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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

  • morty pinned this topic

12:01 AM BBT Bridgette and Frank in the KT. Bridgette is cooking. Frank is curious how it will go. Frank says Paul acts like he’ll vote with them 100% and Bridgette agrees as long as the majority doesn’t shift. Bridgette says he’s going to do what’s best for his game. Frank says James is saying the same thing and he’s being honest but he’s worried people might be lying about how they’ll vote. Bridgette is going to be fucking pissed if they are lying to them again. Frank says he talked to Nicole and he said Nicole won’t vote their way if they don’t have the votes. Frank thinks he can get 7. Frank says Nicole told him she’s on board if they can get the votes and she said she’ll do some fact checking and let Frank know if she’s not going to vote that way. Frank feels like Paulie is being honest and he said Paulie said we can always just stick together with our team even when the teams are disbanded and they’ll still be a strong foursome. Bridgette asked if it was true that Paulie said he was coming after her and Frank said at some point yeah, but not any time soon. Bridgette says she’s down to work with Paulie because he’s a smart guy.


12:05 AM BBT Bridgette says she was talking to Paulie and she told him Tiff did exactly what he said she would do and pull Bridgette aside for a conversation. Bridgette says she told Paulie Tiff told her that Paulie was coming after her and Bridgette said he definitely didn’t deny it but he wouldn’t look her in the eye and kept going on about her sister. Frank says Paulie talks all the time like he wants it to be him and Frank going to the end and Frank just appeases him. Bridgette says everyone wants to take Frank to the end and Frank says why? I’m not sure why he would.


12:10 AM BBT Frank tells Bridgette that he told Paulie if one of them gets to the end with a girl, with Da in the jury, she’s going to make sure a girl wins. Bridgette says that’s a really good point and Frank says right. Frank says how do I come up with some of this stuff and Bridgette says I don’t know, I don’t have that kind of a mind. Frank says am I devious? Bridgette says yeah and Frank says am I. Bridgette says you’re clever and Frank says yeah, I’m clever. Bridgette says Da did make the fatal five alliance and she did make a final 2 with a girl. Frank says that’s why we have to get her out before jury. Bridgette says so a guy has a chance to win? Frank nods and Bridgette says not bad Frank.

12:15 AM BBT Michelle and Paulie in the HOH chatting. Paulie says it’s strange that all the stuff Da’Vonne has done is coming to light. He says he couldn’t see Da doing all that, but he didn’t pick up on Frank first either. He says he really couldn’t see Da doing that because she slept all the time, like when did she do it? Michelle says I don’t know. Michelle says even Frank told her Da made a final two deal with him, and she’s like make a final 2 deal with Nicole. Paulie says he thinks she has something with James too because her and James are close and James has said he’ll never be a vote against her. Michelle tells Paulie that James and Natalie got into a little tiff today and Paulie says oh yeah they did.


12:18 AM BBT Natalie and James in the HNR in the same bumper car.


12:26 AM BBT Natalie tells James she’s sad that Bridgette doesn’t hang out with her anymore and James says why is that. Natalie says she used to have so much fun with her. Natalie says it’s hard because when she tries to hang out with Bridgette, Bridgette tries to get info from her. James tells her you can’t really trust anybody. Natalie says so I can’t trust you and James says don’t. Natalie says why are you saying that. James gets up to turn the light off.


12:28 AM BBT Paulie says to Michelle that Tiffany is trying to make Da look like the crazy one and not her. Zakiyah tells Paulie and Michelle where everyone in the house is.


12:30 AM BBT James and Natalie in the same bumper care in the HNR with the light off. Natalie says she thinks there’s an all guys alliance that James is part of and the plan is to pick all the girls off. James says there is no guys alliance. He asks her do you see me hanging out with Cody, or Paul? He says I hang out with Paulie but I’m not up in HOH all the time. Natalie says she was just teasing. James asks her if she’s in an all girl alliance and she says no she’s got no alliance. James says because I heard something about a power puff girls alliance and Natalie says yeah that’s funny. Natalie says Bronte is gone so that’s not even real. Then she says but seriously her and Bronte and Bridgette are close. She says they did make a promise to watch each other’s backs and stuff but at the same time I started realizing things were being said to Frank. She tells James not to tell anyone but she knows there were other parties trying to start an alliance and Bridgette found out about it, but Natalie wasn’t a part of that. She says but Bridgette found out and told Frank and when Bridgette would talk about stuff Natalie would stay quiet and not say anything and that’s when she realized she couldn’t trust her. Natalie says James and Bronte are the only two she would fight for.


