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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen Area (KA)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program, and "Day" is confusing, so use Dae.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!


12:00 AM BBT Corey and Nicole in the HT and Vic is working out. Corey gets out and complains the water is hot and Nicole says it’s not hot. She takes showers hotter than that.


James, Michelle, and Natalie in the UKBR. Natalie asked if Michelle was mad that they threw the POV comp last week. She says no. Natalie says she wouldn’t have won it anyway. Natalie says if Michelle does go home this week because then they’d have a lot to worry about. Michelle says she thinks those 4 are working together. Natalie says that would be sooooo stupid. James says he can’t be Paul folded on all of them. Natalie asks them what their strategy was to stay in the game.


12:10 AM BBT Nicole goes inside for water and Corey and Vic talk about working out. Vic asks Corey how much he weighs and Corey says he thinks he’s gained weight in the house. Both guys are now working out.


12:11 AM BBT James says as long as he’s safe he doesn’t care. If he could get to F2 without winning a single comp, that would be awesome. They talk about Victor coming back in the house twice. Natalie can see a Victor and Nicole F2 and Michelle says for sure. She says that’s why for double she would put them on the block. Michelle thinks Victor is fake and playing all sides of the house. Natalie agrees. Michelle doesn’t trust him. She said he was trying to act like he was helping her and said there was 23 ducks and when Michelle went and checked it was 24. They talk about Victor not playing an honest game. He plays the innocent card. Natalie says he never even admitted he made fun of me and Michelle says he called her FTs too. They talk about going to a dermatologist after the show. They all go the WA and get ready to go out to the HT.


12:15 AM BBT Nicole comes back out and they talk about how much sugar is in certain drinks. Vic tells her sugar is a drug.


12:20 AM BBT Corey is going in to shower as Paul comes out. Paul tells Nicole about his conversation with Michelle. He says he told her this is one of their last week and he doesn’t want any animosity. He apologized, she apologized, they squashed their beef. Nicole asks does she know she’s going home. Paul says she doesn’t know. Paul tells Nicole that Michelle thinks he’s the reason she went up. Nicole says I made it clear in my speech she was up because she was coming after me. Paul says he squashed everything. He says Michelle told him she thought he was working with them because he was hanging around with them. He said no it was because he wasn’t comfortable with them because Michelle was ignoring him. Nat and Michelle comes out to the BY. James comes out and joins them.


12:26 AM BBT Natalie, Michelle, James, and Paul in the HT. Victor and Nicole sitting on one of the loungers. Victor is talking about himself, his workout, how long he spends working out his chest. Nicole asks if his Instagram is mainly him working out and he says yes. In the HT, Natalie says she wished they would make bathing suit dresses. Like out of bathing suit material, but a dress. Michelle wants to do James hair like a mini-mohawk. BB tells them to lower the umbrella. Vic and Nicole talking about money. He asks Nicole if she spent all her money when she got out and she says no. She still has some.


12:30-1:00 AM BBT Paul, Natalie, Michelle, and James in the HT. They are talking about farting. Nicole and Vic on one of the loungers still. Corey comes out and talks to Vic and NIc. FotH.


Corey called to the DR.


Nicole and Victor talking about Corey considering bribing James to throw the veto.  Nicole is going to fast tomorrow. Vic says being a have not two weeks in a row stinks and it’s getting to him.

Natalie talking she loves to go to Claire’s. Every time she goes to the mall, she goes to Claire’s and she’s 26. Michelle shouts out that Corey has the record for being HN the most.


Vic mumbling to Nicole that all three of them are responsible for his departure. He doesn’t have anything against Michelle. Vic says James doesn’t talk to him at all.


Nat says she’s going to get a tattoo of James’ face on her butt.


Victor is happy he made a name for himself in Big Brother history.


Victor tells Nicole she’ll like New Orleans. They can tell Corey to drive down because he’s only like 6 hours away. Vic said that’s what he wants to do. He wants to drive to Dallas. Nicole says it’s cheaper than flying. Vic says he has a little civic and the windows don’t roll down. He says that car and him have been to hell and back.


Nicole asks Vic what he’s going to do after the show. He says he wants to give a solid shot at acting. He doesn’t want to go back to a 9-5 bullshit job. Foth.


Vic says we need to make sure everything falls in our favor on Thursday. He says if it does we are walking to the F4. Vic says every time he gets evicted, he comes back to a better situation.


1:00 AM BBT Vic and Nicole still on the lounger talking general game talk. Natalie and Michelle talking about random stuff in the HT.


