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Saturday August 27, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen Area (KA)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program, and "Day" is confusing, so use Dae.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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9:00pm-10:00pm BBT: Victor and Nicvole inthe HOH rm drinking wine. nicole is having trouble drinkign the red wine and victor offers to trade her for his white wine.
Victor talks about natalie and their relationship and tells Nicole and corey that he told her that  the trelationship had to stop here and nicole and Corey laugh at him. BB calls Nicole to the DR.
Paul comes to the HOHR saying he can smell alcohol he then tells Victor they have a POV to play tomorrow and he needs to stop drinking.

10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Nicole comes from the DR and goes back to the HOHR and back to her drinking. she tells Paul and Victor that there will be a big party after the show in her town and they are invited and she will buy their tickets there. paul says if your buying i will be there. 

11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Nicole, Corey, paul and Victor head to the KT to have cereal. They talk about if Corey is gay or not and laugh about it . James in the DR and natAlie is waiting to go into the DR unaware that james is still in there. 
Corey and Nicole head back to the HOHR and get under the covers  with lights out and all you hear is heavy breathing.

12:00am-1:00am BBT: James , Natalie and Michelle in the KT eating and Natalie talking about condaments and what they are used for and how bad they are for you., James goes to the shower and natalie moves his clothes, After he finishes the shower he puts on a pair of shorts and gets his clothes then gets dressed.Natalie laughing in the KT telling Michelle  she took james towl and clothes and moved them. Michelle says she has items from each HG and will sell them online when she gets home.

1:00am-2:00am BBT: Nicole and Corey have their backs to each other in the HOHR and are asleep. Natalie and james talking about the HOH comp and he says he could have styayed up there longer but he gave it to Nicole. Natalie says what happens if she is trying to backdoor you? james says she might be. Michelle joins them and they talk about past Comps  this season.

2:00am-3:00am BBT: Natalie and  Michelle talking about Nicole and Corey and how they will feel  bad at the end of the week for listening to Paul and victor. natalie said if i had known i sighned up for a bully show i would have not come here. Michelle  then says she thougfht Bronte hated her and natalie says no she was a mathmatician and  did not know hpw to be social. Talk then turns to Paul and him touching natalies thigh.

3:00am-4:00am BBT: James, Michelle and natalie talking about Americas favorite player and whop might win it this year. james says frank will not win it cause it always goes to a jury memeber but DA might  be close for it as she was last year.  Victor gets up and goes to the WC then washes hands then back to bed . all Hg now in bed in a dark house  fast asleep.

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7:20am BBTL We are on Jeff's reels.

8:10am BBT: Feeds are back and the have not  food and have nots have been chosen. The card is read and Nicole  says the first two who fell off the wall  are the have nots. Have Nots are Victor and Corey. the have Not food is Seaweed and Squid.

8:16pm BBT: Nicole is upsat that she has to sleep alone now in  the HOHR cause Corey is now a have not.Paul and ask Corey if he is going to eat the seaweed and Corey says hell no. Victor and Corey both try a bite of the seaweed and neither one likes it. alot of gagging and talking about the seaweed gouing on then paul and natalie clean up the mess. 

8:30am BBT: James heads back to bed, Corey tells Nicole that he is going to be in a bad mood now and she tells him he needs to stay positive. Natalie and paul are cleaning the squid arrangements up , Natalie holding the bag open and paul throwing them away. Nicole grabs a squid to keep and Corey says that better now touch me.

8:40am BBT: Corey goes to the DR to see if he can use his bribe on the have not pass or something. he comes out and says Bb told him they would get back to him. BB calls Nicole to the DR. Paul and Corey now talk about the POV  coming up and paul hopes it is the comics. Paul says he is goign to study with Nicole as soon as he gets out of the DR and we go to Jeffs Reels.

