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Monday, September 21 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.


Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


Please post pictures in the open thread: http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/topic/100939-big-brother-17-pictures-and-screen-caps/


If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.



Thank you!

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1235AM BBT  Steve is pacing the backyard which is open again.  He is practicing the speech we all heard last night.  He stops his pacing and enters the house.  He washes a few dishes, dries his hands, takes a clean bowl out of the cupboard, returns to the back yard.  He goes to the weights, drinks out of his cup, opens a bag and pours the contents into the bowl.  He has a spoon and is eating the contents from the bag.   He reads the bag.


1243AM BBT  We find Steve still pacing in the backyard practicing his speech.  He paces for a while, then sits on the couches on the patio.  He is adding to his speech about his assists, the number of wins per player, than messes up. 


1253AM BBT  Steve has now moved to sitting with his legs dangling over the arm of the patio couch.  He is still talking to himself.  He finishes eating from his bowl and drinking from his glass.  He is thinking about what stories he can tell about each player.  He talks about Becky and the tomatoes, [Jacky and her knight???]  He says do I have to do it  for all 9 jurors.  You do for some you have to do for all.  Meanwhile we see Vanessa and Liz sound asleep in the purple room.


106AM BBT  Steve has now moved to the hammock.  he hums, he talks, he repeats himself over and over.  He gets up goes into the house and gets a bag of candy [skittles?] and returns to the back yard, searching for a good place to start counting.  He pulls a table over by the round lounger, but looks over by the pool and moves his operation to a lounge chair.

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122AM BBT  Steve is sitting on one of the loungers by the pool with candies in hand.  He is counting.  Putting candies down on table in the order of evictions. 


131AM BBT  Steve has stopped using the candy, laying back on the lounger is repeating to himself the order of evictions. 


140AM BBT  Steve has gone back to using the candies.


159AM BBT  Steve has stopped doing the evictions and cleaned up the candies, he is not doing comps. 


224AM BBT  Steve puts up all the candies, says Good Night Steven and walks back into the house.  he walks back outside to pick up more candies.  He drops a few on his way back to the house, stopping to pick them up.  he leaves the house again dusting off the lounger, picking up his snack box and glass.  He returns to the house, shutting the door behind him this time.  Goes to the sink, washes his glass, goes to the WC.  He washes his hands, goes outside and gets his hoodie, returns to the WA, washes his hands and face, with hoodie on he walks thru the house, straightens the sheet on the day bed, goes into the comic room, turns on the lights, grabs his blankets, returns to the purple room, puts his blankets on the day bed.  returns to the comic room, gets Coco, returns to put Coco on the day bed, then wanders to the WA, cleaning his glasses.  splashes his face with water and dries it off, heads out of the WA.  turns and walks back to the WA, now to apply deodorant, he walks back out of the WA,  He goes into the comic room, looks around, walks back out and seems to be getting ready for bed, he takes off his mic, his hoodie, sits on his bed, covers up, hiding face...lays down.. Liz and Vanessa both seem to be sleeping. 


244AM BBT  Steve has rolled over facing the back of the daybed, his hands are still moving, he is having trouble settling in for the night.  he throws off his covers, rolls over, gets up out of bed, [house lights are down, now back on]  Steve walks to the WA, gets a tissue, blows nose, walks back out of WA. he gets back in bed. [house lights go dark]   Steve lays in bed, lips moving, eyes wide open, yawns, rubs eyes, keeps closing and reopening his eyes.  hugging coco the whole time.


304AM BBT  Steve has thrown off the covers again, still in bed, hugging coco, very restless.  he covers back up, hiding his face.  Steve is really having trouble settling in for the night, he has now uncovered and covered himself up about 8 times.


319AM BBT  Steve laying in bed, no covers, he rolls over facing the back of the day bed with coco in front of him.  he has now covered up again, this time pulling the covers over his head. 


329AM BBT  Steve is up, gets his mic, hoodie and heads out of purple bedroom.  House lights are off in LR and low in kitchen, but BB brings them back up.  Steve gets a bowl, cereal off the top of fridge, milk out of fridge.  Sits down at the table to eat. 

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336AM BBT  Steve is at the kitchen table playing with the cards.  He places the cards back in a stack, drinks the milk out of the bowl, stares off into space.  gets up from table, walks to sink and washes out his bowl. Steve heads to the WC, Camera man zooms in on spot on rug in WA.  Steve is out of WC, brushes his teeth, wanders up the hall and back to WA while brushing.  he puts away his brush, splashes water on his face, leaves WA, walks thru kitchen, picks seat, has a letter in his hand [no clue where it came from] reading it while standing by the memory wall.  he folds and puts letter away, smiling to himself.  climbs back into bed.  gets out of bed, walks out into fully lit LR, kitchen, to WA washes hands, gets his cup and rinses his mouth out, spits, leaves WA, returns to his bed, lays down, covers up.  Lights are turned back down by BB. 


355AM BBT  Steve, so it seems, has finally settled in for the night.


749AM BBT  Steve is up, goes to WC. Shortly afterward, Vanessa is up walking to WA.  Steve went into Storage area, now back in WA.  He gets a swig of mouthwash, rinses his mouth, spits,  Vanessa comes out of WC, washes only her left hand, right hand has mic in it.  Vanessa walks thru darkened house and meanders into the storage and gets batteries.  Vanessa returns to bed.  Steve is wandering around kitchen, wandering thru a darkened LR, making his way back into his bed.  All are tucked in again.


902AM BBT  BB has brought the lights up to full.  No one is stirring in bed, but the lights are on.

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 9:02am BBT: HG are sound asleep in their beds.


9:42am BBT: Hg still sleeping.


 10:00am BBT:We now have FOTH as Bb could be waking the HG.


 10:13am BBT: HG are up, Vanessa the OBR taking meds, Steve in the KT then goes to the BY, Liz checking laundry and then goes back in the house to fold clothes.


10:27am BBT: Liz is walking around the house, Vanessa standing in the Kt then puts her sunshades on, Liz now goes outside to lay by the pool.


 10:33pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa are back in bed sleeping, Liz on the lounger  by the Pool .


10:45am BBT: Liz now in the KT making a bowl of cereal.


 10:54pm BBT: Liz finished eating her cereal and is now running water in the bowl then heads back out to the BY to get a drink from the fridge, She now goes back in the house to get lemon for her water.


 11:00am BBT: Liz is walking around the house then goes to the BY and gets on the elliptical. Vanessa and Steve are still in bed sleeping.

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 11:08am BBT: Vanessa is up and comes to the BY to eat breakfast, Liz tells her she is  dying but she is getting so thick that she just wants to workout.


 11:10am BBT: Liz and Vanessa talking about how skinny Julia is and Liz says cause she does not eat as much as me. Liz says she can not believe they are going to shut down the By so early. Vanessa ask if Steve has talked any game to her at all and Liz says no. Vanessa says  give me your word that you have not told Steve  anything and Liz says i haven't. Vanessa says i trust you and i want you to know i am going to keep my bargain with you cause Steve has betrayed me many time so i will keep my deal with you.


11:13am BBT: Liz is saying she tried so hard in the crossword puzzle and she now feels like you are dead in the water. Vanessa says you are not dead in the water. Vanessa says ok if Steve wins this  and takes me i need to know i have your vote and Liz says yes of course. Vanessa says i have  won and have helped so many people in this game. Liz says i told you before you are gonna win this game.


