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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BBOTT discussions are in the Big Brother OTT Discussion section.

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother OTT Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


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Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen Area (KA)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

British Bedroom (UKBR)
Workout Room (WOR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


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Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!


8:22 AM BBT- Danielle talking with Jason- who is in bed and looks like he just woke up. They are discussing the replacement nominee; they think Monte is going to nominate Kryssie, but Danielle thinks Kryssie staying would be better for her and Shane and Jason. She's talking about how Monte has said Jason has said he and Shane are the strongest people in the house; Danielle is trashing Monte's strategy, throwing Monte under the bus to Jason; Monte thinks Jason is a threat. Jason is concluding that he wasn't going to go after Monte if he wins HOH but now he may want to if Monte is going to keep coming after him.  She's whispering; can't get everything she's saying, (bb wants her to change batteries) but she's talking strategy about everyone, breaking up the girls group because if they all vote together it could be dangerous. Danielle leaves just as Cornbread enters room. Jason tells Cornbread he was going to talk to Monte because he thought he'd be receptive to what Jason has to say but after talking with Danielle he's doesn't think he's going to. Cornbread says he and Monte are friends but he's (Cornbread) kind of a loner in here. He doesn't know if he could push too much, but he's worried about who he would put up to ensure he doesn't go home. Jason says they only need four votes. Danielle comes back; Cornbread says Shelby is the best option to ensure that they're both here. She won't help them in the future at all. (Meanwhile, BB comes on with a funny announcement: "Justin, I SAID it's time to get up for the day!!" and they all laugh).  Monte is called to DR. BB comes on AGAIN "JUSTIN, I SAID IT'S TIME TO GET UP FOR THE DAY!!!") Jason is going on about how it's not worth talking to Monte again; he is not absorbing what Jason is saying to him; he doesn't know how to approach it so that he gets that nominating Shelby is best for everyone. No one will miss her except Alex, but Alex will be okay; she has Scott, others. Danielle says the girls might vote for Cornbread not because they don't like him but because they like Shelby, she's their girl. But the rest of the house will vote for Shelby. Cornbread says he's tried to give Shelby the benefit of the doubt, but he says you can be real nice to her and then she goes crazy bitch. He doesn't offing like her.  Scott enters room, Jason asks him where he feels like he's at with Shelby. Scott doesn't think she'd nominate him. He feels good with her. Jason tells him he's probably the only one who feels that way. Jason says he feels that way with everyone, so who the eff knows. Jason says he's trying to figure out how to keep both danielle and Cornbread in the house. Jason says if he nominates Shelby and everyone's voting for her that's the way he's voting. It's week 1; he's going with the house; he's not doing a pity vote or shit like that. Scott is speaking too loudly; he says he has bad hearing.


Monte comes and pulls everyone to Living room.


8:36 BBT: Gathering in LR. Waiting for Whitney to get out of WC; Justin runs to HOH to do the same. Cornbread hasn't brushed his teeth. They speculate about what is up; this is early.  Monte opens envelope . "It is time for BB over the top photo shoot. Everyone has thirty minutes to put on swimwear and sunglasses and meet in the back yard. Don't forget your flip flops." Monte comments, "This is when I'm glad I'm a man," as the HG's scramble; all girls in washroom primping.  (I'm out for a while.)


10:30 AM BBT- Came back to find the photo shoot breaking up; HG's making their way out of the pool; lots of crew walking around with lighting equipment. Crew advises them to make sure they dry off before putting mics back on. (Interesting to see the behind the scenes and HG's interacting with outsiders. HG's seem to have had fun; thanking the crew; very respectful.)


Not able to continuously update, but have feeds on in background. Cornbread and Scott talk in bedroom; Cornbread talks about how he thinks it's good strategy to keep Jason close as he knows the game- not necessarily to work with him, but learn with him; Scott agrees but advises caution; Jason is threat to win next HOH. Both agree that it's about having fun (initiated by Cornbread, who really enjoyed photo shoot;) Scott says yeah, the person voted out will be one who can't relax and have a good time with everyone. Cornbread reassures scott that he has his back 100%. Scott seems to be mentoring him a bit; cornbread can tell him anything one on one, but be careful what he says in front of the group; it sounds like Cornbread had a little meltdown yesterday; scott says be careful what he says in front of Neely and Kryssie.  Scott reassures Cornbread; he's had a stressful few days with nominations, etc. Scott seems more mature, confident, together than he did early in game.  Advises Cornbread to keep it cool, stay focused. Reviews his own strategies for finding some alone time to be quiet and focused. Scott agrees stay close to Jason, figure out what he's thinking- he's a smart guy.  Cornbread thinks they won't suspect Cornbread; he's someone to cut up with. Cornbread says scott is a very versatile person; a good person for Cornbread to go to and chill when he needs to focus; Scott tells him yes, come to me one on one for that. Hold the faith. Cornbread leaves.




Jason goes to the BY & tells the HG’s it’s time for the Veto Ceremony. Everyone gathers in the LR with Jason, Cornbread & Danielle on the orange loveseat. Jason tells Monte where he needs to sit.


Jason stands up & says, “This is the Veto Meeting. Danielle, Cornbread & I have all been nominated for eviction, but I have the power to Veto one of the nominations.” He tells everyone they have the chance to tell him why he should save them & use the Veto on them.


Cornbread stands up & says he’s a well-rounded player. He says he may not  be strong in all the categories, but he’s up in there with the best of them. He says he’s playing a transparent game. What you see is what you get. There’s no turbulence on the water & he’s smooth on top & bottom. He says he’s there to make this fun & enjoy his time with them all. He says if they keep him in the house he will keep the energy in the house. He says, let’s just have fun with this & move on. He says they have to make a decision based on what they think & he loves everyone of them.


Danielle stands up & says she doesn’t expect him to use the Veto on her, because she wants him to take himself off the block. She says if he does use it on her she will be thankful & grateful. She tells Jason she loves him.


Jason stands up & says thank you. He says he has decided to use the Veto on himself. Everyone claps. He says it is what it is. He takes a spot on the side couch.


BB says, “Monte, because one of your nominees was taken off the chopping block you must now rise & name another HG for eviction.”


He stands up & goes to the head of the LR. He tells the HG’s this isn’t easy & even now he’s still torn. He says this is the first HOH & he doesn’t have anything against anyone on a personal level. He says everything was strictly game-based. He tells Jason congratulations & says he beat the system. He says for his next selection of a nominee he is going to nominate Kryssie.


Monte says he they are both musicians & lifters & they connect on that level. He says his hands were tied behind his back & maybe the house will vote in your favor. He says that is his selection & thanks everyone. Kryssie takes a seat next to Cornbread on the orange loveseat.