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9:00am-10:00am BBT: Veto players were picked and nicole pulled Victors chip, Paul got HG choice and Michelle pulled james chip. natralie will host the comp.. HG go to seperate rooms and Michjelle and natalie start talking. Natalie tells Michelle she is not the target that Paul is the target.  Michelle asking james why paul would chose Corey to play the POV for him if  Paul is the  target and james says i could be the backdoor target you never know.
Paul in  HOH telling Nicole and Corey that natyalie asked why he chose Corey to play POV and not her and he says he told her that it is because she is good a comps and Corey isnt. he says that he told her that if she won she would take Michelle off the block and  he needs Michelle to stay up there and  if Corey wins it will stay the samem so i have a better shot at campagning against Michelle.
Michelle, natalie and James talk about how Paul and Victor go to who ever is in the HOH power at the time as last week he was always with them.
10:00am-11:00am BBT: Nicole and Corey talking to Victor and paul saying they have to make sure that michelle does not win POV and if james wins it then it is ok cause Natalie will tell him not to use it and he will listen. Paul goes on talking general talk  then thery go to the KT to make food after Corey says he needs to be rested for the comps. Paul continues his general conversation to Victor and nicole in the KT as they are making food.

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11:00am-12:00pm BBT: Corey, Paul and Victor talking about Natalie and her being in a pageant and winning. They are trying to figure her out and see where her head is. paul gets called to the DR and Victor and Corey talk about  him getting his care package and he wonders what America wants him to do with it as he wants to get off slop. he says it will cost him 5 grand to get off slop and Natalie got a never not pass for free. They then start studying the memory wall in case the Morph comp is today for the POV.

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4:20PM BBT Feeds are back and Nicole won her Veto, crossing another line off her bucket list. It's her first ever. Paul and Victor are bummed, discussing how they might convince Corey to use his Bribe on Nicole to take Paul down. James doesn't know if this is a good idea. They are all dressed as elves - it was Christmas in August.

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4:28PM BBT Nicole goes to HOH to celebrate that she won. In the KT Natalie say that BB was feeding the reindeer the entire time. Corey goes to HOH. They are excited together about the win.


4:31PM In the SR Michelle tells Nat if Corey bribes her to vote her out to go for it. Natalie says she won't do that. They head out to the  KT where they decide to open up several packages of the HN seaweed.


4:34PM BBT Nicole, Corey and Vic in the HOH talking about the Veto comp. It was the Stay or Fold comp. Nicole talks about how her gut just told her to add a few extra each time. Nicole says Michelle was close to winning. They were worried. Vic went out first round.


4:39PM BBT Michelle is crunching a carrot and dipping it in paprika between bites. She is so happy Paul didn't win Veto. They feel Paul is going out this week. Natalie says she would not be surprised if Corey wins AFP. Natalie gets a carrot and now both are crunching into the mics. (and I am leaving the KT due to the noise).


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4:43PM BBT Corey, Nic and Corey are still talking about the comp. In the KT Meech and Natalie have a discussion if it bothers Natalie that she double dips in the container of hummus. Natalie says not because they are friends (not sure if the other HG mind. They discuss how healthy their snack is.


4:45PM BBT Natalie says they will be skinny soon. She feels she has lost half a pound she feels. Talk changes to Paul and if he is scared. James says yes he is and he knows that Nicole has to get rid of one of them (Paul or Vic).


 4:47PM BBT Nicole and Corey talk in HOH. Vic leaves to get Paul. Nicole says that they have a chance to get rid of Paul this week. She says that she knows her parents are screaming at her to get one of them out. Corey says that she beat them in the comp and to take Michelle out. He says he has thought about getting Paul out. She says she doesn't want to kick herself. She knows Michelle will put them up.



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5:00PM BBT Cory leaves the HOH room and goes down to the KA to talk to the other HG about the bribe and different was that he could use it. He also tells the other HG about the argument he was having with Nicole over the bribe not having safety as well. Nicole is in the HOH room getting ready to take a bath. Paul is sleeping.

5:10PM BBT Nicole is taking a shower. Cory is listening to music. Paul is still sleeping. Vic walks into the HOH room and tells Cory that Paul is taking a nap because he wants to seem down. Vic says that the have not life sucks. They are trying to figure out what they could talk about. Vic says they have been there too long. They have nothing to talk about anymore.

5:15PM BBT Natalie, James, and Meech are in the KA baking. Meech is licking her fingers and all of the batter out of the package. James is going on about why he won Americas Favorite. James said that he told Paulie it is because he is not the type of guy to just leave his girl. In the HOH room we still have Vic and Cory having random conversations about going out in New Orleans.