12:31 AM BBT Zakiyah, Paulie, and Michelle in the HOH talking about Bridgette. Nicole comes in and asks who they are talking about. They start talking about the showmance names. They have dubbed Frank and Bridgette “Fridgette”. Paulie and Zakiyah are “Paulkiyah”. Nicole and Corey are “Nicorey”. James and Natalie are either “Jatalie or Names”. Paulie says we should hook Paul up with big Mich and they can be “Paulchelle”.


12:38 AM BBT Natalie says she doesn’t want to know anything. She’s tired of knowing stuff. She doesn’t want to know anything unless it’s about her.


12:39 AM BBT James says no matter what, they are the last couple to be targeted and they are guaranteed jury.


12:40 AM BBT Da’Vonne comes in and they fill her in on the showmance names. They continue to tease Michelle about Paul.


12:42 AM BBT Tiffany comes in to the HNR and turns the light on and comes in to chat. General chatter about James and Natalie, politics. Natalie says the first time she votes she wants it to be a woman. Natalie nor Tiffany have ever voted. Tiff asks James if he’s learned a lot about women in two seasons of Big Brother.


12:50 AM BBT Da, Zakiyah, Michelle, Corey, and Nicole in the HOH room general chatter. They talk about zodiac signs and who is what sign and what the signs mean. Paul comes in to the HOH room.


1:00 AM BBT Zakiyah, Corey, Nicole, Da’Vonne in the HOH room and Paul in the HOH room shower. Still general chit chat.


1:01 AM BBT Natalie and Tiffany in the HNR. They are talking about names. Tiff says she wished her middle name was her first name. It’s Alexis and Natalie says she likes that name. Tiff says she thinks she looks more like an Alexis than a Tiffany. Natalie’s middle name is Mercedes, but she’s also known as Natalia.


1:05 AM BBT Frank and Bridgette outside doing laundry talking about Tiffany. They talk about how funny Tiff is and how she’s different one on one when they talk to her. Frank really wants Da to go home so he can send Zakiyah home next week. Bridgette says Zakiyah is horrible. Frank says he liked her at first, but she came out of her shell and he doesn’t like who she is. Bridgette says I did too at first because we had all these conversations about goals and we’re both Cancerians and I thought we really connected and all that shit. She continues this last week, she doesn’t know what it is, but these girls are kind of ganging up on me to be honest. Frank says they are getting really cocky and Bridgette says yeah and they’re all ignoring me. Bridgette says she’s nice as fuck. Frank says he spent time with Michelle today helping her workout and Bridgette says that’s good. Frank gives Bridgette advice on how to manipulate Michelle and Bridgette says apparently she wants to vomit any time I walk into a room with her. Bridgette says Nicole is warming up to her, the rest of them not all. Frank doesn’t like that Nicole and Zakiyah got close. Frank talks about Nicole and her showmance and how stupid she looks. Frank talks about James being 32 years old and he’s lovestruck. Frank says if they have to vote Tiffany out they will because they have to keep their nose clean going into next week. However, Frank really wants to flip it.


1:06 AM BBT Paulie and James in the WA. They are talking a little strategy on who they trust and who they don’t trust. The information that is going around the house. Paulie going over some of the things Da has supposedly said to James. Paulie feels like Da is trying to put a target on them indirectly so the other side doesn’t come after her, but after Corey and Paulie. James said Tiffany told him that Da name dropped him too. Paulie says Da is definitely saying something because Tiff heard about the alliance with Paulie, Corey, Nicole, Zakiyah, and Da. James said Da told him that Nicole came up to Da and said she’s in an alliance with them.


1:13 AM BBT Frank says if we win HOH next week, we put up Zakiyah and Da’Vonne. Bridgette says easy! Done! Frank says he wants to go out in a blaze. Bridgette says she just wanted to go out and be proud of herself. She says half the people in the house can’t say that. She’d be so ashamed. Frank says they don’t know better. Bridgette says Da knows better. Frank says she should. Bridgette says Da should fucking know better.