 11:14am BBT: Vanessa says your word is good with me Liz you never done anything to me if it wasn't for you i would be out of this house you kept me safe when Steve was betraying me for Johnny Mack.


 11:19am BBT: Vanessa says dude i want to win this so so bad, Liz says i told you that you will win and Vanessa says no no i mean the final HOh part 3 i want to beat Steve so i can do the speech and keep you.


11:21am BBT: Vanessa and Liz talking about past comps they played in and Vanessa is pacing  as she seems nervous. Vanessa tells Liz that Steve argument  to her is if I take Liz then i will have voters against me and if he wins he has to take me cause he will have 3 votes against him with me, Julia and Austin. Vanessa says you have to have 5 votes top win.Feeds switch to Steve sleeping in the OBR.


11:27am BBT: Vanessa goes in the house to the HNBR and looks at Liz's blue dress then goes back to the BY and tells Liz her dress is very pretty, Vanessa ask did you wear that dress in the house and Liz says yeah once, Vanessa tells her she has the white shirt with orange buttons on it that's all she has cause she did not plan for finale , She says i thought i would be out of here first and now i am still here. Liz tells her we will make the shirt look good. Vanessa says i want to say i am proud of you for making it this far and i promise i will win this so do not worry i got 


11:34am BBT: Liz and Vanessa talking in the BY about Johnny Mack and how he voted Austin out, Liz says he hates me so i know i will not get  his vote.Liz says i left him a mean message in his goodbye message so i know he hates me. Liz says i do not know why he voted Austin  the way he did and Vanessa says i know why because he hadn't made any moves in this game and that was a big move for him.


11:39am BBT: Vanessa says when i evict Steve i have to remember who had my back when Austin wanted to backdoor me and who wanted me up and who had my back in this game and Steve had Johnny Mack's.


 11:41am BBT: Liz says i have nothing to do but sit and look pretty now, what do i do while you guys are doing this>? Vanessa says you get to stay here and watch . Liz ask like in here? Vanessa says in the LVR when we do the final eviction.


 11:43pm BBT: Vanessa says if Steve ask if we talked just says no.Vanessa ask if Liz wants to play Gin and she says yeah so they head in the house to wash their bowls then tom play cards.


11:46am BBT: Liz and Vanessa are now at the table playing Gin. Steve is sleeping in the OBR.

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 11:58am BBT: Liz and Vanessa playing Gin at the table in the KT and Steve still sleeping.


12:01pm BBT: after a brief FOTH Steve is now up and walking around then goes back to the OBR takes his hoodie, glasses and Mic off and gets back in bed. Liz and Vanessa still playing Gin.


 12:26pm BBT: Nothing has changed in the BB house Liz and Vanessa still playing cards as Steve is sleeping.


 12:33pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa go to the OBR and Liz says he is creepy when he sleeps does he always sleep with his hands like he is scampering like that? Vanessa says he is scampering in his sleep. Liz and Vanessa are getting clothes and Liz says shower time.


 12:38pm BBT: Steve gets up and moves to the CBR and gets in bed to go back to sleep where it is quiet. Liz is in the shower yawning.


12:48pm BBT: Vanessa in the WA brushing her hair while Liz is in the shower.


12:50pm BBT: Liz is now out of the shower and Vanessa is getting in the shower as they talk about Steve being a night person since he is still sleeping.


 12:53pm BBT: Steve is now up in the KT just walking around and snacking, Vanessa is in the shower and Liz is doing her hair.

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1:00pm BBT: Liz tells Steve in the WA that she had a dream that when she seen Austin that he shaved the pony beard off. Steve says i do not see that happening so do not get to excited for it.


1:06pm BBT: Vanessa telling Liz and Steve who all hates her in the jury as she says everyone but Julia and she says Julia does not hate her. Liz says James hates me though. Vanessa says i had the least connection to anyone in this house so i had to wake people up and get them out.


1:12pm BBT: BB calls Vanessa to the STR she goes in and gets the finger nail clippers and goes back to the WA with them. Liz is picking up her clothes and asking when they will get their luggage as she says she is so excited. Steve is sitting there .


 1:14pm BBT: Vanessa ask Liz if she is making coffee? Liz says no and Vanessa says i feel like we are bums and we need to stop sleeping and do something. Steve says this is what final 3 do Vanessa.


1:24pm BBT: Steve is making oatmeal and says he has to have that since there is no slop anymore. He then says he wants slop to be at the finale and Liz yells Ewww. Steve says i want my mom to try Slop i really do. Vanessa ask if Liz wants to finish their Gin game and Liz says yeah i want to make eggs first. Vanessa says One more day guys without our family then we get to see our families.


1:31pm BBT: Liz and Steve talking about what the other Hg might have to say and who they are excited to see on finale night.


1:38pm BBT: Vanessa, Steve and Liz talking about Austin giving Jackie a massage one day and Vanessa says what he touched her and Liz says yeah he gave her a massage. Vanessa says no way. Liz is finishing cooking eggs while Vanessa watches and Steve walks around the KT.


 1:42pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve are at the KT table as Steve teaches Vanessa to play solitaire.


 1:53pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa talking politics while Liz eats her eggs.

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2:00 PM BBT Vanessa asks Liz and Steve if they are interested in learning a new game.  Steve says no because his bowl doesn’t have legs.  Vanessa asks if he liked that line...it came from her mother.  Vanessa looks disappointed that they don’t want to try a new game.  


2:04 PM BBT Liz and Steve are joking and teasing about cleaning up their plate.  Vanessa has convinced Steve and Liz to learn a new game.  As they sit down, Steve whispers “so much estrogen.”  The ladies ignore him.  Vanessa starts explaining the game.  Steve figures out part of it and Vanessa says that he’ll win this game.  Liz complains that she doesn’t like this game.  She doesn’t get it.  Vanessa keeps giving examples to demonstrate to Liz.  Liz lays them out to test her understanding.  Vanessa says that Liz’s setup is valid and then explains how points work.  She works through the points they would get with the two hands dealt, and then suggests an alternate way for Liz to have laid out her hand.


2:11 PM BBT They deal out a hand for each player, but instead of laying them out, they have to arrange their cards into three hands while holding them.  Steve says that sounds hard, and Vanessa suggests that he can lay down groups of cards as he arranges them the way he wants.  Steve asks Vanessa to repeat the ranking in order of weakest to strongest. Vanessa tells him one pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, full house, four of a kind.  Then straight flush, but that won’t happen.


2:13 PM BBT Liz is ready to go, but Steve isn’t done sorting his hand yet.  There are two five-card hands, and one three-card hand.  They finish sorting and then reveal their hands.  Steve asks Vanessa to tell him the order one more time. Vanessa walks them through the points in each hand and how Liz’s layout compares to Vanessa’s.  Vanessa beats Liz on all three hands, and gets an extra point for the “scoop” (beating all three hands).  In Steve’s vs. Vanessa’s hand, Steve wins two points and Vanessa wins one.  Steve wins 4 points vs. Liz’s hand.  Liz asks what they would have done with her hand and Vanessa gives her pointers.


