morty Posted July 7, 2016 Share Posted July 7, 2016 This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house. Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section. If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette. To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: British Bedroom (UKBR) Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Dining Table (DT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program. You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps. It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndyMom78 Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 12:02 AM BBT Have-Nots time to eat! Tiffany and Nicole still in the LR talking about relationships and everyone else in the KT getting ready to eat and Da is still in the DR. 12:06 AM BBT Natalie and Bronte in SR. Natalie tells Bronte that Bridgette needs to keep her mouth shut to Frank this week. Natalie tells Bronte she's safe as long as Bridgette doesn't tell Frank anything. Bronte asks how Natalie knows she's safe, Natalie just says Tiff is going to be the target. Bronte asks if James told her that and if he's on board with sending Tiff home. Natalie says James didn't say anything but a lot of people are on board with getting Tiff out. Bronte says if I have to choose someone to compete for me I'll choose you and Natalie says yes. Natalie says don't trust anyone else to compete for you and I will never trust anyone else to compete for me. Natalie tells Bronte if James were to win POV and pull her off then Natalie would get put up. Natalie says if she wins and pulls Bronte down James will go up. Natalie says she doesn't care if she gets put up. Natalie says no more game talk just lay low, stay sociable, and don't tell Bridgette anything. Bronte says what if Tiffany pulls herself off and Natalie says that's what we need to worry about. Bronte says she wants to show America girls can trust each other. 12:10 AM BBT All HG sitting around the table eating. Da is out of DR and eating. Paul did most of the cooking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndyMom78 Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 12:36 AM BBT Tiffany and Frank in the Tokyo room talking about food. Nicole comes in and says she thinks she's going to get sick. Her burger was raw and Frank is laughing at her and said she reminds him of the kid off of Jerry McGuire. Michelle comes in and sits down. Frank says Nicole will be fine. Tiffany says you'll have a little irritation in your stomach but you won't get sick. Tiffany gets called to the DR. 12:39 AM BBT Franks asks Nicole what her and Tiffany were talking about in the LR, if it was game talk and Nicole and Michelle say no it was guy advice and he makes a face. Nicole says well life advice. Paul and Corey come in. General chit chat continues. 12:40 AM BBT General chit chat in the DR and cleaning up from dinner. 12:51 AM BBT James comes in and lays down between Nicole and Michelle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndyMom78 Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 1:05 AM BBT Paulie, Bridgette, Bronte, and Natalie cleaning up the kitchen. Zakiyah and Nicole at the DR table chatting. Tiffany, Frank, Corey, and Paul in the Tokyo room. They must be talking about production because we keep getting FotH. 1:21 AM BBT Bridgette in HOH and Natalie comes in. Natalie says to Bridgette I'm begging you with my life not to tell Frank and Bridgette says why don't you trust me. Natalie tells Bridgette to stick with the plan because Bronte is safe. Bridgette says she feels like Natalie doesn't trust her and Natalie says she's just nervous. James comes in to the HOH room. James asks Bridgette if the fish have been fed yet and she says no. Natalie says she called downstairs and James answered and Bridgette said really? 1:26 AM BBT Natalie says do you have a story to tell us James and Bronte comes in. Talk turns to the roadkill comp. They talk about it being some sort of memory competition. Then we get FotH a few times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndyMom78 Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 1:30 AM BBT They talk about being full and their stomachs are hurting. Natalie asks James if they cooked as much on their season and he says kind of. Natalie says she thinks Nicole said they didn't cook as much because they had a young cast. Paul comes in and asks if he can take a shower because there's a line downstairs. 