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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program, and "Day" is confusing, so use Dae.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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3:00AM BBT Most of the HGs are in the kitchen with similar excess/nervous energy as to last night.  The boys seem to be having some kind of giant slop eating experiment/contest.  It seems that slop + hash browns and/or corned beef hash is the best slop combination of all time, or at least of the season.  They boys have spent quite a bit of the past 15 minutes trying to convince Nicole that in Texas (and possibly all of the United States, if not perhaps the entire known universe), the standard pronunciation of "balogna" is BUH-LOG-NA.  Nicole says they are all nuts, it's BUH-LONE-EE.  Let's see: Paul, Victor and Michelle are elsewhere, but all cameras are showing the kitchen.


More silly discussion about how all BB18 social medial should hashtag everything with #shupenpings and #deehay .  These are apparently slangified/slopified versions of several spanish phrases that probably should not be said in polite company.  Tons of giggling over all of this.  More discussion of sexual/slang terms for male and female body parts.  Spanish inappropriate words.  Although all 4 cameras are on the kitchen, it seems that one microphone might be picking up Corey and Nicole.  Earlier Corey and Nicole at the kitchen table had a strange/amusing little argument regarding Nicole not just giving Corey her phone number.  It was during everything else going on, but seemed to be slightly serious.  It boiled down to Nicole thinking that if he wasn't even brave enough to =ask= for her number, he wasn't going to get it.  Besides, she doesn't like to phone or text.  He could write her a letter, seems she would like that.


3:15AM BBT James and Paulie playing pool outdoors.  They agree that this weeks slop combo is great.  Paulie says "the longer we can keep us three a secret, the better".  .  Natalie and Zakiyah are flirting at/through the windows.  They are the Sassy Sisters, flirting with the Crocodile Hunters (kwakodile).  Paulie is doing an Elmer Fudd voice and it's cracking the girls up.  Bridgette and Michelle are briefly near the door, and the boys ask Big Meech where she has been.  A brief camera flash shows Nicole in bed in the dark.  The girls head for the powder room and Paule and James talk game, with some discussion as to how James should use the care package vote eliminations.  More game talk/speculation as to how Victor might proceed if he got another HOH.  Corey arrives and game talk continues with no change in tone.  Paulie says that there is talk about there being an all boys alliance, but he says that they just remove Bridgette and Michelle and Nicole and Z aren't going to go against that. 






3:20AM BBT More very open game discussion between Paulie, Corey,and James.  Paul is definitely doing some things that are counter to their goals.  They tell James he should nullify his own vote, but he says that he asked BB and he is not allowed to do that.  They grump a little that the next Care Package will mess up plans somehow.  Who knows what will come next.  Paulie is pissed about some of the girls calling them the AllsMen.  [Natalie and Zakiyah earlier asked Paulie and James at the door what the boys alliance is named during the flirting and giggling, they called them the AllsMen].  James: we can't sleep on Victor.  Paulie: Vic is robotic, he does better when he has orders, so we can't let the orders be coming from Paul.  James says we should assume that Bridgette, Michelle, Paul and Victor are trying to build a little squad.  Near as I can tell from the game talk, Michelle is the real target this week, but this three is having to work a bit to make that happen for sure.  Corey says that Michelle is suspicious of Victor getting close with Bridgette.  James says Michelle is a loose canon and needs to go.  Corey: you just don't know with Meech.  They all agree that they have basically no idea what Michelle would do if she happened to get an HOH.


3:27AM BBT Nicole and Michelle in the Tokyo Bedroom, Nicole arrives.  N says that the guys alliance is now named the Cwawkodile Huntuhs.  Advancemen turned into Allsmen turned into Cwawkodile Huntahs [they do not spell this out completely, that's what it sounded like to me].  Nicole is very tired, the other two girls can't sleep.  Nicole tells them to not worry about keeping her awake, feel free to talk.  Nicole tells Michelle how the hashtags came up, and spells Shoopinpings out   Paulie was telling a story about playing soccer, boys say chupa mi pinga (suck my dick), then they started saying pingshooping, which turned into #shoopinpings.  Deehay they made up, it means dick head.  Dije in spanish just means "I said".  Some additional discussion about all the spanish curse words being used in the house this summer.









1057AM BBT  The HGs are all tucked in beds yet.  We saw Bridgette up for a few brushing her teeth but it seems that even she went back to bed.


