cassondra0222 Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 8:36 PM BBT Paul misses his next shot. Victor misses his next shot. Corey misses his shot as well. Nicole tells him good job. James drops his egg & is not at all happy. Paul is encouraging Victor along the way. Nicole says this is a funny comp. Paul says, holy sh*t. All the HG's are getting tired & really want to win this comp. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 8:39 PM BBT Paul asks if they want to take an egg as a souvenir. Nicole laughs. Victor rolls his egg down his ramp & hits his last "H" to win the HOH. Victor is jumping up & down & is eggstatic. Nicole says, "Victor has won." We see Jeff's Reels. Nicole says he was just pounding them. Paul tells everyone to check out his cock as he picks up a rooster in the BY. We see Jeff's Reels again. Paul jumps up & gets a huge bear hug from Victor. Paul says he's splitting his beers with him. Nicole says it was hard to watch. Corey says it was hard. Natalie asks James if he's o.k. Nicole says no one is a HN. She says everyone got the HAVE. Natalie says she is eggshausted. She says that was hard & she has egg all over her. The HG's have fox tails on them. Natalie wants to go in the house to shower. We see Jeff's Reels again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 8:47 PM BBT Live feeds come back with Victor going in the HNBR. He says he hates this room. He has his fox ears & tail on & says, "The Puerto Rican sensation strikes again." He says they thought they could get him out. He is excited. He says he's going to keep the ears on because he's the fox. He says, "Unevictable." He paces around the HNBR. Corey goes in there with him. They yell & give each other a big bear hug. They give chest bumps. Corey says that was big. Victor says he was nervous every time Natalie was getting close. Victor says they just need to get the Veto. Paul goes in the HNBR. They all do the same thing over again. Paul says he was messing with Natalie the whole time. Nicole goes in the HNBR. Victor picks her up & hugs & kisses her cheek. She gets hugs from everyone. She says she was scared that Natalie was going to get it. Victor says he passed Natalie up on the last one. Nicole says she is really proud of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 8:50 PM BBT Nicole wants to sleep in the HNBR with Corey for his last night on being a HN. They all say "FINAL 4." Victor says they are guaranteed the Final 5 & then the Final 4. Nicole says they all need to go for the Veto or they will be the replacement nom. Victor leaves the HNBR. James & Natalie leave the WA & go to the KT. Natalie says she can't believe she got two letters knocked down. James says he would have been the only one that was a HN if he hadn't put the egg in that basket. Natalie says it would have been fun to win 2 HOH's. James says it would have been clutch right now too. Natalie says her hands are all torn up. She says she doesn't know if she should put Neosporin on them now or when they dry out. James says she should probably put some on now. She goes to put some on. Victor is getting ready to cook frozen pizzas for dinner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 8:54 PM BBT James says there aren't going to be any HN's this week. Natalie says it was a smart idea to put the HAVE thing in the comp. Victor tells her she didn't even need to go for it though. Natalie says she still lost. Victor says she already won one. Natalie says that was one that she could have won. Victor says she still has other comps she can win. Natalie says they all know she can't win mental comps. Victor is putting Oregano, garlic & paprika on the pizza. Natalie says noms should be in the morning since they don't have the care package anymore. Victor says they could let them still do it at the same time so they can sleep in. Natalie says she was close to launching another egg, but because her eggs had broken on her board it slowed her down. Victor says he had it down pat. Natalie says if she had longer fingers she would have had it. Victor says the eggs dropped for him on the downward part. Natalie says hers didn't because of her fingers being so small. James says he pushed his egg across every time the eagle was landing. He says it only rolled off one time. Natalie says she never did that. Natalie says when she went outside & saw the chicken coop comp she though, "Oh man." Victor says he remembers this comp & them having to put the eggs in slots. Natalie says this one was much harder. Victor goes to look for the Skittles. Natalie tells James to cheer up because they are Final 6. Natalie says if she wins the Veto she will use it on him. James tells her not to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 8:59 PM BBT James tells Natalie he thinks Corey used the bribe on Paul or Victor. Natalie says she thinks so. James says this will be one of their last weeks. James says he's more of a physical threat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 9:01PM BBT Paul and Corey talking. Corey a HN for one more day. He is happy he won't be after that. They discuss the votes for next week. They mention Natalie is the target. 