Jason says, that’s it & this Veto Meeting is adjourned. Justin thought they were supposed to vote today. Everyone leaves the LR & Jason hangs the Veto back up on the wall.



hoh room 

Monte tells Morgan he just picked her over Shane. Morgan says Shane is working with Justin. Monte says he thinks Shane is playing both sides. 

Monte says getting rid of Kryssie is getting rid of a negative vote towards his crew. 

Monte says if Jason is not going after people Monte is aligned with he would sort of work with Jason but not have an alliance. 


Alex comes in the hoh room 

Monte talks about Shane getting close to Danielle. 

Alex says she heard Shane and Justin talking strategy. 

Monte expresses that he will protect Alex and Morgan (Whitney may be included). 

Monte said danielle and Shane wanted Shelby up. He says by putting Kryssie up he picked a side with the girls and that is what danielle and Shane told Monte he would be doing by not putting up Shelby. 

Alex ask why Shane was ok with Danielle going on the block. Monte says Cornbread suggested danielle as the ultimate pawn. Monte never answers how Shane felt or his reasoning. 

Morgan ask what Shane would do if danielle leaves. Monte says Shane would probably roll with him. Monte says he kinda hopes danielle goes home. 

Monte says he thinks Shane would come after the girls before him until later on if Monte is still in the house. 

Monte thinks America will put up a guy. 

Talk turns to F2. Alex feels the other side of the house has more personality. Monte says America would pick Jason over any of them. 



british room 

scott, danielle, Shane  & Neeley 

danielle thinks the other girls will vote how Shelby votes. 

Neeley says her and Monte have genuine conversations. She wants to feel him out. 

Scott says he wants to keep Kryssie. Neeley says but you have to play the game. Scott agrees. Scott says Kryssie is not maintaining a positive mental attitude. scott refers to a comment by Kryssie during the photo shoot today that she directed towards Shelby telling Shelby "well played honey". 


Scott & Neeley leave. 

Danielle says she wants to tell Neeley to just vote Kryssie out & go with the house. 

Shane says he wants to get the "plastics" out. Danielle says yes they are dangerous. 

Shane thinks he can swing votes to keep Kryssie. 



BB tells the houseguest to go into the living room Julie has an important message for you 


julie informs them that America will cast one evict vote each week and the vote will remain private. 






Jason & cornbread 

jason tells Cornbread that cornbread has shown him respect. Cornbread says he is there to look out for the people that look out for him. Jason agrees. 

(They seem to be forming an unspoken alliance) 


2:15pm HG gathered in LR for announcement by JC. America will also cast a vote to evict each week in addition to the HG. Since eviction votes are private, HG won't be told for whom America voted.


6:55 pm BBT- Won't go word for word, but came on to find Monte and Jason talking in HOH: bottom line is they're talking strategy; Monte is reassuring him that he's not coming after him; this was a first week thing; he won't nominate him if he wins HOH in week 3 or 4. They're making nice. Jason isn't forthcoming about his vote, but Monte is promoting (gently) evicting Kryssie. Jason is saying he thinks Kryssie will go, and she's likely the only "blood" he'd have on his hands from the week; she's the only one who would be pissed. They discuss that Shelby winning HOH would be worst case scenario next week; she'd nominate Jason and Monte. They seem to be on the same page. (During convo Scott comes in, tells them that BB didn't want to shut down feeds to make an announcement, but they want everyone dressed and ready to go at 7:30; they're going to move things pretty quickly at that point. (Then 7 pm BB: "Houseguests, Live Diary Room will begin in thirty minutes."


7:11 BBT- Scott and Shelby on hammock; Shelby says seems like consensus is switching to Cornbread. Scott says yeah, that's why I wanted to talk to you, to make sure you knew. Shelby whispers promoting a split vote; Scott says no; not smart week 1; he's voting with house.  Shelby speculates that Cornbread is America's nominee bc he's in DR saying "not PC" stuff.  Scott says he's just here for 1000 a week, not to mastermind anything; to get his paycheck, have some fun. Shelby acknowledges that the girls are a four person voting block; she is trying to pull him to vote with them but gets why he doesn't want to stick his neck out this week. She gets him to promise not to put them up; if he wins HOH he won't nominate them; they can then vote out who he wants. He says yeah, he's getting close to the girls, especially you and Alex. Shelby says everyone thinks she's an idiot; she's not. Scott says she's one of the people he trusts the most. He knows she doesn't have anywhere else to go; a lot of the people in the house aren't a big fan of you, but that's good for her because they'll want to keep her around and take her to the end. He reiterates that he's just here to have a fun time, last as long as he can, and hopefully put on a good show.  He says the people sitting on the couch would go after Whitney before they go after her; he says she's good for next week. Shelby says she thinks she's out next week; ten minutes ago Kryssie was going.  Shelby says she told Kryssie she could swing the girls if she's around for me later. The two leave the hammock so others don't get suspicious about their conversation.  They join Shane, Neeley, Jason, Danielle in outdoor couch area.




Here’s what’s been happening for the past 24 hours on Big Brother Over The Top. The first Veto of the season was on the line. HOH, Monte, nominees, Cornbread, Jason & Danielle, along with Alex & Whitney were all competing for the coveted power. And it was do or die for the returning Vet, Jason. Jason says this Veto Comp is a live or die situation. He’s on the block & the only way he’s going to stay in the house is if he gets himself off the block. So, he has to turn his BB historian brain on & really start checking out the objects, knickknacks & decorations. He’s counting because there’s no other option & he has to win the Veto. Alex says she is looking for anything that is out of place. She says she was counting the things that were placed inside the Big Brother house & putting them in the lock outside to open the safe. (There were 9 goldfish, 2 chairs, 4 sunflowers & 4 magnets added to the house.)


Jason’s blockmate, Danielle, clued him into a clue. (Danielle told him that she thinks the last number is in 2’s & everything is like, a pair.) And the grocery boy was able to crack the code to the Veto Vault. Jason says, “Oh hell yeah!” “Do you see this right here (holding up the Veto around his neck)? It’s bling girl, that bling.” He says, elated is an understatement, & he’s going to be very very proud to use it on himself. He says, hair flip!


With Jason safe, Monte & his alliance were in need of a new target. Monte says, Jason wins the Veto & definitely screws up his plan. Now he has to find someone to put in his place & get blood on his hands. He says, this is exactly why he targeted him, because he’s a huge threat.


So, Monte circled the wagons to discuss their new plan. Shane says there’s a big spark between him & Danielle. He says, she is a beautiful girl. He says, it sucks to be in their positions because they are getting really close in this game & he doesn’t want her to go home.


Fearing for her safety, Danielle checked in with Monte. (Monte told her he was going to try to protect her & Shane wants him to put Kryssie up. Danielle tells Monte she won’t touch him.)


