cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 7:06 PM BBT Nicole tells him if he has the round-trip ticket that would be insane & he would have a lot of adrenaline. He says, there are only 2 things that can happen, one or the other. Corey comes out of the DR without a costume on. Nicole says, "Not yet?" Corey says, "Not yet." Paulie says he knows his mind & if he's locked in there he will go insane. Nicole tells him that he will be in there with Zakiyah. He says he will see, because he doesn't know what the hell Bridgette has been saying in there. Nicole tells Corey that the chicken stinks & it's dry. Corey says Paul cooked it. Nicole says he ruins everything. Paulie leaves the KT. Nicole tells Corey she was waiting for him to come out in a unitard. Corey talks to Nicole's parents & tells them she touched his butt. Nicole says, "So what." We see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 7:12 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Corey & Nicole are in the Safari Room. Corey tells everyone that Nicole won a trip & she has to take him now. She says it's anywhere in the U.S. & she wants to go to Hawaii. We see FOTH briefly. Nicole gets mad at Corey for wanting to go to Miami to party. He says she is trying to take him on a honeymoon. Corey leaves the Safri Room. Nicole tells him he's on a freaking roll right now. She tells him he acts the worst. He tells her that he is seriously kidding. Nicole says if she was trying to take him on a Honeymoon it would be to Bora Bora. She whips her head to the right & then to the left, acting prissy. They go back to the Safari Room. Nicole tells Corey they can go to Miami. She says Victoria lives there & she wants to go there with her. Corey asks if she wants to go hiking in Colorado. She says she doesn't understand why they didn't specify a location like in her season. She says if you cash in a vacation & you get $5,000 for it. She says it's a downgrade. She says that Zach cashed his Germany trip in & got $5,000 for it. She says that James says the trips are worth more. She says if she is going to take a vacation that is paid for she wants to go like to a beach. She says Florida is o.k., she goes there every year. She says it's hot, humid & sticky. Corey asks why they can't go to Cancun. Corey says maybe she should take the cash & they can go to Cancun. Nicole says that's true. Nicole says usually it's a destination & they pick it for you. She says she's surprised it's not to Paris because of the whole Paris theme. Corey tells her she doesn't have to take him. He tells her not to feel pressured. Nicole tells him to tell her if he doesn't want her to take him. He says, "Why would I not want to go on a trip with her?" Nicole says she's taking him on the trip with her whether he wants to go or not. Corey says she can take Victor instead since she has been flirting with him lately. He says he's kidding. She says that Victor has been talking to her a lot. She says his zing was 100% accurate & she can't believe they said that. She says, "El douchebag." She says that means everyone thinks that. She says that Paul's was good with shut the F up. She says Paulie's was a good one also. Nicole asks Corey if he had to talk about his? He says, yes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 7:21 PM BBT Nicole says that Michelle's was good with them saying baby cries & pukes. Nicole hopes they put them on the show. We see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 7:22 PM BBT Nicole tells Corey that she hopes he gets the next Care Package. He says he hopes so. He says he was back-stabbed twice in 24 hours & lost one of his best friends in the game, Paulie. Nicole says he's not going yet. She tells him not to get too cocky. Corey says he has a bad feeling he's going to go. Nicole tells him not to ever say that. Nicole says she doesn't think that Natalie or Michelle will vote him out. Corey says that James won't. Nicole says that Paul might try to flip it as a way to bring Paulie in with them. She says that Paulie is to much of a target. She says that she hopes Paulie doesn't say that Corey has Nicole & he has no one. She says that he told her he's going to leave jury. We see FOTH. Nicole says that Paulie shouldn't have taken the Veto away from him. She says it makes her nervous that he is threatening to leave & leave them stranded. She says he shouldn't do that. She says that she told him Cody wouldn't want him to do that. Corey says he was surprised to. He says he thought he would have let him keep it. He says that James & Victor would take it from Paulie, not him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 7:27 PM BBT Nicole says she hasn't thrown her game away. Corey says he doesn't think the showmance has hurt his game. He says it might next week, but they gone as far as they have gone. Nicole