Victor and Nicole had inside. They are talking about slop. James comes in to the KT and Vic asks why do you always smell amazing. James says he just took a shower. He says you can say I’m messy, but you can’t say I stink. Vic says back home he has to smell good, in the house Never Cared.


1:14 AM BBT Natalie wants to win another HOH to help James, but vetoes are too hard for her. They don’t think Vic will be good at days comps because no one helped him study and he was gone for a little bit. Natalie says Paul needs to go this week or he or Victor is going to win.  Michelle says Nicole has played a seamless game. She says Nicole was public enemy number one until she got the first HOH. Michelle says Nicole remembers all the comps. She feels James is forgetful and legitimately doesn’t remember. Michelle says when Nicole found out she was coming back she studied the game and probably talked to Derrick and studied with him. Natalie says they definitely have to start hanging out with Corey and Nicole and making an effort. Michelle says she could have come over here. Michelle says we invited them upstairs last week and they never came and hung out. Michelle says I’m sure she doesn’t hate anyone, but maybe she just doesn’t like girls. Michelle feels that Nicole was the pushing for Tiffany to go and Da’Vonne.  Natalie says the only thing was someone in your group needed to win comps and no one was winning comps.


Paul joins the KT with Victor, Corey, and Nicole. Nicole is cutting up vegetables. General chatter about food. Paul and Nicole goes to the WA and he doesn’t want Nicole upset or paranoid if he’s seen hanging out with them.


Natalie and Michelle start talking about how much pregnant women should eat. And when they have kids since they know how to eat and workout they’ll be fit.


1:30 AM BBT Natalie and Michelle in the HT talking about running. Corey in HOH waiting on Nicole.


1:33 AM BBT Nicole comes in to the HOH. Nicole says Paul asked if she wanted him to hang around her or them. Nicole doesn’t want Paul getting close to the others. She told him it doesn’t matter but he can hang around with her and Corey. They talk about Corey being a HN. Nicole says she wants to take care of him because she’s a nurse. He says he likes being taken care of. Nicole goes to feed the fish.


Nicole and Corey talk about the care package. Corey doesn’t think anyone is going to take a bribe at this point. Nicole is 90% sure the next comp is D/E. She says maybe they can bribe James to throw the HOH. Corey says no one would take it now. He says they would want to wait until after eviction, and no one is definitely going to take it then. He’s tired of talking about it.


1:38 AM BBT Paul and Victor go into the safari room. They are going to talk to America. Paul says Wednesday’s episode will be the funniest of the season. He says his DR was funny from after the veto comp. They talk about random stuff, things they want to do outside of the house, dating, their beards.


1:43 AM BBT More strategy talk by Nicole and Corey on how much information to give James. Corey says tell him you know Michelle is coming after you and Paul isn’t. Nicole says I can’t do that because James could go talk to Paul about that. She says she could say something like I know Paul might be coming after me, but I know for 100% that Michelle is coming after me.


Corey says he bets her family is super pumped she won the veto. She says yeah, cool right. Lots of silence in HOH as both are thinking or just staring. Corey says he’s hungry.


Nicole says what if Paul is just using us to get through this week. Corey says why would they come after us. Nicole says because we have more comp wins. Corey says it’s a risk either way you go. Corey would prefer Vic to win the next HOH. Corey thinks Natalie would definitely put her and Nicole up. Corey says Natalie is super fake and Nicole says yeah you can see her real side come out every now and then. Nicole says Natalie is doing a good job though. Corey says he would never vote for Natalie.


1:50 AM BBT James walks by the safari room and stops and listens for a second. Paul feels like they’re making a video for a dating website. Paul forgets what a girl feels like. He apologizes to whichever girl kisses him. Victor says he’d giggle if a girl gives him just a peck. Paul comments he’s the youngest in the house. Michelle is older by six months. Victor says holding a girls hand will be crazy. Paul wants to grab the inside of a girl’s thigh. Vic says everyone else in the house is cuddling with someone and Paul says and we’re here boning ourselves. Paul thinks Bridgette’s boyfriend isn’t real because of the way she cuddled with Frank. Paul asks what’s the first song he wants to hear when he gets out of the house. Victor wants to listen to Young Thug or something like that. He starts singing and we get FotH.


1:56 AM BBT Nicole says she didn’t make any lifelong best friends this season, except Corey, like she did last time. Corey says did you make lifelong friends with people last time? Nicole says her and Victoria will always be friends, and Zack, and Derrick, and Cody. She mentions Donny and Jocasta as well.  


