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Unapologetic and sassy, Ika shredded her chance to win along with those letters in BBCAN2, and is looking to take this second chance one week at a time.





Describe yourself in three words:

Sassy, funny (people may not get my jokes but I still think I’m funny – it’s not my fault that they don’t get them), confident


What have you been up to since being on your season of Big Brother Canada?

I’ve been focussing a lot on my career and working hard. I’m making a lot more money now because we can’t be petty and broke. We can be petty with some coin!


Is your strategy to win Big Brother Canada different going in for a second time?

The last time I played, I was like I’m going to win! I’m going to slay them. This time, I just don’t want to go home first! I’m going to take it week by week. Last time I couldn’t shake my strategy and I think that hurt me. I’m hoping to have Kenny (BBCAN2) in there. I know that may surprise people but I feel like he was a strong player and he’ll always be a bigger target than me! We’ve also become really good friends outside of the house and I would love to see him!


If you could call one former houseguest from your season for advice, who would it be and why?

It’s hard to say because the people on my season are so different in their everyday lives. I love Kenny in real life, but I haaaaaated him in the competition. I STILL lose sleep over not evicting him and Andrew (BBCAN2) – and you know I would still rip up his letter today. But now that I’ve stepped away, I would probably call Kenny or Neda (BBCAN2). I have a lot of respect for their games. Their strategy was like mine. We’re strong people who are set in our ways, and very loyal to the people we are working with. Neda was especially good at speaking less and watching more.


What element of Big Brother Canada did you not have a chance to try before, that you’d like to experience this time around?

I hated getting evicted fourth. I was so bitter going home and watching the houseguests on TV! I want to know what WINNING feels like. That’s all I want.


What perk within the game means the most to you: a letter from home, a luxury party, a season’s slop pass, or a vote from Canada?

A vote from Canada. My family will be waiting for me when I get home.


Which Big Brother Canada past competitor would you like to channel this season and why?

I wasn’t a fan of hers at the time but I would channel Jillian (BBCAN1). She was very nice. I need to learn how to be nice and likable in the house. People were scared to go after her. She was such a competition beast too. I actually have one of Jillian’s bikini tops that she lent me once. I brought it with me to wear in the house as a good luck charm! She’s such a nice person. I feel like channeling her will make me softer and nicer.


If you could travel into the future or the past which would you choose and why?

I like where I am in life so I’d go into the future to make sure that I’m going to be rich – from winning $100,000 on Big Brother Canada!


What do people from Toronto have that gives them an edge to win Big Brother Canada?

We have a great urban flair and we’re open to all people and experiences.


  • JEDI changed the title to Ika Wong BBCAN5 Houseguest Thread (BB-CAN2 Vet)
  • 3 months later...

Just a whimp who makes fun of house quest crying then u cry and run off n hide...that isn't a strong person n we know u aren't strong cause Dem had to win EVERYTHING for u. All u had was a BIG MOUTH WITH BABOON LIPS, FAKE HAIR THAT ALL U DO IS SCRATCH N CLAW AT IT N FAKE BOOBS, FAKE EYE LASHES. U R REALLY A PITIFUL PERSON THE WAY U DO PEOPLE. WOULDN'T DO FOR U TO GET IN MY FACE LIKE U DID KEVIN CAUSE U WOULD FIND YOURSELF IN ANOTHER WORLD MAYBE THE ONE U CAME FROM YEARS AGO!!!!

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