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Monday, September 14 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.


Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


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If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.



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12:03 AM BBT: Steve outside doing laundry and pacing and thinking out loud.

Steve "I mean I'm in the bottom. Which is fine, and it's fine to be at the bottom of the totem pole of a five person alliance, when you know there's fourteen people on the house. However, when there's only five left, that's a terrifying position!" Then we get mumbling and FOtH.

Steve lays in the hammock and starts talking about people who didn't sign releases, so we get FotH again. All cameras go to the kitchen where Austin is offering Liz, green tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. Liz says no. Austin asked Liz if she'd like to go see Christmas lights and drive around. She says yeah with you. Liz goes off to bed saying she'll keep it warm for him. Austin finishes eating the steak and eggs he cooked.

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12:09 AM BBT: Back to Steve in the BY pacing and still thinking out loud.

First, Steve starts practicing his eviction speech. "Um, I really don't have anything new to say that I haven't already said." Then he mumbles that he's used up all the good stuff for his previous eviction speeches. Then Steve switches to, "I wish I had something new to say, but unfortunately I don't. So thank you for a great fun summer. If I go tonight I'm just thrilled I got fifth place." He then switches to an absolutely unforgettable summer and he loved it.

Then he checks his laundry and says this was a rare occasion when spencer got to vote,

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12:12 AM BBT: Steve thinking out loud again. "Cause I can beat him (Jmac). He has no HOH wins. Literally every single juror, except Meg, was head of household at some point. Literally, every single juror except Meg. And I know he has more comp wins, but I think I have what is your biggest strategic move. John hasn't made any big moves that he made. There are two things that really sold me on taking John where he didn't have any big moves that he made and he was never HOH, ever. He was never head of household, and no one will ever see me as stabbing anybody in the back. I have to cover my bass, have as many layers around me as possible, and get as many people to trust me as possible. My HOH, didn't want it. Did not want to do it. I didn't have any intention of being head of household, unless I really felt I needed it until like final six. I'm so thrilled I was able to win those three comps. Wow, I'm talking to my self really elaborately".

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12:07 AM BBT Intermittent FoTH as Steve occasionally sings and hums.  Austin remains in the KT making his midnight treats which includes chicken and eggs.  Steve in the BY saying to himself "It's fine when you're at the bottom of the totem pole when there are 14 people in the house.  But when you <mumble mumble> that's a TERRIBLE thing.


12:12 AM BBT Intermittent FoTH continues.  Austin asks Liz if she wants tea, coffee, hot cocoa.  She squeals NOOOO.  He asks if she wants to drive around and look at Christmas lights.  She says she would with him.  "Ok, Goodbye!" she says before heading towards the bedrooms.  "I'll keep it warm for you!" she says.  Austin continues eating his midnight treats.  Out in the BY Steve is walking around the pool.


12:14 AM BBT Steve whispering/mumbling to himself.  He doesn't have anything new to report.  If he goes this week he'll go out at number 5.  He thanks everyone for an unforgettable summer.  "This is one of the few times Spencer gets to vote!  I remember that." Steve says.  Steve says he can beat 'him' because he doesn't have an HOH win.


12:17 AM BBT Steve says Johnny Mac hasn't made any big moves this season.  Steve acknowledges that he's talking to himself quite extensively.  Meanwhile in the WA Austin is flossing and brushing his teeth.


12:20 AM BBT Steve says that lying on his mother's life will not effect her at all.  He will do whatever he has to do to win.  Steve says he had to break that word to get further.  He says he's a Scientist.  Very difficult to follow what he's saying due to the speed and his mumbling.  Steven the player and Steven the human could not be more opposite.  Austin into WC.


12:24 AM BBT Steve says he made two big moves.  He broke up the twin twist and he helped get the biggest player out of the game.  Austin into bed with Liz in the darkened OBR.


12:30 AM BBT Steve continues to practice what sounds like a final two speech in the BY.  To summarize it sounds like he's planning on taking JM to the final 2 and using the argument that JM had no big moves and he (Steve) will have had two.  Steve will be able to say that he broke up the twin twist and had a hand in getting Vanessa out by turning on her and breaking his deal with her.


12:33 AM BBT In the darkened OBR Liz and Austin are whispering without their mics on.  Liz says he needs to campaign.  Steve only hangs out with them when it's convenient for him.  "Sorry bucko, it's time to man up and pick a side.  Julia will be so happy to see him."  Steve finishes his laundry and heads inside to the KT.