2:17 PM BBT Vanessa asks if they like the game.  It’s called Chinese poker.  Liz says it’s fun.  Steve is shuffling.  We get FotH.  When feeds return, the HGs are going to the SR for treats.  They exclaim over cake pops designed to remind them of former HGs.  There is one for Grandma Meg and Audrey, and Jason “Oh Mylanta”... even Zingbot and OTEV.  Vanessa says they look too good to eat. Liz says they need to have some right now.  Liz holds up different cake pops for the live feeders and then they sit down to have another hand of Chinese Poker.


2:28 PM BBT The HGs are sorting through hands for the next round.  Vanessa tells Steve she is going to give him a run for his money.  Vanessa is called to the DR.  Vanessa tells them what she has.  They count up points and Vanessa goes to DR.  Liz asks Steve to explain the points to her because he understands it better than her.  She counts it up and asks him to confirm whether she has it right.


2:31 PM BBT Steve picks up all the cards to shuffle them.  They talk about Vanessa being called to DR.  Steve figures that they will all be called.  Steve says he is gonna fool with Vanessa and give her an awesome hand.  Then he changes his mind and decides to make it believable by giving her a royal flush and then junk.  Liz is giggling.  Having pulled out Vanessa’s hand, he deals out hands for himself and Liz.  He deals too many cards, and has to fix it.  Liz asks if a straight is as good as flush.  Steve says Vanessa is gonna flip when she sees her hand, and he will have to act as if he just dealt it to her.  He makes sure her hand looks adequately shuffled so that Vanessa is not suspicious.  Liz does her set-up and asks Steve if he would do what she did.  Steve gives her feedback and they discuss different layouts. 


2:35 PM BBT Steve helps Liz with her hand and then says he can hardly wait to see Vanessa flip when she sees her hand.  Liz does dishes while Steve paces.  They chat back and forth as they wait for Vanessa.


2:40 PM BBT Vanessa returns from DR and they all sit down to play.  Vanessa looks at the score.  Liz and Steve have 9 so far, and Vanessa has 11.  Close game.  Liz is smirking and hiding her smile.  Vanessa lays her hand out decisively and munches on chips and dip.  Steve asks if Aces are high or low, and Liz frowns and says “high, Steve.”  Vanessa shows no sign of being surprised by her hand as she waits for Steve to finish his layout.  They reveal their hands.  Steve says we are very sneaky.  Vanessa says what did you do?  Steve says we may or may not have given you a royal flush.  Vanessa says she was so happy!  Liz razzes her that she didn’t show any sign.  Vanessa says she had her poker face on.  She was planning to show a big smile when she revealed her hand.  They ruined her surprise by telling her before she even got to reveal.  The jokes on her.  They re-deal. 


2:50 PM BBT The HGs continue playing Chinese Poker.  Liz asks again which hands beat which hands.  Steve affirms that a flush beats two pair.  Vanessa is concentrating on her hand as Steve helps Liz.  Steve says “Oh Mylanta!” and comments that Jason left his mark on the season.  Steve says he likes that Jeff’s main contribution to the season is the word “Scamper”.  Liz is still checking the rank of hands with Steve as Vanessa works out her hand. 


2:53 PM BBT They reveal their hands and count them out.  Liz gets no points in the round.  They talk about the royal flush they planted in Vanessa’s hand.  Vanessa deals again.


2:58 PM BBT Another hand is revealed, and the points counted up.  Vanessa says that Steve needs a nickname.  Steve is Sneaky Steve.  Liz is Grabby Fingers.  Vanessa is Grandma Four-eyes.  Steve points out that she is not wearing her four eyes.  Vanessa puts on a grandma voice and says she has misplaced her glasses.  She recaps.  They are playing Chinese poker and Grandma four-eyes is in the lead with 26 points, followed by Sneaky Steve with 18 and close on his heals Grabby Fingers, who’s gainin’.  They joke around, talking with accents as Vanessa deals and says “good luck.”  


3:10 PM BBT The game of Chinese Poker continues.  [wiki link, for those interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_poker]


3:20 PM BBT The HGs sort through their hands getting them ready to lay out.  They reveal their cards.  Liz’s turn to deal.  Vanessa recaps the score is 49, 30, and 34 (Vanessa, Steve, and Liz).  Steve is really tired.  Vanessa asks him why he is so tired.  What is he doing?  Steve says he scampers with the beefcakes.  We get FotH briefly.  Steve tells Vanessa and Liz that he stays up quite late.  Last night he was very nostalgic.

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3:32pm BBT: HG still playing cards at the KT table and Steve says he is very sneaky as he wins 2nd place with 38 points.


3:35pm BBT: Liz gets a cake pop with Audrey on it and Steve ask which one is the red velvet cake and Liz tells him it is the Mylanta ones so Steve goes to get one.


3:53pm BBT: The card game has broken up and HG are walking around the house and Steve tells Liz he cut lemon wedges this morning so she looks in the fridge and yells oh yay. Steve is playing with a beach ball in the KT while Liz is cleaning.


 3:56pm BBT: Liz goes to the WC as Steve plays with the beach ball in the Kt then drops it and walks around the house.


 3:59pm BBT: Steve and Liz talking about where they can watch  the season at and where they can read everything about them at on the internet.

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4:03pm BBT: Steve goes and lays down with Vanessa and says i am a bad person and Steve says no you are a good guy  you made mistakes in here as we all did so you just move on but you are not a bad person.


4:06pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa are now talking about what the names of the comps they played in were and who they beat in the comps. Liz is in the Wa filing her nails.


4:07pm BBT: Liz gets her drink and goes to the OBR where Steve and Vanessa are talking about what comps they played in, Liz gets in bed and Vanessa asked if she took off her nail polish and she says yes, Vanessa ask are we doing our nails later? Liz says sure.


4:14pm BBT: HG are talking about reading things on the internet and about how this game is an emotional roller coaster, Vanessa says you can not say that again and Steve says ok. Vanessa starts laughing. Liz then tells about Steve and Austin playing pool.


 4:19pm BBT: Liz is telling about her mom being pregnant with her and Julia and how big she was. Vanessa ask how much did you weight and Liz tells her that Julia was 5lbs and she was 6lbs. Vanessa says her sister was 11lbs when she was born. They ask Steve how much he weighed and he says i do not know.


4:23pm BBT: Hg are quiet and Liz looks to be going to sleep. Steve gets up and goes to his own bed to lay down.


4:30pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa sleeping in the OBR and Steve in bed in the CBR.


4:49pm BBT: Steve is now in the WC and Liz and Vanessa are sleeping.

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5:07PM BBT Steve wandering around the house. Vanessa was sleeping but BB just called her for her meds in the DR.


5:11PM BBT Vanessa at the table eating chips and cottage cheese. Steve says he just wants to see his Mom. He wonders what his parents think now that he has been on BB. He says they have judged it as garbage his whole life.


5:18PM BBT Steve says it is funny that they know exactly what BB is building outside. Van says that they don't know for certain that BB can be changing it up (why start now?) Steve says it has been the same since S2.



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5:23PM BBT All Hg are now vertical and playing cards in the KT.