1:13 AM BBT Paulie tells James that Tiffany told him Da made a F2 alliance with her because of her sister. Frank said Da made an alliance with him as well. Paulie says Da is not an immediate threat right now, Tiffany has to go home. Then Frank and Bridgette. But Paulie is going to try and snip Da before she gets on to anything. James doesn’t see Da winning any HOH comps.  


1:16 AM BBT Natalie and Tiff in the HNR chatting about the house. Tiff says Natalie is confident in herself and that’s something the other girls aren’t. Tiff knows she didn’t say anything she wasn’t proud of. James comes back in and Natalie asks him if he has a green card. He talks about his adoption so we get lots of FotH. We hear sporadic chat about his sister and brother. His sister is from North Korea and he’s from South Korea. Feeds keep break off. Natalie thinks it’s awesome that James’ parents adopted children and he says they treated them all just like their own. Natalie keeps asking about his family and we keep getting FotH. [Maybe some of his family didn’t sign waivers?] Tiffany gets called to the DR.


1:23 AM BBT Natalie doesn’t want to get called to the DR because she has pimple cream on her face.

1:25 AM BBT Da pops into the HNR and wants to make sure James isn’t going to vote her out.


1:27 AM BBT Natalie filling in James on her and Tiffany’s conversation.


1:28 AM BBT Paul in HOH with Paulie, Zakiyah, Corey, Michelle, and Nicole. Paul says he’s sick of Tiffany. He’s sick of Frank. He sick of Bridgette.


1:30 AM BBT Paulie, Paul, Corey, Nicole, and Zakiyah in HOH. Paul is ready for it to be down to eight.  They talk about getting high in the jury house. Paulie says can you imagine if they hooked you up and Zakiyah says they wouldn’t do that. Zakiyah says it’s good for you and everyone should do it. She doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Corey says what should be legal and Paul says Cocaine. Paulie and Zakiyah laugh. Paulie says they were talking about marijuana. Corey says weeders.


1:30 AM BBT Natalie and James in the HNR. Natalie asks why people talk shit about each other, it’s not nice. James is tweezing Natalie’s eyebrows. Natalie said Tiffany and James always correct people when they talk about others. James said not necessarily correcting people, but discouraging the chat or standing up for people. Natalie says it’s not nice to talk about people, she said she did it with Victor but that was different. Natalie tells James that Bronte told her she overheard Nicole and Corey talking bad about Natalie, like making fun of her. James asked Natalie what her and Victor did during their “date”. Natalie felt like Victor forced it on them. James said if he has a date it’s going to be a jury date or a real date.


1:36 AM BBT Da’Vonne and Michelle in the UKBR. They are complaining about Tiffany. Da says in the outside world she wouldn’t deal with Tiffany, but they are in a situation where they are forced to deal with each other. Da says Tiff was pissed about the gorilla.


1:38 AM BBT They start singing in the HOH so we get FotH again. Paul says let’s ask each other fun shit. His question is what’s the craziest thing they ever did. Corey and Nicole are having their own conversation on the bed, Michelle is asleep and Paulie and Z discussing Paul’s questions. Paulie talks about skydiving.


1:39 AM BBT Michelle asked how she knew she was leaving last week and Da says she suspected she was leaving. Michelle says Tiff is outside with Frank and Bridgette.


1:41 AM BBT Michelle wonders what Tiff says to live feeders, probably that they’re mean. Da says she’s probably trying to paint them as bullies. Michelle says she wants to know Tiff’s real occupation and Da says she doesn’t even know her real occupation, her lying ass. Da says she can’t believe they saved her and it was two hours later and everything went down. Michelle says she’s watched previous seasons and she’s never seen someone get saved and then go to the side of the house that wanted them out and put them up.


1:42 AM BBT They talk about hot air ballooning and Corey asks what happens if a bird flies into it. Paul says pissed! Paul tells the Berlin story again.


1:45 AM BBT Tiffany, Bridgette, and Frank in the BY. Frank and Bridgette are playing pool and Tiffany has her gorilla back that Da hid from her earlier.


1:47 AM BBT Michelle and Da talking about the showmances, how many there are and that they are all out in the open. They start naming previous showmances on previous season. Nicole comes in. Nicole says her and Hayden were such an odd pair. She says Hayden says he likes girls with big boobs and short shorts. Nicole says she should have seen the signs then but it was a fun relationship.


