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Wednesday, July 11 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)
Blue bedroom  (BBR)

Pink bedroom (PBR)

The combined bedroom is (CBR)

The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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12:00AM BBT: In the lounge, Kaycee thanks Swaggy for pulling her aside. Swaggy keeps circling back and repeating himself to Kaycee. 

12:03AM BBT: Kaycee leaves the lounge and Swaggy whispers something to the camera that sounds like, "let's keep it going." Swaggy also leaves the lounge and looks outside before walking into the KT. 

12:04AM BBT: Swaggy walks into the PBR and gets into bed with Bayleigh. He wakes her up to tell her about his conversation with Kaycee. 

12:09AM BBT: BB cuts the feeds.

12:10AM BBT: Feeds are back. Swaggy leaves the PBR and BB cuts the feeds again. 

12:11AM BBT: Feeds are back. Winston, Brett, Angela, and Rockstar are in the KT talking about their families.

12:14AM BBT: Swaggy walks back into the KT and cuts himself. Everyone moves to help Swaggy, he holds his hand under the sink. Winston gets up to take a look at his hand. Rockstar goes to get the first aid kit and BB cuts the feeds.



12:19AM BBT: Feeds are back. Scottie and Faysal are talking in the BY on the hammock. Rockstar joins them. All four cameras are on the BY, no word on how Swaggy is. Rockstar tells Faysal and Scottie about Swaggy's one on one talk with Kaycee. They quickly change the conversation to their eye sight. 

12:26AM BBT: Swaggy walks into the BY from the KT. Scottie and Rockstar ask him if he's ok. Swaggy says he has two bandages on it, and that it hurt. He may lose his thumb nail. He slammed his thumb in the KT drawer. 

12:30AM BBT: Swaggy talks with Faysal, Rockstar and Scottie, but his blanket muffles his microphone and we can't hear exactly what he's saying. It sounds like they're talking about the vote on Thursday. 

12:34AM BBT: The group in the BY start talking about Harry Potter. 

12:35AM BBT: Kaitlyn, Rachel, Brett, Winston, Angela, Tyler, JC, and Haliegh are upstairs in the HOHR, talking about food. 

12:40AM BBT: The group in the HOHR talk about high school. Outside in the BY, Swaggy tells the group about his conversation with Kaycee.

12:50AM BBT: The group in the HOHR continue to talk about embarrassing stories from high school. The group outside rehashes their day, telling each other about all the different conversations they had. 

12:51AM BBT: In the backyard, Rockstar mocks Kaitlyn about how she felt like she was bullied by Swaggy. 

12:56AM BBT: Rachel leaves the HOHR to go to bed. 

12:58AM BBT: Swaggy tells the group in the backyard that he's counting on Sam to vote for him to stay. He stops talking and then goes inside to the KT where Rachel and Angela are. He walks into the havenot room with Rachel. 

01:01AM BBT: Swaggy starts the same conversation he had with Kaycee with Rachel. He says that if he goes home, Rachel may be put on the block as a pawn. Swaggy tells her that if he goes home, he won't be there to take the heat off her. 

01:02AM BBT: Rachel says she doesn't want Swaggy to go home this week. Swaggy tells her to play her own game. 

01:04AM BBT: Swaggy tells Rachel that if he wins he'll be out for blood. Angela walks in and Rachel tells her that they're "talking real quick," and then Angela leaves. 

01:07AM BBT: Like he told Kaycee earlier, Swaggy also tells Rachel that if she votes for him to stay he wants her to tell him on Thursday that she voted for him to stay so he can keep a tally of who voted for him and who didn't. 

01:10AM BBT: Swaggy keeps circling back to the same conversation. Rachel tries to end the conversation by thanking him for talking to her, but he starts from the beginning again. 

01:11AM BBT: Rachel hugs Swaggy and then tells him that he gave her something to think about. Rachel is able to end the conversation this time and leaves the havenot room. Swaggy puts on chapstick, looks at the camera and says, "let's keep it going."

01:12AM BBT: Swaggy goes into the PBR and wakes Bayleigh up again to tell her about his conversation with Rachel. Upstairs in the HOHR, Kaitlyn, Brett, Winston, and Haliegh are talking about who has the power this week. They also talk about what it feels like to go home. 

01:13AM BBT: BB tells Swaggy not to obstruct his microphone, he finally takes off the blanket so we can hear him. He walks into the KT where JC and Tyler are talking. They ask him about his thumb. 

01:16AM BBT: JC and Tyler walk into the BY. They agree to play a game of pool. JC says he has 13 minutes left for his laundry.  

1:16AM BBT: Faysal walks into the BBR where Rachel and Angela are talking. He asks where everyone is. Faysal says he's going to go upstairs. 

1:18AM BBT: Swaggy is in the BY with Scottie and Rockstar. Swaggy has his blanket back on, obstructing his microphone. They talk about his conversation with Rachel a few minutes ago. 

1:27AM BBT: Winston walks into the BBR and gets into bed. He tells them that Brett is still giving Kaitlyn a massage and that Faysal walked in and he decided to leave. 