5:36PM BBT Vanessa explaining to Steve and Liz that if they come to a table and only play a few hands and win and leave it's called a hit and run. Vanessa says it's poor etiquette not to stay for an entire session. Steve asks what a session amounts to. Vanessa tells her that it is 3-4 hours. Steve says he will be a hit and run player only then. Liz laughs and says her too.


5:45PM BBT The poker game continues. Steve is excited that they are building the set for the press junket. Liz gets chips for her and Vanessa to enjoy.

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5:57PM BBT Poker continues. Vanessa telling them who has won the hand. Steve says he needs more Mr. Goodbars. Vanessa tells him she doesn't want anymore so for him to please not get anymore.


5:59PM BBT Vanessa says she wants to do a talk show tonight about the life and times of the BB HG. She wants to host. Steve says so  basically the Jeff and Austin show. Vanessa says yes.

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6:08PM BBT Steve wanted a snack and got some broccoli. Liz complaining because he is putting salt on it. Vanessa says there are no health issues with salt. It just makes you feel bloated. The poker game continues.


6:21PM BBT Vanessa tells Steve and Liz that she is impressed with how fast they are picking up the poker game.


6:27PM BBT Steve has a stomach ache so he took Pepto Bismol. Liz is smacking some snacks down. And Vanessa is counting who is winning the game.

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6:55pm BBT: The poker game continues with very little conversation.


6:58pm BBT: Liz goes to the STr and yells no wine yet but we do have out luggage how sad is that, Steve ask can i go see for a second and Vanessa tells him no as they start another hand of poker.

7:00pm BBT: Steve says he is up Sh*t creek with this hand it is so bad. Liz laughs at him as he says i have three hands that are good and one that is bad .

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7:09 PM BBT Steve, Vanessa & Liz are all at the DT playing cards. Steve says, he's had 3 bad hands & 1 good one. He gets up & says, he needs to calm down. Liz is playing with the ends of her hair. Vanessa is looking through her cards.


7:12 PM BBT Vanessa says, "O.K." They all show their cards. Liz & Vanessa each win 2. Steve wins 3 with Vanessa winning 1. Steve & Liz both win 2 each between them. Vanessa says, they are too good at this game. Vanessa shuffles the cards for the next hand. She asks what time it is? Liz says, "7:15 PM BBT." Vanessa asks what time the Finale is? Steve thinks it at the same time or at 6 PM BBT. (It's at 6:30 PM BBT won Wednesday.) Vanessa thinks they have about 46 hours left. Steve says, they should be in the BY in 48 hours.


7:16 PM BBT All the HG's go through their cards again. Liz says, "I have a rotten hand." Vanessa tells them she's ready, & everyone flips their cards over. Vanessa & Steve each win 2. Vanessa wins 3 against Liz who gets 1. Steve wins 2 with Liz winning 1 & they tie on one. Vanessa shuffles the cards again. Steve asks Liz if she misses Austin's ponytail beard? Liz says, she doesn't she says, she hopes when she sees him there's a surprise. Liz starts talking about her sequester person & we see FOTH.


7:19 PM BBT The live feeds come back to the HG's playing cards. Liz sings the very sneaky tune & doesn't get buzzed.


7:22 PM BBT The HG's finish another round of card playing. Vanessa sneezes & says, she's getting dizzy when she sneezes. Vanessa asks Liz to shuffle. Vanessa gets up & asks if there are any turkey burgers left? Liz says, Vanessa can eat them for days. Vanessa tells them they need to take a dinner break to eat soon. She tells them their table stamina is good. Steve says, he can do this for a long time, but he would never do it for more than pennies or nickels. Liz deals out the cards for the next round.


7:25 PM BBT Liz & Steve both make noises about their cards. Steve hums some. Vanessa scoops Steve on this round. Steve wins against Liz 3 to 1. Vanessa shuffles & deals out the cards again. She says, she plays this game with locals who know people back home.


7:31 PM BBT They finish another round. Liz & Vanessa both scoop Steve. Liz loves to say, "I'll cash that ticket." Tonight is no exception. Vanessa shuffles the cards & another round begins. Liz starts to sing & we see FOTH twice briefly.

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7:35 PM BBT The HG's finish another round. Vanessa says, they are like crack heads & just keeping going. They talk about what family members will be there on Finale night. They start another round. Liz starts to sing very sneaky again & doesn't get buzzed again. Steve talks about Liz' vegetables. Liz tells him to stop talking about them. Steve says, "Much like you talking about my vegetables. Steve paces back & forth while they wait for Vanessa to be ready to show her cards.


7:39 PM BBT They the round. Steve says, "Good ole grabby fingers is grabbing all the points there," referring to Liz' nickname that was made up last night. Vanessa shows them the same magic trick she showed them the other day. Vanessa guesses her card exactly.


7:44 PM BBT Steve thinks that Vanessa has a physical marker of some sort. Steve guesses how the trick is done. Vanessa tells them that it will always be the one on top of the bottom card when the deck is placed on the card. Liz tries the trick on Vanessa. Vanessa tells Liz that the card is actually in the first pile. Liz guesses the card.


7:47 PM BBT Liz starts the trick again on Vanessa. Liz skips some steps & guesses the right card that Vanessa had picked. Vanessa shows Liz another way to fan the cards out & do the trick. Steve is messing around with a beach ball inside the house. He messed with Liz with it. He throws the ball at Liz, & then chases her around the glass table to catch her. They switch the way they are going in circles. Liz calls a truce & says, she can do this all night.


7:50 PM BBT Steve takes his sweat jacket off & he & Liz stand at the two ends of the glass table. He tells Liz not to throw food at him, but it's o.k. to throw the beach ball. Steve tells Liz that he's probably not going to wear the glasses for the Finale that he has on, because they are his Transitions. He says, he doesn't want to be in sunglasses for the Finale. Steve & Liz go around the table again. Liz grabs the chocolates to throw at Steve. Vanessa tells Liz, she's going to get a, "Stop that." Steve catches Liz & tickles her. Liz complains that Steve hurts her when he tickles her. Vanessa wants to know what they are going to do now. Steve says, he's the only single person in the house. Liz says, "I came into the house single."


7:53 PM BBT Liz says, "Ewww, I need to get my hair done." Steve says, he has a crush on Juj. Steve tells Liz that she got in the way of his cuddling plans. Liz tells Steve, "Juj will bite him." She says, "The prettier the girl, the more bites he will get." Steve says, "I didn't ever get my cuddle sesh." Liz tells Steve, "You're going back to college, which is an open platform." Steve says, "I'm not going back to college until January." Liz & Vanessa find mold on the plates of food. Steve says, it's scary for him not to know what he's going to do for several months of his life now. He & Vanessa toss the beach ball back & forth.

7:55 PM BBT Vanessa says, she would love to keep playing with the beach ball, but she might injure her neck. Liz says, she's going to eat steak & potatoes. Vanessa says, she wants a turkey burger. Steve asks, "So, what is the dinner plan?" Liz tells him to heat up something. Vanessa tells him what's there to eat. Steve says, "I'm feeling adventurous & I'm going to get out of his pajamas & into clothes. Vanessa asks, "Why at 8 PM BBT?"


