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Wednesday, May 4, 2016 BBCAN4 Live Feed Updates

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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates.  Comments and BBCAN discussions are in the Big Brother Canada 4 - Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. 

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

As many of you know, we didn't get enough help this season to continue our social media program that included having live feed updaters that were scheduled, and would also post here in the forum.  Since there's no longer a schedule, you are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, someone else take over!" or whatever so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  

Thank you!

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12:37 Tim and Nick are in the KT, Tim in the kitchen Nick sittin on the table. Just general talk about where to buy houses ,and the risk for fire.

Joel & Cass are in the Pink room chatting about winning competitions

Joel says there’s a lot of factors that would help him stay, he wants to lay out factors into how to base decisions. He doesn’t want to do it the Mitch way, but wants to say the logical points and see the big picture and make decision on that. He doesn’t feel like he’s got a campaign  he doesn’t feel like he can go to people openly and offer anything, and say from here on out I’m staying loyal to (Tim Cass, Brothers), he also doesn’t think he can campaign in private, he doesn’t feel he has much to offer, He feels he will be alone after this week (If  Cass goes), or today he said. Joel says a Twist would be pretty great right now where in Season 1 and Canada votes to save someone. Cass asks Joel if he voted Brothers out over Cass, he never actually answers the questions he says we’re not in that situation.

They talk about something in the backyard and ruckus and  BB tells them to stop talking about Production

Back in the Kitchen still General chat about going over Blue Mountains, where Tim lives, and where he went to school and worked.

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It doesn't sound like much is going on, but earlier there were new deals made.  I don't know how any of it went down.  Maybe you (Mausie) or someone else could rewind an hour or so, and just write a brief explanation to get us caught up.  I have a Dr appointment, I won't be back until around 3:30.

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Joel says that Tim "did never say to me Joel you have my vote, until he had a personal talk with him and Nikki about his personal life, he interrupted and said "Joel you have my vote"
Joel asked if he picked House guests choice would you fight or me" Tim told him he couldn't answer that but he would just give him that he would vote for him to stay over Mitch"

He says he will talk to the HG and talk to them. Joel was in the DR most of the morning, and he's going to Bring everyone down stairs or dining room or living room and be like alright here's all the different things you guys think you are basing voting on and based on this I would be a better option to stay and then it's in their hands"

Cass asks him what the factors are. He doesn't know the factors, (i  don't' know why he's telling Cass these things) Who's more trust worthy, who's been more loyal, he doesn't feel comps really play into it, he doesn't feel either of them are a threat on a competition level , he says now that  we're getting down to it there's only 2 or 3 comps, that have big steaks.
The person who wins veto would hold all the cards, Cass asks him who he would save and he wants to get through this eviction, and if he does get through this eviction you can never know, and believes if he does get through it, he will have to win one of the two competition, in the final 4 to get to final 3. he think If I was sitting on the nomination couch after the Veto is done, whoever has the veto would save him.. i he doesn't go this week he'd go next week.

Phil goes into the Pink room to find his laundry basket, and Cass tells him she brought it to the laundry room and is doing laundry.

Cass says she may sleep in the Pink room tonight and asks what they're doing and Phil says just chilling


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12:54 Joel says he's hidden and kept things inside, and that is why he took the brunt and took a lot of shots yesterday and deservingly so (his words) Cass says "time to make some coffee"
Joel thinks if he doesn't leave he'd have to win Cass says the same thing feeds go black


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12:56 Brothers, Kels Tim and Cass are now in the Kitchen, talking about a sweater
just general chit chat going on

Kels asks how Joel is doing and says Joel is coming up with something good and Cass says ya he is.