1:31 AM BBT Corey and Frank talking in the Tokyo room with the lights out and talking about Tiffany not winning. Frank tells Corey he thinks Bronte might pick him from POV. Frank said he told Nicole in his goodbye speech to Tiffany he'd say your sister got third place and you got thirteenth? Have fun talking about that at Thanksgiving. They say good night and minor complaints about the size of the beds. 1:33 AM BBT Natalie asks Paul if he has any stories and he asks if they've ever been to Berlin. Natalie says the story cannot be over five minutes and can't be less than one minute. And it can't be about sex. Paul jokes then nope he doesn't have a story. He starts a story about a Spanish teacher and we get FotH. 1:35 AM BBT When feeds come back we get the KT with Paulie and Zakiyah. He says Natalie, Bronte, Bridgette, James, and Paul are all upstairs and most everyone else is in bed. Paulie and Zakiyah go into the safari room. Nicole and Michelle in the LR whispering. They are talking again about Corey and Natalie flirting and them talking about showmances. Natalie is called to DR. Michelle then tells Nicole about her conversation with Frank in the SR about winning POV if she plays. Natalie walks by and tells Michelle and Nicole they should come upstairs and hang out sometime. 1:38 AM BBT Paulie and Zakiyah in the safari room and Zakiyah asks Paulie if their team is going to try and throw it or try and winning. Paulie said it depends on what the challenge is. Paulie says either way though his team has to throw it. 1:42 AM BBT Paul, Bridgette, and Bronte in HOH talking about POV and Tiffany. He says he wants to put a laxative in her eggs. Paul says he doesn't want HOH because he doesn't want to put anyone up. Bronte tells Paul he needs to play because the others sure are. She wants HOH next week and she thinks HOH's will be like last week and they won't be able to throw them anymore. Paul asks Bronte if her or Natalie wins who would they put up and Bronte says she hasn't gotten that far. Bronte says she would have an idea of what she wanted to do, but she's just trying to get through this week. She doesn't care if she brings out the big guns as long as she's guaranteed first jury member. Paul thinks Nicole and Corey winning HOH is slim. Paul thinks if his team wins he won't get HOH because one of the girls will take it. If Bridgette wins POV she is going to pull Bronte down because she has heard her name getting tossed around. They tell Paul he's safe, Bronte thinks it's between her or Tiffany and they think Natalie is safer than Bronte. Paul doesn't understand why Natalie wouldn't be a target or Bronte, he thinks they are equal. Bronte assures Paul he's safe and they need to just stick to the plan. Bridgette says if Tiffany gets pulled down then crap will go down. Bronte says someone in the house is out to get her. Bronte says if she gets HOH, then Paul is good and if Paul wins HOH, they need to work together. Bronte says Tiffany is clearly a target and there is also someone else wants Bronte out. Paul asks Bronte who is targeting Tiffany and she says it's just a feeling she has. Paul says who's the head honcho and Bronte says I'm not sure but if I win HOH, I'm going to try and take down the head honcho even if I'm first to jury and lose the half million. Bronte says if someone offered a half million dollars to be passive aggressive toward "this person" or take 15, 000 to get their ass out, she'd take the 15, 000 and take them out. She'll make her half million somewhere else thank you. She's not afraid to be the first jury, but she is afraid someone else will win who doesn't deserve to win this game. Paul says if it comes down to him and her he'll throw the HOH to her. 1:55 AM BBT Paul says here's an alternative. Let's say you put two head honchos up and they win roadkill and they put me up. Bronte says she will probably try to backdoor someone. When Bronte is HOH, if she wins HOH next week, she is guaranteed first jury member [Maybe...] which she is fine with. She doesn't care what she has to do to protect her own because there are people in this house that she thinks deserve to go home and she's going to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. She would do a backdoor plan like they did with Victor, very discreet, or a need to know basis. She wouldn't be dumb about it. She doesn't care what she would have to do to keep Paul safe. She just has to make it to jury. She has to. Bronte says this has to stay between us or i'm toast this week. Paul says he doesn't talk to anyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndyMom78 Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 2:00 AM BBT Paul, Bronte, and Bridgette still taking. Paul says if I won HOH what would be the smartest play and Bridgette says we'd have to talk about it that day so no names get spread out there. Bronte says honestly with some of these people you have to backdoor them. Bridgette says if she's up and gets to pick she'll pick Paul to fight for her. Bronte says if I'm HOH and roadkill puts up Paul she'll say if they send Paul home she'll still be here next week and she'll come after them. Paul says that's not a good idea to threaten people. He says it's a nice gesture but people won't like that at all because it's not a smart approach. She said ok not a good idea but I will still be here next