7:57 PM BBT Steve says, he just wants to get dressed. Liz heats up her food & says, the potato is not ready. Vanessa asks her if she just heated up the potato in the microwave with the foil on it? Liz says, yes. Vanessa tells her not to do that because it can start a fire. Liz says, she's done it before. She says, not here, but at home. (She did it last night also, right after they came out of the oven.) Vanessa says, she's surprised the microwave didn't start on fire.


7:59 PM BBT Tonight's lip smacking & chomping session starts when Vanessa & Liz sit down at the DT to eat. Liz has Steve check the SR to see if there's alcohol. He says, "Nothing." Liz says, they may want them to wake up early tomorrow. Vanessa asks, "Why?" Liz doesn't say anything. Steve goes to the CBR to get some clothes to wear. He whispers to himself & we can't hear what he's saying.


8:03 PM BBT Steve paces in the WA. He looks in the WC. He takes his microphone off, holds his clothes, & puts his clothes back on the couch. He leaves the WA & tells Vanessa he might do his work out tonight. Vanessa asks, "Really?" Vanessa asks Steve why he is going to change into normal clothes & then change into work out clothes? She tells him he's being inefficient. She tells him to just eat in the clothes he has on & then change into warm up clothes. Liz makes herself another plate of food. She sits down at the DT & sings, "Butter." She starts to eat again, smacking her lips & chomping some more.


8:05 PM BBT Vanessa gets her suitcase to start packing her clothes. Steve tells Liz, "If you don't touch the ball the ball won't touch you." Liz says, "I'm not a Sim, Steve." Steve says, "I didn't realize you knew that game." They talk about the Sims game. Steve asks Liz, "What sounds good for dinner." She tells him to eat the leftovers. Steve asks if he should work out or eat first? Liz wants to know why he wants to work out if he doesn't care about it. Steve says, he needs some kind of physical activity. Liz wants to play cards again. Steve says, he needs to get some physical activity. Liz says, he could have worked out on technotronics (the Elliptical) with her this morning. Steve says, "That was early."


8:09 PM BBT Steve says, they should play the BB Bowling on the last night, since it was the first game. Liz wants to play cards tonight. Vanessa asks what their favorite card game is? Steve says, "Gin." Liz says, "Chinese Poker, because they have kind of played out Gin." Vanessa says, "I have no idea what I'm wearing to the Finale."

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8:11 PM BBT Liz starts to clean up her dishes. Steve is playing with a beach ball. Steve tells Liz that he's taking the lullaby's his mom wrote for him & putting her name in them where his is. He goes to the WA. Vanessa is packing her suitcase in the hallway near the bedrooms. Steve walks by her & tells her he's going to shave on Wednesday morning. Vanessa asks if they think that they will give them the razor early? Steve says, he can use a regular razor. He says, he's used to shaving every other day in real life. Vanessa asks, "What about your speech of leaving here with a different hair cut & a 5 O'Clock shadow." Steve says, he's already used that speech.


8:17 PM BBT Steve tells Vanessa that she has him thinking about Johnny Mac. He says, if he didn't know the show it seems weird that he was strategic & he knew some of Dr. Will's lines. Steve talks to Vanessa about All Stars. They talk about Audrey. Vanessa says, "She stayed for a few weeks." Steve says, there have been more Jace's than John's in BB. Steve wonders if there are any more common names that BB hasn't had on the show. He says, there's never been a Ben or Tim. Vanessa asks if there's ever been a Tony or Anthony? Steve says, Survivor has, but not on BB.


8:21 PM BBT Liz goes by Vanessa & Steve & asks Vanessa why she's packing now? Vanessa says, "I want to get started." Liz looks for alcohol again. Vanessa says, she should go request it, since she already has. Liz says, "I think they want us to wake up early tomorrow." Vanessa asks, "Why though?" Liz says, "For debriefing stuff." Vanessa asks, "We have to have...We see FOTH.


8:22 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Vanessa tells Steve that she's nervous because her family could be there. She says, she'll be more nervous with them there. Steve tells her that they've been there all along on Live eviction nights. Steve tells Vanessa, "If she's getting nervous, that's not a good sign for him. You're not helping my case at all." Vanessa says, "We are human beings & we are flawed." She says, "To expect perfection is ridiculous & that's great, the whole world got to see it." She says, "Not great, but that's o.k." Steve says, "I would have never applied if I thought I would have gotten cast." Vanessa says, he studied how to get cast. Steve says, "Very thoroughly." He says, the numbers & "There are 7 people on that Memory Wall that got cast." We see FOTH briefly.


8:26 PM BBT Liz is tweezing her eyebrows. Vanessa asks Liz if they are the same size shoes? Liz tells her that their names should be in them. Vanessa says, Austin left his tennis shoes there. Liz says, "Obvi, he's never going to wear those." Vanessa wants her water shoes. Steve is sitting behind the couch in the LR with his legs propped on the wall. He's thinking about the outside world. Liz tells Vanessa she's packing good with rolling her clothes. Steve wonders how many missed calls or text messages he has. He says, "I won't get any Facebook notifications because my Facebook's deactivated." Liz says, "Mine too." Steve says, he changed his phone password to something hard so BB can't get into it. He says, he made all of his other passwords hard to crack & he took a picture of it. Vanessa says, she is going to need another suitcase to get home. She says, she should be driving though. Steve says, "I'm flying." Liz tells Vanessa, "They are going to pay for a flight for you." We see FOTH.


8:30 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Vanessa says, her flight is like 40 minutes & the drive is about 4 hours. Steve says, he has to go from LAX to Syracuse. Liz says, she lives close to her airport. Liz says, "Damn, Vanessa, you do have a lot of clothes." Liz tells her she likes a pair of her shorts. Vanessa says, they have a lot of bad luck. She says, James won the HOH & she was backdoored in them. Steve tells her, "You were not backdoored."


8:32 PM BBT Steve & Liz talk about Clay & Shelli going on the block. Steve says, he thought it might have been Liz & Julia at that point. Liz says, she's surprised it wasn't them. Liz wants to know where she can pack. Steve talks about the shirt she is wearing being from the competition she won by herself. Steve says, Victoria didn't have an strategy & she didn't help her. Liz says, she sees what he did there.


8:34 PM BBT Liz & Vanessa go through their stuff. Steve lays on the pull out bed & says, there's a 95% chance his mom is in L.A. right now. Liz asks him if he has any family in L.A.? Steve says, "No, I have an aunt & uncle in Sacramento, that's the closest." Liz says, "I don't either." Liz mentions Steve's aunt by name. We see FOTH. Live feeds come back & Liz says the words from the Orbit commercial.


8:38 PM BBT Liz says, she doesn't want to pack the rest because it's going to be too much of a hassle. Vanessa puts her hats on top of the dresser she is using the hallway. Vanessa puts her underwear in a tan mesh bag & tosses the in her suitcase.


8:39 PM BBT Steve dances & jumps his way to the WA, snapping his fingers. He goes in the WC. We can hear him using the bathroom. We see FOTH. Live feeds come back & Steve is still in the WC.


8:41 PM BBT You can hear Steve blowing his nose while in the WC. Liz is in the OBR, taking her clothes off hangers, while Vanessa is still packing her clothes. Steve comes out of the WC & washes his hands in the sink. He dries them off with the towel near the WC, puts his glasses on his face, & leaves the WA. He goes to the KT to make himself something to eat.