Worried she can go on the block, Kryssie pleaded her case. (She tells Monte she wants to be there & he has to do what he’s going to do. She says she has no hard feelings.) Monte says he feels that Kryssie is not connecting with him except through casual small talk. He says he feels that she doesn’t trust him & he doesn’t trust her, so it would be a good nomination to get a little blood on his hands.


Meanwhile, a seemingly normal conversation about Scott took a weird turn, leaving America’s nominee (Cornbread) steaming. Cornbread says he’s pissed off right now. He says he’s on the block & he’s got some idiot out there (Shelby) trying to push his buttons. He says she needs to stop running her f’n mouth. He says it irritates the f out of him, & she’s like bi-polar or something. He says she just comes out of left field & cusses him out. He says he’s like what in the hell is her problem? He says she’s a disrespectful b*tch.


So, Cornbread campaigned to move the target on Shelby. Monte says he was dead set on putting up Kryssie & now he may have to consider putting up Shelby. He says she’s untrustworthy, up & down all over the place. He says he may have a better option in Shelby. He says he’s still trying to figure everything out, so it’s getting a little tricky.


At the Veto Meeting, Jason did the expected, while Monte gave the rocker a shocker. (He nominated Kryssie.) Kryssie says being in here stresses her out & she wants to throw up. She says her integrity means a lot. She says she’s a real enough person to be too real for something like this.


Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house Kryssie, Danielle or Cornbread? Check out the first weekly episode tomorrow night at 10 PM EST/7 PM PST to find out. Plus, immediately after, stay tuned for the live eviction. And for all the action keep watching live right now on Big Brother Over The Top.


7:34 pm- Kryssie Morgan Alex Shelby, Neeley talking in Washroom area about cornbread; he's said stuff about people; blew up last night, was pissed at Morgan last night bc he doesn't get her sense of humor. From convo between him and Scott this am and what I'm hearing tonight and the brief clip they showed on the recap, sounds like he has been overreacting to a bunch of stuff and annoying people.  Shane gets called to DR.  (I'm assuming they'll post these DR's on the cbs site?)  Shane is aligned with Monte and Danielle, especially Danielle. He likes Jason. He likes everyone except Cornbread. He doesn't like Monte's pairing with the three princesses: Whitney, Morgan, Alex; if he wins HOH he'd go after that. He thinks Alex is swaying from the pack so he hopes to get Alex and Scott on his side with him and danielle and monte and morgan.  His secrets- he thinks he's manipulating Monte; he's trying to tell him what to do without getting blood on his hands. First was Kryssie; he wanted Kryssie out this week; he had a bad vibe from her. This past week he sees her as homesick and a strong competitor; he thinks she'll be on his side and if anything go after monte and morgan as he flipped the house to cornbread and told monte about the switch. Does he want to win HOH? He's going to play, but not sure. He wants to put up Shelby and Kryssie next week but doesn't care about winning because he doesn't think that HOH would be a big move; he thinks a bigger move will be made week 3 and 4; he likes to do big moves. If he did get it this week he'd be fine because he wouldn't get blood on his hands. If you were a nominee what would you do to stay in house? He doesn't think he'd be a nominee, so he's not going to answer that question; he's doing pretty well so he'd keep being himself.  His strategy- it's changing every day; today he just wants to hang with Danielle; loving the showmance. He feels that he has his hands in both cookie jars; he's in with some, she's in with others. He thinks he and Danielle are a Bonnie and Clyde situation. His mind is constantly racing in the house. He can't sleep; Cornbread's snoring is keeping him up- so he's glad Cornbread's leaving; Monte and Morgan, who he thinks will be a couple which is great because they'll be two power couples, will be in his bed. He'll be backstabbing people. He needs to get Whitney out so he can cut Monte's group of people; that's why he wants to be HOH week three or four; this week will be a softer week with noms. He really likes Justin. Neeley he doesn't really understand; he doesn't talk game to her because he has Danielle for that.  (His speech is pressured; he's rambling; his DR comes across as stream of consciousness- but his time is limited (got a two minute warning a few minutes into it.)


7:52: Neely DR (format is they get a bunch of questions and have a limited time to answer them; I'm paraphrasing answers)- her strategy was to dumb herself down, but she hasn't been doing that as much as she planned; she's just trying to meet everyone and make connections. She's aligned with Kryssie, Jason, Danielle the most; monte too, but especially the others; she trusts them, enjoys hanging with them, and feels they can do things together and get shit done. She likes everyone in the house- wait- that's a lie- she really likes jason, kryssie, justin is hilarious, shane, monte, morgan, alex, whitney, she likes cornbread; she really likes most of the people in the house; there hasn't been enough drama for her to make any enemies; she likes most of the people in the house. She is not feeling Shelby. Shelby can kick a rock. It plays into her game to be cool with her right now so she is not showing her cards. She is an obvious floater, playing the game way too aggressive too early, having too many conversations, shenanigans; she can't trust her. [that's not a floater- bf] That's the only person she's not digging right now. "Let the viewers in on some secrets they don't know..."- She feels like she and Danielle did some shit today- everyone wanted Kryssie out but the seeds they planted today sprouted and it's really working because Kryssie is a much better ally for them; she'll keep it real and be loyal. She and Danielle talked this morning and is proud of what they accomplished. She doesn't have any crushes; Shane is pretty but he's Danielles now. Justin is hot, and Monte is really hot but no dirt under his nails- no romance in the house for her. Shelby would be her target if she got HOH. High point in the house so far- when Jason won veto and took himself off it was a great moment for her bc she thinks he's someone she wants to work with so it plays very well into her game. Do you want to win next HOH comp? Absolutely. A) she wants to possibly get shelby out, and she wants to break those get-em girls a bit; they cling to monte and vote as a unit; that's a lot of power; she wants to stir that up a bit. She wants to win HOH and get Monte's info on what he heard when he was HOH. She wants to get a sense of who she can trust; wants to align with some of the get em girls, but wants to see who she can trust; she could strengthen some alliances and make things happen. They need to start spicing up that strong Monte and get em girl group and stir the pot a little. (wow, these sessions are fast!)