01:35AM BBT: In the BY, Swaggy just keeps telling Rockstar and Scottie about the conversations he had with Kaycee and Rachel.

01:45AM BBT: Scottie and Swaggy get up and walk over to Tyler and JC. Scottie asks them if they're going to bed. They all go inside. 

01:47AM BBT: Sam goes into the BY. Rockstar, Kaitlyn, Brett, and Haliegh are upstairs talking about blackheads. BB tells Kaitlyn to put on her microphone. 

01:55AM BBT: Faysal and Scottie are playing pool. Kaitlyn is in bed in the HOHR, she and Brett talk about how the game messes with their heads. 

02:12AM BBT: Brett leaves the HOHR and turns out the lights. Haliegh and Rockstar go outside to the BY and get into the hammock. They talk about the targets in the house. Rockstar says that Swaggy is a "smart competitor," and they wonder what Winston contributes to the house. Scottie joins them. 

02:18AM BBT: BB cuts the feeds. They're back a few seconds later. 

02:45AM BBT: Swaggy and Faysal talk about the other HGs. Swaggy tells Faysal about his pitches to Rachel and Kaycee. They talk about floaters from previous seasons. 

02:47AM BBT: Several HGs have gone to bed. Faysal is now playing pool with Scottie, telling him about some of the conversations he's had with Kailtyn over the last few days. They both agree that this has to be one of the most "epic" week 2's in BB history.

03:30AM BBT: Scottie and Faysal are still playing pool, talking about previous BB seasons and funny things that happen in the current BB house.


03:53AM BBT: It appears that most HGs are asleep. 

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12:02am BBT Swaggy wraps up his Bayleigh inspired, (more about that later) “it’s in YOUR best interest to save me” speech with Kaysee and is left alone in the lounge. He looks at the camera and says Rally up! We gonna rally up and keep it going. Keep it going, keep it going. Let’s rock it! He points, shoots the camera, BOOM! Keep trying! He goes to the kitchen, looks out into the backyard through the sliding glass door, opens the frig, and all the while leaving the frig door open, pulls a jug of dark liquid from the frig and gulps it loudly before returning the lid to the bottle, placing the bottle back in the frig and shutting the door.  Those mf’ers aren’t keeping me in here, (mumbles) they don’t want me here. He goes to the PBR and wakes a sleeping Bayleigh. He tells her he has to lay his options out. Her (Kaysee) vote isn’t solidified, he laid everything out that he’d be a bigger target. If he goes, and their side gets HOH and puts Winston and you on the block and your whole side sends you’re a** out of here, like nothin’ cause they like Winston so much. She asked him if he only needed ONE vote, right? He says yeah. How Does Kaitlyn feel about breaking a tie, she asked. He said, I don’t know, I don’t want to tell her what Kaitlyn said. She says, so, if I give you the one vote, people aren’t going to know about it, right?


She said she appreciated him pulling her aside and giving her an option because had he not she would have voted for Winston just because he talks to her. Bayleigh sits up and smiles, I told you. You were right again, he says smiling. We make a good team, she says. You’re the leader, Swaggy says, I do whatever you say, and it works.

Bayleigh says if she talks to JC and I know she talks to Sam, and those three vote for you…

He will talk to Kaitlyn tomorrow because she's going to bed right now, Rachel is outside but she is talking to Angela. So it’s literally, Hyleigh, Angela, Brett and Winston on the enemy side. I don’t know how to approach Haleigh. Bayleigh tells him that Haleigh literally told her today that she cannot stand Winston and Rachel, Angela is ok, but she does not like the others. He told Kaysee that he’s really only talking to people that have no allegiance with other people, Her, JC, Sam, and Rachel. Kaysee said, yeah that’s true, we are on that side because of association but there is no allegiance. (FISH) When we return, Swaggy is headed out of the PBR leaving a sleepy Bayleigh in bed. The cameras follow him to the kitchen where Winston, Angela, Brett Rachel, and Rockstar are chatting at the island. He goes to the WC and returns, opens the frig, gathers his salsa jar, a loud bag of chips and the jug with the dark liquid in it and heads for the sliding door. He puts all the aforementioned items into his left hand, pulls the door open with his right hand, and slides it shut. Immediately we hear ahhhhh FU**! (no one at the island hears him and the convo continues) 20 seconds go by when Scottie opens the door and enters from the BY, and we can see Swaggy stomping his feet and holding his hand. He walks by unnoticed although clutching and clearly displaying his hand for all to see, heads for the bedrooms, stops, spins around, and almost directly shows Scottie his hand, but Scottie keeps walking and Swaggy heads for the sink and says FU**! OMG, says one of the gals, what happened?