2:02-2:30 AM BBT Paul and Victor talking about getting an apartment together. Vic says he’ll have to get a job. Paul says they’ll be covered by stipend. They talk about a house instead so they have more room. Vic says his parents have a house in Slidell and his parents pay like $1000 in mortgage. Paul says that’s crazy. Vic says cost of living there is really low. He says a front and back yard, 3 bedrooms and a 2 car garage. They talk about going grocery shopping will be novel when they get back out.


Nat is going to take a shower, Michelle is getting something to eat, and James decides he wants a bowl of pasta. Michelle offers to make it but James says no thank you. James and Michelle go to eat in the WA.


Paul and Vic still general talk on Paul’s clothing store and how many followers they had when they came in. They talk about the week and eviction Thursday. Then they talk about Vic being shirtless in all his DRs and we get FotH.


Michelle finished eating and goes to get snacks. She has chips and jerky. Natalie said she could have written her HOH blog better. Natalie says Corey never got to do an HOH blog.


We keep getting intermittent feeds off the house so hard to follow a conversation.


Natalie says she’s never seen a country guy that’s Asian. Michelle gives Natalie her make-up wipes because she doesn’t like them. She prefers Vaseline. James gives a shoutout to someone names Laura who tried to get on Big Brother. Michelle starts screaming oh my god I know you’re talking and we get FotH.


All feeds on safari room. Victor picking up random stuff off the floor (razor and knife) that was left by Michelle. Victor complaining about how dirty the house is in general. He says there’s a dish in the safari room that has been there for a week and he won’t take it out on principle. Paul starts talking about Michelle and how she eats fruit without rinsing it off first.


2:32 AM BBT Michelle called to the DR. Paul and Victor in safari room saying dad’s pissed and that’s why she’s called to DR. They mumble a penalty vote her way and she’ll start crying. Victor says she’s hilarious. Vic says she could have a tv show of her own. Vic says he could totally hang out with her outside. Paul says he couldn’t. He has no patience. Victor slides lotion up Paul’s bottom and says credit card swipe. Paul says see you later live fooders. Vic says he’s going to brush his teeth and Paul takes his stuff into the KT. Michelle back out of DR and Vic says did you get shit on. We get FotH. Victor is going to shower. Michelle says she feels bad and asks Vic if he ever gets in trouble. Paul is getting something to eat.


Nat and James in the UKBR. Nat says she’s glad she won that HOH. James forgot something and as he leaves he tells Nat to put her clothes away.  James comes back and says guess who’s in trouble and Nat says she got called to DR? James says she just keeps going and Nat says she’s never met anyone funnier than Michelle. James gives his candy cane to Natalie and she says if it’s your only one I don’t want it.


2:38 AM BBT Natalie is going to keep the box her care package came in forever. Michelle asked if anyone got in trouble on James’ season. Nat says they put in vets and so everyone thought they could get in trouble because they saw the vets getting away with it.


2:41 AM BBT Paul is eating. Nicole is asleep in HOH. Corey is in HNR. Paul goes back to the safari room to talk to live feeders again. He says he’s on the block again and he might just go home this Thursday. He says probably not but you never know in the BB house. He says a lot of scheming to go on these days and he doesn’t like it.  He says he doesn’t know who’s up watching this but cheers to them for being awake. He says your boy is either ready to win FotH.


2:47 AM BBT Feeds back and Paul is in the WA talking to Vic. They are talking about Vic’s private area shriveling up from the cold shower. General chatter again. They talk about how they can’t wait to sing.


2:52 AM BBT Natalie could never go Vegan. Michelle says she’s going to after she leaves the house. Natalie says she couldn’t do it, she needs meat. Michelle thinks everything should live in harmony and live off the earth. Michelle says what right does anyone have to take a cows balls and Paul comes in. Michelle doesn’t know what castrating is.


2:57 AM BBT Paul tells Vic to come to UKBR if he wants to for a bit. Vic finishes doing his nightly chores before he goes to bed. (Brushing his teeth, beard maintenance, etc.)


3:02 AM BBT Paul, Natalie, James, and Michelle in the UKBR. They talk about how much food is wasted by humans. Paul says there should not be world hunger at all.


3:06 AM BBT Victor grabs a blanket and goes into the HNR and scares the crap out of Corey.


3:08 AM BBT Natalie likes soy milk and almond milk, but she heard it was linked to cancer and her mom told her to stop drinking soy milk.  Paul says it’s full of estrogen so it’s not good for women. Michelle says soy is 90% GMO’d. Michelle is glad that almond milk is becoming popular. Nat took 1 nutrition class in college she thinks if the USDA says something is organic, it still doesn’t have to be 100% organic, just a certain percentage.