says that she told Michelle that they don't have an agreement or an alliance. She says she knew he had one with other people since he didn't ask her. She tells Corey that Michelle was trying to clear the air. She tells Corey that Michelle knows the girls don't have a chance. Corey says he needs to put up James & Paul. She tells them not to say anything, especially before this eviction. Nicole tells Corey if he gets a Care Package next week. She says they need to get the strategy of trying to get someone out that hasn't gotten a Care Package to to give them better odds to win. She says she is banking on him getting a Care Package next week, she really is. She says, thank goodness he's not a Have Not at the same time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 7:32 PM BBT Nicole wonders if they have to get clearance to say someone's name. Corey says they own that right. Nicole says they do for a year. Nicole says that it's not good for Paulie to go off. She says she's starting to want to distance herself. Corey says that he's glad Victor took the Veto. Nicole says she was panicking. Nicole says that she thinks that her showmance threatens Victor. She says he's not threatened by James & Natalie. Nicole says that he said something about a date again the other day. Paulie goes in the Safari Room & asks What they were talking about. Nicole says about their vaca, but they will agree to disagree. Paulie says it's interesting. He says you think about life a lot when you're in the house. He says he thinks about his family & his ex a lot, just because of the way it ended. We see FOTH. All cams go to the UKBR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 7:38 PM BBT The only thing going on in the UKBR is that you can hear James breathing, while he & Natalie are napping. We still can't see if Paul is napping with them. Apparently, Michelle is napping in the HNBR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 7:41 PM BBT The feeds come back with Paulie telling Corey & Nicole about the evicted HG's. He says the house is flipped & they are ganged up on. He says that he stood up for Frank during the whole time. He says that deep down Paul, Victor & James are good guys. He says that Natalie & Michelle are not good girls down deep inside. He says everyone has their pasts. He says he's overcome things to get where he is today. He says he can't recal on those memories because they were dark times. He says it was about not have rent money or fighting to get his business going. He says he used to talk to a Psychiatrist before that knows he's claustrophobic. He says he lied on everything saying he's never seen a Psychiatrist before. Paul goes in the Safari Room. We see FOTH. All cams go to the UKBR. We can still hear Paulie talking. He says that he would rather go peacefully than being stuck in there. He says that he can care less that people threw him under the bus to figure things out. He says he was playing for his parents to pay off their mortgage & for his aunt's cancer treatments. She says that the way it went down was wrong. He says everyone was taking shots. He says Natalie tried to put things on him. He says that Bridgette tried to spin things. Paul says that Bridgette stuck up for women's rights, because that's her personality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 7:48 PM BBT Paulie says that everyone is ganging up on him. He says that he thought he squashed things with Natalie, but she turned on him. Cams go back to Safari Room, where we only had audio for a few minutes. Paulie says that for some reason people are believing Michelle over him. He says he knows the truth about her & himself. He says he put his faith in the double eviction. He says when he went up he was like f. He says, with all the ganging up on him he had a hint of doubt. He says if there was a knife that hurt the deepest it was James. He says that Victor's reasons were to extract revenge on him, which he hid well. Paul says that Victor told him he had a clear head when he came back in the house, & he didn't even know that. He says if Zakiyah was still there & Natalie wasn't & sure was trying to do stuff to them & stir stuff up he would tell her to holster it & stop. He says Natalie is literally there & he told her she was fake again. (He was controlling Zakiyah when she was there). Paulie says that he made jokes & he's guilty. He says he thought that things were squashed. Paulie says that James didn't base his decision off anything other than Natalie wanting to get him. He says he told James he was blinded by Natalie's boobs. He says things were peaceful & James didn't have to do that. Paulie says that Natalie came in & started talking to him again. He says he told her he thought they squashed it. He says he didn't need to call her fake again. Paul says he didn't want to sh*t