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2:57 Cass is giving Nick (I think) a massage and he loves it he tells her how he loves how she goes for it.
Tim is in the blue room in bed under the covers
(nothing much really to report)

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3:01 Philip is in the HOH bed listening to music \Cass leaves HOH and says come find me if you need me

Nick and Philip leave HOH room

Cass has joined Tim in the Blue room but there is no chatter

Kels is now in the HOH bed listening to music

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3:14 Joel walks into the HOH room
Tim said that Nick Philip and Joel have no secrets regardless of they want them to leave.
He tells kels, Brothers and Tim is trying to think of some arguments for myself, and tells them they want to bring everyone down stairs and tells them the factors why he should stay, and after that the ball is in their court and the chips can fall where they may, but they have something before that they want to adderss or say he’s happy to listen
Kels said that right now they are trying to figure out moving forward where everybody’s heads at., esp Tim Brothers and Kels know where they want to go, and the route they want to take, with Cass she thinks she’s leaving,  he thinks that after yesterday his head is more on the chopping block, and what transpired in the hot tub and nothing is certain now. 
Kels says the more time they had to think about things the more they realized he’s played them the whole game, and doesn’t want  him to think they hate him.

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3:26 the convo wierdly moves to bowel movements and they said they're "Shooting the shit literally"  and Tim says the decision feels strange this week,
Kels wonders if there should be more fighting but it seems quiet and then Tim mentions if the POV situation had not  happened and ya never know where things will go in this game
Phil says that honesty is the best policy and it can affect the Jury vote. Tim says the people in the Jury have the majority but the people in still left can help sway the vote.

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3:36 Everyone has moved from the HOH to the Pink room where they are going through clothes and may trade items, Joel is just going to watch because he's got limited clothes to share,

They are trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow

THey make piles and Tim says you just hold it up, and say I want it or not want it
The first question is are u willing to part they try things on and then "buy" it

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Tim put a skirt on (Cass's ) and couldn't get it off.
He thought it was a dress

Cass walks in and says you better not be going through her bag, and says if anyone goes through I'll lose it
Kels asks to borrow a skirt and Cass says not if she's leaving
 They move from the Pink room to the Blue room

Where Tim's items are

Tim gives Cass the "gay boots" made in Australia. Cass really wants them

TIm give Cass another "jumper" and it really suits Cass


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4:10 Tim says he has many demin vests but they did not make it itno the house and he is happy that he's getting "rid of a lot of shit"

Joel is looking on
Kels is looking through some of his jewelry items


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Kels has always wanted a long sleeved bull dog shirt and they want to play a joke on her and say Tim gave it to Joel for his purple shirt.
 She is currently in DR
Brothers have gotten a few things from Tim and many things Philip has on they always say DJ Phil and he's a DJ looker and has a good look to be a DJ

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5:10 Tim and (Nick) I think are discussing that it's coming to an end but the excitement to getting back to the normal. Tim wonders what would have been happy he made it this far.
Kels & Cass are in HOH and talk about how people are in the house, and how Cass went all dark saying she wanted to eat people.