1:52 AM BBT Paulie says to Zakiyah and Paul that Frank makes comments like if Natalie or Tiffany went home it would be a wasted HOH. Paulie says it’s not a wasted HOH if someone not in my alliance goes home. Paulie says Zakiyah and Nicole are getting close at winning comps and Corey is right there. Paulie says if it’s a mental comp Bridgette has a better chance of winning than Frank.


1:55 AM BBT Da compared Tiffany to Ronnie from season 11. Feeds go to Tiffany in the Tokyo room on the daybed she will be sharing with Bridgette. Nicole lies down in Corey’s bed. They cuddle.


1:58 AM BBT HOH room chat turns to complaints about Da.


2:00 AM BBT Michelle and Da’Vonne in the UKBR just having general chit chat.


2:08 AM BBT Frank and Michelle in the KT cleaning up. They finish and go to the BY. They go to play another game of pool.


2:12 AM BBT Paulie, Zakiyah, and Paul in the HOH. General chit chat. (All feeds are now on the HOH room)


2:14 AM BBT James and Natalie talking in the HNR with the lights off. James says he hopes she can cook good food and Natalie says her mom is the best cook. Natalie talking about how well her family is going to get along with James.


2:21 AM BBT Natalie is just drained from all previous relationships. James says hopefully everything will be ok and worst comes to worst, at least they’ll be friends outside and he’s fine with that.


2:43 AM BBT Frank and Bridgette go to the hammock in the BY. Bridgette says if it’s down to her and Tiff in the HOH, she’ll throw it to her so she can get revenge. Bridgette feels good. Paul, James, Tiff none of them are going after Frank and Bridgette, and Michelle can’t. Bridgette says they are gold. Frank says they could also throw it to Paul and James because they’d be safe. Bridgette says Da is so fake as fuck. Frank says she’s not that good. Frank says he’ll give her props for her bullshit ass lie, but that was his fault for trusting her. Bridgette says she heard them at the pool wanting to do a homecoming and they were talking about what day. They decided on Tuesday and Bridgette says you won’t fucking be here, you better hold it tonight bitch. Bridgette says Da is mean. [Pot meet kettle?] Frank says she is and Bridgette says she’s mean as hell. Frank says she’s not very smooth and Bridgette says nuh-uh not at all. Frank says he has to get Nicole to talk to James. Frank thinks if they can get Nicole and Corey, then they can get Michelle. Frank thinks he can get 6 but would like to get 7 to vote out Da. Bridgette says that would be a big ass slap in her fucking face. Frank said whip your hair at that motherfucker. He wishes he could have gotten in Tiffany’s brain for just a second whenever she was fucking like Bridgette interrupts and says saying that shit. Frank says he would have said Tiff’s is real and Da isn’t. Bridgette says that’s a good one. They talk about Bridgette’s ankle.


2:51 AM BBT Frank says he doesn’t know if he should push for Nicole to talk to James now or wait until Wednesday. Bridgette says do you know what she’s saying, Da what’s her fucking campaign. Bridgette says what fucking benefit does she have to anyone right now. She can’t win shit, she’s not smart, she’s got loose lips..Good bye. Frank says Paulie doesn’t listen to it, but he’s still on the Tiffany bandwagon. Bridgette says Tiff wants to go after the girls who have been treating her like shit the last two weeks. Frank says who, and Bridgette says she’ll probably go after Michelle.  Frank says if we fucking save her ass this week she better be moveable. Bridgette says she’s going to be fucking loyal. Frank says she’s like a wounded animal. Bridgette says Tiff is fucking pissed at everyone in the fucking house for being her friend and then betraying her. Frank says well fuck I’ll take Tiffany to the final 2 at the end and I’d fucking win for sure. Bridgette laughs at him. Bridgette says we should take Natalie she’d be like Victoria. Bridgette says she’d take Frank, that she put it on her blog already. Frank says I guess I’ll take you to the final two and she said you better.