on Paulie. Paulie says he didn't expect the sh*t storm to come. He says that Michelle didn't have the right to get in their beef. Corey crosses his toes & Paul & Nicole talk about that. Nicole says it looks like crossing his fingers. Paulie says he thought the guys could literally hash it out. Paulie says that Michelle literally didn't know anything. Paul says she's trying to throw back-handed comments & get a rise out of him. Paul says she will keep coming at him since she's safe. Paulie says when she was sure she was going home last week he didn't do anything to her. (He did yell to her that she would be going home from the Tokyo BR to the UKBR, & laughed about it.) Paul says that Zakiyah was in a good position, he could have taken her far. Nicole says she didn't know that Zakiyah told Natalie to go upstairs. Paulie says if he goes home, which all the votes are probably going his way, & they would be stupid not to get him out, he is going to have an issue with Zakiyah in the jury house. He says he's not sure if Da'Vonne will forget things. He says he feels like he's being ganged up on. He says he can't even go to sleep because he doesn't need to turmoil & animosity. He says that Michelle & Natalie did it to him again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 8:01 PM BBT Paulie says that he loves this game & the votes are set in the way that it's going to be. Paul says even if one of them did vote to keep him it wouldn't matter. He says the 3 votes are set in stone whether he sits up there against Natalie or Michelle. He says he went & fought for votes, so he wouldn't have to face Julie & be asked why he didn't. Paul says that Paulie wouldn't say anything if he's up against the guys & it's his time to go. He says that Cody was up against Zach & Zach left. Paulie says he's not going to do anything. He says he loves this game & wants to play it. He says that he hasn't talked to Victor yet. He says he wants to know clearly if he's going to go or not. Nicole says that Paulie has to bake apple pies. Paulie says he only got it for a week if he leaves. He says he is going to tell Victor that he doesn't want to have to bake apple pies for the rest of the summer. He says he wants to campaign for himself up against a girl, but not against Corey. Paulie says he can come back in with the ticket or a jury buy back. Paul asks if they will do it since they already did a buy back. Paulie says he is only banking on the round-trip ticket. He says if that doesn't happen he can't see himself sitting in the jury house. We got FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 8:10 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Paul says that he can agree that being put in a box will make you go crazy. He says it doesn't feel like it's Day 60 already. He says it feels like 2 1/2 weeks ago when they popped the champagne bottle. He says it's awesome & they are at the last part of it. Paul tells Paulie to calm down & not let this get to him. Paulie says that whole ganging up thing wears on you eventually. Paul says he knows, he can see it. Paulie says that the three of them (Nicole, Corey & Paul) are the ones that hang around him the most. He says that Victor is around when he's awake. He says that he can't believe that James did this & Natalie is attached to him everywhere he is. Paul says it's going to get tricky with the showmances in the end. Paul says it wasn't an indirect blow to Corey & Nicole. Paulie says that he thinks this was the plan in Victor's mind all along. He says it would be that way even if she didn't have the super safety costume. Corey calls Nicole a cone head. Nicole says she is just happy that she got a package. Paul says it was funny when she got the package. Paul tries to make the voice that she made. He says he has seen 3 genuine emotions out of her, when she won the island comp, went off on Tiffany, & when she won the Care Package. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 8:17 PM BBT Nicole says that they have to get their costume's tonight. Paulie says he has no appetite & can't sleep. Corey wants alcohol. Nicole says she can't drink because she's a HN. Corey tells Nicole that he's going to drink tonight & she can't. Paul talks about going to the DR early in the morning. BB tells them they are not allowed to talk about production. Nicoel tells Paul that she is used to seeing him in his underwear, but not silky boxers. Nicole tells them where Zakiyah hid her Veto card in the Safari Room. Paul says he wouldn't look where others already looked. Nicole says that someone could tear up a room where there's was. Nicole says she found his Veto card quickly. Paulie says he thinks his Veto card is broken. Paul tells him he will give him one of the keys to open it if he wants. Paul says that they probably bought the costumes already for them. Corey