Update summary from 330AM BBT to 1050AM BBT


Corey Paul and James met and agreed that Michelle has to go. (30 minutes ago Paulie told the boys Corey, James, Paul, Victor that they need Z out this week)  Paulie says it is all Paul and Victor wanting Z out of the house.  James says he will use his votes to null out Paulie.  Paulie is still talking to Corey and James, throwing Paul under the bus, telling the boys they need to go after Victor next week.   Paulie talking about how Paul and Victor are flipping on them, pulline in Meech and Bridgette to their side, "confusing to follow"  (wonder if Paulie really knows who he is talking to right now) Corey leaves, James says to Paulie that Nat says there is an all boys alliance in hosue.  


Z gets called to DR.  She whines about the time and that she had already been in DR.  


Paulie and James head for bed, but Paulie seems to think he has to yell questions to James who is in the HN room.  BB tells Paulie and James to Stop, it is annoying.  (this happened around 6AM)


840AM BBT (?) Corey up, puts down milk for the cat.  We see Paulie come out of WC and go back to bed with Z.


Besides the normal "stuff talk" from the boys and their "potty mouths" not much happened since most HGs were tired after long veto comp.


3:55AM BBT Tokyo bedroom, James telling Nat, Nic, and Mich about the twins last year.  They had 15 or 20 minutes to exchange info.  He continues discussing the twins gameplay and related gameplay, which turns into a bit of discussion as to whether battle of the block should count as a comp (James seems inclined to think it shouldn't). Paulie in the yard reassuring Zakiyah that Michelle will go home via unanimous vote so he's not going to take Z down, and she's safe.  She seems okay with that.


5:00Am BBT Seems like everyone is finally asleep, or very nearly so.  All cameras on dark quiet rooms.




About 1130AM BBT we have FOTH, so must be wakeup call.


Victor and Paul are in HoH with BB telling someone Lights have to stay on.  Victor tends to fish FOTH


1145AM BBT Victor and Paul head to kitchen, Victor remembers he forgot to ask for Coffee filters.  Nat and Paul get Battery change from BB.  Paul whines to Nat that there is no food.   Victor whines that there is rust in coffee maker.


1222AM BBT Victor says it is his time to have a Live Feeder Chat and heads to the safari room.


Paul joins in Victor's live feeders chat (Victor whispered that he DOES NOT want the veto used) as Paul opened the door.  Victor and Paul start talking about how to get Nicole out and keep Corey cool with it, Victor saying he does not want the DE now.   Vic starts to translate all of Paul's abbreviations he is using.  


Victor says he wants his alliance to the end being Bridge, Paul, Paulie, Corey, Meech.  Paul agrees half heartedly.  


Vic and Paul discuss bars and college.  Vic explains to Paul that this is his second time trying to get on the BB show, he went to earlier casting calls.  We get FOTH


1256PM BBT  Corey crashes the chat in Safari room.  




116PM BBT Victor discussing not wanting to get his hands wet with open wounds.  Corey has gone to jump into bed with Nicole.  Lots of cuddling (blanket movement) between Nicole and Corey.  Nicole pushes Corey out of bed.  Corey wrapped in towel heads to bathroom.  Paul walking around following him.  Victor in kitchen getting more coffee.  General chat between boys about clothes.  Corey says he is changing to go to the pool.  We now see Nicole up and checking dresser drawers for clothes.  Corey went outside, came back inside.  Victor brings coffee filters to kitchen.  



1:07PM BBT Victor, Corey and Paul talking. Corey telling them about a girl who was riding a bull in the bar he was working. A girl fell over and face planted. Vic says that he thinks there is a video and it went viral.


1:13PM BBT Corey tells Vic and Paul that he was trying to talk to Paulie but that the girls keep following them around and he hasn't had the chance. Vic starts to talk about how excited he is to write his blog.


1:23PM BBT Corey lowering the awnings outside. Nicole washing up in the WC and Paul making something to eat.


12:50 PM BBT- WBRB is playing


12:53 PM BBT- In the Safari Room, Paul and Victor are talking how fast time is flying. Paul says that it seems like yesterday Glen was in the house. They give shout outs to Puerto Rican's and Armenians. Vic is telling Paul about his Greek friend who taught him bad words. Paul says Vic has an ethnic group of friends. Corey walks in. Paul asks if everyone is still asleep? Corey says Yea. Vic continues on about his "ethnic" group of friends. 