2:57 AM BBT Franks pecking order: Da’Vonne, Zakiyah, Paulie, Corey, Nicole, Paul, James, Tiffany, and then him Natalie and Bridgette final 3. (I don’t know where Michelle fell). Frank asks if Tiffany would turn on them down the road and Bridgette says maybe, I don’t know. Frank doesn’t think Tiff is diabolical and Bridgette say she’s not she doesn’t even know how to handle herself. Bridgette says she’s 25 and she’s giving a 32 year old a pep talk on how to handle people. Bridgette says she feels like she’s never been picked on before and Frank says I think she’s always picked on. Frank says he’s the coolest guy in the house.


3:11 AM BBT Bridgette says Tiffany is like a little girl in a woman's body.


3:13 AM BBT Frank says Da is 28 and not very mature for her age and Bridgette says at all. Frank says just because people call her Mama Da she is not very mature. Bridgette says it's cause she had a kid that came out of her uterus, not because she deserves a matriarchal title. Frank said he was thinking it but he can't say it. Bridgette laughs and says sorry, she's physically a mother. She laughs some more, slaps her leg, and says that's funny.


Just general chit chat around the house. A few HG in bed. Corey and Nicole in bed cuddling that leads to some heavy petting and rubbing. Corey a little more prepared for more than Nicole is. They do get up for a brief snack and then back to bed for more cuddling and rubbing.


4:02 AM BBT All HG now in bed with the lights off.


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9:00AM BBT  Day 35 in the Big Brother House.  Houseguests are all sound asleep in their beds.
9:06AM BBT Where did Zak sleep last night? In the HoHR with Paulie of course!
9:10AM BBT Meanwhile in the Tokyo BR, Corey & Nic are snuggling up together in bed.
9:47AM BBT Feeds showing FotH.  Hopefully, they are waking up the houseguests.
10:03AM BBT Feeds come back with Paul & Paulie in the KT talking about what types of motorcycles they would ride.  Paul says he would want an old school one.  Paulie says he would like either a Harley or crotch rocket.
10:08AM BBT Zak joins Paul & Paulie in the KT.  Paulie & Paul say that they were shocked she was up because they planned to make her breakfast & bring it up to her.  She said she had told them last night that she wanted to make omelets, french toast & bacon.  They were trying to give her coffee.  She said that they were taking her ladyhood away from her by not letting her make them breakfast.
10:10AM BBT Apparently BB woke them up with Nirvana.  They couldn't stop talking about it.  They said if they woke them up with music like that everyday, they would have no problem getting out of bed.
10:13AM BBT Paul & Paulie are cleaning the KT while Zak continues to make breakfast.
10:00AM BBT Paul & Paulie finish cleaning the KT & head up to HoHR.  Tiff is called to DR.  Paul wants to continue a convo that he was having the other day with Paulie that had been interrupted.  He said that Corey had been on the bench freaking out.  Paul says that Corey told him that he would rather have one of the girls go up instead of him.  Paul then says that Zak was just staring at Corey when he said it.  Paulie is worried that it could backfire on them since there have been rumors of all guy alliances.
10:23AM BBT In HoHR, Paulie tells Paul that in a perfect world, the final 8 will be 4 guys & 4 girls.  The order he would like to see them eliminated in after Tiff leaves this week is Frank, Bridgette, Nat & then Nic.  Paul says he doesn't think that Corey will be ok with Nic leaving.  Paulie says that he thinks he will because at the end of the day this is a game.  If you like someone in the game, then you will still like them out of the game.  If you don't, then that was just game play to get close to someone.  He says that he thinks Zak feels the same way about it.
10:31AM BBT Tiff is in WA doing ADLs.
10:34AM BBT Tiff is called to DR again.  She hadn't gone when they first called her.
10:41AM BBT Zak is still in the KT cooking breakfast.  Paulie is called to DR.
10:42AM BBT Paulie comes into the KT for a little snuggle with Zak while she cooks breakfast.


11:02am BBT: Zak in the Kt cooking french toast for paulie and Paul as Tiffany sits there looking at them not saying anything.

11:13am BBt: Zak in the KT, Paul and paulie go to the Tokyo BR and  has shave cream trying to spray it on Nicole. Corey turns Nicole over some so they can get her then they run. Nicole sits up and says you was in on this Corey and wipes it all over his face. Nicole then gets up and goes to the WA to clean her face.

11:29am BBT: James and Natalie in the Wa talking about banging behind the walls lastnight that kept waking James up. Nicole has gone to the KT to make eggs.

11:38am BBT: Zak, Nicole, and DA in the KT eating and talking general talk. James and Natalie in the WA just sitting.