thinks his costume will be baggy. Nicole says they will be tight. Corey asks Nicole what happens if you fart in the costume? She says she doesn't know because she hasn't yet. Paulie tells Paul he doesn't want to keep talking about it, but he has to since he's in there. Paul says he's had a pounding headahe for the past two days. He tells Paulie to get at least 12 hours of sleep. Paulie says he can't get in the zone. Paul tells him to ask the DR for something to sleep. He says they can, but he panics when he takes something like that because he body won't let it work. We see FOTH. Nicole tells him to get ZQuil. Paulie asks if that works better than Advil PM? She says it's like Nyquil but for sleep. Corey tells him to say his throat is hurting to get the Nyquil. We see FOTH. Feeds come on & go back off briefly. Paul tells Nicole to put some things in her slop to make it better. Paul says that Zakiyah's hot sauce was bomb. He says the Mac N' Cheese was. Paul says he's ready for his detective stuff. Nicole says she gave him the Secret Service suit. Nicole says she did not want to pat everyone down. Paul says if she bit the bullet he would have gone on that vacation. Paul says he got an 8. Nicole says she got a 1. Paulie says he bounced in the 50 & out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 8:29 PM BBT Paul says he's surprised they haven't done the ice luge comp yet. Paulie says it's an HOH & it will be coming up soon. He says the shovel comp with the berries is still to come also. Corey explains the comp. Paul says the comp with the planets would have f'd his sh*t up. He says Devin won that. Nicole says the island comp was fun. She says that hers was shaking from Glenn shaking his. Paul says he wanted to give Tiffany water, but didn't know if he could. She says she wanted Corey to get his crap together & he won by the skin of his teeth. Nicole says he's lucky all of his balls fell off. Corey says all of his balls fell off also. Paul leaves the Safari Room to go eat. Paulie says he might eat some stuff also. He says he thought when your body doesn't have food it makes it easier to sleep. Nicole tells him no, you need the food to sleep. Corey says he wants to eat a PB&J. Paulie says he doesn't mean to be a Debby Downer. Nicole tells him he needs to talk about it. Paulie says that he hopes Victor gives him the same chance he gave him. (Victor already gave him the chance to play in the Veto, which Paulie did not do for Victor). Nicole wants to sleep. She wants Corey to wake her up. Corey says he wants ice cream & cookie dough & he will eat it without her. Corey asks Paulie if he wants alcohol with him tomorrow. Paulie says that it's best for him to stay away from alcohol, because it's a depressant, & he doesn't need it in his state. Nicole leaves the Safari Room to use the bathroom & go to sleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 8:35 PM BBT Paul is in the KT whistling & looking through drawers. He says, "What up gangster, what up," to the cameras. Paulie & Corey are still lounging in the Safari Room. Cam 4 goes to the HOHR, where Victor is sleeping with his face covered. Paul says, F, it's 8:35 PM BBT. He wants his detective costume so he can get started. Nicole tells him she's so tired that she's going to take a nap. Corey is lying in the Safari Room with his eyes open. Paul is lounging with his eyes closed. Paul is singing & humming softly, while making himself something to eat in the KT. Corey gets called to the DR. He says, "Here we go." He says he has to pee really quick. Paul says it's time for his onsie. Paulie goes to the KT & says he has to force down some food. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 8:39 PM BBT Paul asks Paulie if they talked to him about the pie stuff yet? Paulie says no, they were just talking to them about sh*t not getting related. We see FOTH. Paulie says those girls are trying to pull sh*t & he needs his homies to hang around & have his back. He says it f'n sucks, but it is what it is. He says he wants to say sh*t to all of the guys, but he's tired of getting ganged up on. He says he's not going to throw Paul under the bus to say he was the one he was with. He says he's fine letting them know that the 3 were the 3. (He told Corey earlier that Paul made a final 2 with him). Nicole is in the HNBR talking to Michelle. Michelle says she hopes that Paulie doesn't pull something out of his ass to stay. We see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 8:43 PM BBT Life feeds come back with Paulie sitting at the KT table chomping on food. Paul sits down with him & tells him that he never threw him under the bus. Paulie says he knew what they were from a game perspective. Nicole tells Michelle that anything that was ever said hurtful, she twisted it. Paulie is hounding down food, chomping as loudly