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Flashback 11:05 AM BBT: While Cassandra is down in the white chairs engaging in her second favorite activity (eating) the brothers Kelsey and Tim are in the HOH comparing notes about how Cass and Joel are handling this week and what things will be like going forward. They are planning on voting out Cass, but Tim brings up the likelihood that if Joel wins the veto next week he has a chance to make the finale and if he were in the final 2 then Joel would win the show. Nick points out that there is still the final three comps where they have great odds to beat him and if they all make final three together he does not care what happens. (Yeah right, you would love to spend three months in the house to go out in third place. - DRG) Phil says the final HOH is three parts and is very hard. He tells Tim he has a good chance of winning it as do he and Nick and Kelsey. Tim states that it may be his flaw but he is not thinking strategically from here on out. (Other than to keep telling them all he is not here to win, that is. DRG), Nick thinks after tomorrow it will all be kind of chill. The people who really know the game are all in this room and they are the folks who have not lied throughout the game. Tim says the only way is if he and Cass work together next week and if either of them win that veto. (Next weeks veto winner has the sole vote as to which of the two nominees goes unless the HOH wins the veto in which case the HOH decides who the sole vote will be by whom he does not place on the block.- DRG) Kelsey says it is bound to be a week coming up in which they say to themselves they should have known this was going to happen. She says they want Cass here but right now they are going off of a liar's word (Cassandra) but they also know that Joel is a liar. Nick brings up the fact that Joel is not really saying anything right now and Tim adds that they have to wait to hear what he has to say (in his upcoming big open forum this evening. - DRG) Nick says that he will have a really hard time forgiving himself if Cass pulls this out and then she gets on of them out next week, while the others are all saying they all have to be in the room when Joel lays his cards on the table. Kelsey seconds Nick's sentiments about feeling bad if the keep Cass and she sends one of them home next week. Tim's response is "Let's just get her out then." He goes on to say the only thing that could go wrong is if she wins the veto and does not send Tim home so what about if he says he is OK for that to happen (where have we heard this before?? - DRG) Nick adds or if Cass gets HOH. Phil says it is the same with Joel and Tim adds or if he wins veto and does not send Cass home. Tim swears that he would send Cassandra home and Phil is quick to say he believes Tim. Tim says he wants her out in order to separate his game from hers because if they are the final 2 the jury will compare his game to hers and what she was able to do that he refused to do will bring his game down and he just wants to be viewed as his own player now. (that all the major dirty work is done - DRG) Nick swallows it all hook and sinker and tells Tim that is why he can take his word. Kelsey says that while she does think that he thinks that. but there is this little thing in side of him that (she makes a hand gesture suggesting a mastermind or puppet master - DRG). Tim says his worst fear is there will be one of those moments of live television where Cass lied to you and he does not want to do that. Phil says that Cass regrets it and Tim does not think she would do it again. (telling the brothers she would not use the veto and then saving Tim instead - DRG) Kelsey says it would not be good for Tim's image but it also would not be good for whoever got sent to jury (anticipating a bitter voter - DRG) Tim says that he is giving them his word that he is not going to play a consistent game of playing his way and then play her way at the last moment just to get to the finish line. He would not make that deceitful move as the ends do not justify the means to him.

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11:10AM BBT: Tim continues that to him it is not win at all costs. Kelsey says that they would then be going by both you guys' words and while she has a hard time with Cass she does believe that Cass would get Tim out. Tim says he thinks that she DEFINITELY WOULD. Its for her family in Canada and her biggest fear this whole game has been "have you been making me a laughing stock." After the veto when he told her that all bets were off she came storming in demanding from him "what the fuck was that? I have never been more humiliated in my whole life. Now you are working with the brothers and Kelsey?" Tim replied no this is not about you right now Cass. I am just done with all this crap. I am not with you, but help yourself. I won this veto for myself and it is a turning point for me in the game. He thinks she is worried that the whole game he has been using her and she is the bad guy while he is the good guy. He goes on to say that Cass has always been that if he was no use to her she would get rid of him. Every time he has gone against something she wanted or he has told the truth to someone that exposed her lies, she threw a tantrum and didn't speak to him for a day or two. When Tim did not win Kelsey's HOH this week she told him he was supposed to win the comps for her and left him and went huffing and puffing around. When he won the veto she told him he was dead to her. (More like when he did not use the veto to save her. - DRG) That is how Cass works she always thought that I was here to help her game. Kelsey says that he was though. He agrees and says that is how a narcissist works as soon as someone does not give you what you need for what you are doing the supply that you need is cut off. You are no use to me -- DONE. Nick poses the question about what will happen next week if Cass is still in the house and Kelsey says Yes. Nick goes on to say that right now she needs something and is being all nice but then if she is here next week she will be "I fooled them again." Bad Cass will come back out and she will think she can still work with Tim, Kelsey thinks she will try and offer Tim a really sweet deal. Tim tells them she does think that she is repairing bridges with you guys. Kelsey observes she is doing this now while she is in power and that is Cassandra's game too to always go to the power  and make some sweet deals. Tim goes back to telling them that he openly believes that Cass would vote him out and he has heard she has said that to others throughout the game. Phil has heard it before but Tim reports Cass has never said it to his face and she has denied it whenever he asked her directly. However, this is the first week that she is like there is no next week. 

