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Da'Vonne Rogers - (6th Evicted - Day 51 - 1st Jury member)


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Da'Vonne Rogers
Age: 28
Hometown: Inglewood, CA
Current city: Lancaster, CA
Occupation: Poker dealer
Three adjectives that describe you: Loud, hilarious, and unpredictable.

Favorite activities: Anything where I can have fun and laugh. That's anywhere from a comedy club to an amusement park full of rollercoaster rides.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
Being away from my daughter. I spend so much time with my daughter, so to leave her for three months is going to be hell, but I have to remember this is all for her.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?
Danielle Reyes [from Seasons 3 and 7] because she had the game in the palm of her hand. She was very smart, very strategic, and I feel like she was definitely robbed of the win during her season.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Yes, in the first couple of weeks, I want to focus more on my social game and build relationships with people. Then, my goal is do whatever I have to do to gain protection and numbers, and then, at the perfect time, get real cutthroat and take [the other Houseguests] down one by one.

My life's motto is...
Say what you mean and mean what you say.

What would you take into the house, and why?
My Bible to help control my attitude, one of my daughter's blankets or stuffed animals to keep me focused, and sunglasses so I can easily read people's lips when they try to sneak game talk.

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Uncertain which part of this female is more appalling...


Her ghetto finger waving/speak..

Her pointy crusty feet..

Her constant bawling..

Her imaginary sky-daddy helping her game while millions world wide starve..... ( dumbAZZ )

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Ohhhh zippy ta do daaaaaa. Someone to despise this season. I new Big Brother could do it. Now, lets see how many weeks she can survive whilst making me want to vomit on my keyboard. Between her and my hottie  Natalie and my homie James this should be a fun season.

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  • JEDI locked this topic
14 hours ago, JEDI said:


Mama Day.


Seems like she is more appealing to Big Brother fans this time around.

Sorry, but not to this fan.. Didn't like her the first time around and don't care for her this time. 

Seems to act way too entitled and waiting for others to do all the work, dirty or otherwise. 

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I like her so far this season.  She had a lot to do with setting up the 8-pack, which puts her in a good position.  It will be interesting to see how she acts/reacts when someone in her alliance or if she is targeted.  Only then will it be obvious if she's actually changed or is the same ole momma Day.

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I can understand why DaVonne is leery about aligning with 2 showmances and not wanting to be the 5th wheel because the couples are more likely to choose each other making her spot easily expendable.


I believe that she handled the situation with Frank's inappropriate behavior the best she could at the time.  She was a big fan of Frank's game in his season, so I can only imagine how hard it is to be in her present situation.  DaVonne loves the game of BB and she took a lot of heat in her season for being outspoken.  


She may have thought that she could just laugh off Frank's behavior as a way to get along with the other HGs and not make a big deal out of it but Frank kept picking at DaVonne trying to get a response out of her.  Frank tried to trip DaVonne leaving the HOH room.  They exchanged words, she told him to move his foot and he told her to shut up.  DaVonne kept it moving and she didn't blow up on Frank.  


Later when Frank slapped her butt, she immediately and loudly let him know that she did not like it.  Frank's immediate response was,  "I got her good" to the boys.  When Paulie & Corey went to comfort DaVonne because she was crying, only then did Frank say  "Sorry Da".  However, Frank admitted to Corey & Paulie that he thought she liked being popped on the butt because he's done it before and DaVonne never said to stop.


Whether DaVonne wins the game or is evicted next week this is a teachable moment for her daughter.  Ignoring unwanted and inappropriate touching is not an effective response to that behavior because the offender may perceive your silence as acceptance.  And in DaVonne's situation the inappropriate behavior did not stop when she either laughed it off or ignored it,  it got worse over time, not better.


A big Thank You to Paulie for stepping up and talking to Frank one-on-one.  I hope that Davonne gets Frank's ass evicted after the Battle Back comp. so that he's gone for good frm BB18.

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I really hope that DaVonne makes it through this week because I wanna see her win Something!  Both Davonne & Paul are highly motivated to win HOH and nominate some big targets, Zakiyah, not so much because she's comfortable being Paulie's +1.


Frank & Nicole have successfully planted lots of little seeds of doubt which have sprouted into several HGs questioning her loyalty and honesty.  Tiffany has blown up DaVonne's game and they're both on the block together.  If DaVonne is evicted this week, she will be the first casualty of the RoadKill twist.