11:46am BBT: DA and James talking about Disney world and Disneyland . James ask where each is and Da tells him Disney world is in Florida. DA says she is taking her baby somewhere when she gets out of this house.

11:48am BBT: DA tells James to cut the showmance. he looks at her as she says i will tell you more later.

11:52am BBT: James tells DA there should be a double eviction coming up soon and Da says they need to get Frank and Bridgette out through double eviction cause they are powerful together. James says yeah but you have to be careful and watch your back ok. DA shakes her head.

11:54am BBT: James tells DA he is afraid that if people cut showmances that he and Natalie or part of that. James then says that he told his friends that he would never do a showmance .


12:05pm BBT: James Nicole and DA in LVR talking about celebrities.. In the WA ZAK, Bridgette and Natalie are doing hair and make up. Just general talk going on.

12:24pm BBT: BB says HG please report to the HOH bedroom. Hg start heading up stairs.

12:27pm BBT: All HG in the HOHR except Paul he is in his bed sleeping and BB yells Paul please report to the HOHR. He gets up as the other Hg start asking where he is then laugh that he is still sleeping and we get WBRB


1:55PM BBT Paul and Paulie talking. Paul says they are going to go stir crazy today. They both want alcohol. Paul says they should just be boring and sleep all day.


1:57PM BBT In the SR James, Zak, Nicole and Da talk about Natalie asking Zak if it was ok if she took pictures of Paulie. zak says what does she care, he isn't her man. Zak says she isn't taking pictures this time around.


2:03PM BBT Zak and Nicole in the Safari Lounge. Zak says Paulie is only flirting with her and has no feelings. Nicole says that Corey told her that Paulie is very close to kissing Zak. He definitely likes her Nicole says.


2:18PM BBT Zak telling Nicole and Paul about an incident at school where a child had an bathroom accident. Zak says the kids are funny. She didn't want to give up her wet underwear.


2:24PM BBT Natalie and Da talking about her job. Natalie says that her commute is 2 or 3 hours each way because it is rush hour. (This is for her non-paying non-profit job). Da says that is a long time.


2:26PM BBT Natalie talking about how lucky she is that her best friend and Dad took her in. She is hoping after BB that she will find a good job. She says that she can work from 9AM until 10PM. She says that she doesn't get a day off. She says it is mentally and emotionally exhausting.


2:38PM BBT Da and Natalie talking about children. Da talks about how her daughter only stays with her Mom. She doesn't want her in day care. In the Safari Lounge, Nicole and Zak talk about social media.


2:50PM BBT Zak and Paul in the Safari Lounge. General talking. BB keeps saying "please stop singing" but no one singing on the feeds.


2:58PM BBT Frank and Bridgette in the KT. Bridgette has made potatoes. Natalie and Da still having a talk in the WA about life.

3:05PM BBT In the KT, Frank, Tiffany and Bridgette talk about what they would be doing if they were home. Frank says nothing exciting. Trying to decide where to eat dinner.


3:16PM BBT In the KT Paulie and Frank talk about comps and possible coming back in or double evictions. They can hear outside and say they hearing big equipment.


 3:21PM BBT Da talking about her ex (daughter's father). She is saying that after she got the call from BB in May, he said mean things and she cut him out of her life. The feeds change since she is speaking about him.


3:28PM BBT Zak, Paul and Tiffany in the lounge talking about that they feel all rapists and pedophiles should just be wiped out. They are discussing the Stanford rapist.


3:39PM BBT Da and Natalie giving each other advice about relationships. Natalie telling Da that her ex isn't the right one for her. She will find who she should be with.


 3:46PM BBT Tiffany and Bridgette talking in the KT. Tiffany tells Bridgette to talk to Natalie but she tells her that Natalie will not talk game with her.


3:48PM BBT Tiffany follows Bridgette in the SR. Tiffany tells her that she is trying to be creative to catch Da in a lie and save herself. She wants to talk to Nicole normal and then tomorrow talk game. Bridgette tells her to go easy and then talk game.


4:01PM BBT Zak and Nicole talking in the HOH. Zak is saying that Bridgette is a mean person and she will be out of there. She says she is sneaky and she needs to be sent out.


 4:12PM BBT Zak and Nicole talk. Nicole feels it is going to go 5 to 5 after this week with Paul being the swing vote. Nicole says James will stay with Da.