5:20PM BBT Meech, Nat, and James are talking about what happened on what days to try and prepare for the next comp. James says that he would not be good at the comp because he has add. Michelle then starts saying that if it is a double eviction that it will be a mental comp. She tells them that she believes that she can beat Cory in the mental comp. Natalie says that she would be good at the comp if Michelle would teach her. Natalie brought up the fact that Paul lied to them about the amount of ducks that there were. Then my speakers broke when Natalie started talking about socks.

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5:24PM BBT James says that his problem with Paul is that he was called out about touching Natalie. Natalie says since Paul was called out he has been a lot better. Natalie says that Nicole better lock down the noms because Michelle is not going home this week. She wants Paul out. Michelle says that she is going to go after Vic before Nicole. Paul then walks into the KA and the conversation stops.

5:28PM BBT James told Michelle and Natalie that if they put squid near or around his stuff that he would take their stuff and poop on it. Natalie is now starting to scream to America that James “Americas Favorite” would poop on her stuff because they were talking about putting squid in his bed. James said that he would also pee on their stuff too. Now James and Natalie try to tickle each other. Michelle awkwardly tries to tickle James.

5:32PM BBT Paul is in the HOH room talking to Vic, Cory, and Nicole. They are talking about their strategy they were thinking about during the POV comp. Paul is not happy at all about the way the competition went. Paul says that Natalie was singing Christmas songs to just piss him off. He says they are just too happy and it is making him mad. Paul says that he will play his part. He says that if he has to play bummed out he will play bummed out to keep their game under wraps.

5:35PM BBT Victor is hitting himself with a hanger and BB tells him to stop that during the game conversation. Paul says that he was playing the competition safe. He said that he had to play it safe. It was a Christmas themed competition and candy canes come up in the conversation several times. It seems like the person with the most candy canes won the competition. Cory is talking like he threw some of the questions.

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5:40PM BBT Nicole says that they would need the bribe more next week. Cory tells her that he has to use it this week. Nicole then says that they could have used it any other week more than this week. We then get FOTH

5:45PM BBT Paul and the group are now discussing what the competition will be this week. Victor says that it will have to be a quick comp. Paul says that in any scenario we win, the odds are in our favor. Paul says that they could not show their cards and then it would be like holy **** or we could show their cards. Cory says that blind sides are better, Paul agrees. We get FOTH again.

5:50PM BBT James, Natalie, and Michelle are still in the KA area. James put something down Natalie’s shirt and she jokingly tells him to get away from her and that they are done. It was salt down her shirt, he takes it out and pours it in her drink. Natalie gets up and walks away and tells James that he is sleeping alone tonight.

5:55PM BBT Nicole says that the house makes her so stressed that she gets zits like crazy. Paul says the house makes him stress too. Paul says that he was happy the way they played in the comp. He says they were on the same page mentally. Nicole says that the game is more strategy than just guessing the numbers. Paul agrees. They start talking about what numbers they were going to guess in the competition. Paul tells them that he pretty much knew how many items there were during the whole comp. So we know that the comp was the game where they have to count how many items there are.

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5:58PM BBT Paul and Nicole are now talking about what she should say during the POV ceremony. They are discussing all of the possibilities on Thursday and how they need to word this speech to keep people on their toes. He tells Nicole that she needs it to be ambiguous so that Paul and Victor take all of the heat. He tells her that Natalie and Michelle are going to be a wreck if one of them goes on the block.

6:00PM BBT Paul tells Nicole that he is going to play sad all week because they are all wondering what he is pitching to Nicole. Paul says that he is happy to play a pawn for Nicole this week and Nicole thanks him for it. Nicole says that she doesn’t want the house to know that she is working with Paul.

6:05PM BBT Paul is still in the HOH room trying to make sure that Nicole knows that Victor and him are 100% working with her and Cory. He is bringing up situations where the other HG are beating around the bush and he is just straight up with her because he has nothing to hide. Nicole says that working with him is better for her game anyways. Paul brings up the final three deal between James, Natalie, and Michelle. Nicole says that’s why Michelle needs to go home. Nicole tells Paul that the next comp is going to be a mental comp and she needs a Brainiac for it. Paul makes sure to tell her that he will be really good in the next comp.

6:10PM BBT James and Natalie are in the other bed room talking game. James tells Natalie that Nicole said that she is going to lock down the noms and is not going to use the Veto. James tells her about how Nicole was complaining about how Victor and Paul have pretty much taken over the HOH room for this week and last week. James thinks that Cory will use the bribe to get victor to drop out of the HOH comp in order to eventually put him on the block. Natalie says that she now trusts Nicole now. James says that they still need to be friendly to Nicole, but they don’t have to kiss her but.

