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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen Area (KA)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program, and "Day" is confusing, so use Dae.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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10:22AM BBT Lights out still in the house.  Corey and Nicole crashed out in the HoH bedroom.  Paul, Vic, and James each slumbering in a bed in the UKBR.  HoH fish are the only thing active in the house right now.


11:08AM BBT Lights on in all rooms, but all houseguests still crashed out in the same places.


12:06PM BBT Corey still in bed, awake.  Nicole in HoH WA doing makeup, telling Corey before coming back to the show she did brain exercises to help her get smarter and improve her memory and it actually made her memory worse in the house.  Sudoku, brain exercises recommended by an ER doc...nothing worked.  She thinks her anxiety is what blocks her memory in the house.


12:08PM BBT Vic, Paul, and James still crashed out in the UKBR with the lights on.


12:20PM BBT Nicole is studying the memory wall. James, Vic and Paul asleep in the UKBR. Corey joins Nicole in studying at the wall.


12:38PM BBT Nicole and Corey getting food and chatting. Other HG sleeping.


12:48PM BBT Nicole tells Corey that she dreamed about Derrick and his family. She said they came in the house to give advices. She tells Corey that when they get done, BB will talk to them about if they said or did anything that caused controversy and we get FOTH.


1:01PM BBT Nicole and Corey continue to talk. About the house, the comps, life. Just eating food and chatting.




 1:10PM BBT Corey doing the dishes. Nicole cleaning up the KT. Other HG still sleeping.


1:14PM BBT Corey called to DR. We have Jeff Reels.




3:23PM BBT Jeff's Reels still on.


4:42PM BBT Jeff's Reels still on. [We're at three and a half hours and counting for the PoV comp now.  Decently long. Seems like it would be enough time for maybe the face matching comp?  Comics? - BBLP]


5:42PM BBT Jeff's Reels still on. [Four and a half hours for the PoV comp so far.]


6:09PM BBT Jeff's Reels continue their leggy run.


6:22 PM BBT Live feeds come back with the HG's wearing capes. Nicole says she is really sore & her physical endurance keeps getting tested. James says he doesn't know what he did wrong. Corey says it took forever to wait for James to be done. They played the BB Comic Book POV Comp. The VETO is hanging on the wall already. Victor goes in the WA & hugs Nicole. Victor forgives Nicole after she says she feels sad. Nicole says she folded all of her laundry while she was waiting in the house. She is in the UKBR & says she kind of walked through the comp. In the KT, Corey asks Paul how they want to drink the beers? He asks Victor if they want to drink them straight or mix them.


6:26 PM BBT Victor wants to make pasta since he feels they just had rice. Nicole runs up the HOHR following Corey. She asks Corey if he's mad about his comic? He says, no. She says he acted offended. Corey says he was watching from the HOHR. Nicole says Corey said good job to everyone. She says she didn't think she did well. Corey tells her she was super fast. She says she has good strategy that's how she won. Corey says he needs mistletoe now when she sits in his lap. Nicole won the POV.


James and victor and Paul in Kitchen.  Everyone had their own comics. Victor loved they way he was portrayed, but Paul was in it


6:29 PM BBT Corey's comic had to do with a missile & it said to kiss his ass goodbye with a picture of Nicole's butt on it. She says Corey seems offended to be in a showmance with her. They leave the HOHR in search of Nicole's microphone, after BB tells Nicole to put on her microphone. She says it's on her that's why she couldn't find it.


All HG's in kitchen, cooking steaks and pasta. Paul plans to do something interesting with the beers. They're a bit stir crazy after being cooped up all day for POV.


Da'Vonne's comic portrayed her as feisty.  POV involved climbing a ladder up and down and crawling.  They had to find differences between some of the comics.  


6:32 PM BBT Nicole goes to the WC. Corey, James, Victor & Paul are all in the KT. Victor says he thinks Nicole is taking a sh*t. (He seems to always know where she is & what she's doing). Victor & Paul are preparing dinner. Paul asks Corey if he will take him the trash can? He says, yeah, bro, & takes it to him. Paul says the food is going to taste good. Nicole goes to the KT. Victor says BB went in on big Meech. Nicole asks what Da'Vonne's was? James says she was pretty feisty last season. Victor is trying to create an alfredo sauce. He tells Nicole she can't eat any salad. He says they are going to eat steak & pasta. He tells Nicole they will drink beer & then play spin the bottle. Nicole says, there is one girl here, that should be really fun. Nicole says she was so sore during the comp. Victor says he went up the thing about 30 times. He says he couldn't find out the differences quickly. Nicole says she couldn't figure out Da'Vonne, Tiffany & Jozea's differences. She says she had to guess. Victor says it made him mad because he had to change 14 of his comics.