3:13 AM BBT Michelle says cows are very social animals and they are emotional and they make friends with other cows. Michelle says can you imagine being a chicken forced into a cage and injected with hormones and not see their chicks. Natalie says that’s animal torture. That’s legit animal torture. She says if someone did that to a dog, they’d be looked at as cruel and evil, but they can do it to cows and chickens? Michelle thinks animals can communicate in different ways. Paul and James have both turned over and went to sleep.


[Michelle has been on a 30 minute diatribe on why humans should be equal to the animals. Why it’s important to be Vegan. Why people shouldn’t kill animals. How she puts herself in animals’ shoes and how she would feel to be treated that way. It is a lot about animal testing and animal torture, etc.]


3:37 AM BBT Michelle goes into the UKBR and grabs a blanket and pillow and is the last hamster to lay down. Michelle in the Tokyo BR. Vic and Corey in the HNR. Paul, James, and Nat in the UKBR. Nicole alone in HOH.


4:14 AM BBT Corey and Vic in HNR. Corey sits up and says something (but I’m not sure it was English). He did clearly say James though. [I’m pretty sure he was talking in his sleep]


4:30AM - 6:00AM BBT - HG sleeping. Corey restless in the HNBR Sits up several times, tries to find a comfortable position.


6:00 - 7:00 AM BBT All HG sleeping. At 6:20 Corey gets up to use the WC. Michelle asks him if he is okay as he walks past her bed. He says yes. He uses the WC, washes his hands and heads back to bed.


7:00AM - 8:00 AM BBT All HG sleeping. At  7:04AM Vic gets out of his bumper car and heads to the WA. Uses the facilities, washes hands and heads back to bed.


8:00 - 10:30AM BBT All HG sleep.


10:48AM BBT Nicole is up and using the downstairs WC. She then heads to the SR to exchange her batteries. She heads back to the HOH.


10:55AM BBT Wake up FOTH.


2:41 PM BBT HG's in the BY are talking about DiCaprio's The Revenant when a drone flew over the BY. Nicole says it got low but no one is sure what it says.


3:22 PM BBT Live feeds go to Jeff's Reels.


4:03 PM BBT James, Natalie, Michelle & Victor are talking in the UKBR about the drone flying 20 feet above James' head. James says it had a blow up doll tied to the 4 legs with nylon. James says there was a message written in black Sharpie. Michelle says she thinks there was a T in the message. James cuts Michelle off & says they can all agree that all they could make out is that it said #1 on it. In the HOHR, Nicole tells Corey & Victor that she thinks it was a message about evicting Michelle. Paul goes up to the HOHR & tells Nicole that everyone in the UKBR was sketched out. He says they were all sitting up & talking when he went in there & then all of a sudden they all wanted to take a nap. He tells Nicole what was said in there. Victor & Paul express how much they really want James out of the house. Victor says he needs to win the next HOH. Victor & Paul leave the HOHR. Nicole tells Corey that she thinks fans are telling her not to evict Michelle now. Corey tells Nicole to evict Michelle, there is no reason to keep her when she is going after her. They both leave the HOHR & go to the KT.


5:05PM BBT Surprise, Michele and Natalie are in the UKBR and Michelle is crying while Natalie is trying to make her feel better. She is telling Michelle that she is a strong player that calls people out and her fans will love her for it. Michelle is saying that she is sick of herself and the way she looks and she is sick of him (Paul). Then she continues to cry again.

5:10PM BBT Yes, the crying still continues in the UKBR. Natalie is still trying to cheer her up by telling her she is a good player and that she will be there for her. Michelle says that she hates her own body, face, and herself. She wants to be a different person. Michelle then says that she doesn’t have a pretty face and she looks like Buzz Lightyear????? Where does she get that from? Michelle says that she hates her face and every day she hates something different about herself.

5:15PM BBT Paul walked into the UKBR and Michelle immediately stopped crying for a second saying that she was fine. Paul tells them that the chicken is ready.

5:21PM BBT Moving away from the crying game in the UKBR. James and Paul are at the propeller table and Nicole and Corey move into the HOH room. They both ask each other what is going on. Nicole says that she ate too much chicken. Nicole tells Corey that he stinks and he gets a little bit upset and she immediately says that she was kidding. She jumps and gives him a hug and swears that she was kidding. Now Corey is on top of Nicole on the HOH bed and they are hugging each other. There is some heavy flirting going on here. Corey is still telling her that he doesn’t believe that she was kidding about him stinking.


