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Tonight, will the bros be torn apart? Or will the bonus life extend the romance? Previously, on Big Brother, a new twist called the BB App Store unleashed powers into the house. Sam got a power app to save an evictee. Although Tyler was truly loyal to his level six alliance, he had been successfully playing both sides of the house. With the nerd leading the herd, he decided to target two bros.


At the POV competition, Mamma Mia Scottie won again. The bros tried to sell Scottie on their vision of a backdoor, but the clairvoyant Kaitlyn had a vision of her own. And after Scottie confirmed her fears, she was ESPO’d. At the veto meeting, Brett mocked Kaitlyn while Scottie sealed the bros fate. Tonight, Winston and Brett will be broken up for good unless Sam decides to use her bonus life and give them a second chance at a half million dollars. 


Julie welcomes us to Big Brother and tells us it’s day 30 inside the BB house and this week after winning HOH and POV, Scottie is just one step away from his mission of splitting up the bros. Will Sam throw tonight’s evictee a life line with her power up? With a house divided, one vote can be the difference in which bro will stay and which bro will go.


Scottie says they have a bro sandwich on the block and he is happy with himself. He says one of the bros will be going home. The only thing that can screw things up is a power app. Winston says Scottie is an idiot and he’s just hoping it’s not him going home. Brett says it sucks and he doesn’t want to campaign against Winston, but if he were a betting man he’d bet on him. If they didn’t keep him, then it would be the most boring summer of their lives. Just look at him!


Kaitlyn says look who’s still on the block. They dug their own graves and she didn’t have to do anything. Winston and Angela are talking in the WA and laughing at Brett’s speech. Winston says his speech was good, but it might help him to stay. Winston is asking Angela what he should do, who he could campaign to. Angela tells us level six is on the block and they are going to lose an alliance member. She hasn’t talked to the rest of the alliance yet. Brett walks in and they start talking about his speech again.


Rachel, Kaycee, and Tyler are in the lounge and they are coming up with a game plan. Rachel thinks it’s better to keep Brett because he’s a fierce competitor and she feels like she’s a threat because she almost won HOH and POV and Tyler has won a few comps, so maybe keeping Brett would be better for them. Rachel says Winston is a liability. Kaycee feels comfortable with Brett staying. Tyler says they’ll be level five now.


Bayleigh wants to do something drastic with the game. Bayleigh is talking to Rockstar and Haleigh and they are discussing between Brett and Winston. They think Brett is the bigger the threat. Haleigh says Brett could sell a car with no engine and he has charisma and that’s someone who needs to go out the door.


Rachel, Kaycee, and Angela are in the have-not room and Sam comes in and she has two dots and one is Brett and one is Winston. Sam is having them draw and they are telling Sam they already decided who to keep and they decided Brett because he’s the bigger threat. Sam says she likes that. Rachel says they need 6 to keep Brett and Sam and JC voted with them in the past and they hope this week is no different.


We see Rockstar on the rock climbing wall and she’s screaming and she’s screaming and she’s afraid. They are telling her to kick-off the wall. JC says she needs to get off the wall, it’s like youre stuck between a Rockstar and a hard place. Angela comes into the HOH and tells Kaitlyn Rockstar is stuck on the wall and she comes out to talk Rockstar down. Haleigh is at the bottom and giving her directions. Rockstar finally gets down and she says that was so ridiculous.


Various HG are in the BY and Kaitlyn is grooming Tyler and Haleigh joins. The bros are playing pool. Tyler, Haleigh, and Kaitlyn are talking about who to vote. Kaitlyn says she is literally obsessed with Tyler. He’s proving himself in more ways than one to him. He says he’ll do what she wants to do and she has never had anyone say that to her, not even her boyfriend. Kaitlyn says she has the six votes and Brett is evicted from the BB house. Tyler says he’s kind of freaked out because he’s going to show his cards this week with his vote and Kaitlyn is going to be so mad at him, but he’s been loyal to level six.


Bayleigh, Haleigh, Kaitlyn, Scottie, and Rockstar are in the HOH and they are discussing votes. Kaitlyn tells them Tyler agreed to vote out Brett. Rockstar asks if Tyler agreed to that. Haleigh says Kaitlyn voted against them last week, but she has Tyler wrapped around her finger and they have no choice but to trust her.


Scottie and Tyler are talking in the HOH and Scottie asks Tyler how he’s going to vote. Tyler says level six wants him to vote out Winston and Kaitlyn and her people want him to vote out Brett. He’s in a situation where he has to show his cards and either way it’s going to suck and it’s going to hit the fan. Tyler is asking Scottie if he trusts his side and Scottie does.


