees and she’s having problems with Brett and she’s someone who will be easy to get rid of. Tyler says if one of them comes back Sam is still good with everyone. Kaitlyn is in the lounge and she is crying and Tyler comes in. Tyler tells Kaitlyn he has never had a conversation with Sam that he felt disrespected in any way. He doesn’t know why Sam came at them that way. Haleigh and Brett both come in. Kaitlyn is upset she tried to apologize to Sam and she just shut her down. Kaitlyn asks Sam if she wants to go talk and she goes to the HOH room. Kaitlyn says she’s not upset that she’s on the block, but she was hurt by two of things Sam said. One is that she’s disrespectful to men and two that she is doing the opposite of female empowerment. Sam says Kaitlyn is close to Tyler. Kaitlyn says if it were ever a man and woman on the block, she’d have the woman’s back. Kaitlyn says she’s an affectionate girl and she likes to touch and for that to be a downfall and to hear it from Sam is very sad. Sam asks why it’s hard to hear and she says Kaitlyn and Sam have very different ideas on what an empowered woman is. She commands and demands respect because she gives it and she doesn’t bat her lashes and ask for hugs. Sam says she has no intentions of changing nominations and she’s not going to compete any more or less than she normally would. Everything is happening for a reason. Sam and Faysal head into the HOH and Sam tells him to make himself at home and chill. Faysal says he’s been stressing over stuff he can’t control and Sam tells him not to do that. Everything is fine. Faysal says at this point in the game whatever move you make it’s going to upset someone. Sam tells him if he gets picked to play in veto he should play his heart out and do what he thinks is right. Sam wants him to stand up for himself and make up his own mind, she’s not going to pressure him. She says he is so kind and Faysal gives her a hug. Faysal says Sam is a bad b*tch, but she does have a soft side and that’s what he wants to get to. She’s so proud of him and he’s a huge, extremely good-looking dude and she’s proud there are men like him out there. Kaitlyn is laying down in the lounge and Faysal comes in and lays at an angle from her. Kaitlyn says she’s going home and she’s scared that if he wins veto he won’t use it. Faysal doesn’t want her to go home. Kaitlyn wants to know how Haleigh and Faysal got so close and how close they are. Kaitlyn wants to pick Faysal, but she want him to use it on her. She doesn’t want to pick him and then him throw it. Faysal says they are close, and he has mixed feelings about her, but he does want her to pick him and he does want her to stay in the game. Haleigh and Faysal are talking and Faysal asks Haleigh to pick him. She says she doesn’t want him put him in that position where he has to choose between her and Kaitlyn. Haleigh says she doesn’t want to look like an idiot for thinking he’s “that guy”. Faysal says it would kill him if she didn’t pick him. Faysal tells us he and Haleigh don’t get much alone time in the house and he does have feelings for her. Haleigh finally agrees to pick Faysal if she gets the choice. It’s time to pick players for the veto competition. Sam draws first and gets Houseguest choice and she picks JC. Kaitlyn wants to pick Fessy for this competition because he’d save her. She draws Rockstar. Haleigh gets Houseguest choice and she chooses…Faysal. Haleigh picked him because he already promised her he’d play for her. Kaitlyn is worried but she thinks she has him no matter what. Some of the HG are in the KT and the doorbell rings and it’s Rachel Reilly. She says she is back in the Big Brother house! Bayleigh says it’s Rachel and she’s a competition beast and amazing. Tyler is losing his mind right now because she’s a legend but he doesn’t want the dumb people to know he’s a fan. Rachel is here to host the veto competition! Kaitlyn is walking by Faysal and she asks if he’s saving her or not. Because if she can throw it to him she will and he says if you can. Faysal is talking to Haleigh and says Kaitlyn cornered him and made him promise to save her if she threw it to him. Faysal just wanted Haleigh to know in case Kaitlyn said anything. We’re in the BY and it’s time for the veto competition. Last summer, the slap, punch, kick machine took the world by storm. With Bro Fund Me, Rachel came up with an all new version. Bonk, chop, and spank machine. They will get a series of chops, bonks, and spanks and then answer a question. The person with the most points will win the veto. They get the first sequence and JC is a little small and is getting hit in a difficult area. Rachel asks what was the first action that happened twice. All HG answer spank and they are all correct and they all have 1 point. Rockstar wants to be spanked a little harder. Sequence