12:57-1:10 PM BBT- Paul asks Corey how late everybody stayed up last night. Corey says so late. He says they were in the hottub until about two or so. Then everyone came in and ate slop. Vic says, Slop?!? Corey says, Yea like Paulie everybody. That was about 2:30 or so. Then he says they went to bed but were talking through the walls and stuff. Paul says he was too tired to do that, that he went to bed early. Vic says that they should shout out to the Live Feeders. Corey says what's up live feeders? You sexy mudda fucka's. Vic says you should go to his (corey's) bar in Dallas and show love. The boys begin discuss different drinks that represent each person. Corey is telling Vic and Paul about the struggles of bartending. Corey says this one time we had a big ass pub crawl and so we had to be there at 11AM. I got there around 3 or 4 and there is literally nobody there. I hate running the bull because people ask to stay on the bull for a long time. I can't control how long people stay on the bull. Anyway, this group of girls wants to ride the bull. He continues on... He says one gets on and falls off. The next time a girl gets on she weighs 250. She couldn't get on the bull on by herself. Cory demonstrates how he is helping her on the bull but he is unable. I am giving everything I have to get this girl on the bull. I FINALLY get this girl up there. He demonstrates how the girl is sitting too far bag. He says that she is bigger than the damn bull. He said to the girl, promise me that when this thing goes down that you will lean back. He says the girl is laughing and light-hearted. He says he hardly moves the bull and the girl goes down and face plants with her feet over her head. The girl was freaking out. He says people were videoing the shit out of this girl. The boys continue to laugh.


126PM BBT  BB tells Nicole to put on Mic.  Corey was asked to do the awnings.  Paul was told to clip his mic to his shirt.  


Side Note: Nicole has run out of toothpaste.  Last night and this morning both Nicole keeps saying sorry James and is using from his "shave kit".


1:28 PM BBT- Nicole is in the bathroom preparing to tan. Vic comes in and says whats up sleepy butt and hugs her from behind and kisses her hair a few times. (WEIRD!) Nicole asks if it is nice out and Vic says yes that he is going to go get a hat so he can tan and he leaves. Nicole continues to get ready for the day and is talking to herself.


1:30 PM BBT- Paul is cleaning out his nose piercing. Vic is laying on a chair tanning. Corey comes to layout next to Vic. Vic says Whats up son. Corey says another beautiful California day. They discuss what day it is. They decide it is day 54 in the house. 


1:33 PM BBT- Nicole asks if the boys tanning have the spray 30 (sunscreen). They don't. She says hmm, we need to request some. She asks Cory if she can use his sunscreen, he says of course. Now Nicole is on one chair, Vic is in the middle chair, and Cory in on the far chair next to the pool. Vic says I need to start wearing a G string so that he can get a better tan. Nicole and Cory ignore that comment. 


1:35 PM BBT- They start talking to the live feeders telling their moms that they love them. Nicole says that her brother is the best and his birthday is the 9th. They talk about their stipends and spending them on a trip for their families which triggers the WBRB to play. 




1:39 PM BBT- In the Tokyo room Paulie and Zakiya are in the same bed asleep. Natalie is asleep in Bridgette's bed. Michelle is in the bed next to her.  

1:40 PM BBT- In the Have Not room, James and Bridgette are still asleep. 

1:42 PM BBT- Paul is sitting in the shade across the pool talking to the 3 in the chairs (Nicole, Cory, and Vic). Vic says he keeps having a recurring dream that he is out of the house and has his phone and he can't decide which picture to post first out of the house. Nicole says that is a tough dilemma with some sarcasm. Vic says that they will take a picture together at the wrap party and post that. They talk about not being tagged on instagram. Nicole says is that rude to not tag anybody? They say yes. Vic is talking about is hundreds of thousands of instagram followers. Nicole says that once they notice that she isn't on instagram anymore she is truly happy. Cory disagrees that people who are off social media a probably depressed. 

1:46 PM BBT- Vic is called to the DR

1:47-1:54 PM BBT- Corey and Paul are talking about their love of snap chat. Nicole offers to wash her sheets with Paul. Paul says he is too lazy to go get his sheets right now and they decide to do it later. Corey asks Nicole to put on sunscreen on him. She stands on a chair to reach his shoulders. Nicole is giving Corey a hard time about feeding his cat before cuddling her. He says he did cuddle her first. She says she doesn't remember. 

1:55 PM BBT- Bridgette is awake in the kitchen making coffee. 