8:03 BBT: Justin DR (this should be good):  "So, do I read this?" (He was confused throughout about the format of the DR and needed some guidance from BB.) Strategy coming into the house: didn't know what to expect, didn't have much of a strategy; developing as it goes. At the beginning he had a few people in mind but that fell apart pretty quickly; OTT jamboree disintegrated as soon as it happened. He's most loyal with Jason bc he kept it real since the beginning; they click like they've been friends forever; he appreciates the people who are most real because he doesn't hold back his opinions; expresses what he's thinking. He loves Danielle; she's a beautiful goddess. He loves Scott, Jason, Kryssie, Whitney who washed his clothes for him today which reminds him of home; folding his drawers and his shirts- that's love! The rest of the girls he doesn't know too much about but as time goes on he'll get closer; he's just playing game right now. Who doesn't he like? Not feeling Shelby; knows she's creating a lot of bad blood because she's really fake. It's crazy to see how things can go sour really quickly;  she just hops on anyone's bandwagon.  Let viewers in on secrets they don't know: He practically is in the house singing about just about everything; he's just a musical soul. He constantly goes into the phone booth and pretends he's talking to someone back home. He tries to order sausage po'boy or whatever.  Who is he targeting right now? He'd be coming for Shelby and Monte if he became HOH. Even though monte didn't put him up he felt he wanted to but it was too early in game; he thinks Justin's a strong competitor and doesn't understand him. Shelby bc she's fake.  High points of first week in big brother house: staying up all night. He's a night owl; considers himself a vampire not because he's a bloodsucker but because he's nocturnal. Any night he stays up late it's a different adventure because he's so random, so unplugged; he's just raw and uncut. Does he want to win HOH? He's not too keen on competition but will do best he can. He has a lot of loyal friends in house who will hopefully not backstab him too early; he'd rather let them get blood on their hands than him, but he'll give it his best game and see how it goes. He's done before the two minute warning and leaves...


8:12 BBT: Whitney DR.  Strategy coming into the house was to find the one person she could relate to the most and though was most trustworthy; could take her further in game and she could help them. she thinks it's worked out well this week; her strategy is on track as of now. Right now she's aligned with Monte, Morgan, Alex, and Shane, and out of all of them she is most loyal to Monte- he is so trustworthy; she trusts him with her life in here, which could be her downfall but he's her guide in this house.  Who does she like in the house right now? It's cliche to say she likes everyone in the house but the person she likes most is probably Morgan. Their personalities are very similar. She can talk to her and it feels like she is back home; she's like one of her best friends; doesn't always have to be talking about game.  Person she dislikes the most is Danielle because she thinks she's running the other side of the house that Whitney is not necessarily aligned with, and also her being in a showmance with Shane who is supposedly on her side takes a toll on their entire alliance. Sometimes Danielle likes to talk about herself; doesn't ask questions about anyone else; a little self centered for her liking. Let viewers know secrets they might not know: I don't have any crushes; that's the last thing on her mind in here. Her targets if she won HOH would be Jason or Danielle. Danielle for reasons already stated and she thinks she's manipulative in what she says to other HG's. Jason because he's already america's sweetheart; has all kinds of fans already on his side; doesn't want him sitting beside her in final two. High point of first week in BB house: being aligned with Monte. He's HOH this week which worked out in her favor, but she thinks their alliance will go a lot farther than the first week. He is a strong competitor, good in competition.  Do you want to win upcoming HOH? She would give anything to win it. It's do or die at this point as to the house being split; if she doesn't win there's a good possibility she'd go up and go home; she doesn't think she'd go up as a pawn; thinks she'd be targeted to go home.  She would love to pull through for her and the people she's aligned with; it's super important for her to win the next HOH comp.


Monte: Most loyal to Shane, Morgan, and Whitney. Shane is best friend- gotta go with the bromance- best friend and attractive- Morgan. Doesn't like Justin- he's hilarious, a truckload to listen to, but he's not buying it; he was one of the main brownnosers. He has a lot of funny stories but doesn't know when to shut up. Talks about not being loyal, messing around with a lot of women and proud of it. He doesn't respect that.  Secrets: first night- he, shane, cornbread, scott- did not do an alliance- nothing official on the first night, but had a thing not going to screw each other up. But he and shane have plan to take it to the end. He also made a promise to morgan and whitney- he's not going to backstab them. They're good girls; he doesn't want to have to live with knowing that he blatantly backstabbed them. He also doesn't think people see that he and scott kind of work together too. Highlight of first week- HOH. Helped him get a read on everyone in house. He made it mandatory for everyone to talk to him at least once; let him get a read on everyone in the house. Do you want to win upcoming HOH- he's not eligible to compete. would like shane, morgan, whitney, scott, or alex to win. If any of them win, he thinks he's safe; he doesn't think they'd put him up. He definitely doesn't want Justin or Jason to win. Jason may not target him, but you can't trust someone you just targeted. How would he rate his HOH and why? Scheme 8/10, execution 6.5/10; he could have done things better, but overall a success. First HOH no one is going to take things too personal. Some of the big moves he was considering- trying to back door Danielle- would have been huge, but taking out the girl of the guy he wants to go to the end with wouldn't be good. But he doesn't trust her and she's distracting Shane from his game plan. Overall, pretty successful; him and shane is a good alliance, and him and morgan and whitney and shane. He thinks he's established himself as someone with a lot of power in this house- it's been successful. [Editorial as an observer- he seems more ride or die with Shane; shane thinks he's manipulating monte a bit.]




Shane goes in the DR. BB tells him to please take off his microphone & sit back in the middle of the chair. BB says, “Your DR session will begin momentarily. BB tells Shane to go ahead & begin.


Shane says, the first question is what was his strategy coming into the house & how has it changed this week? Shane says, he really didn’t have a strategy. He says pairing up with people & aligning with them is a good strategy, plus coming in there being friendly & being himself. He says that’s what he is doing. He says the first night he paired up with Scott, Monte & Cornbread. He says sh*ts going down now. He says his strategy really hasn’t changed, he’s in for himself & he has his two good alliances in Monte & Danielle.


His next question is who is he aligned with & who is he currently most loyal to? He says it would be Danielle & Monte.


The next question is who he most likes in the house right now? He says, Danielle, of course. She’s an amazing person & she’s very beautiful inside & out. He says he likes Monte & Jason. He then says he likes everyone except Cornbread. He says Cornbread has been stepping on people’s toes, & it’s starting to bite back at him.


He says he doesn’t like Monte’s little pairing with the 3 princesses. He says he wants to nip that in the butt & he will nip that in the butt when he becomes HOH, probably week 3 or 4. He says he will see about that & he doesn’t like those 3 pairs which are Whitney, Morgan & Alex. He says he’s noticed that Alex is swaying from the pack, so in his mind he wants to get Alex & Scott on his & Danielle’s side. Then he wants to take out Whitney. He says he wants to have a power couple of him/Danielle & Monte/Morgan. He says this is the BB house so they have to see.


The next question asks him to let the viewers in on some secrets they don’t know. He says he already told everyone his secrets. He says he is kind of manipulating Monte. He says he is trying to tell him what to do without getting blood on his hands. He says he wants Kryssie out this week because she is a strong competitor & she is homesick. He says they are going to get Cornbread out now instead of her, so he’s saving her. He says every day is a different day & they go by so long.