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11:15AM BBT: Kelsey clarifies that Tim is saying that if Cass stays that next week they will go against each other one hundred percent. Tim interrupts her starting to talk about if Joel stays by saying that he will vote Cass out if he has the chance and it is his decision. Kelsey goes back to if Joel stays and Tim is quick to say he does not know what will happen. He is like do I want to beat the guy that screwed me over and beat him at the end to make a point to say that you screwed me over and I could have voted you out but I kept you til this point to prove that you had a weak game. (Notice how he is not thinking strategically in the least??? - DRG) Phil thinks that Joel would still win. Nick thinks taking him to the end is still a win for Joel as he has always said he wants final 2. Tim says that Joel has been the brain all along and even last night he was explaining. Kelsey agrees that Joel is a lot smarter than he lets on. Tim says he does not know how the comps work and Joel is like his search engine for reality TV. So he goes up to Joel and asks if this has ever been done and what happens when you have a player like this and Joel is like the text book on how to play this game and Tim has used him for that. Kelsey agrees. Nick says they all have done that at one time or another. Tim has asked him before each comp what it means if so and so wins or if so and so wins to work out his strategy as he would not have been able to do that by himself. Tim states he will still do that. Kelsey remarks that it is what Joel is doing right now. He is plotting what to say to each of them in order to make them want to keep him in the game. Tim feels that is what Joel did last night. He went through it all with Tim and Tim just did not want to hear it. (this was just before Tim joined them in the hot tub - DRG) Tim said to himself this is Joel doing that thing proving he is still useful to him. At least with Cass he can say shut up and she does not have any further use for him in the game. Phil suggest that they just put it all on Joel and if he does make a case that he is still useful they would vote to keep him and then checks himself. Phil says they will see later today if Joel has just defeated himself or if he does have some master plan to save himself and if he comes in with some master plan then maybe we keep Cass. Tim offers that there is a right answer strategy wise. The three of them all want a plan that they want it to be unanimous for next week and it is just risk control which one is less risky to keep. Tim goes on to say that he is worried about keeping Cass in that she does work with all you guys. Phil does not think that Joel would work with Kelsey and maybe he would work with the brothers. Tim says his mind says not to get Cass out this week and Nick says he woke up with the feeling they needed to get her out this week. Kelsey replies that is because you do not trust her, but do you trust Joel? and will you get Joel out next week? Telling Tim that is what they need to know from him. Nick is all for making a plan and sticking to it because you guys have been honest. Tim says he would be more comfortable with the decision to get Cass out next week. Kelseyh inquires as to why he would not feel comfortable doing that with Joel and Tim's reply is that there are more unknowns with Joel as far as he is concerned. (As much as he tries to sell them the opposite he knows that Cass would keep him if she had the power.- DRG)