[interesting to me, BFF Scottie keeps walking away even though clearly there is something horribly wrong with Swaggy - -monadyan]


Swaggy is holding his hand under the water at the sink. Rockstar calmly (mom voice) asks him if he burned himself, and he responds yeahhhh. You ok? Yeah, this s*** hurts! What’s happening? He’s cut his finger! announces one of the girls. Suddenly he’s in excruciating pain, moaning, stomping and groaning, and throwing out the s-word and the f-word, trilling his tongue, etc. He tells them he slammed it in the door. Rockstar calmly stands up and says the first aid kit is in the bathroom and goes to get it. Swaggy tells Winston (who has retrieved the ice pack from the frig) it is the middle of his whole thumb. (FISH)

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9:29 am BBT  Winston appears to be the only one up.  He went to the WC, washed his hands, and took his coffee ans he wandered around the house.  He ended up in the lounge, has his hood up and made something out of a straw , a red lid, and some sticky tape.(looks like a lollipop).  He puts the trash from the tape (peel off back) into his pocket.  He is now trying to make something with the blue napkins and his creation.  He stops for now, goes into the KT and gets some foil., takes it back into the lounge.  (sorry, he is the only one up!)


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9:38 am BBT  Winston still the only one up.  He is in the lounge, still working on his "creation".  Cameras 3 & 4 are on sleeping HGs.  Winston goes to the KT, gets more blue napkins, then back to the lounge to work some more.

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9:49 am BBt  Rachel is up.  Goes into lounge.  Winston says he has been up since 7:00 because of his body clock.  He shows her the flower/pinwheel he made.  Rachel is telling Winston about her talk with Swaggy last night.  She said that is why she doesn't talk to them that much, so she doesn't seemed to be aligned.  She said Swaggy said the "other side" talks a lot about putting her up, and to get her out before jury.  Rachel said she genuinely likes to talk to different types of people, that is who she is, it isn't always game.  She said she knows she is good with them. 

She asks if that is a gift for her birthday, he said it can be, he just wanted it done before anyone else saw it.  They decide to go get some coffee.  Rachel goes to the WA, and asks if Winston will make her some coffee.  She wants a little milk and 2 sweet n lows.  He says they are out of milk, (someone drank it all).  She asks about almond milk.  As he leaves to get the coffee, she talks to the camera, giving shout outs to her family.

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2:52am BBT Rockstar and Haleigh go to bed leaving Scottie and Fessie at the pool table. Fessie asks Scottie of he wants to play a game and Scottie says, one more, then bed. I said I was going to bed hours ago. Fessie says, I don’t sleep. You only get the opportunity once in a lifetime.

Scottie says, did you hear we are all going to wear Swaggy C shirts eviction night? Yeah, says Fessie, I’m going to wear his jean jacket with a Swaggy shirt. Yeah, we are going to pick through his wardrobe tomorrow, says Scottie. They will know the guaranteed votes, laughs Fessie. They discuss the live voting. Scottie says, they were saying that we shouldn’t put them on until literally right before. Element of surprise, says Fessie. If we all have those on and his speech is as big as he wants it to be… It better be f’ing epic, says Fessie. I want his speech to be so epic that Julie has to be like, alright Swaggy, … You’re staying, asks Scottie? No, Yeah, that but… your time limit has lapsed. Like the Oscars, where the mic goes down and he’s still talking. Scottie says, I’ll be geeking out the whole speech, and Julie will have to say, Scottie, shut up and let him talk. I’ll be all ha ha ha, we’re immortal! Leave no doubt.

Scottie says, you know, if we f’ing do that, and we get the votes for him to stay, what an epic night that will be? And then if he won HOH? Or any of us really, but if he won it? That would go down in BB history, says Scottie. This week already went down in BB history, Fessie says. You think so? asks Scottie. What? No doubt about it. Kaitlyn, little girl, thought she was bullied, she wins HOH, she blindsides ME by putting my other BF on the block without telling me… Scottie says, yeah, if you put it that way. Yeah, they are asking me in the DR… (BB - YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR DIARY ROOM SESSIONS WITH OTHER HOUSEGUESTS)


Fessie talks about how things between he and Kaitlyn were about back to normal between them and they would talk in the HOH and he’d leave and she’d break down because she was lying to my face. Imagine all of that on TV, man! This is going to be pffffft, like I’ve only watched two seasons, but it’s got to be one of the most epic week twos in the history of Big Brother, man.


Fessie says he calls the blue Swaggy C shirt with the big C and the jean jacket, Scottie says he’ll take the pink one to wear with his bandana. Fessie says when we wear these shirts that it’s going to make the other side of the house uncomfortable, Not only that, Scottie says, but if it comes down to a tie, and Kaitlyn has to sit there and look at all of us in this f’ing shirts. Fessie says did you say that? To those 2, yeah. I didn’t think about that. Julie’s like… if you make that move you can look at the people who are going to put you on the block next week.

