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Twist - Den of Temptation

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My curiosity is piqued, I won't deny it. From an interview I read with AG, I am worried that it may be a "too much" type of thing with temptations weekly (or even more frequent).


She also said that premier night would include multiple competitions. From an interview with THR: 


Grodner: The temptations create a bit of a different format for the premiere night, but it is a two hour special event. It's going to be a very busy night full of lots of surprises and twists and turns. I know it sounds like we say that a lot, but it's fair to say we are guaranteeing it for the premiere.

Meehan: There's definitely competitions, but it depends on what pathway we go down.


Grodner: It's actually possible that a competition could be in the backyard ready to go and our art department has worked really hard to put it out there and the houseguests don't play it because of a decision they made. 

Will be quite interesting to see how this plays out.

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Quite frankly i LOVE this New Twist... it's better then the last ones... i Love the Voting from the Fans... i like it when we get to Control the game... and this will make Sun TV show Much Better now... im hoping this Twist Suceeds !!!!...:)...

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Temptation is going to be a game changer because it will show who the real players are that want to win and not just be there for a fun summer. I think this is a great twist and I can't wait for the 28th.

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I REALLY hope that this new exciting looking twist works out. The last few have been total flops.  Please get this game back to at least somewhat of what it used to be.  So happy to see an all new cast too. Hoping none of them get on everyone's nerves too much. A girl can wish, right?



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well I guess the rumor I posted earlier about is not true at least for the premier but I still believe Paul is coming back in one way or another.  I do not like the America voting thing they screwed that up last year on BBOTT.  Also hoping it doesn't have a another season either.  I sound really bad LOL don't mean to but.......

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1 hour ago, BBLover4ever said:

I will have  problem if Paul comes back. Don't think I oukd stand it. May have to drink a lot to listen to the "friendship" 


and that stupid pelican

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