week and everyone likes to do what the HOH wants because they don't want them mad at them. Paul says but you can't compete and Bronte says but my team can. Paul says but your team could not win so...don't do that. Bronte says at the same time people want to please the HOH. Bridgette looks around and says are the live feeds even on us? I hope not. She says she's not cut out for the f'ing game. Bronte says she would not go around threatening people, she's just getting fired up right now. Paul says calm down and don't let your emotions rule you. 2:03 AM BBT Paul says the rest of the house has slowly been getting on other peoples nerves. Bridgette says can you tell us more. Paul says I don't have information it's just observations. Bronte says she's had a stressful day and she's venting but she's laying low. Paul says all these little love bugs are going to implode just like Vic and Natalie did. Paul says none of that lasts especially when it gets personal. 2:06 AM BBT Paul says he's seeing eye rolls and comments about the other houseguests. Paul says problems will arise on their own if you let them. Paul says right now he's not aligned with anyone, he doesn't talk game with anyone, and he doesn't trust a lot of people. Bronte says we just need to keep doing what we're doing and not throwing each others names out. Paul asks if the other side is after them and Bronte says yeah, it's a matter of time. Bridgette said she was put on the block because she was the flip vote and Paul says he doesn't think that's why. Bronte says we just have to get by this week and hope one of them wins HOH next week and turn the tables around and if they don't win HOH next week, they just need to lay low. Worst comes to worst they get to jury and party it up and get paid for the next two months. Natalie comes in. 2:11 AM BBT Paul leaves the room and Natalie says again that whatever Frank says just follow the plan. Bronte says she can win over Tiff in the POV and Natalie says yeah you will, you'll be safe this week. Natalie again tells Bridgette she trusts here but her relationship with Frank makes her nervous. Bridgette says as long as Bronte is safe she doesn't give a crap. Bronte says we just have to ride it out and see what happens with POV. Bridgette said if Tiffany comes down Frank said they'd have to go ahead and get Paul out or backdoor someone bigger and he winked at her because he knows she wants to get Corey out. Bridgette trusts Frank! Bronte says if Corey goes we will have Nicole for sure. Bridgette says no she'll flee over to Tiffany and Michelle. I won't have her. Bridgette says she doesn't want a girls vs guys because that's not what Big Brother is about. It's about social ingenuity and the other girls in the house don't trust her. Bridgette says trusts you two girls and that's it. Natalie says just do what Frank says for now but just be cautious. She says I have your back a million percent with whatever decisions you make. Natalie says she's getting a lot of info, she's not flip flopping on Bridgette. Bridgette says she respects their opinions too and she wants to prove she trusts them and respects their opinion and if they just could stick to one thing that'd be great. Natalie is saying Bronte is safe this week so just go with the plan. Natalie wants Bridgette to be safe too. Natalie says to pretend like the conversation never happened. Tiff just can't pull herself off. Bridgette says best case scenario is Natalie and Frank playing for POV. Bridgette says if she pulls their name great and if she pulls her own she's going to pick Frank because he promised to use veto on Bronte and she trusts him. 2:13 AM BBT Michelle comes into the safari room and asks if we get picked to play do we throw it or try and win. Paulie says win it so we can keep the noms the same. Paulie says Frank knows he pissed people off when he smacked people's ass. Michelle says forgive but never forget. Paul comes in and they talk about HG from previous seasons. 2:16 AM BBT Bridgette says overwhelmed and she's frustrated with herself and she doesn't want to give a bad vibe on television like she doesn't f'ing know what she's doing, which is true, (her words not mine) Natalie says in the long run just know Bronte and I have your back. Bridgette says I know you're scare of Frank but I'm scare of James and she doesn't feel like the girls in the house like her. Natalie says Michelle is one person and Bridgette says but she has Nicole and Tiffany. Bronte explains that if they get Corey out she thinks Nicole will be more willing to get out Frank. Natalie tells Bridgette if you want to trust Frank fine and Bridgette says I trust him for now and I will let you know. Bridgette says I want Tiffany out. Bronte says it's going to be all of us against Tiffany. 