Scottie says he can’t imagine how she will feel if she has to break a tie. Fessie says, on the week that she made this big move and she has to do it live. Scottie says, and that’s the cap off to the whole week you just told me about. [so smug, these two... --monadyan]




3:00am BBT Meanwhile in the Have-Not room Rockstar and Haleigh are struggling to go to sleep. Haleigh says, I’m kinda over this HN bulls***! Tossing and turning Rockstar says, I’m not paid enough for this petrie dish, I’m too big for it. I don’t know why I volunteered. It was a dumb idea, but maybe we got it out of the way. Probably not if everybody else is going to ask for volunteers. I’m f’ing NOT! says Haleigh. I know exactly who I’m throwing up here, gladly. Tyler, Kaitlyn, Rockstar says, and they both snicker. Haleigh says, I was going to say, I wonder of he is listening to us, but he’s probably listening to the other room, (Tyler in the HOH watching and listening to the various rooms) Rockstar says I don’t think they can hear us in the other room. Haleigh says loudly, maybe if we whisper like this, and clears her throat. Uuhhhhuuhhhmmmm. Rockstar says maybe if you clear your throat, and they giggle. Haleigh says, I kinda feel like my bed is rocking. You think it’s going to fall off it’s stand? I hope so, says Haleigh. More giggles. The drama, says Rockstar.

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9:57 am BBT  Winston is back with the  coffee.  Rachel is talking to the mirror/camera about they are BFF's.  He quotes a movie and said only friends.   They said Winston still needs to talk with everyone, and appear to be concerned.  Kaycee is now up.  Rachel goes into the WA where Kaycee is brushing her teeth, jokes around with her for a minute, then back to the lounge/geometry room with Winston.  Rachel says she is just not comfortable with Swaggy.  Rachel says she has to go take some pills, goes to the KT, gets something to drink and takes her pills.  BB says "please stop".  When Rachel comes back he asks who that was for, she doesn't know.  He said maybe him?  He said he is on the block, he has to do something to stay. 

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10:03 am BBT  BB says again to stop that.  Rachel says it is the noise from crinkling up the foil.  Winston and Rachel discussing votes.  Rachel says Haleigh floats like the wind.  Winston says "Look at me"  I am not falling for Haleigh's stuff!    Kaycee comes in.  He tells her how last night he said he will wake up at 7, he got up it was 6:52.  Lots of whispering, hard to hear.  Now Rachel and Kaycee are discussing Swaggy talking with them last night.  Kaycee says he has no idea what is going on. They are discussing who Swaggy will go after, and it doesn't make sense.  Talking about putting up Scottie and someone next, then backdoor Fessy.  If no one uses the veto, then Scottie is gone. They talk about Swaggy wanting to know how they voted, Rachel said it's been nice knowing you for 21 days, goodbye and acts like she is shaking his hand.  Kaycee said she loves Scottie, but he went straight back to Swaggy.  He can't be trusted.

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10:15 am BBT  BB says "wakey wakey house guests"  Time to get up.  The lights must stay on.  There are fresh batteries in the SR.  Rachel, Winston and Kaycee grown, repeat some of what was said, and Rachel asks for some good music.  BB again says wakey wakey HG's.  We hear the start of some music, they groan, then we get FoTH.

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10:27 am BBt  Feeds are back.  Rachel, Kaycee and Angela in the KT, say hello to Rockstar as she comes in.  Bayleigh and Sam in WA.  Sam walks through KT.  Girls tell JC he has a shirt or something in the SR  Tells him good morning.He hugs them good morning, then asks about skim milk, but they are out.

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10:40 am BBt  Sam is in the KT talking about an ex, and all feeds switch to WA where  Bayleigh is braiding RockStar's hair.  Rockstar asks if Bayleigh will be able to compete tomorrow, she said yes, that is why she is taking it easy now.  No game talk  There was no game talk in the KT before, as there are so many people getting coffee, breakfast, etc.  Random FoTH. 

All 4 feeds on WA with Bayleigh and Rockstar  Bayleigh doesn't have her mic on, so hard to hear

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10:47 am BBT  Cameras switch to HN room.  Kaitlyn has crawled into the disc bed with Fessy, cooing and stroking his face while in her HOH robe.    She goes into the SR to change her battery.  BB announces that "have-nots may only sleep in the have not bedroom".  Kaitlyn gets done, and goes into the KT with the majority of the HG's.  Short feed of Haleigh crawling into bed with Brett, then on to the KT.  Now Haleigh joins the KT crew.  Winston asks Kaitlyn if she wants one of his pancakes, it is pancake mix and oatmeal.  Kaitlyn said it sounds terrible, he said it is wonderful.  They ask Haleigh how she slept, she said okay, not bad but not great.  She is just wanting this week to be over.

Rockstar, Kaitlyn and Kaycee talking at the KT counter.  Kaitlyn talking about a dream she had. Rockstar said if you masterbate to both men and women, you are bi sexual.  Kaitlyn is shocked. Rockstar said dreams are dreams are weird, and don't mean anything.

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10:38am BBT: Bayleigh is french braiding Angie's hair in the WA. Sam is telling stories in the KT  to Winston, Rachel and Angela.

10:46am BBT: kaitlyn is in the HNBR waking Faysal up. She leaves and goes to the STr to change batteries.