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11:20 AM BBT: Tim considers the two options and then the feelings he would feel if either of those two options were to happen. He says if he wins veto the two options are does he save Cass or does he send her home. He would feel more comfortable with the feeling of sending her home. (Don't throw me in the briar patch said Braer Rabbit to Braer Fox. - DRG) He would tell her last week your fate was in your hands but this week it is in my hands and I feel more comfortable sending you out. Phil comments that he sees where Tim is coming from with that. Tim goes on to say that Joel he does not know it is an unknown how he would feel becasue he is still a little bit getting over what Joel did this week. Tim is unsure if he wins the veto and the choice is to keep Joel or send Joel home. The wild card in Tim wants to show Joel forgiveness and thereby make him feel really guilty that he broke up the Threak show and be the better player in keeping you. But he quickly adds that it would mean one of you two go home. He says he does not know that feeling and that is how he won the veto by just focusing on the feeling of winning it. He then throws in that he also does not know the feeling of winning the show against the brothers (and can't help but let out a little giggle - DRG) He tells them it is not something he can think about. Kelsey asks if he means winning and Tim responds that it is hard to explain it is just how he plays the game it is just something magical or like psychic. He knew that the brothers and his paths would cross again in the game. (It is a pretty confined space afterall, not to mystical there. - DRG) He goes on to say he knew that when they voted Kelsey back in that she would be there in the end and she would have their fate in her hands at some point. Kelsey says she knew it too and was not sure she wanted to make it so far but she knew if she went back in she would make it to the end. Kelsey thinks it is amazing that they voted her back in knowing what could happen and how they did not even hesitate. They are all sure that Loveita would not make it far if she returned. Joel told Kelsey the odds are that when someone comes back they don't last more than a week or two. (Maybe in BBUS but anyone remember Gary???? - DRG) They tell Kelsey that she came back more of a game player than before she left. Kelsey says it was in part Loveita but she also spent a week watching the game. Tim says it is a weird reason but he has always seen that he and Cass have each others fates in their hands and it is why he tried to vote her out early. He tempted fate early on and it did not work so he let it go. Tim says he feels nothing with Joel and that is why he thinks he is going this week. The brothers offer that if they have the veto and either of Kelsey or Tim are up agains Cass or Joel they will use the veto on them. (Really even if Joel is HOH and the other one of the two would have to be the replacement?? - DRG) Kelsey relates that she told Cass that she does not think that Joel could win the game now because of what he has done. Maybe if folks do not know all about him but if Cass left and spilled it all to the jury then Joel would not win. She tells Tim that she also told Cass that even knowing that Joel could not win if she had to choose between taking Joel or Tim she would take Tim. Tim throws out that he thinks they all feel that about each other now and that is the strange weird comfortableness they feel. Kelsey says that it is the same between keeping Cass or Tim she would keep Tim even though she thinks they all could and should beat Cass in the finale. Kelsey continues that it is the same with Cass and the brothers she would lose to the brothers but she would take them over Cass. She is not afraid, after all she worked with Jared the whole game knowing that she would lose to him if they were F2. Tim just likes the fact that though they have all played with different people they have all played integrous games. (is that anything like Tetris?? Is there an app for that?? - DRG) He does not think that many in the jury would say that they played a dirty game. Kelsey acknowledges that all of them probably have lied at one time or another but that is not their strategy it is just the game. They did not lie unnecessarily or go to people and make shit up for no reason. Tim thinks they did not lie to people or use the friendship to trick people to get what they wanted. He was never willing to do that. 

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11:30AM BBT: Kelsey states that she feels she has real relationships with all of the people in the house. Phil agrees for himself. When Kelsey had a target she didn't make best friends with them she told them they were the target and fought to get them out. Tim adds that when someone was coming after them they did not go and try to be buddies with them. Kelsey feels that would be fake or phoney and Tim avows that he can't do that. Kelsey relates how when she was in the room with Loveita that Loveita told her she had to get back in the house and get rid of Cass but she told Loveita that she had a good relationship with Cass and if she can go around and make up all those lies and get stuff done then Kelsey sees her as someone that can help her one day. If she is on your side you can steer her in that direction and she will go do stuff for you. (So it is not okay to fight dirty but it is OK to hire a mercenary to fight dirty for you??? - DRG) Tim sasy exactly right and Phil says that Tim did that the whole game with Cass. Kelsey relates the time that Cass told her they needed to be actresses and go make friends with Maddy and she just told her that she could not do that and Tim chimes in that he cannot do that either. Tim cannot believe that the others would fall for that and Kelsey says she thinks they just did not care. Tim says the only reason it worked for Cass what that she had other people working for her winning comps and such. Phil chimes in that she had Tim as well. Tim cannot wait to see the side shows of how people have analyzed Cass and Tim as he does not know that he fully sees it himself. Phil tells him that Cass was huge in the game and Tim as the voice of reason was major. They talk about how Maddy adored him and he wondered why then she turned on him right before Ramsey left. Nick talks about how much catty jealousy there was this season. Kelsey says it was so stupid and asked the girls if they could not just work together. Nick relates several incidents with Maddy. Tim talks about how all the boys had two girls around them fighting. Phil pipes up that he had none. Kelsey says Maddy was the core girl that was toxic and infected all the other girls. She had a hard upbringing but everyone has had hardships to overcome. Kelsey says Maddy was bullied in school, but now she is that person and Tim agrees. He goes on to say that Maddy ostracized herself and was not the victim in the house. 