5:25PM BBT We are now back to the crying game in the UKBR. Michelle is still under the covers and Natalie is still talking to her. Natalie has a lot of patience. Michelle is still talking about how she is on the show of her dreams and she looks like crap. Natalie says that they need to lift each other up about it and the feeds go to James and Paul in the KA.

5:30PM BBT James and Paul are in the KA area talking about next week. James says that it is all up to the POV. Paul says that may not necessarily be true. James is trying to add up how many people will be playing in the veto and it takes him a while to come up with the number 5. Paul says that he would like to stay in the house just to see what happens, but he is just a realistic person.

5:37PM BBT James walks into the UKBR and tries to show his support to Michelle for a little bit by agreeing with Natalie that she says off the wall stuff to him all of the time because the house is so stressful. BB tells Paul to please stop singing. Michelle says that she feels better now for venting to Natalie. James reminds her that she only has 25 days in the house left. (Honestly probably less for her.) James tells Michelle that Natalie got to him one day and he broke down. He said that the game really doesn’t get to him. Its Natalie that is the one who gets to him.

5:42PM BBT Natalie tells Michelle that you have to be fake in the game. You cannot be mean to the HOH that’s a good way to go home. Natalie brings up the fact that she has been calling people out all season long. James said Yeah y’all blew Paulies game out of the water.


5:47PM BBT Natalie tells Michelle that she needs to tell Nicole that she wants Victor out. James cuts her off and says NO. James tells her that she just needs to keep being nice to Nicole for the time being. Natalie is trying to explain the game to Michelle and tells her why she needs to just lay low for the week. James is being supportive by telling her to let him deal with Nicole. Paul comes in to tell the HG that the BY is open. They all jump up and run towards the back yard. The HG are happy about this. BB tells Michelle to put her Microphone on. Paul says that it smells funny out here, James says that it smells like a drone.

5:50PM BBT All of the Feeds switch to Corey and Nicole in the HOH room cuddling. They are not talking about much. Nicole is running her fingers through his hair. Corey starts saying the numbers in his phone number. Nicole tells him to stop and then we get FOTH. When the feeds come back on Corey joins the other HG in the BY. Now all of the feeds are on the HG in the BY.

6:05PM BBT All of the feeds are on the HG in the BY. Corey is working out. Nicole is laying down eating trail mix. Paul is laying in the Hammock and asks Corey to give him a little push. A plane flies over. Michelle is eating seaweed. No game talk and no real conversation going on. Natalie is popping zits on James’ leg. He is yelling out like a little baby. He is begging her for no more.

6:08PM BBT James runs over to the Microphone hanging down and starts yelling like he is a boxing announcer calling out Paul and Corey.

6:12PM BBT Michelle walks into the KA. The other HG are still in the BY. Paul is quoting lines from the Horrible Bosses movies. BB tells them to not quote movies. All we can see in the BY now is James cuddling with Natalie and we stop hearing the other HG in the BY. BB comes over again and tells them to not quote movies.


6:20PM BBT James, Natalie, Corey, Paul, and Nicole are still in the BY. They are talking about how many followers they have on their social media accounts. Paul is telling them about how many followers he has on his Instagram for his clothing company. He said about 30k followers in a year.

6:25PM BBT The HG are in the BY. Paul is talking about his clothing company and how he markets some things and how he just came to start selling certain things. Michelle is the only HG in the house. She is cooking and munching on stuff at the same time.

6:33PM BBT The conversation is still about social media. Paul says that he doesn’t want to put his personal life on social media. He also thinks he is the god of social media though. We get FOTH during the social media conversation.  

6:35PM BBT The feeds come back on. Paul is asking James if he had a fan page from his season. Paul says that Michelle made a fan page for Johnny Mac. They laugh at that. Paul says that it is hard to think there are fans for this.


6:45PM BBT Not much to update on at the moment. There is no game talk going on right now. All of the HG are doing the same things and Michelle is still in the KA cooking. Another plane flies over. BB tells Corey to put on his Microphone. Michelle comes out with two packages and said y’all have your squid. Apparently there is a recipe that came with the squid.


:help:We're without Cassondra0222 tonight, so I'm hoping someone will jump it and do some updating tonight.