The next question asks him if he wants to win the upcoming HOH competition & how important is it to him? He says he really doesn’t care to win it. He says he’s going to give it his best no matter what. He says he wants to get Shelby. He says it’s not that big of a move to win this week. He says week 3 or 4 would be better & he has the big balls to do it. He says everyone wants Kryssie or Shelby out anyway.


The next question is if he is a nominee what would his plan be to stay in the house? He says he’s not even thinking about being a nominee because he has his hands in the cookie jar on both sides & he has Danielle. He says he’s not even going to answer that question. He says he would still be himself.


The next question as if he were the HOH, how would he rate his reign & why? He says that’s a trick question. He says he doesn’t know. He says if he’s the HOH he would stick to his plan to take Shelby or Kryssie out & sticking to it. He says he is constantly changing every day. He says he didn’t even want to talk game today, he just wanted to cuddle in the hammock with Danielle all day. He says he can’t believe they are in a showmance this fast & he loves it. He says he has his hands in both cookie jars. She has her votes & he has his votes. He says he & Danielle are like a Bonnie & Clyde situation. He says he thinks they are doing pretty well. He says his mind is constantly racing in the house. He says he’s up all night because Cornbread snores so bad & he passes out so quick. He thinks Monte & Morgan will be a couple, so that will be great to have them in Cornbread’s bread so he can finally sleep.


BB tells Shane his session will be over in 2 minutes. Shane says he’s just going to be back-stabbing people. He says he wants to get Whitney out to cut Monte’s crew of people. He says he wants to be HOH week 3 or 4, since everyone wants Shelby & Kryssie out anyway. He says he’s gotten close to Justin. He says he doesn’t really understand Neeley. He says he has Danielle to talk to her for them. He says they are extremely big targets. He says he’s a double target because of being friends with Monte & having Danielle also. He says he doesn’t even know what’s going on in his mind, he doesn’t even know. He says he wants to win the $250,000. He wants him & Danielle to make it pretty far. BB tells Shane his session is over & we see FOTH.


BB tells Neeley to please take her microphone off & sit back in the middle of the chair. BB tells her that her DR session will begin momentarily & says, thanks to her. BB tells her to go ahead & begin.


She has the same questions as Shane. She says coming into the house her strategy was to really dumb herself down, be super friendly with everyone & gain as much knowledge as possible. She says it’s pretty much staying the same, but she isn’t playing herself as dumb as she could. She says she is genuinely connecting to everyone. She is making friends, trying to hand out with everyone & gain as much knowledge as possible.


She says she is aligned with Kryssie, Danielle & Jason the most & those are the people she is most loyal to. She says she likes them the most because she can trust them, they are the most genuine & they are her tribe. She says they can get together & make sh*t really happen.


She says she likes Jason, Kryssie, Justin, Shane, Monte, Morgan, Alex, Whitney & Cornbread. She says she really likes most of the people in the house. She says she likes a lot of the people in the house. She says the stories do get old.


She says she’s not feeling Shelby & she can kick a rock. She says it plays in her game to be cool with her right now & not show her cards in case she wins HOH. She says she is a very obvious floater, playing the game to hard. She says she’s playing way to aggressive too early. If she can’t trust her she can’t work with her. She says it’s nothing personal, no name calling, she just can’t trust her.


She says her & Danielle did some sh*t today. She says initially everyone wanted to get Kryssie out, but her & Danielle planted seeds that she thinks became an apple tree. She says Kryssie is a much better ally for them. She says Cornbread might be loyal, but maybe not to her. She says the get-it girls of Alex, Morgan & Whitney she isn’t so sure. She says she doesn’t really have a crush. She says she did like Shane, but it’s Danielle’s man. She says Justin is good to look at & Monte is really hot to look at. She says it’s not in her cards for a showmance. She tells everyone to look her up because she needs a boo.


She says her highlight in the house so far was when Jason won the Veto. She says she really wants to work with Jason & Danielle to take them far in the game. She says it was a low point for her when they both were on the block. She says it was a great moment for her when Jason came off the block in her heart. She says deep in her spirit she was excited & happy. She says it was amazing.


She definitely wants to win the upcoming HOH to get Shelby out. She says the get-it girls really cling to Monte & they need to split them up. She says she wants to see the real person. She says she would like to align herself with the girls, but she doesn’t know if she can trust them. She wants to keep her people safe. BB tells her that her session will be over in 2 minutes. She says she does want to win HOH & it’s important to her. She says if she doesn’t win then someone in her crew needs to win. She says she thinks America wants to see them be a little more crazy & let things pop in the house. She thanks America & says she’s really excited to be there. BB thanks her & she leaves the DR.


BB tells Justin to please take off his microphone & sit back in the chair. BB tells him his DR session will begin momentarily. He says, right on. BB tells him to go ahead & begin.


Justin says coming into the house he didn’t know what to expect & he didn’t have much of a strategy. He says it stats developing as it goes. He says in the beginning he had a few people in mind & the OTT Jamboree definitely disintegrated as soon as it happened. BB tells Justin to read the questions out loud.


He says he’s most loyal with Jason, because he’s kept it real since the beginning. He says he really appreciates the people that are the most real.


He says he will never lose love for Danielle. He says she is a goddess & is very alluring. He says he loves Jason, Scott, Whitney (she washed his clothes for him today & folded them which he appreciates.) He says the rest of the girls he really doesn’t know much about. He says he may get closer to them, but he’s just playing the game right now.


He says he isn’t feeling Shelby off jump street & she’s creating a lot of bad blood. He says she is really fake & just hops on anyone’s bandwagon. He says you keep it real.


He says he is practically singing about everything because he’s a musical soul. He says he constantly goes to the phone booth & pretends he’s talking to people back home. He says he pretends to order food also. He says that’s pretty crazy.


He says if he becomes HOH he will definitely go after Shelby & Monte. He says Monte has looked at him as a strong competitor for the beginning. He says Shelby is really fake & not keeping it 100. He says you should keep it funky baby.


He says the high points of the first week in the BB house was definitely staying up all night, since he is a night owl. He says he comes alive in the night time & he isn’t much of a morning person. He says it’s a different adventure every night. He says he’s just raw & uncut.


He says he’s not really too concerned with the next HOH competition, but he will try his best. He says he does have friends & hopefully they don’t backstab him. He says he has people in mind he wants to win & hopefully they will keep him safe. He says he loves everyone & he goes to leaves the DR & comes back to get his microphone.


BB tells Whitney to please take off her microphone & sit back in the chair. BB says your DR session will begin momentarily & says thanks. BB tells her to go ahead & begin.


Whitney says going into the house her strategy was to find that one person that she could be with to help take her really far in the game. She says they are the person that could contribute to her game the most. She says she is on track for now.