4:16PM BBT Natalie walks through the HOH room and heads to the WC. Nicole and Zak say Natalie is acting so weird.


 4:18PM BBT Nicole, Natalie, Zak talking in HOH. They are hoping if anyone is coming back it would be Glenn or Bronte. Natalie says the others were mean to her. She was a victim of Jozea's meanness.


4:25PM BBT Frank and Bridgette talking in the Safari lounge. Frank says Tiffany is super down right now. She just shuts down. Frank thinks they should cut someone who is super confident right now and Da is that.



4:34PM BBT Nicole, Natalie and Zak talking about romantic movies. They want to find a man that loves them as much as some of the men in the movies.


4:42PM BBT Paulie and Frank talking. Frank tells him he may have it 7-1 unless people are BSing him. Paulie says he wants them both out.


4:45PM BBT Frank and Paulie talking. Frank says that Da in jury worries him. Paulie says he knows he wants to go after Da but trying to decide which week they should do it.


4:52PM BBT Natalie and Bridgette in the TBR - They are whispering and mouthing words. Can not hear them. Can hear random words. Frank, veto, block




6:59 PM BBT In the HOHR, Zakiyah is styling Corey's hair. She has it parted on the left side of his head. She has him show it to Nicole. She says she likes it. She asks him if he likes it? He says it's o.k. Nicole says it looks different. She says that they probably would have him wear it like that if he was on The Bachelor or Bachelorette. Michelle, Paulie, Frank & Paul are in there also. They are all playing the name game. One person chooses a word in their head. The others ask questions to see if it is a clue. They keep going on until they guess the right word. One of the clues they talk about is Pokemon, but it's not it.


7:05 PM BBT Nicole leaves the HOHR. She goes to the KT & tells Bridgette & Tiffany that she was sent down to get hair gel. She tells them Zakiyah is styling Corey's hair. Bridgette is making food in the KT. Tiffany is sitting at the KT table. Bridgette can't believe that it's already 7 PM BBT.


7:07 PM BBT Bridgette & Tiffany go upstairs. Bridgette says she can't wait to see Corey's hair. They put their food down by the chessboard. They look in the HOHR. They both like his hair. Bridgette says she thinks that Corey is a model. She wants to see Frank's hair straightened & Paulie's hair curled. They are going to play chess while they eat. Tiffany doesn't like the pieces on the upstairs chessboard. Bridgette & Tiffany talk to each other about never fitting into any groups. Tiffany says that she is really good at chess. She says that she beat James the first time & then how to just let everyone beat her. She says that Paul picked up that she always loses in the same place. Bridgette says she's not good at chess, she just likes to play. She says that she joined the chess team in high school, because she had a crush on a guy that was on the team. Tiffany says that her dad beat the highest person in the chess world. She says that Vanessa can beat her all the time.


7:14 PM BBT Bridgette tells Tiffany that her sister can do computer code. She says that her sister can make movies & is really good with pictures in different programs. In the HOHR, Michelle is laying with her head at the foot of the bed. Nicole tells her that she likes the shirt she has on. Michelle says, thank you. They are all still playing the game that they've been playing. Da'Vonne goes to the HOHR. Corey rubs Zakiyah's shoulders for a couple minutes.


7:18 PM BBT Paul gets upset because everyone keeps guessing the words he is thinking off. Corey is the next player to think of a word. We see FOTH.


7:21 PM BBT All the cams are on the HOHR. Back at the chessboard, Tiffany is having difficulties with the upstairs chess pieces. Natalie is downstairs. She tells them that all she has done today is sleep & she is bored. Tiffany says that these people in the house are not her friends at all. Bridgette says they are not. Bridgette says that she sucks at chess. She says that she got a sugar rush. She says that she feels it coming. Bridgette says that so many people in the house are so fake & they don't like her. She says she can win comps more than any of them. They are listening to what's going on in the HOHR.


7:27 PM BBT Bridgette starts to hum so we see FOTH briefly. Tiffany tells Bridgette that the live feeds get everything 10 seconds later because there is a lag. We see FOTH again. Bridgette says that way they can take something off that they don't want the live feeders to see. Tiffany says, yes. We see FOTH again. They come back laughing about the Bishop in their chess game.

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