12:35 pm BBT In the kitchen, Natalie says she is the airhead of the season. She tells Nicole she may take second. Corey is laughing. They start talking about the POV comp. It had something to do with reindeer. (I think there were real reindeer in the competition.) This was the comp where the HG had to guess seconds. Natalie says Paul got two answers right. Natalie says America will be happy Corey got the care package.


12:51 pm BBT Corey tells Nicole she has nice legs. She said she is going to work out hard before the vacation. Natalie and Corey tell Nicole she is lucky she doesn’t have to work out and still looks fit. Victor talks about being a “jacked” old man. Corey and Nicole talk about how Corey threw the comp to Nicole because it wasn’t his kind of comp. Natalie says it was a good move for them. Corey said he did not want America to think he was dumb so he was obvious about his wrong answers. (He apparently answered ‘1 billion’ for one.) Nicole tells Corey she thinks he may be America’s favorite. Corey says he thinks it about the DRs. Natalie says she has had some rough goodbye messages.


 1:07 pm BBT Nicole, Corey, and Natalie talking about America’s Favorite Players. Corey thinks Frank played differently this season. Nicole says she has been friends with James since she met him. Nicole says her goal has been to do things differently this season. She says she has a lot more friends she will talk to for a while outside of the BB house from season 16 vs. this season. Nicole says she could not see herself ever hanging out with any of the current jury members aside from Paulie.


Michelle is called to the DR


Nicole tells Natalie she has thick skin in the BB house but is very fragile outside. She says she is not tough at all. Natalie says she was intimidated to speak to her the first day. Nicole laughs.


1:21 pm BBT Natalie thinks Michelle could be in the running for America’s favorite. Nicole says she doesn’t not think so if all her fights were aired.


1:30 pm BBT Natalie says she thinks it is harder to win a Veto rather than HoH. Nicole agrees because it took her so long to win one. She says ZingBot got to her a little bit. Nicole starts talking about how hard the dog POV competition was with all the spinning. Natalie says it looked hard and she hated the rope comp. Nicole tells Nat she did well in the rope comp. Natalie says it was hard not to throw up.


1:46 pm BBT Victor says he thinks he will probably lose 5 pounds this week. Corey wants to cook squid. She is going to ask for a new one with instructions on how to cook them. Victor says he will go ask. Corey says it’s worth a try, they should embrace the HN life. Nicole says she wants to go outside and everyone agrees, but the have to stay inside.


1:54 pm BBT Cameras move to James sleeping in London. Brief FotH


2:09 pm BBT Feed returns. Nicole, Corey, and Natalie are laying out outside.


11:11AM BBT We are back. Corey is walking around but the rest of the house is still in bed with the lights on.


 11:14AM BBT Nicole is up and doing ADLs in the HOH WA. James crawls out of his bed and crawls in with Natalie and says he is cold. Natalie says for him to grab her blanket. Vic and Corey are in the BY lowering the awnings.


11:22AM BBT Vic laying out. Corey getting ready to and Nicole gets her bathing suit on to join them.




9:38PM BBT Vic and Corey in the BY talking. Corey says you do not find many girls like Nicole. Vic says that is really true. He says small town girls are really great.


9:43PM BBT Michelle, Natalie and Paul keep getting called out for talking about production. Michelle tries to make it sound like it was a class she took in Psychology class.


9:44PM BBT Natalie talks about her ADD and Michelle tells her to reduce the red food dye in her diet. She has read that there is a tie between red food dye and ADD and it's severity. 




10:00PM BBT Paul, Michelle and Natalie talk in the Jacuzzi about being on the show and about knowing people once they are outside of the house. Paul says that he has bit his tongue a lot. Natalie says that she is a lot more chill at home.


 10:06PM BBT Natalie, Michelle and Paul talking. Natalie says that she, Bronte and Bridgette were on the sky bridge in the beginning of the season. They had a talk about the Power Puff Girls. Natalie says she is like Bubbles. Natalie says that they would never have a Power Puff Girl alliance. Natalie then gives her reason for telling Zak about his behavior. Says she didn't want Zak to look bad on TV. Natalie says Zak got jealous even if Paulie ate her (Natalie) food. Paul changes the subject and asks if BB gave them the bathing suits they are wearing. Both says yes.


10:15PM BBT Paul goes to HOH. Nicole asks him if he has heard anything about who they think the target is. Paul says that Michelle told him that if she goes this week that is fine as she is over it.


10:20PM BBT Paull tells Nicole and Corey about Natalie's comments about how she hopes Zak doesn't win AP. Then apologizing for saying something mean. Paul says Natalie is constantly talking about how much she works with charity and what a good person she is etc etc etc.



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