1:56 PM BBT- Nicole says, guys if I am ever having an anxiety attack again just give me a sprite, that always helps. She says she thinks its the carbonation and burping that helps. 

1:58 PM BBT- WBRB plays shortly because Nicole says they are finishing up their DR sessions for the competition yesterday. 





1:31PM BBT Paul is dipping cotton balls in liquid and then holding them to the side of his nose. Vic is sun bathing.


1:44PM BBT Nicole, Corey and Vic talk about followers on their social media. Nicole says she doesn't tag people or take out red eye. Vic says he had 400K users when he left. He goes back and forth on his number of users. He hopes he has more when he gets out of the house.


2:01pm (BY) Paul is looking in a mirror and gasps.  Nicole asks, "did you see someone?"  Paul nods his head laughing. he later says he could see an apple logo right in his face and he says that the person took a photo. continually getting FotH when they talk about it. 


2:04-2:08  PM BBT- BB says Paul please put on your microphone. Bridgette is making hash browns for the oven. Paul is putting on sunscreen. Nicole goes to grab the sheets for Paul and Nicole to wash their sheets. Nicole and Bridgette say good morning. Nicole says that she thinks she is going to make scrabbled eggs and veggies for breakfast. 


2:08 PM BBT- Paulie is awake and goes to the kitchen and says good morning to Bridgette. Then he goes outside to say good morning to Paul. Paul tells Paulie that he was popping zits in the mirror outside and someone on the other side tried to take a picture. Paul asks if things are the same. Paulie says that he gave Zakiya a heads up that he wasn't going to use the veto and that Zakiya seemed like she understood that sometimes you can't upset the HOH. Paulie, Paul and Corey start talking about morning boners and Nicole says what are you talking about. Corey says about how good you look and the boys start catcalling. Nicole tells the boys to hush and goes inside to start making breakfast next to Bridgette.


2:12-2:25 PM BBT- On the chair, Corey, Paul and Paulie are discussing options. Paul says that keeping the noms the same is the best friendship. Paul says that Bridgette is probably next. He says that Bridgette and Meech will be next to each other. Paulie says there is somebody is spilling something because James said Natalie is starting to wonder if there is an all boys alliance. They are discussing who could have leaked that. They are talking about who should win during double eviction. Paulie says he wants to talk to Michelle about what she could have up her sleeve since the noms are staying the same. Paulie says that Z said that Michelle said that if Paulie doesn't use his veto that really will show his cards. He says that concerns him because that is some scheming. Paulie says that Bridgette gets annoyed when they take their guy jokes too far. They decide that Bridgette should go next week because she is always observing what is going on. Paulie says that she going to take a shot at the guys and that she is very strategic. Paul says that it should definitely be her next week that goes. Paulie says yea, she is never really giving information. He says he can only see her taking a shot at Nicole or James. Corey says that he talked to Bridgette last night and that it would for sure be James and that she loves Paul. Paul is skeptical that she really feels that way. Paul says that people are getting annoyed by James. Corey says no that was all Michelle instigating. Paulie thinks that Michelle is more likely to get numbers than Zakiya. Paul says to go get some information today. Paulie says oh for sure. He says that if Bridgette says she is going to take some shots he might use the veto to backdoor her. But, Paulie thinks that it is unlikely that that would happen. Paul says that once a girl goes this week, the girls will for sure know the guys alliance exists. Paulie says that if Natalie ever wins HOH she will never put a girl up. Paul says that realistically that Natalie will never win an HOH. Paul says whoever y'all pick should go this week but I personally think Z should go this week then Bridgette next week. 


2:06PM BBT Nicole gets Paul's and her sheets to wash (she offered) and Bridgette is cooking lunch.


2:10PM BBT Paulie and Paul talk. Paulie tells him that he talked to Zak and told her that he is not using it. He says he did it in a way that she would understand he didn't want to piss off the HOH.


2:12PM BBT Paul and Paulie continue to talk. Paul says that if Z goes home, Paulie can tell Michelle that he saved her life.


 2:15PM BBT Paulie counts how many girls are left in the house. He says 4 several times. Corey tells him 5. Corey says 4 so Corey names them off. The guys are creating their hit list for who is next to go.


2:24PM Paul tells Corey and Paulie that several HG showed their cards yesterday. They were really angry at James for what he did.


2:27PM BBT Paulie, Corey and Paul discussing the girls and what they would do. They know Natalie would put up two guys. Paul tells Paulie that he is okay with Michelle going but thinks Zak is a better option. They feel Bridgette needs to go next.