Hopefully she has just enough allies(James, Michelle, Paul & Zakiyah) to make it a tied vote and Paulie decides to give her another chance.  I want someone from team Big Sister to win HOH this week because their team has never been safe and they were on slop for 2 weeks.


In week 1 when they picked teams DaVonne initially chose Paulie, then quickly changed her selection to Paul.  I sometimes wonder if she has regrets about that choice.


I'm glad that DaVonne has been laying low because she's keenly aware that Frank & Tiffany want to bait her into blowing up and being overdramatic.

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Davonne did a good job on the HOH comp, and even though she didn't win, she beat most of the guys.:clap:  It was good to see Davonne display some physical strength and mental toughness because the guys are so cocky they assume they'll always beat the woman.


I especially like how she played Frank & Bridgette towards the end of the endurance  comp.  Davonne extracted  info from Frank (exposing Nicole's betrayal) and got Bridgette to drop first.  Because Davonne & James trust each other she knew that she was safe  so she dropped out.  Well played Davonne.  :clap:


I'm glad that Davonne now knows that Nicole cannot be trusted to have her back and that she's been secretly working with Frank and giving him info.


I can't recall an instance in BB history where a HG eliminated from a comp engages with another HG still actively participating in the comp the way that Frank approached Davonne.  It's usually the HGs that are still in the comp that bargain & make deals with each other.  That was quite odd, and when Paul  walked up to join Frank I just LOL'd.  That was funny.  :D

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Day seemed to come to the game a little more conservative (and likeable) than she did her first go round. But as someone mentioned above she is slipping back into the finger snapping holier  than thou persona that I have come to despise. If she keeps it up she should make a fine juror.

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I really hope that Davonne gets picked to play in the veto comp and miraculously wins it and leaves the noinations the same.  Davonne is the only woman left in the house who is not shielded with powerful allies, and is actually playing the game for herself.  I can't imagine how disappointed Davonne must feel being in this house with all the girls being smitten with the boys and not focused on the game.  Davonne really loves this game and I'm glad that she was given a 2nd chance to play.


The only play to save Davonne this week is her winning the veto, or the veto not being used at all.  If Davonne ends up on the block this week she will be evicted because Paulie has "the house" convinced that she is a bigger threat than Bridgette.  


Davonne's last hope would be the round trip ticket back into the game.  I'm not really looking forward to seeing the girls get picked off one-by-one because there will definitely be lots of hurt feelings and  non-stop crying.


If Davonne does manage to get through this week, I'm voting for her to get America's  Care package of eliminating 2 votes.  It may not make a big impact on the game but something needs to shake up Paulie's reign over these HGs.  If any other HG gets the next care package they'll just give it to Paulie and not use it to help themselves.

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On 7/30/2016 at 1:56 AM, mayzee said:


If Davonne does manage to get through this week, I'm voting for her to get America's  Care package of eliminating 2 votes.  It may not make a big impact on the game but something needs to shake up Paulie's reign over these HGs.  If any other HG gets the next care package they'll just give it to Paulie and not use it to help themselves.

Me too.  I don't understand the threat she is to Paulie and Nicole.  Maybe because they know that she's the only one left in the game with enough game to get them out.  No one else knows how to play the game.

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13 minutes ago, Denise4925 said:

Me too.  I don't understand the threat she is to Paulie and Nicole.  Maybe because they know that she's the only one left in the game with enough game to get them out.  No one else knows how to play the game.


I think that is the reason. Paulie controls most of the HGs and those that he doesn't control, play his game because they are just trying to stay in the house. He knows that if by some chance Da'Vonne wins HOH, he won't be the one to decide who goes on the block.

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1 minute ago, straykat said:


I think that is the reason. Paulie controls most of the HGs and those that he doesn't control, play his game because they are just trying to stay in the house. He knows that if my some chance Da'Vonne wins HOH, he won't be the one to decide who goes on the block.


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2 hours ago, Denise4925 said:

Why is Davonne a target?  What has she done that the house didn't want to do?  When has she won any competitions or came close?  They need to figure out how to get Paulie out.  He's the comp beast and running the house.


Day is the target because Paulie believes that Day has more influence over Z than he does. He also believes that she could reel Michelle in. everybody else is under his control, either directly or via a showmance. Over the last few weeks, Day and Paul have also gotten pretty close. So, taking Day out takes away a potential ally for Z, Mich and Paul.  

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