She says she is currently aligned with Monte, Morgan, Alex & Shane. She says right now the one she is most loyal to is Monte, for him being so trustworthy. She says she trusts him with her life in there & that may be her downfall in the house. BB tells Whitney to please read the question out loud.


Whitney says it’s cliché to say she likes everyone in the house. She says the person that she likes the  most is probably Morgan. She says their personalities are very similar. She says that is one of her best friends & they hang out & talk more than just game.


She says the person she dislikes the most in the house is Danielle because she thinks she is running the other side of the house & she is in a showmance with Shane, who is on her side. She says it takes a toll on her alliance. She says Danielle likes to talk about herself all the time & is a little more self-centered for her liking.


She says she doesn’t have any crushes because that is the last thing on her mind in there. She says her number one targets are Jason & Danielle if she were to be HOH. She says she doesn’t like Danielle being aligned with Shane & she is manipulative with what she says to the other HG’s. She says Jason is already America’s sweetheart & already has a ton of fans on his side. She says if she wants to make it far she doesn’t want him sitting next to her.


She says her high point this week in the BB house is being aligned with Monte. She says he’s HOH this week, which really worked out in her favor. She says they will go a lot further than just this first week. She says he’s a strong competitor & is the strong point right now.


She says she would give anything to win the next HOH competition. She says it’s do or die at this point. She says if she doesn’t win she may go up & go home as the target. She says she’s going to give it her all.


She says it’s do or die & she would love to pull through for her & her alliance. She says it’s not just about her, she needs them to help her get further in the game. She says, thanks guys, grabs her microphone. BB tells her to please plug her mic in before she leaves & thanks her. She leaves the DR.


BB tells Monte to please take off his microphone & sit back in the chair. BB says his DR session will begin momentarily. BB tells him he may begin.


Monte says his plan was establish that he was a leader & pick out good allies. He’s says it’s gone o.k. & some people are flaking out. He says he’s made some good friends & has made some friends. He thinks he has a shot to go a long way in this game. BB tells him to please read the question out loud.


He says he’s in a position of power to start the week so it’s hard to tell who’s on his side. He says he’s tight with Shane, Whitney & Morgan. He says he is probably going to be most loyal all 3 of them.


He says he likes everyone in house right now. He says everyone has good personalities. He says guy wise, as a bro, would be Shane & girl wise would be Morgan.


The person he most dislikes is Justin. He says he’s hilarious, but he’s not buying everything. He says he was one of the main brownnosers this week. He says he has some pretty funny stories, but really doesn’t know when to shut up. He says he doesn’t respect him & he’s not really crazy about him.


He says the first night he, Shane, Cornbread & Scott said they would stick together. He plans to stick with Shane until then end. He says no one else knows that he made the promise to Morgan & Whitney to keep them safe. He says he is also working with Scott some also.


He says his highlight this week was becoming HOH in the new season. He says he’s in the record books & it helped him get a read on everyone in the house. He says he made it mandatory for everyone to at least come & talk to him at least once. He says he got a read on everyone that way, now it will help him going forward.


He says he’s not eligible to compete in the upcoming HOH Competition, but he would definitely like Shane, Whitney, Morgan, Scott or Alex to win. He says if any of them win he should be safe. He says he may get put up by the other HG’s. He says he definitely doesn’t want Justin or Jason to win the next HOH Competition.


He says scheming for his HOH is an 8 out of 10. He says execution is probably a 6 out of 10. He says there were talks about backdooring Danielle. He says he doesn’t know if he has the numbers to do it. He says he doesn’t want to do that, but he’d rather he get out sooner than later. He says she’s distracting his ally. He says it’s been pretty successful. He says he & Shane is a good alliance. He says working with Morgan & Whitney will be successful also. He says whether he will be HOH or not people will listen to him, so it’s definitely been successful. BB tells him his session is over. BB tells him to please plug in his mic before he leaves & thanks him. He puts his mic on & leaves the DR.


BB tells Jason to please take off his microphone & sit back in the chair. BB says your DR session will begin momentarily. BB tells him to go ahead & begin.


Jason says he came in with a lot of strategies last year & none of them seem to do any good, so he kind of came in to see what he was getting himself into with a different concept. He says he has developed strategies this time. Last year he was trying to get people to connect the dots & this year he is trying to help people grasp the concept.


He says no one really ever wants him in their alliance really. He says he’s a rabid personality. He says he has a so-called alliance, but he’s not holding that to any standards. He says he is working with Danielle & he thinks Kryssie is a time bomb with will slowly be worse down the road. He says people’s loyalties will change as they go through the game.


He says he really doesn’t like anybody because last time he liked way too many people, & he still loves all of them. He says people are growing on him & they are fake. He says he’s trying to play along. He says he’s wearing clothes today to be with them. He says he let them put make-up on him to play along.


He says he basically just said he really doesn’t like a whole lot of people. He says he likes Neeley & people with personalities. He says there are born manipulators in the house. He says everyone needs to go home so he can win, so bye.


He says he is basically pretty open & he’s really open with the viewers. He says Da’Vonne taught him to talk to the cameras. He says he is playing less of a loyal game this season. He says he’s the tug boat & doesn’t really want to grab onto anyone’s ship just yet. He says he has to fight for himself for the rest of the game.


He says his high point was coming back into the house. He says it’s probably unhealthy how much he loves this show. He says he loved coming back in & thought everyone was trash. He says his high point was winning the Veto & saying everyone else can suck it. He says he’s not always the most observant person. He says now he gets to stay because of winning the Veto.


He says he needs to win this upcoming HOH Competition. He says it’s the most important thing for his game. He says some people may keep him safe. He wants to take hard core shots & not be as sweet as he was last time he was on the show. He says he has a little less f’s given this time. He says thank you BB, I love you. He tells Jozea he’s sorry, but there can only be one in the house & it’s him. He thanks everyone for the opportunity to show what he’s capable of. BB tells him his BB session is over & to please plug in his mic before he leaves. BB thanks him, he thanks BB & leaves the DR.


BB tells Morgan to please take off her microphone & sit back in the middle of the chair. BB says her DR session will begin momentarily & thanks her. BB tells her to go ahead & begin.


Morgan says hi to America & she’s soo excited. She says her sister is in the house. She says she didn't want to work with her sister at all & now that they are that’s been a huge change. She says she is working with Monte, Alex, Whitney & Shelby. She says she hopes that her & her sister don’t murder each other in the next couple weeks.


She says she has a solid group of 4 girls. She says it still freaks her out in the back of her head. She says it will benefit them to stay loyal. She says she trusts Monte a lot. She says she hopes Monte is not trying to use her as a pawn, She says Monte is almost trustworthy to a fault. She wants to get Monte in the palm of her hand & try to break up the bromance between him & Shane.