10:49am BBT: Winston is making pancakes. Angela is eating cereal while Angie walks around drinking coffee. Kaycee,Sam and kailtlyn in the KT also just general talk going on about food.

10:57am BBT: rachel laying in bed with Brett asking JC if he had any good dreams lastnight? She says did you dream about me and he says no.

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10:53 am BBT  Winston gets called to the DR, he said he hasn't even eaten yet. He wraps his pancake up  for later.  Sam tells Bayleigh she requested almond milk in the DR this morning, they said they would add it to the list.  When Sam said it was for Bayleigh, they told her Bayleigh has to request it herself.  Bayleigh said thank you, and she will go request it when Winston gets out.

JC has climbed into bed in the BBR.  He is talking to Rachel, who is in bed with Brett.  Rachel asked JC if he had any dreams last night.  He said very strange dreams, he think it is from Sam's food.  JC said the day before he dreamed about a circus.  Starts to talk about a different dream, we get FoTH.  Rachel said she has weird dreams, too.  She tells Tyler he looks hot, must be the hair.  He asked if she got her itch scratched.  She said no, definitely not, but it is better today.  Rachel said she had a weird dream 3 nights ago.  She isn't even sure who was in it.

JC says he is going to try to take a nap again (he is in a bed, but is a have not)


Gotta go for a while)

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11:06am BBT: General talk going on through out the house as the HG get up and have coffee and breakfast.

11:15am BBT: Angela goes and gets in bed with JC and says he is her favorite person. He says he wants to sleep today but he can't. In the KT Kaitlyn is talking general talk to Tyler, Angie, Kaycee,Bayleigh and Haleigh.

11:30am BBT: Angie goes to the HOHR and tells kaitlyn that it breaks her heart that Swaggy is leaving because he is a superfan. Kaitlyn says i know. Angie ask did you know that and Kaitlyn says yeah i figured he did not say that but i knew it. 

11:33am BBT: Kaitlyn says that swaggy isn't going home to nothing he will be something he has made a name for himself. Angie says ok i understand and Swaggy doesn't know that i am talking to you  this is all me. kaitlyn says i understand.

11:39am BBT: Angie says she just wanted to talk to kaitlyn about Swaggy and Kaitlyn says she understands why she is talking  to her. Angie says well Swaggy should at least be in Jury and kaitlyn says why should he be in Jury when he talked crap to me? Kaitlyn says how do i know that next week swaggy wont be HOH and put me up now? Angie says i know but the four was supposed to be together. kaitlyn says i know but if he wanted to work with me why did he say what he said? Kaitlyn then says if he wanted to work with me he wouldn't had said that. Angie then starts talking about how past HG played the game.

11:53am BBT: Kaitlyn says that Winston is going home next week and that she is going to get the power next week. They leave the HOHR and head downstairs where everyone else is in the BBR talking general talk.

11:57am BBT: Kaitlyn goes to the BBR and tells everyone she wants to talk to everyone one on one again before tomorrows eviction so if they could please start coming to the HOHR.

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12:00pm BBT: Winston and Kaitlyn go to the HOHR. kaitlyn says here is the bottom line weather you admit it or not  but it is very clear that the five of you are working together how am i supposed to deal with that. Winston said i trusted you this week so i need you to trust me. 

12:03pm BBT: Winston says i was told that someone told you that if i won HOH i was coming after you  and kaitlyn says yeah, Winston said that statement never came out of my mouth.

12:04pm BBT: Kaitlyn says ok you went and told Scottie that i was going to put him up so how can i trust you? Winston said i never told Scottie that  get Brett up here and ask him i never told Scottie anything. kaitlyn says then who did? Winston says i do not know but it never came out of my mouth.  Winston ask who told you i said that and she says Scottie. Winston says he is lying then. kaitlyn ask then how did he know? Winston says i have no idea.

12:08pm BBT: Winston says i wish Brett was here. kaitlyn says go get him. He ask can I and kaitlyn says yeah go get him , Winston goes and gets him . they return to the HOHR kaitlyn says hi honey. Kaitlyn tells Brett that Scottie told her that they told her  he was going on the block. Brett is shaking his head and saying no. Winston is upset that Scottie said that and says  he has liked Kaitlyn since day one and everyone is trying to turn her against him.

12:15pm BBT: Winston and Brett are upset that Scottie has told lies about them. Winston is afraid Swaggy has a power and he will go home this week. kaitlyn then goes on saying she went out to that HOH comp in a blue jean skirt with her boobs showing  from her shirt and she shot a 9 and though ok someone else will beat me then i won HOH and i did not want to win this crap.

12:23pm BBT: Swaggy in the WA talking to sam as she brushes her teeth asking for her vote this week, he says i only need one more vote will you give me that vote? she says well i have not really thought about it but i will. Swaggy leaves and goes back to the BBR where Bayleigh is talking to kaycee.

12:40pm BBT: Winston in the HOHR listening to music as kaitlyn goes to sleep after they kept repeating themselves over and over about Scottie lying. In the KT Scottie is doing dishes as Swaggy sits at the counter.

