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Neda Kalantar BBCAN5 Houseguest Thread (BB-CAN2 Vet)


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An admitted BBCAN strategist, Neda is looking for redemption after her game was cut short by her closest ally in BBCAN2.

AGE: 25




Describe yourself in three words:

Weird, perfectionist, and clumsy


What have you been up to since being on your season of Big Brother Canada?

A lot of craziness. I moved to Toronto and got into a relationship with Jon (BBCAN2) after the show – even though he evicted me. We got a dog and a cat. We broke up. He got the dog and I got the cat. We’re still best friends. I moved back home to Vancouver to focus on my fashion and that’s where I am today.


Is your strategy to win Big Brother Canada different going in for a second time?

It 100% has to be different. Last time I went in and laid low for the first few weeks. I can’t do that now. I have a reputation going in. I’ll have to see who is in there and who I need to work with. I may even need to win some competitions. It’s going to have to be a lot more fluid this time. My main alliance this season is going to be team Neda – me, my mom and my cat. Everything I do in the house will be for the team Neda and no one else. I will cut anyone I need to cut this season and I won’t look back.

If you could call one former houseguest from your season for advice, who would it be and why?

I would call Arlie (BBCAN2) for advice. We had a constant feud in the house and never talked about it. So I would want to know what it was about me that rubbed him the wrong way and why he wanted to get me out. My social game with him wasn’t on point and I want to know why, and how I can avoid repeating it.


What element of Big Brother Canada did you not have a chance to try before, that you’d like to experience this time around?

I got two HOHs last time but I never got an HOH room! One HOH was an Instant Eviction and another was a Double Eviction. So I would love a room this time.


What perk within the game means the most to you: A letter from home, a luxury party, a season’s slop pass, or a vote from Canada?

A vote from Canada because that will help me most. A letter from home is comforting but it won’t help me win. I want to win.


Which Big Brother Canada past competitor would you like to channel this season and why?

I don’t want to channel anyone! I want to be myself.


If you could travel into the future or the past which would you choose and why?

I would travel into the past and cut Jon the first chance I got!


What do people from Vancouver have that gives them an edge to win Big Brother Canada?

We’re friendly. We’re nice and compassionate people. We connect with people, and we’re present. We’re chill and you need that attitude and social game in the house.


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