2:21 AM BBT Bronte and Bridgette fill Natalie in on their conversation with Paul. Bronte doesn't think Paul would put them up. Natalie says she just wants to know who won today. Bridgette says Michelle or Paulie and Bronte says or Zakiyah. But the three of them were in the back room deciding who to put up. Natalie again saying they just need to look out for each other. Bronte thinks if Paul gets HOH he'd use it to go after someone like Paulie and Natalie says no I don't think so because he's trying to keep his ass safe. Bronte thinks they're doing well because they are being sociable with people. 2:24 AM BBT Bridgette says she trusts Frank for now because they are on teams, but she also think he has the exact same relationship with Paulie. She said it's great game play and she respects that. She says they have to wait and see which way Frank goes. Bronte says she'll be more than happy to be first to jury if she can take a swing at Paulie. If she can get Paulie out and be the first member of the jury, she will be pleased. Bronte says me trying to get him out is between the three of us and she'd likely backdoor him. Bronte says Paulie is the one running the game, he's the head honcho. Natalie says really you think Paulie is running the game. Bronte is positive Paulie is the puppetmaster in the house and Bridgette says he's running a lot of it. Bronte says he's head honcho. Bridgette says he has a lot of people wrapped around his finger. Bronte says on season 16 Cody and those guys used the girls and plucked them off and not one of them stood up to them except Nicole, and she would give up a half million dollars to take down a player like Paulie. Bronte says she'd give up the money to show America a woman can have the balls to go after a man like that. Bridgette says when Bronte talked to Paul she got excited because she'd like to take a swing at Paulie but she can't because he's on her team. Natalie says you talked game with Paul and they both said no. Bridgette says she doesn't want America to think shes a weak player or an asshole. That's what she's scared of and Natalie says you're doing great you got HOH. Bridgette says a crap shoot comp and Bridgette says no it wasn't a crap shoot it was skill. Bronte says if I win HOH next week I think I can get Nicole on our side. She said I'll tell the girls a girl will not be leaving and when a girl doesn't leave they'll trust them and they can knock out the rest of the big players. Bridgette thinks she'd be the first target of the other girls. Bronte says Nicole told Bronte if she doesn't win POV she's ok Nicole won't vote to send her home and Bronte believes her. 2:27 AM BBT Michelle, Paulie, and Zakiyah ask Paul if he voted to evict Bronte and Paul says no. Michelle says they're blaming me and Paul says I didn't vote to evict her. He said Bronte thanked him for throwing a vote at her so Victor would go home unanimously and Paul said he didn't. Paulie said he just didn't like the number 9. Paul is very adamant he did not do it. Michelle said who did it though and she asked about Natalie and Paul said no. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndyMom78 Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 2:30 AM BBT Bridgette says Paulie hasn't talked game with her at all the entire time and then when she wins HOH and they are talking about replacement nominees he suggests Bronte. Bridgette says are you f'ing kidding me. Natalie says she was livid when Bronte got put up and Bridgette says Frank is on her side for now. If it was between Michelle and Bridgette, then Frank would pick Bridgette, but she doesn't know about Paulie. Bridgette says if Bronte stays this week she feels successful. Bronte doesn't want Paulie to think she's coming after him. Bronte thinks long term it would be better for Corey to leave long term, but Frank would have to pull some strings to get that to happen. Natalie says all the girls kiss Nicole's ass because she's smart and loyal. Bridgette says she respects her game. Natalie says if Tiffany goes home just know the girls are on their side. Natalie says Tiffany is feeling really alone right now and Bronte says that's why she feels bad. Bridgette says she's Vanessa's sister and that's scary. Bridgette says she put up Tiffany because she doesn't trust her and she's sketchy. 2:37 AM BBT Bridgette was worried Natalie would be upset because she put up a girl. Natalie said I just have to roll with the punches. Bridgette says once teams are done it will be a free for all. She said none of the vets have even gone on the block because everyone is afraid to put them up. [Is she including herself? Because her and Paulie and Victor are the only non vets to win a comp and had the power to nominate someone.] Natalie says she wants Mama Da in jury because she's a mom and Bridgette says yeah I want her in jury. Bridgette doesn't feel Da is out for the half million to be honest. Bronte says she'd vote for Da if she was in the final two and Bridgette says I wouldn't because it's a floater game. Bridgette would vote for the other girl against Da. Bridgette doesn't respect floaters and that's why she couldn't vote for Da. Bronte says we're the biggest comeback kids out there. Bronte talking about the NSA again. Paul comes up into the HOH. James follows a few second later. Bronte said she knew from Day 1 because she met Vanessa last year. 2:43 AM BBT Bridgette says she watched Vanessa's season twice. Tiffany looks just like her, her kneecaps are just like hers, and her hands are just likes hers. Bridgette, Bronte, Natalie, and James do facials. General chatter the rest of the night. James, Natalie, Bridgette, and Bronte all asleep in the HOH bed. Everyone else downstairs. Everyone in bed by 3:56 AM BBT. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:01AM BBT: The feeds are back on and there is a display of peanuts and popcorn. The Freakazoids are the HN this week and in addition to SLOP they can eat all the peanuts and popcorn they want. Corey says they are lucky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:04AM BBT: Corey and Nicole are in the HN room. Corey says he needs to tell Nicole what Natalie was saying last night. Corey says he swept all the floors last night and Natalie said "I think it's so hot that a guy can clean and make food and stuff". Corey says then she made comments about his butt. Corey says it was weird. James walks in the room. Nicole says she is going to ask Z for her blankets. 10:06AM BBT: Paul walks into the HN room. They tell James he needs to go over to the other side of the room because he is the "littlest one". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:08AM BBT: Natalie and Bridgette are talking in the HOH room. Natalie says that James said if Frank can play, it will be fine. Natalie says she doesn't mind if she has to play. Bridgette says she will take Bronte off. Bridgette says Natalie may or may not get put on but she is way less of a target in the house, but then she would be pissed off. Bridgette says that she is scared of Paulie, the way he talks, because he is so charming and convincing. Natalie says if Bronte is taken off the block and she is put on, she doesn't feel that confident but she would take one for the team because she has good rapport with the house. Bridgette says if it's possible they are going to throw it to her (Natalie) if it's possible. Natalie says she will take the responsibility of taking one for the team. Bridgette asks who has it, because if it's in "that group" there are only so many people they will chose from. Bridgette says she doesn't want James going up either. Natalie says it doesn't matter who has it, but people don't want to start throwing random people in there. Natalie says other people need to start getting thrown into the mix. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:13AM BBT: Bridgette says that if Bronte stays on the block what are the chances. Natalie says that she is safe. James says that she is safe. Natalie says she was mad at James when Bronte was put on the block. Natalie thinks it's going to be last week repeated. Natalie says they need to start winning the RK. Natalie and Bridgette are talking about who could possibly have the RK. They don't know. Natalie says she knows Bridgette is a flip vote and that she was put on the block last week because they needed an excuse to put someone up. Natalie says again that she knows Bronte is safe. Natalie says if she (Bridgette) gets the veto do whatever plan she wants, but she knows Bronte is safe. Bridgette says the best case scenario is if Natalie gets the veto or Bronte gets the veto. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:16AM BBT: Z and Michelle are talking in the BR. Z is doing her makeup. Z tells Michelle not to worry and don't freak out. Michelle says she has been getting the same crap for days and Z says don't go back and forth. Michelle says it's funny because he think people will really vote her out. She says he said she is getting too comfortable. (They are talking about Frank) Michelle said he tells her every single day that he is going to vote her out. She says what kind of team member is that. Michelle said he says that Bridgette makes him cookies. She said he said she is going to give her up before Bridgette and when the team splits up he is getting her out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:21AM BBT: Da walks in the room. Michelle says "Guess what I am not going to win an HOH, because he is going home". Z says the goal is that her team or Nicole's team needs to win HOH. Z says he needs to go on slop for a little bit to humble himself. They start laughing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:23AM BBT: Z says at some point she can't fake it no more. 10:24AM BBT: Natalie and Bronte are in the HOH bathroom talking, whispering. Bronte says they need a win. Bronte says she is pretty sure next week is that last eviction post jury. Natalie says they just need