8:42 PM BBT Vanessa tells Liz she likes her jacket, it's nice. Liz says, "Thank you, I got it from Wackstreet Boys, I don't want it to get ruined." Steve snaps his fingers & hums as he warms up food for himself. He calls to Liz & then goes to her in the OBR. Steve asks Liz, "What's the best way to reheat steaks?" Liz tells him to put it in the microwave for 1 minute. He goes back to the KT, puts the steak in the microwave, & paces to the WA, snapping his fingers with his silverware in his hands. He takes his food out of the microwave, put his plate on the DT & gets himself something to drink.


8:46 PM BBT Steve takes the apple juice container to the SR & puts it in there. He goes back to the KT. Vanessa is almost finished packing & says, she thinks she's going to buff her nails. Liz is still packing her stuff. Steve sits down at the DT to eat. Vanessa walks through the dining area & says, "I can't wait to have my straightener back. My very very own straightener." She asks Liz if she brought one also? Liz says, she did. Vanessa asks if it's better than the one they had there. Liz says, "It's most certainly better than the one they had there."


8:48 PM BBT Vanessa says, "I feel like I'm forgetting stuff." Liz says, "I hope they don't rummage through our luggage, because the one time they did it, they didn't put stuff back...We see FOTH. Live feeds come back. Vanessa says, "I don't think they would because we're moving out." We see FOTH again.


8:49 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Liz says, "I'm not bringing them Asics, F that I'm never going to wear them." (Asics are pretty good tennis shoes. Wow!) Liz asks Vanessa if she wants to play more Chinese Poker? Vanessa says, "Sure." Liz puts hand lotion on. She says, "I have all this shit in here I forgot about." There is stuff in the stand by her bed. Steve is pacing in the KT snapping his fingers & tapping his feet. His stands by the glass table & says, "Hayden, Christine & Victoria." Liz tells him they are playing cards in like 5 minutes. Steve says, "O.K." Steve says, he's going to take some of her Wheaties." Liz says, "I don't even want Austin's tie dye shirt he made me, it's soo ugly." She goes to the OBR.


8:52 PM BBT Steve is sitting at the DT. He is shuffling the cards & he farts twice without excusing himself. Vanessa says, "Mel should be driving there tomorrow." Liz tells Vanessa she's sure that her parents are there already. She says, "They are making a vacation out of it." Liz says, her mom is going to want to do stuff with them, but she really wants to go to Vegas. Liz says, "Hi mom, bye mom." Vanessa says, "In a few days, you guys could be in Vegas partying our asses off, because boy did we earn it." Liz says, "Party, party, party."

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8:54 PM BBT Vanessa says, "I'm buffing my nails hard core, trying not to move my neck." Steve goes to the OBR. Vanessa asks if he wants to play more Chinese Poker? Steve says, "That's the word on the street." Steve says, his bed feels really comfy. Vanessa asks if he took his nap for about an hour? We see FOTH.


8:57 PM BBT Live feeds come back with Vanessa showing Liz what happens when you buff them. Vanessa says, "I'm ready." Liz squeals & gets up. Steve asks to be carried. Liz says, "Hell no, you get up & walk." They go to the dining area. Liz says, they have to pack their POP TV mugs. Steve wonders if they will get another POP TV card tonight. Liz says, they get them late. Vanessa goes to the WC, while Steve is chomping on steak & Liz is shuffling & dealing the cards. Vanessa leaves the WA & doesn't wash her hands.


9:00 PM BBT Vanessa asks if they've been called to the DR today? Liz says, she hasn't been called to the DR in a couple days. (She was called there yesterday for POP TV.) Vanessa gets called to the DR. Steve says, "It might be another POP TV surprise." Steve says, it might be her turn. Liz says, they both have got one. Liz & Steve go through their cards. Liz goes to the WA & then back to the DT.


9:02 PM BBT Steve says, "It's soo weird to think of what's going on outside the house." He says, he's been gone since June 11. Liz says, there may be new Apps that have come out. She wonders if Instagram is even a thing anymore, because she loves Instagram. Steve says, "We have no way of knowing." Steve says, "That's why we are getting debriefed." We see FOTH. Live feeds come back with Steve telling Liz that he started watching BB on Season 2. He tells her his mom introduced BB to him. Liz asks if Steve liked Season 9 with all the making out? Steve says, "No." They talk about other BB Seasons.


9:04 PM BBT Steve goes to the WC & comes back to the dining area. Liz says, they got the other POP TV stuff at like 10 PM BBT. Liz asks if they have an open bar at the Finale? Steve says, "I don't know, they keep the Finale under wraps." Liz says, she's going to need one right away. Steve tells her he advises against it, because they are all still going to be together on Thursday, & it's going to be a busy day. Liz asks if they put them up in a hotel then? She says, "That's going to be the only they are going to keep me." We see FOTH. Liz comes back filing her nails with a metal nail file. Steve has his plate & silverware on the floor next to his chair. He gets up & walks to the KT snapping his fingers. He paces back & forth form the WA to the KT, snapping his fingers & clapping.


9:08 PM BBT Steve is singing the lullaby's again with Elizabeth Clayton Nolan. Liz says, "You're singing the lullaby's again." Steve says, "I am, I have to stuff the Elizabeth in there, because all of my names are two syllables." Steve goes to the WA & says, something is bothering him. He starts the water & scratches his behind.


9:10 PM BBT Camera's 3 & 4 are focused on the DR door.


9:11 PM BBT Liz makes faces at the camera while sitting at the DT.


9:12 PM BBT Steve goes by the DT & messes with Liz with the beach ball again. Liz goes by the glass table. Steve walks by the DR door & scratches his behind again, & goes to the bedroom area.


9:13 PM BBT Steve takes clothes to the WA. Liz is in the KT & screams "Butter." She flips one of the POP TV cards into the air a couple times.


9:15 PM BBT Vanessa comes out of the DR. She says, "You're on BBAD." Liz says, "Thank you BBAD you've done it again," & snaps her fingers twice. She asks where Steve is? Vanessa says, "Hey HG's, Smile, you're on BBAD. One more treat from POP fans. Have fun making candy apples from Orwell's Night Owls. Tip: No need to heat up the caramel. Simply dip the apple in & add your favorite topping. Liz complains about the competition. Steve says, "That is fantastic." Liz says, "Thank you," in a whiny voice. Vanessa puts out the toppings, the apples & the sticks. Liz takes the tissue paper to wrap up her mug. Steve says, he's going to stop being a fatty. He says, "I have to do 10 of my laps & then I can have this. Vanessa & Liz want to make different things than what they were told to make. Liz says, she's going to give her POP TV mug to her parents. She says, they love their coffee mugs. Steve starts running from downstairs to upstairs & back. He says, he's earning his. Liz sings candy apples over & over & doesn't get buzzed. Liz says, this stuff is soo good. She asks if they did this on purpose because they were candy apples a couple days ago. Liz opens a container with her mouth & spits out some of the wrapping. She gets a knife to open the container.


9:20 PM BBT Liz says, "Me & Vanessa will do the honors." Liz & Vanessa make their apples. Liz says, they should freeze them for a little bit. Steve is still running. Steve says, "I needs to slow down a bit, I'm tired, but I'm going to finish." Liz says, they are done & wants to cut some now to eat them. (Steve hasn't done his apple yet.)