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6:15PM BBT Nicole and Paul are still talking in the HOH room. Paul is still telling Nicole that this conversation is not a ploy to get him off of the block and that he completely trusts her. He said he doesn’t care that he is on the block for that reason. He said that this week is done for him and he is now thinking about next week.

6:20PM BBT Paul has leeched himself onto Nicole in the HOH bathroom, trying to keep her talking about what is going to happen this week and why other HG are acting the way they are campaigning to keep himself safe this week. He is now telling Victor that last week when he pulled himself off of the block James was making statements that led to Victor going home. Paul is really throwing James under the bus with Victor.

6:25PM BBT James and Natalie are back in the KA area. James they are eating the cookie cake that they were baking earlier. Back in the HOH room Nicory, Paul, and Victor are still talking about how shady the other HG are being. Paul says that Natalie is acting way to happy for the plan to be getting Michelle out. Nicole is trying to rationalize why they would be happy that Michelle is going home saying that they think they would still have Victor on their side. Victor says that would be stupid on their part to think he is working with them.

6:30PM BBT Now the group in the HOH room are talking about what they want to eat.  Back in the KA James, Nat, and Michelle are still sitting at the propeller table having random conversation. Talking about what level celebrities they are.

6:35PM BBT Back in the HOH room. Paul is stuffing his face with some snacks. Victor is telling Cory about how shady Natalie is, completely throwing her under the bus. Cory is barely talking back with Victor and Paul, Just saying “Yeah”.

6:37PM BBT Victor kind of screwed up by saying that there is one more couple in the house. He is talking about James and Natalie, but this shows that he is targeting couples. Cory did not seem to catch on to the statement.

6:40PM BBT Cory tells Victor that he just wants Natalie to go. He hates the ways she treats people and acts like she is a victim. He says that he even hates the way that she treats James. They say that she pretty much has him wrapped around her finger and it needs to stop.

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6:45PM BBT The game talk has stopped in the house. Victor and Cory are now talking about a trip they will be taking. All of the other HG are in the KA having random conversation and eating dinner.

6:47PM BBT The HG in the KA are talking about how Jose would have been acting if he won HOH. Paul tells Nicole that she would not even be here having this conversation. Michelle says that he would have been walking around saying get out of my way peasants.

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7:16 PM BBT In the HOHR, Nicole, Corey & Victor & Paul are talking about the movie Trainwreck. BB tells them they are not allowed to quote dialog from movies. They keep talking about movies. Victor talks about John Cena & Lebron James. Paul wants them all to stay in LA for a few days with him after they leave the house. Nicole says she wants to go home to her family. She says she will be back in October. Paul tells her she will have a great time when she comes back. Paul tells her she will pee her pants. Nicole is worried about having a heart attack in the Halloween Horror Nights. She says she will never get to do this again, so she wants to go. Paul talks about pooping his pants when he went. Nicole covers her face with a grey blanket. He says every part of the theme park is decorated in different themes. He says that they really scare the crap out of you. In the KT, Natalie tells Michelle & James that she won't fit in her clothes when she goes home. She says she buys size O. She says the Loft clothes are to big on her. She says when she moved into the house the Express size 00 pants were big on her in the waist. Michelle thinks she's a size 2 or 4. Natalie says she thinks she may be a size 4. Michelle says Pack Sun runs small so a size 3 fits her like a size 0 from Hollister. Natalie tells Michelle that she has a pair of Hollister shorts that used to be jeans. Michelle tells Natalie to take the leggings that are in the house. Natalie is worried about getting a rash from them. Natalie tells her to wash them. Natalie says someone took her black fold-over leggings. James says there is a pair of black leggings in the UKBR. Natalie says those are Forever 21 & they aren't hers. Michelle says that Da'Vonne & Bridgette didn't wear them, so it had to be Zakiyah. Natalie says someone took her eyeshadow brush, so she's been improvising with her highlight brush. She says she got her eyeshadow brush at Marshall's & it's her favorite.