as he can. Victor goes to the KT. Nicole tells Michelle that she wants to eat. They both want to eat. Nicole says that she thought that Victor was going to take the vacation from her. Michelle says she feels bad that Victor wanted the money but took the Veto to keep noms the same. Nicole goes out & tells them that Corey got called to the DR. Paul asks her if he can have one of Corey's gummy snacks? Nicole tells him to eat whatever he wants from the basket & he can yell at her. Paul goes to the Tokyo BR to get some fruit snacks. Victor tells Nicole that he got knocked out hard. He asks Nicole if she napped? She says, no, because she wants to see Corey's unitard, if that's what it is. Paul says it will be. Michelle says it might be short on him like's Franks was. BB tells Michelle to please not obstruct her microphone. Victor says she's like a rookie. He says he hears her getting called out at least 3 times a day. He says the sound guys hate her. She says that her & Natalie probably have it the worst. Victor says they should make a video of her saying if you get picked for BB to f the mic. He says just kidding. BB says you're not allowed to talk about production. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 8:51 PM BBT Paulie tells Michelle that he doesn't know how she sleeps so much. He says he hasn't been able to sleep. She says she didn't sleep much when she was on the block. Paulie says that he wants to do the gallon of milk challenge on eviction night instead of giving a speech. Michelle says when she thinks of HN's, she thinks of the stuff that Jozea made with chocolate & chives. Nicole is frying slop in a pan on the stove. Victor says he never tried what Jozea made. Michelle tells Nicole that the slop looks like a burger. Victor says it looks great. Nicole tells him to shut up. She tells Michelle she is making it for her, & she will get the next one. Paulie asks it if it's a slop pickle burger? She says yes, but she doesn't know if it's good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 8:54 PM BBT Nicole says she is so hungry at this point. Victor is cleaning up a mess on the floor in the KT. The conversation goes to vacations their parents went on. Nicole gets the garlic salt for Paul & tosses it to him at the KT table. Michelle says that she heard tags clicking & sniffing. She says that it might have been someone's companion. Nicole says, "Who wants to see my Patriotard? I do Corey." Nicole says she thinks he will have something on his head. Paulie says that Brittany got the penalty kicks. He asks what would have happened if she didn't get the 2400 kicks in 24 hours? Nicole says she couldn't go in the house. She says she had to stay outside until it was done. Michelle asks what would have happened if Bridgette got something like that & couldn't finish it? Nicole says she doesn't know. Nicole talks about boiling corn to add to the slop. Paulie starts to sing. Paul says that everyone has to get up for his alarms. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 9:01 PM BBT Paulie says that his alarms will say something. He wonders how long that will take & if he will have to stay there while it cooks. Paulie says he doesn't know how long they will take to cook. He says they will probably tell him in the DR. Victor says there is dough in the fridge in the SR. James goes to the KT carrying white cups. He says he found all of the white cups & he takes them to the sink. Victor tells James that he wants to wash the dishes. He asks James if he can put some dishes away so he has some space. James helps put the dishes away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 9:04 PM BBT BB tells Nicole to not obstruct her microphone. She says they told her they are having problems with her microphone. She asks if Victor got the Fiji bottle? He says, yes. She says it was probably like $5.00. Paul can't believe that he still has Dr. Pepper in the SR. Nicole says there are some at the bottom of the door. Paul says that's where he put them. Michelle says the water tastes gross. Nicole asks if they can have lemon? No one answers. She says she loves the carbonated water. She says they can have relish. Nicole says she wants to have lemon to put on her food & in her water. Paulie says the two times James was a Have Not the food was good. He says the berries wasn't that great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 9:08 PM BBT Nicole says there is no sugar without them adding crap to the slop. She is reading the blue card with that has the food list on it. Paul says he can't wait to finish the tattoo work being done on his chest. He tells Paulie what still has to be done. Nicole says she has eaten 1,200 calories today. Nicole asks if your body can have to many vitamins? Nicole tells Michelle all the vitamins they are getting. Paul says it's crazy that