2:31PM BBT Paul and Paulie talking about Zak and Michelle. Paul says he hates that she pulls out the "I feel alone" card. Paul says he can't stand that stuff. Paul tells Paulie that if he sends Zak home this week he will signal the guys that he is ready and they need to kick theirs as well.


2:34PM BBT Paul tells Paulie that he will have Bridgette and she will put up James. Paul says Natalie will not put up James. Paulie says that he wants to talk to Michelle and get info from her. He says that Zak says she will blow things up. Paulie wants to know the truth about the Fatal 5.




2:36PM BBT Paul asks Nicole who her preference is to go this week. Nicole feels Michelle would kiss butt but Zak would seek revenge. She says that she wants to leave it up to the guys. Paul asks her again and tells her Zak should go. Nicole says that is fine.




3:03PM BBT Paulie telling Bridgette about the Rutgers coach who got fired for hitting students with footballs.


3:13PM BBT Nicole and Corey joking back and forth. Nicole says Corey is upset that she teased him about acting cool while floating in the pool. Paul wants to make a salad but doesn't know how to cook chicken. Vic says he will help cook it but he can't cut anything with his hands all cut up.


3:25PM BBT Vic and Paul talk about how they sign up to be in prison. Vic says they get yard time. They talk about how they are surrounded by walls.


3:38 PM BBT Paul is called into the DR but doesn't get out of the pool. Paulie heads to DR. In the BY Corey and Nicole talk about the comp and the BY being on LD. Paulie comes out and tells Paul that BB said he needed to go into the DR.


3:46PM BBT Nicole and Bridgette general chatting in the BY pool area. Nicole tells her about her brother's 21st birthday with a party bus.


3:52PM BBT Paulie, Vic, Bridgette and Nicole talk about guys not wearing shirts. Paulie says he is going to open a hospital where all of the doctors and nurses only wear bathing suits. Bridgette says he can't do that because everyone would have Tachycardia. Vic laughs at Bridgette and says he can make up words too.


3:56PM BBT Now Vic and Paulie say they are going to do the pros and cons of wearing socks or not. Vic says it is faster to get your shoes when you want to leave. Paulie says hat it allows you to slide into certain stances for positions. Bridgette starts talking about a study that was done for couples wearing socks during sex. Vic says that your feet sweat more then any other part of your body.


4:00pm BBT Victor, Paulie, Nicole, and Bridgette are in the BY having a discussion. Cory comes out to join the conversation about bologna. BB is going to hook them up with sun screen.  Then we get FOTH

4:00pm BBT Feeds are back

4:01pm BBT The discussion in the BY is still about how often the boys wear their shirts in their life time.  

4:04pm BBT Paulie and Victor are working on the balance rope in the BY. Nicole is catching Cory up on the conversation they had about the boys not wearing shirts. Paulie says that 95% of his life he is shirt less. Paulie also said that he gets offended when bouncers at clubs try to throw him out when he takes his shirt off.

4:08pm BBT Paul walks into the back yard with a Yellow Duck inner tube around his waist. He says “Look at all these smart people talking about smart people stuff”. The girls were talking about calling in prescriptions when they are working.

4:12pm BBT In the TBR, Z baby is talking to Michelle. The camera then goes to the kitchen. Paul and Victor are about to cook something. BB tells Nicole to put on her Microphone.

4:15pm BBT In the BY Nicole is talking to Bridgette telling her that for the next 5 days she is going to eat better. The camera cuts to Paul and Cory. They are talking about if Paul should use the power of veto. I cannot tell who they are talking about yet.

4:17pm BBT Paul and Cory are still talking. They cannot find any reason on why they should save Michelle. They want her out this week. Z isn’t winning any comps and Michelle has won a few. They also talk about Victor and how they do not consider him in the alliance. Natalie now walks out to the BY and grabs some Gatorade. The Cory and Paulie stop talking about game.

4:21pm BBT Natalie says that she wishes they had alarm clocks. She goes inside to wake James up. Cory and Paulie start talking game again. Paulie says that everything is fine and is all good. (The plan for the week). Everything they says is going towards the POV not being used and then Michelle going home on Thursday.

4:25pm BBT Cory asks Paulie who he would want to put up on double evict night. He says Bridgette and Natalie. Paulie says that he would have to clear it with James first, Cory agrees.

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