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7:27 PM BBT Michelle tells Natalie & James that she goes to Lakeside Mall a lot & watches a guy do make-up there. She says he was on Toddler's & Tiara's. Michelle & Natalie both like watching make-up being done & also watching tutorials. Michelle wants the Kylie Jenner lip kit. Natalie says it always sells out. Michelle says it's like $18.00, but with shipping, it's like $30.00. Natalie says some high-end makeup isn't comparable to anything else. Michelle says she likes watching the drug store make-up being compared to high-end makeup. Michelle says she likes the batty girl style. She says she wears her Nike ball cap everywhere. Natalie says she likes to wear a work-out outfit with leggings. Michelle says stores seem to treat you better when you are all made up. James says they shouldn't judge you on that. He says that some people that have a lot of money dress down. Natalie says she has an acquaintance that is an heiress to a huge company & a professional sports team, & you wouldn't know it because she is humble & normal. She says she doesn't want to say her name on TV. James says he knows someone who's parents own an oil company. He says he doesn't want to say her name so he will call her Lindsey. He says that her parents want her to dress up & she won't do it. Michelle says it's going to be weird to see the clothes that she couldn't bring. Natalie says she can't wait to see her normal clothes. Michelle says that she wants to throw these clothes away. She says that she will donate them actually. James says the clothes he wore of BB17 are in a corner & he left them there. Michelle wonders if people would buy her clothes from this season. Natalie tells her to put them on E-Bay & sell them to donate the money to charity. Michelle says someone bought Dan's flip-flops.

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7:36 PM BBT Natalie asks Michelle if she would buy things from her favorite BB player if part of the money went to charity? Michelle says, no. She says she might buy a host card or something. She asks how much Frank sold something for & we get FOTH. Natalie tells James to stop cleaning up after her. She says he makes her look bad since he cooked for her. Natalie says she never eats her burgers with the buns in the house. Michelle talks about their being a reindeer. Natalie says the handlers were throwing them graham crackers. Natalie says she really didn't understand the comp at first. She says she said it was going to be 15X9 for the carrots. James guessed 78 for the nutcracker & it was 77. Michelle wondered how two people got a candy cane. Natalie tells James it gets her mad that he knows a lot of the comps & he doesn't tell her any tricks to them. James tells her she wasn't playing. She says she feels that she is left out to dry sometimes & everyone else knows all the comps. Natalie says she can do really good in the slip n' slide comp, that's hers. James says he's starting to realize that Nicole is really good in comps. Natalie says she already told him this, she's very good. Natalie says she doesn't need it to win & she knows that. James says as long as she keeps them safe it was a week well worth it. Michelle says she's happy they are safe. Michelle says she is going to prepare for the worst. James says it was a good idea to throw the HOH comp to her. Natalie says it will be a waste of an HOH to get Michelle out. James thinks Corey will try to take Victor out, but he will put him on the block with him. Michelle says if she stays she will be back on the block. Natalie says Michelle will win the double eviction she knows it. Michelle says if she wins she will put Nicole & Victor on the block. Natalie farts & says excuse me. Natalie says Nicole is a bigger threat then Corey comp wise. Michelle says she hasn't sit the block once. James says she can't play next week. Michelle says Nicole knows she's her target. She says that having Paul in the house she knows she's safe. Natalie says she is thinking long term & she's in it to win it. Natalie says keeping Paul in the house will be a waste of an HOH. Michelle asks James if he knows who Nicole's target it? James says he thinks that she wants Paul out. Michelle says she doesn't have personal feelings in the game, Nicole is just a threat to her. Natalie tells James he makes her look like such a rat on TV because he always cleans up after her. James is cleaning her dishes. She tells James she's never had such a nice boyfriend ever, it's really weird & really strange.

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7:47 PM BBT Michelle says she wishes they would give them a house pet. Natalie says they have the fish & that's all they need. She says it's not good to bring an animal into the house with all of the fighting & hostility. Natalie thinks that James put salt in her water. He says he just wanted to fit it up for her. Michelle wants to really get a puppy when she leaves the house. Natalie tells her that she should & she needs to train it really well. She says she has a friend who's dog barks a lot & it's really annoying. Back in the HOHR, Paul, Victor, Corey & Nicole are talking about different bands. Victor talks about people not being able to pay for a field trip & having to stay at the school with the Principal. Everyone is laughing about school sports. Natalie & Michelle go to the UKBR. Michelle snuggles up in the bed that Victor slept in last night. She says it smells like boy. Natalie says she needs to wash her sheets when the BY opens up. She says that James gave her his candy cane. Michelle says when she used to sleep with Paul it smelled really bad in the bed. She says she used to scratch his back until he fell asleep when they were still friends. Natalie tells her the house is normal for this time of the season because so many people have left. Michelle says she hopes it's all good. She says it will suck if she leaves because she doesn't have a chance to get back in anymore.