to make it through. Natalie says once they are safe for jury they just need to play hard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:28AM BBT: Natalie says she's not going to lie she isn't good at math. Bronte says she has gone through Calc 1, 2 and 3. Natalie says her mom is going to love Bronte and she is going to be so excited that they became best friends. Natalie is called to the diary room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:38A BBT: Natalie, Bronte and Bridgette are still in the HOH room. Natalie says to make sure that she invites the girls up to the HOH room a lot. She says make sure all the girls even Michelle. They said they should hold a girls night, maybe do mud masks. Natalie says make sure you tell everyone to come up whenever they want. Bridgette says they can have a girls night with popcorn, so Nicole can eat. Bronte says she doesn't think she will sleep before the POV because she has so much adrenaline. Bridgette says she needs to go help Paulie with the ants and Natalie says she is going to shower to just wash her body because she feels like she smells. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:44A BBT: In the Safari room, Frank is talking to Michelle and tells her she needs to step up a bit. He says that she is doing better but he is still mean to her. Bridgette walks in the room. Bridgette says she was up until like 4:00AM. Paulie now walks in the room and says "C4 in the house ya'll". Michelle says though that she is apparently going to be the first one to leave though because Frank says she is going to vote her out. Frank says he didn't mean it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 10:48A BBT: Natalie and Bronte are still in the HOH room talking about the same stuff- the girls needing to socialize and hope that the POV goes well today. Bronte asks if Michelle plays if she thinks that Michelle will pull Tiff off. Natalie says to be honest, "No". Bronte says it's a good sign if someone wins POV and doesn't give her POV then that means she is going home. Natalie says she knows she was nervous and freaking out for her (Bronte), but she knows she is safe. Natalie says she just doesn't want her group to start being on the block because other groups haven't been on the block. Bronte says she is right because once they start going on the block they just keep going on the block. Natalie tells Bronte that she is her best friend and to take some pressure off of her she would go on the block. NAtalie says she feels safer being on the block and more comfortable, but she doesn't want them thinking it's easy to just put them on the block. Bronte says she is glad that Bridgette last time because it shows the house that "you never know who is going to get HOH". Bronte says she doesnt think that the RK will last the whole season because once they get down to smaller numbers it will make it really difficult. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewillie Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 11:33A BBT: Z is doing Michelle's hair in the BR. She asks Z what will happen if she wins the veto. Z says she wants no part of it she wants to save her energy for HOH or something. They start whispering about Frank, but it is too hard to hear. Michelle asks Z what she was talking about with Paulie last night and Z tells her just about life. Michelle says she was worried that Paulie was working with Frank, but she is glad they are all on the same page with who they want out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dade Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 11:29am BBT Bridgette and Frank in Safari talking about how they are called to DR after midnight. Frank wants to know if he will play in the comp. They are waiting to find out. Zak doing Michelle's hair in WA. Zak says she usually only wears make-up on the weekends, she doesn't do it for work. Michelle also wonders when they will pick players. Zak doesn't want to play. 11:39am BBT Nat is out of the shower and mentions to Bridgette that the zits on her face really hurt. She hasn't had sweets in 2 days and she thinks its all the make-up she has been wearing. Zak is called to DR. In Safari Frank says he doesn't have really have a GF, he just said that so the girls would leave him alone. 11:44am BBT Da' asks Bridgette that if she isn't picked to play can she pick her to host? Bridgette says Nat wants to host. Da' and Nat agree that if one is picked to play the other will host. 11:47am BBT Bridgette says she doesn't know who to play this game. Frank tells her yes she does. They don't want Tiff to win it. Frank says if Tiff comes down he will prob go home. Frank says he doesn't care who wins as long as its not Tiff. Bridgette cracks her knuckles and talk turns to does it cause large knuckles or not. 11:57am BBT Bridgette gets called to DR. She needs a lint roller for her butt first. (she was sitting on the fuzzy chair in Safari.