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9/13 Show (Sunday)


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I had to laugh at the houseguests' reaction to Frankie's arrival, especially Austin seemingly giving a hard pass to going on the outing, pointing at Vanessa with his eyes all wide, he seemed to be saying "not me dude!". Liz and Van seemed to be feigning their excitement through quite a few parts, though I'm sure they were happy to at least get out of the house. Their joint DR session afterward was a bit awkward, Vanessa sitting there stone faced, then after she glanced up she quickly plastered a fake smile on her face. Lol

And Frankie, he's a cutie but omg that whole "Grande Family Promo" was awkward to watch.

Also painful to watch were Vanessa's interrogations when she first got HOH. The expressions on her face, so angry, how dare anyone play the same game she's playing!? Obviously these people are confused, she's the ONLY person allowed to make deals with everyone. How dare people LIE to her!

She's such a jerk.

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