12:47pm BBT: Bayleigh goes to the KT where Swaggy is sitting and ask him what is wrong with his face then starts popping pimples again. She then leaves and goes to get a blanket as she is cold. Swaggy tells Scottie that Winston is still up there, He ask Scottie what he thinks  he is pitching her? Scottie says oh i do not know i did not even know he was still up there. They then go silent.

12:52pm BBT: Swaggy and Bayleigh in the Lounge room Bayleigh says this is how she feels today she does not want to talk to anyone or be nice today. swaggy tells her to stop then he goes whispering. Winston is still in the HOH bed listening to music.

12:58pm BBT: Winston gets up to leaver the HOHR and ask if she wants him to send someone else up there and she says no. He leaves and goes downstairs as kaitlyn goes to take a shower.

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12:57 pm BBT.  Swaggy and Bayleigh in Lounge.  He says be just spoke to Kaycee.  He says “they” just had a 4 on 1 meeting. Bayleigh says Kaycee, Winston and Angela were talking in here before we woke up.  Swaggy says Kaitlyn just had her meeting with Brett, Rachel, Angela and Winston. He says Kaycee wasn’t invited, she’s expendable to them.  Bayleigh asks what about Sammy, he says she fell asleep last night so he couldn’t talk to her.  He says he talked to her this morning and told her how much I want to be here.  He sais she’ll make a decision tomorrow.  Bayleigh wants him to talk to Rockstar to make sure he says what he wants her to say to Kaitlyn.  


1:00 pm BBT.  Bayleigh says it’s not fair Winston got a chance to pull himself off the block and he didn’t.  Swaggy says Winston stinks and whines that he didn’t get that chance.  They agree u should backdoor for game, not for personal reasons. Winston and Kaitlyn are laying in bed in the HOHR.  Winston says maybe he needs to go campaign.  Kaitlyn says she is going to take a shower.  Winston hugs her and says he trusts her.  She says you’ll be good.  


1:01 pm BBT.  Bayleigh and Swaggy kiss.  Swaggy says Winston has been up there for an hour and doesn’t know what he could be pitching.   He says it’s not safety bcuz he’s not winning this thing.  Bayleigh wants to know what she’s (Kaitlyn) thinking.   Bayleigh doesn’t know what’s going on with Hayleigh but doesn’t think should would flip.  She wants all of them to go talk to Kaitlyn.  Swaggy says they will all go talk to her and reassure her.  Tyler and Brett are playing foosball.  


1:04 PMBBT. Bayleigh tells Swaggy he should get Faysal to talk to Haleigh.  We get fish for a minute.   


1:07 pm BBT.  JC and Faysal in BBR.  Faysal asks if JC will put lotion on his back.  JC says no.  Faysal says real quick, nothing gay.  Rockstar and Haleigh in HNR.  Rockstar says she was like u don’t have to keep a deal with someone who didn’t keep a deal with u.  She said it’s not going to be 14-1, then laughs she doesn’t know the numbers.  Haleigh says she doesn’t see JC or Rachel doing it for their game.  Rockstar says Rachel won’t risk being on the outs with them.  Haleigh says maybe Kaycee or JC would.  Haleigh says if Kaitlyn decides that’s what she wants then Tyler will do it, so there are a lot of factors.  Rockstar says she told her if u wanna backdoort his kid then do it after jury.  There are 4 other people preventing us from getting to jury.  Faysal comes in.   


1:10 pm BBT.  Rockstar tells them she talked to Kaitlyn this morning and she guesses it went well enough to give her stuff to think aboit.  Rockstar thinks it’s a disservice to the game to send someone who loves this game so much home before jury.  Rachel comes in.  They ask if she wants to sleep

In a petri dish. 

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1:15 pm BBT.  Swaggy is talking to Kaitlyn in HOHR.  Swaggy says he believes he has 5 votes and Winston has 4, maybe 5 votes.  He’s telling her it’ll probably come down to her having to break the tie, he’ll win or lose by 1 vote.  Swaggy tells Kaitlyn that he doesn't know how they can be promising her safety if that's what they're promising her he says look at the facts.  He says I won the first two competitions all year, Tyler won the 1at HOH, 1st veto Faysal, next HOH u won, next veto Tyler won.  He says they don’t win, we’ve won every single week.  


1:16 pm BBT.  Swaggy says this whole season if we just keep together.  We win every single week and there’s only 2 more power apps.  He says after the power apps it’s jury. Swaggy doesn’t want to go home in week 2 before jury.  He would give anything to be here, he would clean every day.  He doesn’t want tonight to sleep with Bayleigh.  He doesn’t think Winston wants to be there as bad as him emotionally.  He says I’m a superfan and don’t want to go home on a miscommunication.   He says I feel like u have a lot of control, with my 5 votes (Faysal, Rockstar, Bayleigh, Haleigh and Scottie) it comes down to 1 vote.  Swaggy says Tyler tells him he wants to vote for him but it’s on Kaitlyn.  Swaggy says he’s completely homest when he says u are safe if u keep me safe.  Swaggy says his side won’t flip on him.  They want to keep him so much they are wearing Swaggy shirts tomorrow.  He says he’ll say stuff about the other side on national tv to show how serious he is.  He says I’ve cried twice this week and I haven’t cried since my dad died.  He wouldn’t be as upset if this was jury.  