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11:39 AM BBT: They start reviewing the first few days in the house and early impressions of each other and the other HGs. 

11:43AM BBT: After a feed glitch talk turns to how Tim and the brothers have helped each other at times but someone turned him against them probably Cass. He says Cass told him a lot and they all comment about how much she lies to people and makes it seem believable. She sets herself up for every future lie. Tim wonders if she knows what she is going to do and then they wonder if Joel knew what he was going to do. (Feeds cutting out on the viewer very frustrating after working to get to this point. will try and finish it out after dinner - DRG) 

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11:40 AM BBT: They reminisce about Dallas and how he wanted Tim and the brothers out and how he said day one that if anyone else came in the house they should take them out right away. Tim chimes in that they should have voted him out week one and he would have been okay with it. He continues to say that what he loves about BB is that it is a story written by the HGs and not the folks behind the walls. (Clearly he has never met Allison Grodner EP of BB US.- DRG) Kelsey says that was her big campaign week one to not campaign at all and not talk game with people when they came and asked her what was going on. If this was her only week in the house she just wanted to have fun. Then eventually she asked folks who they wanted to have in the house to have fun with for the 80 days the game lasts. Paige did not campaign either but the other girls did. Nick says they all assumed he would keep Paige as he had a thing for her and she was the ultimate pawn but he knew it would be trouble for him if she stayed. Tim goes back to relating how Cass told him everything but much of is was not true. He saw her do it to Loveita. The brothers say she sets her self up each week. They think Joel is more calculated but Cass changes when she gets the power. The difference is Joel will keep his word if he shakes on it. Nick says you have to shake his hand. Tim feels he can read Cass but he can't Joel and they all are just now starting to see what he is capable of. Nick thinks he can read Joel. Tim laughs at Cass and says no one takes her game serious any more while folks do still take Joel's game seriously. He also does not think they have seen the full extent of what Joel is capable of. 

11:46 AM BBT: Nick is ok with anything while Tim says it depends on the trust in each other and the chance of Cass winning the veto is minimal. Kelsey wants a decision of the three of them and Nick says the three of them have played integrously. Kelsey says they have made decisions for the good of the group. Tim says this is not a new alliance of three players it is just three players agreeing to go to the final three. They agree that whichever of the nominees stays this week will go the next. In this light Tim suggests then why not keep the person that is most comfortable to live with in the house this week. Kelsey adds and the one they are all sure will not win the game. They are both equally snakes in the grass. Tim suggests they need to make this a treaty declaration like when world leaders come together at a conference. Nick wants them all to stand together like a wall and show you can play the game integresly (their word I know it ain;t in no dictionary - DRG). Tim wonders if it has ever happened before and he is told it has not which he likes. Phil tells him it makes for a good story too. Nick thinks it is a cool ending to a really catty season. Kelsey and the brothers like the idea. Tim then goes on to say he does not know if he can live with someone on slop for another week and to have the smell of slop in the house. Kelsey says it could work for them in that he is weak and will not do as well in comps. Phil says his journey with Cass should end now and with Joel next week. Nick too wants Cass out this week. Tim needs to think about the feeling of Cass screwing the brothers over again. He thinks it will not happen as they are too deserving to be there. The brothers say she liked the thrill of being the evil one in the house. Kelsey debated about winning the veto and taking Tim off just to show Cass. Tim back to finding out about Joel's betrayal and how at the veto he learned he was on his own and had no one but himself. Tim wants to come up with a name for the treaty. The Treaty of the Three  or the Threaty is suggested. Kelsey wants to hear out Joel and then make the decision about who goes this week. The cornerstone of the treaty is that they will be the final three. Kelsey has told Cass and they wonder about telling Joel. Tim back to saying that Joel screwing Cass over is a part of why he thinks Cass deserves to be final four as she never screwed Joel over. Tim describes their alliance and how weird it was. Kelsey says they thought the big move was getting out Cass but the real big move is to get out Joel the one that no one knew about. They speculate about how the jurors will react if Joel walked into jury. Tim wants to be the last remaining member of the Threak Show and Kelsey announces she is the last member of the Third Wheel. She and Tim hug it out. They go back to trying to name the treaty. The Final Three Treaty seems to be the choice. (Call me Jaded but bottom line this seems mostly to be about Tim buying one more week for Cass with some progress having been made. The brothers are still not keen on keeping her. -DRG) 