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7:56 PM BBT Michelle says there could be more twists. She says maybe it's a reset week. Natalie asks if she thinks that will happen? Michelle says, "Not a chance." They start to study. Natalie doesn't know the answer. James goes in the UKBR & Michelle asks him the same question. He answers it correctly. Michelle says they will have to talk about Veto tonight. Michelle says she's proud that she got a candy cane. Natalie says she wants one because she hosted the comp. Michelle tells Natalie to take the one on the day bed. Natalie says it's Nicole or Corey's. Natalie says James doesn't want her to take Paul's candy cane so he gave her his. He tells her to tell Paul he can keep his. She says she thought it was a real candy cane. She says Corey got candy canes in his care package. She says she thought it was weird that he got those, but it was foreshadowing. She says says she likes to watch what colors they put people in. She says she took a class & colors signify different things. She says that Corey even got the Christmas hat. Natalie says that red is evil, but it also means love & passion. She says purple means royalty & something else. She says white means angelic, rebirth, innocence. She says black means evil. She says some colors signify things you would never expect. She says the class she took was about film analyzing. Michelle says there is probably going to be a lockdown? Natalie asks why? Michelle says there is a light going out. Michelle asks Natalie is she took a cooking class in high school? Natalie says she didn't get chosen for Home Economics in middle school. Michelle says she loved Home Economics. She says she learned how to use a phone book. Natalie says they need to teach you how to do taxes, apply for college, change tires, & random stuff you need to know as an adult. Michelle asks Natalie if she had to pay taxes yet? Natalie says she pays double for New York & New Jersey. Michelle says her taxes automatically come out of her taxes. Natalie says she still owes money at the end of the year though. Natalie says she has friends that get over $1,000 back. She says she gets $300 back & then has to pay $200. Natalie says if she gets $5,000 she will pay 60% in taxes. Natalie says it doesn't make sense, you shouldn't have to pay that much in taxes if you aren't making a lot. She says you shouldn't have to pay a lot of taxes if you're trying to do good & survive. Michelle asks if James cat Gizmo catches mice? James says he's scared of mice, but he brings him big squirrels. He says that he doesn't have to bring him that anymore because he has his gravity feeder. He says he will let him get as fat as he wants. He says he goes in the parking lot, goes in the neighbors house, & sleeps with him every night. He says he takes his gravity feeder & takes him fishing with him. He says he plays with him, gives him showers & blow dryers. Michelle has gotten told twice now from BB to please not obstruct her microphone. She says he is sorry this time. Michelle asks what theme park is in Texas? James says Six Flags. Natalie says they have one in Jersey that has a waterpark attached to it. Natalie swears in Spanish. Michelle asks what it means? Natalie says she shouldn't say it because it means something bad. Natalie says she likes theme parks & roller coasters are her jam. Michelle says she doesn't like carnival rides because people have died. Natalie says she likes carnivals even though they are dirty. Michelle says she like the Gravitron ride. Natalie says that's her favorite also. James says he got stuck on a ride & it broke. He says it was a roller coaster. He says he was stuck on a hill. He says there was pressure on his chest & they were stuck up there for almost 2 hours. He says it was a state fair. He says people that work there were trying to keep them calm by telling them to stay on the ride.