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dade Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 12:15pm BBT Girls in WA talking about Celine Dion, they sing a bit and we get FOTH. Frank and Corey in LR talking about playing in POV, who they will send home. 12:21pm BBT Nat starts naming male family members with Hispanic names and we get FOTH. 12:40pm BBT Feeds back, Bridgette is so happy, she feels good about the draw. Paulie says he will keep her noms the same. HG talking about how it might be the dice comp. Bridgette, Bronte, Nat, Paulie are playing. Bridgette has figured out the dice comp, they find a cube, lip liner and she draws on the cube. She tells them the different combinations to get to other numbers... WBRB 1:14pm BBT Paulie, Bridgette, Bronte and Nat in HOH talking about eating and protein shakes. In WA Nic had her hair straightened, Zak, Da' and Michelle talk about changing into costumes in DR. Nic says they give you a curtain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dade Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 1:20pm BBT Paulie leaves HOH and Bridgette says she is PO'd (because Paulie is playing). They hope Paulie really is going to get Tiff out this week. Bronte and Nat leave HOH, Bridgette going to take a quick shower. WBRB. In LR: Corey, Da' and Michelle do some crunches. 1:25pm BBT Bronte and Nat talk. Bronte says if Tiff wins she (Bronte) will go home. Paulie, Bronte or Bridgette have to win. Paul can win, anyone can win outside of Tiff. If Tiff wins they need to let Frank and Bridgette decide what to do, Frank might want to backdoor Corey. If Tiff comes off their best bet is to rally the girls to get Paulie out. 1:43pm BBT Bronte and Nat continue to whisper in the London room. Who would they put up, who do they like. In the KT, Bridgette washes a window, Corey, Zak, Da', Nic and Paulie are just hanging out. 1:46pm BBT Nat says once they make it to jury she wont be as stressed. Bronte says she hopes they win something next week. She feels they are just putting the same ppl up each week. If they make it thru this week they should be safe next week too. 1:58pm BBT Tiff in WA using a Q-tip lay out and a bar if Irish Spring to try to figure out the dice comp. Da' is helping her out. Tiff says if its not this comp she will know it for the next time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dade Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 2:02pm BBT Tiff thinks she has it figured out. WBRB. Feeds Back and she is still at it. 2:06pm BBT James is laying in a bumper car in the HN rm. Michelle comes in and lays down in another one. Nat and Bronte still whispering in London rm. Bronte says the social game is just as important as this game talk...she leaves to go socialize. Nat follows her out a few seconds later. 2:17pm BBT Nic, Bronte, Zak and Da' talk in the London Rm about how about 7am this morning they woke up and thought they saw someone staring at them, they ran out of the room fast. Bronte tells them she is trying not to panic as she is extremely claustrophobic and hopes its not the dice comp. In HOH Nat tells Bridgette that "he" (missed who sorry) is saying the girls are intimidated by him but that may just be Zak. He is putting it into her head. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dade Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 2:50pm BBT Bronte joins Bridgette and Nat in HOH. She tells them about the "ghost" how it was Tiff telling ppl that someone was standing over the bed that Nat/Bronte were sleeping in. Bridgette says Michelle talks in her sleep and said stop staring at me. Bronte says that she was talking to Paulie, he said to not stress out, they will win and send Tiff and they will make sure that Bronte and Little Nat Nat make it to jury. 3:09pm BBT Tiff is called to DR, earlier Zak was called to DR. Corey tells BB to call Da' to DR ppl. (Da' is hosting POV comp) Corey asks Nic if she likes peanuts in the shell like at a baseball game. She didn't know they sold them at ball games. 3:21pm BBT Nic telling Corey when she broke up with Hayden. They were having trouble when he called her saying he hooked up with someone. She said that was the end of that. [3:23pm BBT there has been a lot of people talking to others but its been who should win POV, what will happen if so and so wins POV. Who would they take down etc. Its all speculation and no real game talk ]....Dade 3:40pm BBT Corey and Nic talk about past loves and breaking up. Corey had a stalker. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dade Posted July 9, 2016 Share Posted July 9, 2016 4:15pm BBT we have WBRB. The HG (and us) have been waiting for the POV comp. This could be it. Will keep you posted. 4:21pm BBT We have Jeff Reels. HG are playing POV comp. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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