1:17 pm BBT.  Bayleigh and Haleigh whispering to in PBR.  Bayleigh tells her Scottie thinks she and Rockstar flipped bcuz the bros promised him they voted Sam out.  Haleigh asks if they have any new votes.  Bayleigh needs to talk to Rachel and Kaycee.  


1:21 pm BBT.  Swaggy leaves to go bring Tyler up.  Kaitlyn looks up at the camera and says what am I gonna do...oh my god!


1:25 pm BBT. Swaggy, Tyler and Kaitlyn in HOHR. Swaggy tells them he wants to be there more than anything in the world and it can be smooth and the alliance sticks together. He brags he won the first 2 comps in 3 hours. He says they can’t keep them safe bcuz they don’t win. Swaggy says let them win am HOH and take me out. He complains again he didn’t get a chance to play veto. Kaitlyn says she understands if there is a battle back and Swaggy comes back then he’ll come after her. She says that’s a risk for her. Swaggy says they will win the next HOH. He swears if he gets a power he will tell them and he’ll ask when and how he should use it. Swaggy talks about how Xmas, Josh and Paul stuck together and that’s how they went so far.




1:30 pm BBT. Swaggy, Tyler and Kaitlyn still talking in HOHR. Bayleigh and Rachel talking in HNR. Bayleigh says she’s in an unfair space, she doesn’t have any solidified bonds. She thinks if Swaggy leaves people will kick her while she’s down and get her out. She says she feels betrayed. Rachel says she doesn’t know what’s going to happen. Bayleigh says it’s not fair Swaggy gets backdoored for something personal. Rachel says she doesn’t have any loyalties. Bayleigh asks what needs to be done for Rachel to keep Swaggy. Rachel says it’s difficult bcuz she is close to Winston.


Swaggy tells the HOH crew that people will do what Kaitlyn tells them since she’s HOH.



1:37 pm BBT.  Rinse, lather and repeat with these conversations.  Around and around we go...

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1:43 pm BBT.  Rockstar and Bayleigh in PBR.  Bayleigh says I’m not supposed to tell u this but Scottie said u and Haleigh flipped their votes.  She says Tyler told Swaggy if he had the votes then he would vote for him, but Tyler told Swaggy that Haleigh isn’t voting for him.  She says I told Haleigh and she is pissed.  


Swaggy is still repeating himself and pleading his case in the HOHR.  Tyler tells him he needs to talk to JC.  Swaggy says but if u guys tell him them he’ll do what u say.  Kaitlyn asks if she was on the block and Swaggy won the veto woud he save her?  He says I would have to bcuz u saved me.  Swaggy thinks no one can beat him or Faysal in an endurance comp.  


1:49 pm BBT.  Faysal, Rockstar and Bayleigh in PBR.  They are talking about how the bros promised Scottie they voted Sam out and said Rockstar and Haleigh flipped.  Faysal says the vote was off by 1, so 1 person flipped not 2.  Swaggy and Haleigh talking in lounge.  


1:50 pm BBT.  Swaggy leaves the HOHR.  Kaitlyn tells Tyler she doesn’t trust Scottie and he made things up.  Tyler says he trust Scottie but thinks he’s making stuff up.  Kaitlyn says I know u won’t keep Swaggy so there’s nothing I can say to change your mind.  Kaitlyn says Sam swore she would do what Kaitlyn wanted.  Kaitlyn wants JC and Sammto vote to keep Swaggy.  She says he is right about who has won and he is so deserving.  She tells Tyler that they’re all wearing Swaggy’s t-shirts on tv tomorrow Nd that’ll make her look stupid.  Tyler is trying to console her and tells her Faysal will never leave her.  Tyler says this whole plan was laid out to the other side and if we go back on it... Kaitlyn doesn’t want a tie.  Tyler says we laid this plan out and if we go back they’re all coming after us.  Haleigh comes into the HOHR then leaves to give them more time. 


1:58 pm BBT.  In the PBR Rockstar says that they’re setting it up so Haleigh and Rockstar go on the block next week.

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07:01PM BBT In the PBR, Bay teases Swaggy that he was reckless.  


07:03PM BBT Feeds are on fish, WBRB message.


07:04PM BBT Bayleigh told Swaggy that one of the girls said that "Swaggy's career is just starting, he'll be fine". 


07:06PM BBT Fessy and Rockstar are playing Jenga in the lounge.  If Rockstar wins HOH comp, she's looking forward to seeing a pic of Chris.  She describes him as a rocker with Irish features.


07:07PM BBT Rockstar said that Chris has not watched BB before and wasn't excited about her being on the show.  Fessy wonders if his mom got the live feed.