12:40 AM Steve appeared to be counting things within the house before heading into the WC.  Meanwhile over in the OBR, suspicious cover movement with someone panting or breathing heavily in Austin and Liz's bed.


12:45 AM BBT Steve continues to wander through the house counting things while Austin and Liz continue their cuddle time in their bed.


12:46 AM BBT Liz and Austin have finished their cuddle session.  "You're so hooooot." Liz whines out.  Austin says it's because of her kisses.  Steve heads into the CBR for bed.  Austin wonders how long until he pops back out.


12:50 AM BBT Austin gets up to go use the WC and offers to get Liz some water.


12:53 AM BBT Austin wanders out of the WA after running his hands under the water.  He returns to the OBR and crawls back into bed with Liz.


12:56 AM BBT Steve gets up and heads out of the CBR.  Austin says "here he comes".  Steve heads into the KT and pours himself a bowl of Fruit Loops.  Back in the OBR Liz and Austin whisper about the scamper squad.


01:01 AM BBT Steve pours himself another bowl of cereal and reads the Fruit Loop box.  Back in the OBR Liz and Austin have quieted down.


01:10 AM BBT After washing up in the WA, Steve heads back into the darkened CBR and just as quickly he's right back out.  Steve heads back to the WC to make sure he flushed.  Meanwhile back in the OBR Liz whispers "Oh my gawd...he's so weird...."  Steve heads back to the OBR and crawls back into bed.


01:20 AM BBT Steve gets back up and heads through the LR and into the KT where he grabs M&Ms or skittles and begins to place them on the small table.


01:26 AM BBT Steve continues to run out scenarios using candy.  He does not sound like he has a mic on so it's very hard to hear.


01:27 AM BBT Steve heads back to bed.


01:41 AM BBT All four feeds currently display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.


01:58 AM BBT Steve has remained restless and just reached over and grabbed his HOH letter.  Johnny can be seen rolling over in his own bed.  Steve rolls over himself and hugs his bear.

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12:13 AM BBT: Steve says he has to win next HOH. "I've only won two. That will be my third one." Steve then mumbles Liz is going to be so ticked off. I really think Liz will be ticked. He mumbles they made a mistake trying to get me out this week. They made this deal with John to get me out this week. I'm in such a good spot and out Austin goes. He mumbles something about conflicting final two deals. Then says "if that's what I have to do, I'll do it. I came to win, and when I said I would do whatever I had to do to win, I will do whatever I have to do to win this game. He mumbled something about swearing on his mom, he'll do it. Because I said I will do whatever I have to do to win this game. I want to bring this $500,000 home to my family, I want to make my moms life better, and you know what, lying or swearing on her name has no effect on her. She will in now way be harmed, or hurt, or any way negatively effected by me lying on her name. No negative effect. Non. So yeah bring home $500,000. I mean like I came in here to be a lying player. I had no intention being honest with anyone. Honesty and integrity and morality are not a part of my game, at all. They play a huge role in my day to day life, I don't live life doing things like this. I would never, but in this game, in the context of this game of Big Brother, I was going to do whatever I had to do to win. And if the world doesn't like that I'm sorry. I wanted to win. Sorry.

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7:30am BBT All HGs still asleep. It was an early night for them, all in bed by 2am.


8:05am BBT HGs are still asleep. (Will BB give them a wake up call, will we see them awake before the feeds get cut at 9am?)


8:21am BBT Feeds go to fish (could BB be waking the HGs for us?)


8:36am BBT Feeds are back, HGs are up, Steve eating cereal, Austin exchanging batteries, John mentions they have tie dye supplies.


8:40am BBT Steve is done with his cereal, John is back in bed, Van is called to DR.


8:42am BBT Austin/Liz/Steve looking at tie dye supplies, Austin asks if he can make a heart and put 'Liz' inside it.  They all are going back to bed.


8:51am John is back up, joining Steve to examine the tie dye supplies. John gets called to DR though.  Steve is back to pacing thru the house.  Liz doesn't want to get up, saying she doesn't want to put make up on.  Austin is laying with his eyes open, staring at the ceiling.   Liz appeared to be asleep, but instead is giving kisses to Austin.

Austin:Are you going to get ready?

Liz:They said we have to...

Austin:You look ready to me.


8:58am BBT Liz is up, going to WA to do her make up. Steve is at table, putting glove on, ready for tie dye or DR. John is out of DR, looking for tie dye instructions.