Meech will cry when she sees her comic; she was a big baby in a onesie. Nicole feels she looked really good in Corey's comic.


6:38 PM BBT Nicole asks if they really gave them fries? Paul says they probably don't want him using the oil anymore. Victor says he can just bake them. We see Jeff's Reels quickly. Victor says he literally fell in love with his comic. He says that's not his comic because he's really handsome. Corey says Nicole's butt looks really good. Nicole loves her comic. She says Michelle is going to be pissed about her comic. Nicole whines to Corey because she didn't hear what he said. He says he wants to bury his face in her butt.


6:40 PM BBT We see FOTH when Victor talks about the comics being told the jury members. He comes back saying that Michelle's comic was here in a diaper as a big fat baby. Paul says he can't wait to sh*t on Michelle. Paul says Frank's comic was awful. Victor says his is his Instagram. Paul says they gave him a plug. Frank's comic was about him slapping the girls butts. All of the HG's are in the KT. Nicole is the only one sitting at the KT table & Corey joins her.


Joseaa's comic was funny.  Meech's was funny. They didn't like Tiffany's, which was some sort of emotional wrecking ball. Bridget's was cool and referenced cabbage patch kid. Nicole liked Corey's the best.  Victor liked his.  Nicole points out that some of the comics may have secret meanings that they don't understand, because they don't know everything about everyone- like that Bronte was a mathematician. Paulie's was lame.  Corey wonders why they didn't do his patriotard, but Nicole says clearly he was so obsessed with her that she had to be in it.


6:42 PM BBT Nicole says she thought she was going to have something about her bun in her comic. She says they don't let the Germitard die, they had it in this one again. She was in Corey's comic with her Germitard, beer stein & sausage. She says she loves that she is in Corey's comic. Victor says he will hang his on his wall. Corey is going to hang his up also. Nicole says that everyone will wonder who she is? He says he loves that it shows his experience. Nicole says they could have put Corey's in hers & she wouldn't have cared. Corey asks what his missletoes where hitting? Paul says, the people. Corey asks Paul who his favorite was? Paul says he likes Jozea's. Corey says Michelle's was funny. Paul says Michelle will cry. Victor says Bridgette's had cabbage in it for the cabbage patch kid & it had Mr. Jenkins. Nicole says Natalie's had Princess Pep for her being a cheerleader. She says Bronte's showed she was a mathematician. Paul's was about him being a motor mouth. Corey says Paulie's was weird. Victor says he was a baker in his. Corey says they should have done something about his Patriotard. Victor says they used the Christmas theme for him. We see FOTH 4 times in a row back to back.


6:49 PM BBT Corey says his is about Christmas & Nicole is in it so he really likes it. Corey gets up & hugs Nicole from behind. He says he's in the dog house. Victor barks like a dog. Paul says he might hold off on the pineapple because it's a lot of work he doesn't want to do. James says the steaks are marinating & need to be in the mixture for about 15 minutes to soak it up. James says he likes how they put crash on his shirt because they knew he was going to crash. Nicole says she is always called Octoberfist. Nicole says they are going to air how he asked why Nicole was even in his comic. Corey says it was clearly her, but she didn't have a bun. Corey says he's going to get called to the DR pretty soon. We see FOTH quickly. Corey tries a beer & says it's pretty good. Nicole tries it, & of course Victor has to try it after them. Corey opens the beers since he seems to be the only one that can open the bottles. Paul is making another punch. Nicole says she gets such bad acid reflux. We see FOTH.


6:54 PM BBT Corey tells Nicole that he's excited about his comic. He says he doesn't care if the whole case is in it. Paul says, so he'd rather have the whole cast & not her? Corey laughs. Victor says he made something pretty good. We see FOTH again.


6:56 PM Nicole says everyone probably thought hers was going to be a snake. Paul says he enjoyed that comp. Victor says he didn't enjoy it. Paul says he fell. Victor says he literally made a whole in the wall. Nicole says she got stuck. Paul says that's how she won. Nicole asks Corey if they can kiss & make-up? Victor says they just start making out & boning on the table. They don't get close to each other. Corey says he's so happy right now. He tells Nicole that she got exactly what she wanted from that comp. Victor says, yeah, the Veto. Nicole says she is happy she beat him. Victor says he wants his comic now. He says they literally gave him a plug. Nicole says she remembered 2 at once without detail. Victor says his took 29 minutes. Nicole says she was reading the directions in the DR & she heard ding ding ding. Nicole says their faces have to be funny every time they go by. Paul says he swore the entire comp. Victor says he used the F word when he finished. Nicole asks if they took them all out at first? We see FOTH.

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