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  • morty pinned this topic

10:00am-10:28am BBT There was a heated discussion in the blue BR between Tim and Nikki. The discussion ended with Nikki telling Tim that she is tired of him trying to control the house. Tim told Nikki that he is not trying to control the house and thanked her for telling him her real feelings about him and left the room.


10:45 am BBT Tim and Mitch are in the HOH room talking about everyones game. How Cass has been over playing the game. 

Tim and Mitch can not get over all the paranoid insecurities in the house ad they are talking about what the fans would want to see. They comment how sad it is that so many girls have already gone. 

Tim wants to dive into the game...He can not work with an alliance that is like a leaky boat.  Mitch says he does have close relationships in the house but is not in a named alliance.

This week has been crazy in the house. Everyone is working on the what ifs...

Tim says out of fear some are making wrong moves. Tim thinks that Dallas deserves to be here more than Maddy based on his game play. 

too mush wishy washy stuff...

Tim does not really care what order Dallas, Maddy and Ramsey go in. 

Tim is done...he is not going to tell anyone how to vote ...if it ends in a tie then he will do what he needs to do...not his fight right now.

Tim likes the logical facts not the he said she said stuff and does not wanna hear any of it.

Cass comes in and says it seems so tense in the house today.


Tim got called to DR



Cass asks Nikki what happened with her and Tim and Nikki says to ask tim...which she had earlier and he said it was something not related to the game although people want to make it about the game

Cass is freaking out because people will not do what she wants. Tim will not even talk to her about it just keeps telling Cass and Joel it is not his decision. Nikki has told Cass that she is voting Dallas out. Cass keeps saying Maddy will go after her (Cass) though and Tim needs to convince Nikki to change her vote which he says he cant or wont.



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