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10:16PM BBT: The brothers and Tim chatting on the blue couches. Phil asks if Cass will really throw the HOH. Tim says that if it does not look like she is doing it he will gladly throw it to the brothers as long as they promise to nom the girls. He quickly adds he knows the noms do not matter next week as the veto is everyithing but if Cass is going to start her shit he would rather not be on the block. They wonder where the gals are and Phil says that Kelsey is watching her movie and Cass is in the DR. Tim asks if they want anything to eat and no one is really hungry but Tim wants to know what a healthy snack would be. Cass comes running out of the DR and Phil calls out HGs to the living room. Tims asks her the time and it is 23:01. 

the other feed shows Joel on his bed alone in the pink room. He was lying on his bed but now is crouching by the door listening.

General chatter about after the game going on in the living room. Talk goes back to Cass throwing the HOH tomorrow if she wants a good week in the house. Nick says that if they see her trying then she has no chance to win once he gets to jury. He goes on to say that saying you are playing for second place is a strategy at this point in the game every single season.  Tim returns to wondering what he wants to eat. 

the other feed shows a messy but empty washroom then locks out only to return to the same empty room. 

Chatter about after the game until that feed also locks out and returns. Brothers start talking about their niece which gets Tim talking about his nephew and niece.

Joel comes out of the toilet revealing why BB was showing us the empty washroom. Everyone needed to know if he washed his hands or not and the answer is yes. He returns to his self inflicted exile in the pink bedroom. 

The guys downstairs keep talking about what they want to do after the game ends landing eventually on talking about going to a Canadian resort in Cuba. They are unaware that Americans can now travel to Cuba. Tim thinks he might not be able to go there as he is Australian and not Canadian. Tim wonders if it is safe and they assure him it is very safe. Tim wants to know if he should bring the burritos or not and does not get an answer. Now he wants BB to put on an eviction day breakfast or brunch. Phil says they get a continental breakfast. 

Joel still flat on his back with his legs Indian style and one arm awkwardly bent behind and underneath his head. 

Tim puttering about the kitchen muttering to himself. He is asked what he is making and the answer is tea. One brother asks him to heat enough water for him as well. Tim agrees and says he thinks he will go to bed as he clomps up the stairs. He remarks he is still not recovered and this has been quite a week but he is glad he and the brothers are good now. The boys wish it is a physical comp tomorrow and then they talk about needing to study tonight. 

Tim pokes her head into the HOH and confirms that Kelsey loves her choice of movie. she is in bed with the large headphones on. 

Joel now up on his side leaning on one elbow as he picks at his face. 

Phil in the washroom stretching looking like he is pretending to be an airplane. Nick out of the toilet and yes he too washes his hands. Phil heads in and Nick leaves the washroom. Tim now at the mirror putting his hair up and Phil comes out and says he is going to go run some dates with his brother. The brothers are down in the kitchen prepping for Jedi training by getting some liquid caffein.

Joel still on his bed as he must have fallen into the hole that Dallas left in that mattress. Tis the night before eviction and all through the house not a creature is speaking not even one louse.