She says Monte is one of her good friends. She says this is not a showmance & she is happily taken. She tells America to jump on him. She says she is really connecting with Neeley & she may try on her wig. She says they aren’t working together directly.


She says she flat out doesn’t like Danielle. She thinks her & Shane are dangerous. She says they are someone to definitely watch out for. She says Monte needs to look out for them. She says his bromance won’t work with Danielle in the house. She says Danielle likes to talk about herself a lot. She says Justin is a lot smarter than she thinks. She says he is on to her & Alex being sisters & if anyone finds out she will be gone.


She says she is not that obsessed with putting on make-up, but her & Alex have to look different. She says she is going to be dolled up. She wishes her sister would be the one to doll up.


She says she has no crushes & considers Monte as a brother. She says she is close to the 4 girls & Alex is in there. She says she may have to say bye to her sister & that would be hard. She says they will see how that will play out.


She says she didn’t get to play in the POV & that is what she really wanted. She says her high point was sleeping in the HOHR, so she didn’t have to hear Cornbread snoring. She is excited she didn’t get nominated & she really wants the HOH to switch things up.


She really wants to win the next HOH. She says she didn’t want to win at first, but she says she needs the HOH & she wants it. She says people see her, Whitney, Alex & Shelby together & she wants to get Danielle out to break up her & Shane. She says she wants to get Danielle out this week if they can. She says it’s crucial to win the HOH if she wants the numbers to stay in her favor. She tells everyone she is sorry if the fans love Danielle & Shane. She thanks America & says she’s really excited to be there & looks forward to more DR sessions. BB tells her to please plug in her mic before leaving & thanks her. She leaves the DR.


BB tells Scott to please take off  his microphone & please sit back in the middle of the chair. BB says his DR session will start momentarily. BB tells him the first comment again. BB tells him to go ahead & begin.


Scott says hi to America. He says he came into the house wanting to win as many competitions as possible & to use those wins to prove his loyalties with his alliances. He says he was in an all-male alliance with Shane, Cornbread & Monte. He says Cornbread has said some things to show that he is definitely a loose cannon, so he doesn’t plan on keeping him around much longer.


He says he’s currently aligned with Cornbread, Monte & Shane. He says he’s working with Jason & tried to counsel him a little bit before the POV Comp. He says he is most loyal to Alex. He says they get along really well. He says they are cut from the same cloth.


He says he really likes just about everyone in the house, but if he had to go in order it would be Alex, Shane, Monte & then Jason as his top 4.


He says Cornbread has been getting on his nerves a lot lately. He says he almost had an emotional moment last night. He says it’s getting him in a bad place this game.


He says he’s hoping to stay the course & get plenty of sleep tonight. He says he’s been staying up until about 3:30 AM. He wants to continue to bond with people.


He says the highlight of his week was when he got with the guys & made the alliance in the UKBR. He says for that to form on the first night started the season off good.


He says he really wants to win this upcoming HOH Competition. He says Monte may be in trouble after this chaotic week. He says he wants to show that he is capable of winning competitions so he’s not just an easy out for people to send him home.


He says he has an eye on Justin & he’s a big threat in the house. He says his stories are great & have him crying from laughing so hard from being so funny. He says Justin is smart & is playing a really good game. He says he doesn’t want him going after Monte. He says his other target is Danielle. He says she flipped the house in a matter of a couple hours. He says she is making Shane be taken away from the alliance.


He says he likes Shelby a lot & she could be a great asset to him because no one else likes her. He says he has no idea how much no one is really her friends. He says Justin & Jason act buddy buddy with her & they talk behind her back. He says he likes her & she’s a good kid. He says he wants the house to delay taking her out. He says he told Shelby to try to forge with Alex, Morgan & Whitney. He says that would make a much bigger target than just him, as a super fan. He says the subtext is there that the HG’s think he’s a big threat & he has a big social game. He says this week has gone as good as it could have. He says he’s looking forward to tomorrow’s HOH, so he can possibly win & not be perceived as a floater. He says people aren’t going to want to take him to the end if he’s known as a floater. He says he wants to form a couple enemies. He wants more concrete game play from himself also. BB tells him his session will be over in 2 minutes.


He says his low point was the splitting up of the OTT Jamboree. He says everyone was smack-talking Shelby behind her back. He says he can’t tell her right now & he wants to keep her calm. He says he’s really tight with Alex, Shelby, Shane & Monte. He says he has a great relationship with Jason so far. He says Veto Vault was a brand new Veto Competition. He says if Jason could win the next HOH Competition & not go after Monte or Alex that would be great. He says he doesn’t know where some of the people’s heads are at. BB tells him his session is over. BB tells him to please plug in his microphone before he leave & thanks him. Scott thanks America & leaves the DR.


BB tells Shelby to please take off her microphone & sit in the middle of the chair. BB says he session will begin momentarily. BB tells her she can go ahead & begin.


Shelby says hey to everyone. She says her strategy was to lay low & throw competitions. She says she did the exact opposite of that & started scheming first thing. She says she wanted a showmance, but that’s not going to work for her game.


She says everyone said that her, Whitney, Alex & Morgan were in a group, so now they are. She is most loyal to them. She says she is trying to work with Scott & Jason. She says everyone told her OTT Jamboree is over & done with.


She says her most favorite in the house right now is Jason & she wants to hang out with him outside the house. She says he is actually the funniest. She says she really likes Scott & the girls & that’s it.


She says she is not liking anyone who watches Harry Potter & doesn’t read Harry Potter. She says that’s Danielle. She says Cornbread went off about her & he’s about to go home. She says he thinks he’s funny, but Jason & Justin are the funny guys. She says Kryssie was pissing her off, but they are good now. She says that was her favorite question.


She says she doesn’t have any secrets & she is winging this. She doesn’t have any secret crushes. She says Kryssie wanted her to tell Monte she was into him. She says his body is good looking, but they don’t click. She says Justin has already told her that his penis it too large for her & would kill her, so that’s not going to work. She says Shane is already taken. She says she needs to win HOH before picking targets.


She says her high point for the first week would be getting her safety necklace to glow, not being nominated or Jason winning the Veto, because she didn’t want to vote for him because he’s her favorite person there. She says that was her high point, Jason winning.


She says she really wants to win the upcoming HOH because she may be the target. She says it is so vital & she wants to win it to call out the alliances & call people out for talking about her outside. She says she hopes America likes her & doesn’t vote her out. She says, bye. BB tells her to please plug in her mic before she leaves & thanks her. She leaves the DR.


BB tells Alex to please take off her microphone & sit back in the middle of the chair. BB tells her that her DR session will begin momentarily. BB tells her the first part again. BB tells her to go ahead &  begin.