everyone in the KT is all they have, minus 2 people. Nicole says she hopes they get the BY tonight. They all start to discuss everything that has to be taken down from the comp. Paul says it was a cool set-up, & the yard looked huge. Nicole says that was an easy Zingbot comp. She says usually it's really hard. James says there was Game of Throws, being dressed up like Knights. Paul asks Victor if he really took a Midevil Weapons class? He says he just made it up. Michelle wonders if there is a Team America. Paul says he feels they would have found out by now. Victor says it would have leaked by now. Nicole says it never leaked on her season. She says you lose the money if they find out. Paul says he thinks he would have been asked. Michelle asks how you get caught? Paul says that they didn't have that before. Nicole talks about Zach not being Team America & how he said he was related to Amanda Zukerman. She says that Zach didn't know it was something Team America had to do. She says that Zach took the blame for a lot of things & that's why he got voted out. She says they got him to blow up the Fruitloop Dingus thing. Paulie says, and Amber. Nicole says he got voted out this week. She says they did a swap. Paulie says Hayden was 10th. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 9:16 PM BBT Nicole says that Zach did not want to come back in. Paulie says he went right to the competition. Michelle talks about Vema. Nicole asks if Advocare is a pyramid scheme? Victor says yes, but people actually buy it. We see FOTH. Nicole says that someone gave her a link on her phone & said to have her brother sign up as a distributor. We see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 9:18 PM BBT Paulie comes back saying that his mom only liked the Spark & didn't want to become an Advisor. James says he doesn't want to give $5,000 to join anything. Paulie says you can't sell expensive stuff to broke college friends. He says they ate Ramen Noodles every day. Michelle says the worst is the knives. She says they tried to get her brother. James says he thinks Natalie told him she sold knives. Michelle talks about her brother needing different demographics. She says the family feels guilty & buy into it. Paul says Corey has been in there for a minute. Nicole says that you have to the DR sesh, change into the costume & do another DR sesh. Michelle says that Cutco knives are the best. Nicole says she would buy one for sure. Michelle says that the training for what her brother wanted to do was two 8 hour days, unpaid. We see FOTH briefly. Paul says that guys flipping houses try to reel people in. Victor says they probably try to give them a start-up packet & people buy into it. He says they use the same presentation only changing the city names. Paul says you have to pay $300 for head shots He says he coud take the head shots. Nicole asks how you become a Disney star? Paul says to ask his ex-girlfriend. We see FOTH. Paul says it's based on your audition, who you know & your manager. We see FOTH again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 9:25 PM BBT Paul says it's a very risky business, but if you do it good you will last. Victor says, then you become Johnny Depp. He says he started as a pen salesman. Nicole asks if he is married? Victor says he is & he lives in a small town overseas, where no one bothers him. He says he did what he wanted for Jack Sparrow & he only did it because his daughter wanted him to. Pauie says his dad is a huge Rolling Stone fan. Nicole says she wants to go to Stage Coach. Paul says he will only go if he gets a free ticket. He says he will be saying the f word the whole time. Nicole says it's so great & she laughs a lot. She says everyone who doesn't listen to country always says it's about girls, beer & trucks. She says she can't get enough country. Paul says there's a MEME of a girl falling out of a moving vehicle. He says it says, when you girl puts on country music. Nicole says it's real & heartfelt. She says country concerts are the funnest to go to. Paul says he will take her to a mosh pit. She says, no way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 9:30 PM BBT Paul says they need to play more Slipknot for him. He says he was jazzed the morning they played that. James says his arm is still tingly. Paul says an awning fell on his face. Nicole says she's surprised it didn't' hit her face also. Paul says, because he's taller & it hit him. Victor asks them how tall they are? Paul says he's 5' 7" and Nicole says she's 5' 2". Victor tells Paul he needs to wash his dish since he washed his. Paul says he is going to take the Secret Service thing really serious. He says he wants to say something when he casts his vote to evict. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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