Brothers back to the living room where they begin asking questions of one another. Nick in the white chair and Phil sprawled out ont he love seat. Kelsey comes by and says that this thing (the Shomi?) is not working again and the feed cuts out.

Feeds back to Kelsey coming and sitting on the arm of the loveseat. They start stealth whispering and Nick says they need to tell Cass she has a chance of working with them if she throws the HOH to give her more of an incentive to throw the HOH. Phil says that Cass is in the DR. Kelsey goes to get some cereal. Tim says goodnight and heads upstairs to the blue bedroom.

Cass comes out of the DR and tells Phil she loves him as she sits next to him on loveseat facing him. He tells her he hopes she is a good person tomorrow and she promises she will be. She teases him that she will try for a little bit then says she will throw it. Phil then says they will all compete equally for the POV. Phil says that sometimes lying scheming people like her win the game and she responds when has she ever won a comp. He starts to threaten her if they go  home because of her and she cuts him off by asking if he is Loveita with trust issues. She again promises to throw the HOH and will bow out. He says he did not realize she had been working against them the whole game. After the HOH she says they have a clean slate. They promise her they will says she was good to the jury if she keeps her promise to throw the HOH and she swears she will and then will get Tim out. They again promise her that if she makes the final two and they don't they will have already paved the way for her. She keeps saying she loves the brothers and she really wants to go to the Gala. Cassandra is told to fix her microphone and gets up and hugs each of the brothers. she heads to the kitchen again saying once more she loves the brothers. The brothers decide to make some food settling on hard boiled eggs and Cass heads up stairs calling out for Tim. 

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11:50PM BBT: Cass finds Tim and asks him if she is throwing the comp tomorrow and he says once she is safe tomorrow they can't do anything. She says she will see what the comp is and if she thinks she can win she will try otherwise she will throw it obviously. Cass wants reassurance that Tim is not voting her out and then says that they really need to win the veto. She wonders how dumb are they to be keeping her and Tim says he is gob smacked that they are doing this. Cass says they are the Cannibals because they are eating the brothers alive. They are laughing about going to the final two. 

Kelsey and the brothers arguing about how to train while Kelsey is sitting eating her cereal. She criticizes their studying and then is given the task of training them. 

Tim and Cass now start their own Jedi Training as Tim sips his tea and Cass eats her cereal. They are whispering very quietly. 

The brothers back to squabbling about Phil not being good at studying and Kelsey hushes them and resumes questioning Nick as Phil sits on the floor by them and Kelsey rubs his head. 

(Morty, as not much more action is likely this evening I think I will flash back and post what I can of Joel's house meeting from earlier tonight. - DRG)


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Flashback 6:25PM BBT: HGs starting to gather for Joel's open forum campaign meeting in the living room. Cass settles with her mug in hand on a blue couch next to Phil who says his headache is brutal and that he is getting Ibuprofen. Joel sits in the white chair he brought in from the dining room table, Nick is opposite his brother and wonders where the other two are to which Joel replies they are in the HOH and he has told them to come down. Tim comes in and the brothers talk about if he is still open to trades as they like what he is wearing. Kelsey has finally arrived. Joel takes a big sip from his water bottle and begins. He says this is the first time his back is up against the wall and not only is it the first time he is on the block but he feels he has to lay everything out on the table and explain why he thinks it is better to keep him in the house.  He warns them that he has a lot to get through and they should feel free to ask questions afterwards if he is not clear or they don't understand something he said. He starts by saying that yesterday his entire game was exposed and everyone saw the type of game he has been playing so now he has nothing to hide form here forward. He knows a lot of people feel deceived and played by him and it is understandable. He will just say that everyone has probably felt played or deceived at some point in the game. For himself when Loveita was put up and back doored he was not let in on it and felt very deceived but he talked to himself and told himself not to take it personally and everyone had different reasons for what they did and he needed to find his way forward and let bygones be bygones. That is just one moment for him and it does not excuse anything he has done. 

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