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8:12 PM BBT Michelle says she likes the Top Speed Dragster. James says he likes the Clocktower ride. Michelle says being stuck on a ride is scary though. Michelle says she was almost upside down & got stuck on a ride at Cedar Point in Ohio. She says she won't go on a Ferris Wheel. Natalie says they are easy to climb down. James wants a kiss at the top of a Ferris Wheel. Michelle wants to know where the tallest Ferris Wheel is. James says screws can come out of them. Natalie says she won't go back on one now that he said that. In the HOHR, Victor is looking into the fish tank to see the fish. Nicole & Corey are snuggling in the bed next to him. Paul is sitting in a chair. Victor says he needs to get his 3rd bowl of slop. Corey says he will get some more tonight. Corey says Nicole is about to pass out & he will be downstairs in a little bit. Victor & Paul leave the HOHR. Nicole says she is a person that likes to breath. She says they are used to being by themselves. She tells Corey she likes it when it's just the two of them. They snuggle under the covers. She is talking to Corey about James wanting to make sure if she's keeping the noms the same & he wants to hang out with them upstairs but Victor & Paul are up there all the time. Nicole says she needs space. She says she can't do it & she's about to crack already. Corey says no one is going to take the $5,000 for an HOH. Nicole says if he tells James they want to get Michelle out he will be sketched out & if they don't tell him he will be mad. Corey says people want safety over $5,000. Nicole says someone can take $10,000 if it's the slippery slide comp. BB tells Nicole to please not obstruct her microphone. She says, sorry. Corey lays on her & tells her he's exhausted. She tells him to get rest this week since he's a HN. She if muffled as she whispers & talks. We can't hear what they are saying. Corey talks about James & Natalie going on the block next week. Nicole says they will control the votes. Corey says they can say if James goes, & he wins HOH, he can put up Natalie & Victor. He says Paul can win & take Victor out & she would have to go on the block. He says if Victor & Natalie are on the block & they control the votes what would they do? She says probably vote Victor out. Nicole says Natalie is tempting to keep around, but James is not tempting to keep around. She says if she's sitting next to James he will win the game. Corey says he's a beast at comps & that's crazy. Nicole says Victor won't let Paul betray them next week. She says Victor will shut him down. She says if they decided to send home Paul this week, they will be the targets, so they have to send Michelle home. Nicole is worried that Victor will vote Paul out over Michelle. She says she is keeping noms the same so Corey & Victor need to keep their votes the same. She makes Corey promise that he won't change his vote. She asks him why he's acting sketchy right now? He says he has a Final 2 with Michelle. Then he says he doesn't, he's just joking. Nicole says she wants Michelle gone. She says she could put Natalie up there & then they may change their mind & vote her out instead. She says that would be too tempting for them to change their votes. Nicole says Michelle has been after her for way to long now, so she wants her gone.

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8:27 PM BBT All is quiet in the HOHR with Nicole & Corey snug as a bug in a rug under the covers. Nicole has her eyes closed & then opens them to look around. Nicole says she is pretty sad that she doesn't get to be with him in the HOHR this week. Corey tells Nicole that she killed that comp. She has her blanket on her microphone again. She tells Corey that she wasn't on a power trip, but she gets really serious. In the Safari Room, Paul & Victor are talking about working with Nicole & Corey. Victor says that Nicole said she would be sad if they turn on them. He says they trust them 100%. He says he likes Nicole & Corey. He says they were all laughing about the 4 of them being in the Final 4. He says it's just getting down to that point. Paul asks if they are cool with that though? Victor says they would rather it be them instead of James & Natalie. Victor says James & Natalie weren't being genuine to them, but Nicole & Corey are being genuine. Victor says he's is so comfortable & confident that he would sit next to Natalie if a pawn in needed. Paul asks if they asked him that? Victor says they talked about it. He says it's so far down the road though so he's not bringing it up again. He scrapes his bowl while he's eating his slop. Paul says it will depend who is HOH when it comes down to it. Victor says, "God forbid that Natalie wins a Veto." He says, "Crazier things have happened, she won HOH."

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8:35 PM BBT Victor says it's crazy that everyone wanted them up last week & now Michelle is the target. He says it may come down to a 2-2 vote & Nicole will have to break the tie to send Michelle home. He says they will play in the HOH & win it. Victor & Paul still have candy cane stripped knee high socks on. Victor says they are guaranteed to be in the Final 6 & be in the house for 86 days. Paul says if they get down to that point, yeah. Paul says they have to win the HOH. Victor says you would still be in here those days. Paul says that's true.

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8:38 PM BBT Victor talks about getting to the Final 3 & having the different comps. Paul says they could both lose, but that's not likely. Victor says they may play each other in a comp. Victor says as long as one of them makes it to the end & picks the other one. He says he will literally start crying & shaking. Nicole says she doesn't think they have anything to worry about & if they do it will be a big back stab. Corey is confident they will be o.k.

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