8:59am BBT Feeds go to Jeffish... that's all we will see until Tuesday night at 9pm BBT

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(VERY approx. times based on BBAD and where the feeds went out this AM)


~9 AM BBT JMac and Steve in the kitchen looking over the T-Shirts for dying.  JMac says he needs a Medium, no way he's taking a large.  Steve seems surprised.  He tells Steve the shirt he has on is a small.  Steve says "oh, wow, you're tiny!" pauses for a beat, then says, quizzically, "how much do you weigh?"  Jmac responds "130".  Steve repeats, "ooh, you're tiny." Looks stunned, then interrupts Jmac with "how...how do I outweigh you so much?!"  Jmac replies "I dunno - a lot of people do, though." 


~9:03 AM BBT Austin is called to the DR.  Steve says "dammit, he doesn't like me" [i think referring to whoever's running the DR - BBLP].  JMac says "Did they call you??" Steve "Nooo, I was trying to get 'em to, though."


~9:05 AM BBT BB tells Steve and JMac to "Please check the storeroom."  They go with an immediacy that would make Pavlov burst with pride.  Austin gets to the SR first, realizes it's only instructions for the shirts, and leaves.


~9:13 AM BBT Vanessa comes out from HoH and calls down saying she probably needs a medium shirt, but maybe a small if they're men's sizes.


~9:15 AM BBT Liz is immediately bitching about the quality of the "heavy cotton shirts" - Steve tries to point out that the shirts are good quality.  Vanessa tells Steve he could be large.  Steve, offended, says "Are you calling me fat?"


~9:23 AM BBT Austin comments from the WA "They're really going to town out there" [constructing the next set] Cut back to the KA where Steve is saying "I'm not as well endowed as some people, as you...[blank] yesterday." to Vanessa.  Vanessa changes the subject "You guys, why are we wait...are we doing goodbyes??"  Steve replies "I don't think the eviction is til tomorrow." [if he only knew - BBLP]  Vanessa says "So it's a regular DR, it's not a goodbye?" Steve says "I mean, the suitcases aren't even in storage."


~9:25 AM BBT Vanessa says she's nauseous. Steve says "Vanessa has morning sickness" Vanessa says "I do" (surprised steve) and continues "I get morning sickness."  Steve says there's a joke in there.  Vanessa says they're hooking them up with games, and asks Steve if this happens every season.  Steve doesn't know.


~9:28 AM BBT Van, Jmac, Steve, Liz are discussing the weird thing of being forced to get up and dye shirts.  Jmac says "Wake the fuck up and Tie Dye!" Everyone still whining about wanting to go back to sleep.  The only party with less energy than this one was the Gronk Toga party.  All HG are now in the Kitchen area.


~9:35 AM BBT Steve is back in bed.  Liz and Austin head back to bed, too.


~9:40 AM BBT Liz is called from bed to the DR, and proclaims "I'm ready, I'm ready" and rolls over Austin, kissing him and heading out of bed, then heads to WA for self-wardrobe and makeup before entering DR.


~9:55 AM BBT Liz is back, in bed making out with Austin.  Vanessa is called to DR.


~9:56 AM BBT Liz says to Austin, looking for reassurance, "so you think it will be Wednesday if the luggage isn't in there?" Austin says, "fuck, I hope not" then says "Why are they already building?" [starting to get the clue - BBLP]  Austin decides it's definitely tomorrow, but maybe they'll load the luggage later.  He decides if it was wed they wouldn't need to accelerate the schedule that dramatically.  He's quiet then says "today's just the last calm before the storm." Liz says "I'm scawed" in her cute girl voice.  Austin asks why.  She says it's gonna be crazy.


~10 something AM Vanessa comes in to the bedroom where Austin and Liz are snuggling and talks about the games they're getting, including Jenga.  Austin says he feels like this "get you up early for DR and tie dye" is a trick [ding ding ding-BBLP] Vanessa says "it is a trick."


Uh, oh. Maybe Vanessa isn't set on Austin going home.  She's back to playing with skittles in the HoH for game strategy.

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Morty can't receive any PM's cause his box is full, so I'll put this correction here:

On the main page, it changed what Liz said to "I'm Screwed", when she said "I'm SCARED" in a tweety-bird little girl voice (scawed).  I tried to approximate that with the spelling and it got mis-communicated.  Liz isn't scared at all, just a little nervous for how she'll do in the comps.

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