Alex says hi to America & be sitting in there with people watching her live. She says coming into the house she wasn’t going to align with her sister so no one catches on. She says she is still paranoid & she thinks that Justin is the only one catching on, but hasn’t said anything in a couple days, so she’s trying to keep it on the DL. She says she may screw her sister over later, but the only person she really trusts right now.


She says at the beginning of the week she has a good thing going with the girls, Shane, Scott & Cornbread. She says that has broken up & she is loyal to her sister because she knows her sister isn’t lying to her. She says she sort of trusted Scott until a couple hours ago when she thinks he wasn’t telling her everything.


She says she gets along pretty well with her sister. She says she really likes Whitney & Scott also. She says it changes day by day.


She says she is going to keep it real & she really doesn’t like Danielle. She says she doesn’t really get to know people in the house.


She says her main target is to break up the showmance of Danielle & Shane because they are running the house. She says she doesn’t understand that & she will break it up if she gets HOH.


She says the high point was actually walking into the house. She says she is loving it all.


She says has to win the upcoming HOH Competition or she will be going home. She says she feels that she is being targeted as a super fan. She says she is trying to be really chill. She says she is hearing that everyone is a target. She doesn’t want to let the other side run away with it. She says that is all. BB tells her to please plug in her mic before she leaves. She takes her mic, says thank you & leaves the DR.


BB tells Kryssie to please take off her microphone & sit back in the middle of the chair. BB tells her that her DR session will begin momentarily. BB tells her she may go ahead & begin.


Kryssie says this is great to have her first live DR. She says she really wanted to bond with a really strong male to align with. She says the only strong male is not on her wavelength.


She says the alliance thing has been garbage so far. She says Jason is her ride or die. She says she didn’t know who he was, never saw his season, nor new we picked him to come back in.


She says she likes everyone & everybody that makes her feel she is safe. She says she is scared for tomorrow. She says she is wild about Danielle, Neeley & Justin & she really loves Jason. She says the rest of the girls she really doesn’t care for.


She says she isn’t liking anyone that got her where she is & she didn’t’ want to be sitting dead on to the camera right now.


She says she has a sun allergy & she is covered in tattoos that will get them in hella trouble if she shows them. She says she is over Shelby. She says she is putting up a fight. She says Cornbread has given up & her & Danielle are fighting to stay.


She says her high point was coming into the house. She says she is humble to a fault. She says the high point was actually connecting with Jason when he walked in the door.


She says it is unbelievably important for her to win the next HOH. She says she was messed up with her hormones with starting her cycle. She says her plan is to stay there. She says it’s a huge shock to all of them. She says she is blindsided by a lot of things. She says she works in a bar & doesn’t get home until like 6 AM after going to the gym. She says her plan to stay in the house is to keep going. She doesn’t want to appear to be a huge threat. She says she doesn’t like lying, but will do it if she has to. She says she will pretend to like Shelby. She says she doesn’t want to throw Cornbread under the bus. She wants to keep her integrity in the game. She doesn’t want to scare people to much & stay true to herself. She says she is going to keep hoping she chose the right ride or die. She says she should be golden with Jason. She says she is in this to win this. She says they can only give you what’s put out there. She says some things that happened this week wasn’t what she wanted it to be. She doesn’t want people to hate her afterwards & she still wants to be respected. She tells us as her jury to pay attention. BB tells her that her session will be over in 2 minutes.


She tells us to vote our asses off. She says we have the ultimate power & they rely on us. She says to keep eyes on everything going on. She says they are starting something new & she wants it to continue going on for more seasons. She tells everyone they are still involved if they didn’t make it in the house. BB tells her that her session is over. BB tells her to please plug in her mic before leaving & thanks her. She thanks BB & leaves the DR.


BB tells Cornbread to please take off his microphone & sit back in the middle of the chair. BB tells him his DR session will begin momentarily. BB tells him to go ahead & begin.


Cornbread says his strategy was aligning with Monte, Scott & Shane & that has stayed true. He says they added more people to it. He says being put on the block has changed his way of thinking. He says he needs to bring more people closer to his game & have another little alliance.


He says he’s pretty much aligned with Scott & he’s most loyal to him. He says he wants both of them to go to the end.


He says Scott is his guy & he pretty much gets along with everyone in the house.


He says he is kind of working secretly with Jason right now to have something down the road. He says he has a lot of knowledge & he’s a great competitor. He says it’s good to have him in his back pocket.


He says he’s learned that every HOH Competition is very important because you get a little bit of control & try to get out the person you want out. He says he’s not going to throw any of the competitions because he really wants to do this.


He says he’s pretty much a nominee right now. He says he accepted the challenge of America putting him on the block. He says he didn’t get the Veto like he wanted to. He wants to build friendships with everyone & wants to still be friends on the outside. He says he’s transparent & wants to be sincere. He says, Cornbread out. BB tells him to please plug in his microphone before he leaves & thanks him. He puts his microphone on & leaves the DR.


BB tells Danielle to please take off her microphone & sit back in the middle of the chair. BB says her DR session will begin momentarily. BB tells her to go ahead & begin.


Danielle says hi to America.  She says her strategy coming into the house was to find someone that she has a genuine connection with. She says her two biggest connections are Jason & Shane. She says she is playing a very forward & upfront with.


She says she is aligned with Jason, Shane, Justin, Neeley & Kryssie. She says she genuinely has a connection with them. She says she is most loyal to Jason & Shane. She says this week is going pretty well & they are the same page listening to each. She says it’s benefiting her so far.


She says she likes a lot of people in the house, but she favors the late night Jamboree. She says Justin always has her laughing & crying. She says he is a ball of energy keeping them entertained.


She says she talks about everything in the house about the game & who she likes & dislikes. She says she has a crush on Shane & that’s pretty obvious. She says she adores Jason. She feels she is running quite a bit in the house & is enjoying playing the game.


She says her honest high point of the week was Jason winning the Veto. She says she literally ran across the yard & jumped on him. She says she did not want to see him going home & she didn’t want to be on the block against him. She says personally & game wise she genuinely loves Jason.


She says she wants to win the HOH Competition & it would be an easy week to be HOH. She says lines are getting drawn in the house & she wants to keep her side of the house safe. She says she is going to play really hard. She says she wants some more snacks. She says she is always hungry. She says she had a steak snack. She says she wants to sleep in the quiet room with no snoring & the nice bathroom.


She says she wants to stay in the house & she thinks they are leaning on voting out Cornbread. She says since America voted for him & he’s distancing himself she is trying to get the target shifted to him. She says she’s been a good part in that. She says if he doesn’t leave & she does she will really be surprised. She says she hopes she isn’t the one leaving tomorrow & she wants to do another live DR. She thanks America. BB tells her to please plug in her mic before she leaves. She gets her mic & leaves the DR.

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