9:23 PM BBT Vanessa tries to eat her apple, & says, they are hard to eat. Liz struggles to cut an apple with a butter knife. She talks in an English accent, & stuffs her mouth soo full, she drops food into her hand. They continue to eat the cut pieces & dip them into the different toppings.


9:24 PM BBT Steve says, "One more." Liz says, "The pecans are her favorite." Vanessa tells Liz what cards she has. Steve finishes, & Vanessa looks at his cards.


9:27 PM BBT Vanessa asks Steve to pick up his plate off the floor. Liz & Vanessa want to put their apples in the freezer & they see all the naps in the freezer. Steve says, "I want to take a shower, & then I will join you guys." Liz tells Steve, "You do everything at the worst times." Liz continues to eat, chomp & smack her lips." (Hopefully this is the last food treat.)


9:29 PM BBT Liz says, "Everything they've given us the past few days has been fat," as she literally shovels more food into her mouth with her hands. She washes her hands & sits down at the DT. Liz & Vanessa decide to play Gin until Steve is done with his shower.


9:31 PM BBT Steve is getting in the shower in the WA, while Vanessa & Liz play Gin at the DT.


9:32 PM BBT Liz gets 10 points for the first hand. Vanessa shuffles the cards for the next round.


9:38 PM BBT Steve is finished in the shower. He goes in the WC to get dressed.


9:39 PM BBT Liz is up 20 - 5 now after another round. Steve comes out of the WC. He gathers all of his clothes in the WA & takes them to the CBR. Vanessa & Liz start another hand of Gin.


9:40 PM BBT Steve goes back to the WA to get his microphone, carrying his blue hoodie. He goes back to the WA, & then walks back to the OBR, talking to himself. He puts his socks & slippers on & goes back to the KT.


9:41 PM BBT Steve puts his blue hoodie on his chair by the DT. He asks them if the topping on the counter is nuts, & he says, they are. Liz says, "They are pecans, they are really good." Steve tries a little bit of the apple. He gets a butter knife out & asks if they will be upset if he cut up apple slices & dipped it in his caramel? Liz says, "No, that's what we did." Steve says, "I'm loving this caramel."


9:44 PM BBT Liz & Vanessa finish another hand. Liz gets up to get water & criticizes Steve. She tells him, "Eww, Steve, that's not how you cut it. You just cut the sides." She sits back down at the DT.


9:45 PM BBT Steve asks if they intentionally left the ice cream out? Liz says, "No, it's throw away, the ants touched it." Steve says, "I'll take it to the SR then. I'm also going to probably request 1% milk." As Steve goes in the SR he says, "Thank you storage." He leaves the SR & goes to the DR.


9:47 PM BBT Steve comes out of the SR, gets his drink & apple slices with caramel & sits down at the DT. Liz criticizes Steve again about putting his caramel in a white container instead of on the plate. They are beginning a game of Chinese Poker. Steve tells them he cleaned up one of their messes with their POP TV mug last night.


9:49 PM BBT Vanessa tells Steve to, "Come on," while he's getting his cards together. (They usually are waiting on her.) She tells him to be careful with the cards. They all show their cards.


9:52 PM BBT Vanessa is 15 points from the win. They start another round. Liz eats some of Steve's apple & caramel. Liz starts to sing.


9:53 PM BBT Liz asks if they hear that? There is no response.


9:55 PM BB Liz makes so much noise flipping all of her cards over instead of putting them in groups like Steve & Vanessa. Liz squeals after she is told she wins any part of the 4 sections each hand. They are starting another hand.


9:56 PM BBT They do some commercials for Mr. Goodbar as they keep playing.


10:00 PM BBT More card flipping going on as they continue to play Chinese Poker.

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10:01 PM BBT Steve says, he's going to win, because they are playing by golf rules. Vanessa asks what he means? Steve says, "You're playing for the lowest score." Liz whines, "Steveeee." They begin another hand. Vanessa says, "And, they're off." Liz asks if they've ever done horse betting? Liz says, her mom does it sometimes for fun. Vanessa says, she's done some. Steve says, he's done a little. He says, he bet $2.00 & got back $2.10 each time he did it. Vanessa says, "Gotcha." Liz whispers, "This is a bad hand."


10:04 PM BBT All HG's show their cards again. This round is in the books. Steve says, the main reason he was trying to work out is done. Liz is trying to grab the cards as soon as Vanessa is done dealing. Liz keeping whining, "Steveee," after almost everything he says.


10:07 PM BBT 10:08 PM BBT Liz comments on almost everything that is going on. They finish another hand with Liz having to turn over soo many cards.


10:09 PM BBT Vanessa says, "She just won, folks." Liz says, "We are going to keep playing, & she just doesn't know it." Liz yells, "Steve, get another Mr. Goodbar." Steve comes back to the DT with the bowl of chocolates. Vanessa eats one & does a commercial for it. Vanessa says, "I won, so you have to battle it out for second place." They start to play themselves.


10:12 PM BBT Steve & Liz talks about movies. Vanessa is getting ready to take a shower.


10:14 PM BBT Liz says, "Ha ha, beat ya." Liz wins 3 of the 4 rows. They start the next hand.


10:15 PM BBT Liz tells Steve he should go to Disneyland with his parents. Steve says, his parents better have brought his pin lanyard. Liz asks what that is? He says, you can trade your pins with cast members. Liz asks, "What if they don't want to trade?" Steve says, "They are Disney property, so they have to trade them pin for pin." Vanessa walks by in her pink sleep pants. Liz says, "She's in her ninja pants." Vanessa sits down at the DT. She didn't take a shower, she only changed her clothes. She starts to paint her nails. Steve & Liz finish another hand of Chinese Poker.


10:18 PM BBT Steve says, things are going to go a lot slower since there are only two people playing. Another round finished. On to the next one.


10:23 PM BBT Steve wants to try to shuffle the cards next. Liz says, "He's probably going to break them." (Meaning the cards.) Steve tells Vanessa how Liz took away his points the other day because he layed down too quickly. Steve & Liz go back & forth like little kids saying who hates who more.


10:25 PM BBT Steve looks for the other apples, & he cuts another one. Vanessa says, she loves how Steve keeps rocking the HOH slippers. Steve says, "I am. I'm a fan." Vanessa asks if he wears slippers at home? Steve says, "No." He says, he doesn't even live on his own yet. He says, "I'm going to have an R.A. again next semester." Liz says, "A Resident Assistant." Steve repeats what he said. Liz says, "Eww," & then goes in the WC.


10:27 PM BBT Steve & Liz finish another hand. Steve tries to shuffle. Liz is trying to show him, even though she still can't really shuffle & just said he shuffle was bad. Liz laughs at him.


10:32 PM BBT Another hand in the books. On to the next.


10:36 PM BBT Vanessa tells Liz that by the way she picks up the card games so well, she thinks she would be a good poker player. Liz squeals is excitement. They finish this round.


10:40 PM BBT Vanessa says, when they wake up tomorrow they will only have 1 more night in the house. Liz says, she is soo done, more than she's been done with anything, she is ready. Steve & Liz finish another hand. Vanessa tells Steve he has, "A deuce to 7 low." Liz says, "Steve is shuffling." Steve says, "Every day I'm shuffling." Liz shuffles the cards. Steve says, he likes the joke that came up about him making fun of himself because he couldn't tell them apart right away.