9:04PM BBT Vic and Paul hug it out in the SR. So excited Vic won. In the KT Nicole and Nat discuss Michelle's leaving. James and Nat tell Nicole that they told Michelle to come talk to Nicole. 9:08PM BBT Natalie asks Vic in the KT if there were people dressed as foxes last year during the comp. Vic says he doesn't think so. They are talking about the videos they got. 9:15PM BBT The HG in the KT. Natalie tells them how she had to calm her down over and over. They discuss that she throws temper tantrums (she told Nicole that she does). Nicole says not she has seen them a few times. Paul says she hid his cereal box which is the move of a 4 year old. 9:22PM BBT You can hear a girls voice yelling and Vic says "what's that?" We get FOTH. We come back and no one is mentioning it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 9:32PM BBT Natalie says they made it to F6. Paul says they are in the teens on day's left. Paul talks about how nice it was to get the videos. 9:40PM BBT Nicole and Vic go to the UKBR. They were looking for Corey but he may be in DR. They talk about if their parents are proud of them. They discuss Michelle. Nicole says that Michelle told her that she was no longer working with Nat/James. Vic says and then she craps on us walking out the door. Vic says he just wants them to relax this week. Nicole says it is such a good feeling. 9:48PM BBT Paul goes into the UKBR and talks to Nicole and Vic. They are talking about how many comps they have won. Nat and James head to the walkway. Natalie says should we have hung out with them? James says they are going up. Natalie tells James that she wants to lay down and go to sleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 9:53PM BBT Natalie tells James that they should have voted Corey out. Then Natalie tells James that she was trusting him on who to vote out. Natalie says she knew not to trust Corey and Nicole. 9:56PM BBT James is saying they had a good run. Natalie says she put up the two biggest targets. She says they betrayed Vic and now Vic will gun for them. James says they are taking all the heat because they protected Corey and Nicole. 9:58PM BBT Natalie asks James what does she do when he leaves this week. He tells her that she wins. In the UKBR Paul and Vic talking about that he is so excited to win. This is Karma. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 10:02PM BBT Natalie tells James that she begged him to take out Corey. She begged him. James says you don't know how things are going to play out. James says he is okay. He is happy he got to meet Natalie and they will be best friends. Natalie doesn't say a word. 10:12PM BBT Nicole tells Paul and Vic how Natalie told her that she plays emotionally. Paul asks if he can taunt around the house this week. Vic says that is up to him but that's not his way. 10:16PM BBT James tells Natalie that they need to talk to Vic together. James is going to tell him that Natalie wanted to keep him but they had a F4 with Nicole and Corey and so they voted Vic out. They didn't campaigned for Michelle until the final minutes because they thought they had a F4 with Nicole/Corey. 10:20PM BBT Corey comes out of DR. They are teasing him. Michelle had hugged him and told him she loved him. Corey says he also was leaving a goodbye message to Pablo. They laugh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 10:22PM BBT Natalie and James walk through the LR . Natalie says she has to remember to shout out her cousin's Go Fund Me. They go to the BR with the rest of the HG. Natalie is snuggled up to James in the BR. They are talking about family members in the videos. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 12:03 PM BBT Victor comes out of the DR & asks, "Who wants to see my HOH room?" They all go upstairs to see his HOHR. Paul starts to sing & we see FOTH briefly twice. Natalie says this is the Final 6 & this is a joke. Victor has his fox ears on & can't open the HOH door on the first try. He puts the key back in the door & it opens this time. Everyone goes in the HOHR. Victor is looking at his pictures. Paul says Nicole B lines for the snacks. Natalie tells Victor he looks like a little baby in one of his pictures. He says it was in 2014. Natalie says he got a new pair of sunglasses. Victor got dominos, a new shirt, Axe Body Wash & Axe Body Spray. Paul says he's going to use some of it. Natalie says she loves dominos. Victor looks in the freezer & he says he got a ton of meat. He got a smoked ham, prime steak & chicken breasts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 VICTOR'S HOH LETTER: Vitin, God bless you. I hope to God that all is well when you receive this letter. Everyone here is doing fine. Life is going as usual. Your mother & I visited St. Augustine, Florida a few weeks ago, where I went to a job training & took the opportunity to see the babies & Ashley. Everything is well in Puerto Rico & the family sends you hugs & kisses. We are very proud of you. Life is short. Enjoy every moment & every experience that comes your way. Create pleasant & lasting memories. Keep your eyes on the target. We love & miss you, Dad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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