Winston is talking to Sam and he doesn’t want to campaign against Brett. But maybe he can tug on her heart strings and get her to keep him this week. Winston says whoever votes to keep him, he’ll remember that. Sam says she’d be happy with either one staying. Sam says she has the bonus life and this is the last week she can use it on her terms and next week it automatically goes to whoever is evicted. Maybe if she gives it to the bros she’s gaining a powerful ally. She has a lot to think about.


Sam has the power to save an evictee, but what do Sam’s friends and families think she should do with the Bonus Life. We meet Kitty, Sam’s mom, and she says Sam just go with the flow and no matter what situation she’s in she makes it work. We meet Dan, Samantha’s dad, and he says Samantha is a chameleon and she can adapt to any situation.


Kitty says Sam has been a waitress, a hair stylist, a bartender and Sam really is a true artist. We see Sam’s woodshop and her mom says she also got interested in taxidermy. We see a party at a bar for Sam. Joe, Sam’s brother, says he thinks Tyler is loyal to her. Sarah, Sam’s best friend, thinks she’ll win Big Brother because she has a way of getting people to trust her. Sarah says Sam is a femme fatale all the way.


Dan says he almost started crying when she got the power app because she was at the lowest point. Kitty says Sam sharing with Kaitlyn wasn’t a smart move. She says as her mom she wants Sam to hold it for herself but she has a heart of gold and she could use it on someone else.


It’s time to vote and Sam has a unique choice to make. Brett says he gets nervous in front of pretty girls. When he walked through the doors he was a shell of a man with a broken heart and they all helped him heal. He apologizes to Kaitlyn and then tells her that Rockstar came to him and told him she was going to flip the vote.


Winston says he had a nice poem he worked on but he’s going to take a different route. There are a lot of great duos in their day, batman and robin, and 30 days ago him and Brett, the bros they love to hate. He’d appreciate their votes but he can’t campaign against Brett.


Time to vote!

Kaitlyn votes to evict Brett.

Rachel votes to evict Winston.

Kaycee votes to evict Winston.

Rockstar very happily votes to evict Brett.

Faysal votes to evict Brett.

Bayleigh votes to evict Brett.

It’s 4-2 to evict Brett. We’ll get the rest of the votes in a moment and find out if the Bonus Life will be used.


Time to get the rest of the votes!

Angela sadly votes to evict Winston.

Haleigh votes to evict Brett.

JC votes to evict Winston.

Tyler votes to evict Winston.

Sam votes to evict Winston.

By a vote of 6-5 Winston has been evicted from the Big Brother house.


Winston hugs Brett and walks straight to the door. Kaitlyn looks shocked on the couch. Winston goes directly to Julie and shakes her hand. Rockstar and Brett are inside arguing. Brett looks at Rockstar and says you can’t even own it and Rockstar says he’s a bold faced, he’s disgusting. Tyler is talking to Kaitlyn. Rockstar is saying he can’t believe he’d do that on her daughter’s birthday.


Julie says she’s there with a shocked Winston and asks why he’s shocked. Winston was told to relax and it was going to be a unanimous vote because Brett upset part of the house. Julie asks who told him that and Winston says multiple people and Winston believes his alliance voted for him. Julie asks if they all shock him and Winston says yeah shocking. He feels betrayed by his alliance.


Julie asks if they said they were going to save him and he says the last hour was weird and he thought things had changed because they were acting different around him. Julie asks Winston what he threw on the ground and he says a friendship bracelet Sam made for him. Julie asks if Scottie made the right decision? Winston says it was a logical response, he gets it. But he was blindsided because Scottie voted for him to stay. He was going to reveal that but didn’t after all. He’s speechless.


Julie says they have to talk about the bromance. What was the thinking behind that as being good strategy? Winston says there wasn’t a lot of thinking. He knew day two they were going to hide in plain sight and fly under the radar. He says he probably wouldn’t have done anything differently. Julie asks what happens to Brett with him gone and Winston says he’s obviously got the alliance behind him, but he’s hoping for a battle back because he’s like to wreck the entire alliance.


Goodbye messages: Bayleigh says she didn’t vote him out because it would serve her no purpose. Scottie came to win not finish third. Kaitlyn says if Winston is gone she’s going to figure out who the liars are. Brett says obviously the bromance was a target but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Winston says he’s shocked, slightly embarrassed, but it’s Big Brother.


HOH is back up for grabs! The HG are standing on logs. The competition is called “Out on a Limb”. Last one standing will win HOH. They are against trees and standing on logs. The trees immediately tip forward. The trees go up and then slightly forward again. Everyone looks pretty good. Julie tells them they are in a rainforest which can only mean one thing. It starts raining. Who will rise to power? We’ll rejoin the HOH competition when we return.


Julie mentions the conversation JC and Bayleigh had earlier this week that sparked a debate on twitter about cultural sensitivity. Tune in Sunday to see the conversation. Julie returns to the HOH comp and advises them to stay focused. It’s going to be a long night!

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