07:08PM BBT Haleigh and JC talk in the storage room and we catch the end of the game talk while JC brings toilet paper into the house.


07:10PM BBT Sam tells Haleigh in the BBR that "at least we're not dead" as a pep talk.  Haleigh announces that she's lost her panties.


07:12PM BBT Sam explains the expression "cooped up" to JC because they're locked in the house and she used that saying.


07:13PM BBT JC is asking Sam a question and she says that she can't talk about it or she'll get penalty evicted. He rolls his eyes.




07:14PM BBT Bayleigh and Swaggy talk about their vision board and that she wants a Maltypoo.


07:22PM BBT Up in the HOHR, Rachel talks to Winston, who is listening to music.  She said she was cornered in the room between Swaggy and Rockstar in the BBR, while they were freaking out about their alliance breaking up.


07:23PM BBT Winston said that Scottie told Kait that he heard from he and Brett that Rockstar and Haleigh flipped the votes last week to evict Steve.


07:24PM BBT Bayleigh, Rockstar, Fessy will try to win HOH, according to Rachel. They don't feel that Rockstar or Fessy will last in an endurance comp.


07:26PM BBT Rachel says that Scottie winning is worst case scenario for her game.  Fessy is called to the DR.


07:28PM BBT  Sam applies her makeup in the bathroom mirror, while Brett and Rachel hang out in the lounge.  Angela is in the shower.



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07:30PM BBT JC talks with Kaitlyn in the HOH bathroom while she gets dressed.  She says that Tyler is going to do what Tyler is going to do, deflecting their closeness.


07:31PM BBT Rachel tells Brett that had a dream but can't tell him about it because of its nature.


07:32PM BBT JC said that Swaggy told him that he's got Sam's vote.  JC told him "a week ago, you were trying to get Sam out, why would you have her vote now?"  His answer was "she doesn't know that I was the one trying to get her out".  Another eye roll from JC.


07:33PM BBT Apparently Swaggy is convinced that Kaitlyn has changed her mind about voting him out.  She told JC that she'll let him think that, but that he knows why she's voting him out.


07:34PM BBT Kaitlyn told JC that the other HG continue to try and make her feel bad for a decision that she's already made.  She says that she hopes he wins tomorrow.  He tells her that no matter what, she's safe. 


07:36PM BBT Kaitlyn is trying on her outfit for tomorrow night to make sure it looks perfect, but wants to look like she's not trying too hard.


07:37PM BBT Kaycee and Tyler are playing foosball while Rachel and Winston are on the chairs beside them.  Kaitlyn lets Winston back in the HOHR.


07:39PM BBT Angela comes into the HOHR and tells Kaitlyn that she's there for their one on one.  Kaitlyn tells her that they don't need it.  Haleigh comes in as well and they are hanging out on the bed while Kaitlyn continues to change.


07:42PM BBT Kaitlyn and Angela talk about hair as Haleigh  brushes her wet hair. 


07:44PM BBT Fessy comes into the HOHR looking for his jug and Kaitlyn asks him to stay and hang out.  Fessy laughs because he thought that Kaitlyn's mascara was a vibrator since it was next to her birth control.


07:46PM BBT Kaitlyn asks Fessy about his college and why he went to Chattanooga.  He got a full scholarship and a bachelors.  Major: Psych, Minor: Communications.  He said he's done nothing with his majors.


07:52PM BBT Tyler joins Angela, Brett, Winston, and Kaitlyn in the HOHR saying "Kaycee always beats me" after playing foosball.


07:53PM BBT Kaycee massages Rachel's legs on the hall couch, while Haleigh and Sam sit down with them.  Brett massages Kaitlyn's back in the HOHR.


07:58PM BBT While being massaged by Brett, Kaitlyn asks if he can feel a lot of fat on her back.





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08:09PM BBT The girls are talking to Fessy about a prostate exam because he joked that JC stuck his finger up Fessy's a$$.


08:10PM BBT The feeds zoom in over Bay and Swaggy in the PBR back corner bed.  Swaggy tells her about a list of "100 things I want to do before I die".  He said that he reads "a lot a lot a lot"


08:15PM BBT Swaggy said that JC was getting in trouble from production for singing too much, that he was jokingly told "you're the reason that we can't have nice things"


08:16PM BBT Brett is now massaging Angela's back.  He uses Kait's oils dropped on them.  


08:17PM BBT Bayleigh and Swaggy talk about where they want to go on vacation, and she asks if he has his passport.  He is going to get it.  


08:20PM BBT Bay asks how Swaggy acts when he was sick.  "Like a b."


08:23PM BBT Bayleigh continues to pick at Swaggy's face.  "I thought that being a dermatologist was going to be more rewarding".


08:29PM BBT Swaggy asks Bay what she wants to be.  "A mommy and a wife".  He seems surprised and then they start making out.


08:30PM BBT Haleigh lays on Tyler's stomach and they talk about how they'll explain her vote the rest so they won't be upset.  She tells him that Swaggy thinks he has the numbers.





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