10:42 PM BBT Liz & Steve start another hand of Chinese Poker. Liz is actually looking at her cards at the top of her hand tonight. Vanessa gets up & comes back to the DT.


10:45 PM BBT Steve & Liz finish the next hand & Steve explains how the Finale will go.


10:47 PM BBT Steve gets called to the DR. Liz & Vanessa say they had to wait for the POP TV bag because they may have been coming back from a commercial or something. Liz says, they may all get called to the DR & "I don't have one ounce of make-up on. It's going to take me a long time." Vanessa says, "It could happen." Liz & Vanessa start to play Gin while they wait for Steve to come out of the DR.


10:52 PM BBT Vanessa gets Gin. Liz gets upset. They start the next hand. Liz is looking at her cards at the bottom of her hand again. Vanessa asks Liz if Steve has tried to talk game at her at all today? Liz says, "No." Vanessa says, he told her that he will tomorrow. Liz wants to know what he's going to say. Vanessa says, he's probably going to talk to her about taking him to the final 2. Vanessa tells Liz she will not throw the Finales to Steve. Vanessa says, "I'm a favorite over him, & I'm going to beat him."


10:55 PM BBT Vanessa & Liz discuss the comp. Liz is bummed that she gave up on the apple comp. Vanessa tells her the way she has to look at things if fair, because she took her from 5 to 4 to 3. She says, she took her from 4 to 3 that was part of the bargain & she took her over Austin from 5 to 4. Vanessa tells Liz she has to have faith, because she's going to win. Liz starts to cry, because she is sitting next to Steve who thinks he has the game in the bag. Liz says, "I can't play, so there's nothing I can do literally." Vanessa tells her she played the game well, has allies & has more than a 50/50 chance to make the finals. She tells her not to bear herself up about it. She tells her if she does get third she has America's Player. Steve comes out of the DR, & sits down at the DT.

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11:00 PM BBT Vanessa counts up the points... 35 to 37.  Only 2 points difference.  Vanessa says she made a big comeback.  She only has five points.  Steve asks if they are playing again, and Vanessa says yes.  Liz says they are almost there.  As Liz deals, Steve hums.  Vanessa says humming is the same as singing.  They talk about another match and Steve isn’t sure he’ll play another match after this.  As he sorts his hand, Steve says he’s excited for the finale and excited to go home.  Excited to complete the experience and to have this as part of it. 


11:03 PM BBT Vanessa asks Steve if she can “sweat” him.  Steve says he doesn’t know what that means.  Vanessa says “watch” and she pulls her chair closer so she can watch Steve sort his hand. 


11:04 PM BBT Vanessa gives Steve some pointers and tells him that he didn’t even look for flushes and straights.  Vanessa tells Steve that his overall strategy is interesting but there are a lot of holes in it.  Steve goes through his hand again while Liz waits patiently with her sorted cards laid out face-down.


11:06 PM BBT They reveal hands and Steve and Liz each get two points.  Vanessa tells Liz about Steve’s strategy.  Liz deals another hand.


11:09 PM BBT Vanessa watches Steve sort his hand again.  Steve asks her if she disagrees with his strategy.  She tells him that she understands why he is losing.  He’s not doing the mental work to find the right answer.  He asks how he can improve.  Liz is revealing her cards while Steve and Vanessa discuss.  Vanessa tells Steve he will re-arrange his hand after they count out between Liz and Steve.  Vanessa says she is trying to prove a point that Steve doesn’t put full attention in.    


11:13 PM BBT Vanessa finally finishes looking through and rearranging Steve’s hand and admits that she would have gotten the same score as Steve did.  Steve and Liz are in the KT, and neither one responds. 


11:16 PM BBT Liz deals out another hand.  Vanessa returns to the table, grabs her cards and starts sorting. Steve is in the KT, then goes to the WA to splash water on his face before returning to the DT to sort his cards.  Steve ask if they are all playing now, and Vanessa says she is just f’ing around. 


11:19 PM BBT BB tells Steve to make sure his battery tray is plugged in.  Steve fixes it.  Liz says that never happens to her.  BB says thank you very much and Steve says “you’re welcome.”  Vanessa comments that she likes that BB is very polite.  Liz has her hand laid out, and is playing with her hair while she waits for Steve.


11:21 PM BBT Cards are revealed.  Liz beats Steve top and second, Steve beats Liz third and bottom.  Two and two.  Steve is at 180 and Liz at 197.  She is three points away.  Vanessa deals to Liz and Steve and includes a “dummy” hand for herself.  Liz teases that Vanessa can’t help it...she has to play with them. 


11:24 PM BBT Steve says he is sleepy.  He comments that this is their last full day in Big Brother.  Vanessa says true story.  Hands are counted up... Steve gets 6 points.  Liz still needs three points to win, and Steve still needs 14.  Vanessa says that they both beat her on her dummy hand.  Steve repeats that he is sleepy.  Liz says everything makes him sleepy.  Steve says he gets to see his mommy in a few days.  She is 100% in LA or a close suburb.  Liz teases that his mom isn’t coming.  Steve insists that she’ll be there.


11:28 PM BBT Steve finishes sorting and they flip.  Liz wins 1 and Steve wins 3.  Liz says this is going to be a long three points!  She has*** just two points to go.  The camera moves and Liz comments.  Steve points to a camera and says they are on that one.  Steve comments that the hanging camera used to be at the center of the table.

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11:38 PM BBT Play continues.  Steve beats Liz on each hand...he scoops her and gets six points.  Liz complains that she is getting the worst cards.  Steve needs 3 to win...it’s right down to the wire. 


11:40 PM BBT Vanessa coaches Liz.  All Liz needs is one point.  If she has one sure thing...she just needs the one point to win.  Steve tries to shush Vanessa.  Liz whines about Steve getting pairs...how does he do that when she hasn’t gotten than in like, forever.  Steve realizes he missed a card, and he re-sorts his hand.  Steve finishes sorting first and is impatient with Liz.  They reveal cards... they each get 2 points, and Liz wins the game!  Vanessa gives Steve credit for closing the gap.  Liz says she is going to go brush her teeth and get ready for her slumber.  Vanessa says “they don’t want to play any more cards.  They are all carded out.”  Steve is playing with the beach ball.  He asks Vanessa for a hug, and she tells him to be careful of her neck.  She says she is 60% better, but she still has 40% pain.  Vanessa whispers that she is tired, and Steve asks if she wants to go to sleep.  She says maybe and checks the time.  She comments that they killed time well tonight.  Vanessa suggests putting away snacks.  She starts and Steve doesn’t help out, so she teases him that she meant she would do it.  Steve asks Vanessa when tomorrow.  Vanessa says they will feel it out unless he wants an exact time.  He says it will be awkward after and Vanessa says she told him.  They decide this time tomorrow [when they will tell Liz that they are taking each other to F2, and not her].


11:48 PM BBT Steve and Vanessa are in the WA doing nightly ADLs.  Liz comes out of the WC and washes her hands.  Steve says that they all definitely have loved ones in LA right now.  We get FotH.

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