number two is delivered. Were they chopped more or spanked more. The house is split and the correct answer is spank and Sam and Faysal get another point. Sequence number three. Which action happened four times. Everyone gets it right except Sam. Faysal has 3 and everyone else has 2. Sequence number four. Which action happened the most. The correct answer is chopped and everyone gets a point except Haleigh. Sequence number five. What happened immediately following the fourth spank? The correct answer is bonk and everyone gets a point. After five rounds, Faysal is still in the lead. Kaitlyn says this is going great and she’s still playing hard. Sequence number 6. What was the tenth action that happened? The correct answer is chop and Faysal and Kaitlyn get a point. Faysal has 6 points and Kaitlyn is in second with 5. Haleigh is so far behind she can’t win and Fessy hasn’t missed a single question. Time for the final sequence. Which action happened the fewest times? Kaitlyn is intentionally getting the question wrong to ensure he wins. The correct answer is bonk. Congratulations Faysal, he has won POV. Faysal says now he won the veto and he has no idea what he’s going to do. He loves them both. He met two strangers and he’s crying without even having known them a month. Kaitlyn and Haleigh are both in the DR and they are both saying it’s great Faysal won because he promised them he’d use it on them and they get to stay another week. Faysal and Haleigh are in the bedroom and Haleigh is laying down. Faysal asks why and Haleigh says it’s been a long day. Faysal asks if she trusts him and she asks why he’s so conflicted about it. He hugs her and says he has her. Kaitlyn is laying down on a bed and Faysal is talking to her about Swaggy. Kaitlyn says they are “the two” until the end. Kaitlyn says when she gets off the clock, whoever Sam puts up Haleigh will stay. Faysal says you would stay and Kaitlyn says she’s done more things. Kaitlyn asks Faysal if he promised her as well and he denies it at first and then says yeah. She wants to know why he would do that? She noticed a vibrational shift in Faysal and it’s freaking her out. She wants him to tell her the truth and asks again if he promised to save her and he says he didn’t promise to NOT save her. Kaitlyn is shocked and she can’t believe this. Faysal doesn’t want to talk about it anymore because it’s stressing him out. Kaitlyn says it wouldn’t be so difficult if he hadn’t promised them both the same thing. Kaitlyn wants Faysal to look her in the face and tell him if he’s going to use it on her or not. He says he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Kaitlyn says he KNOWS she’ll go home and now she feels so stupid. She can’t do this anymore and she walks out of the room. Tyler goes to talk to Sam and Tyler says now that Faysal has the veto and he’s pretty sure he’s going to use it he wants to make sure Sam is still going to put up Rockstar and not do anything crazy to throw things off. Sam says she’s not going to tell anyone who she’s putting up until she puts them up. Tyler asks about Rockstar and Sam shrugs. Tyler wants to know why Sam wouldn’t put up Rockstar up. Sam says why Rockstar, because it’s the easiest thing to do? Sam tells us Tyler wants her to tell him who she’s putting up and she doesn’t want to tell anyone because she doesn’t want anyone changing her mind. Sam says she is going to do what is best for everyone. Time for the veto meeting! Faysal has decided to use the Power of Veto on…Haleigh. Since one of Sam’s nominations have been vetoed she has to name a replacement nominee. Sam steps up and says Fessy won the veto and chose to use and now she’s forced to nominate a second person. She hasn’t really thought about who she was going to put and she’s going to put up someone she thinks the whole house really enjoys and is her best friend and she thinks he’s going to stay. JC says he would never do that to Sam. Tyler looks terrified. Sam puts up Rockstar. Sam then talks about the first power app and says it is automatically offered at the eviction. Whoever is evicted has a chance to come back into the house. Faysal says he did what he had to do and took Haleigh down. Kaitlyn is clearly mad at him. JC says Sam what are you doing? This is not how BB works, you don’t put your friends on the block. Sam wanted to put JC up because he would stay over Kaitlyn and she didn’t have the heart to do it so she put up Rockstar. Rockstar is hurt by Sam and she doesn’t know why she was the one over a bully. Kaitlyn says the wrath of Kaitlyn is about to come down and if she’s going to be evicted she’s glad it’s this week. If they want to play the game dirty, then she’ll play it dirty and Faysal will go home. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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