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Sunday, September 13 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


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Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


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12:35am BBT John comes out to the BY and tells Liztin that Van is probably going to nom Austin since he volunteered and she wants to know what he's going to do so she can claim they made the decision together. Austin says as long as we're good then.  Yeah, agrees John.  he says his fake F2 deal with Steve is hurting him. Yes, agrees Austin.


12:40am BBT Vanessa is lights out in HoH with her headphones while John, Austin and Liz discuss the Scamper Squad (how Steve said he was forced into it and John never was loyal to it).  Talk turns to Becky.  Steve comes out and Liz and John make fun of the lack of armpit hair. Steve says he's the youngest left in the house. Liz says she's very mature for her age.  John heads inside to bed and Steve grabs a beach ball and tests out how cold the pool is.  Liz and Austin profess their love to each other in the hammock.


12:50am BBT We get a break as Liz is called to the DR.  Steve is in the HT alone. Austin has followed Liz into the WA where she's putting her face on for her DR session. John is in there too. Steve is mumbling to himself then gets out of the HT and towels off, staring into space and thinking.  Liz is ready and heads into the DR, leaving Austin and JMac. John doesn't think there were so many unanimous votes in past seasons. Austin thinks they're too nice this season.  BB asks Steve to put his mic on.


12:55am BBT John tells Austin he told Van he'd have to be crazy to bring a showmance to the F3. Austin says good one.  Austin hates that Van asked him to volunteer to be evicted.  John says it's time for him to do bad things. He gets to stay but staying has consequences.  Steve comes inside. John is in the Comic BR. Steve leaves the Occupied sign on the WC and leaves the WA. John pulls on his sleeping jams and puts some clothes away. Steve has changed out of his swim trunks and joins John, who has added his sleeping bandana and turned off the lights.  Steve turns them back on for a minute. Austin is now laying down in the purple BR waiting for his lady love to return. 


1:00am BBT Steve returns to the BY to collect his clothes and flip flops then returns to the comic BR. Then it's back to the BY to get a pair of bedroom shoes.  He puts on some socks and slips in his feet.  Heads into the "occupied" WC and grabs a tissue to clean his glasses, washes his hands (because you guys are obsessed about hand washing) and returns to the Comic BR where he turns out the lights and returns to the KT, pausing to whisper something I didn't catch to the cameras.  He looks through the fridge for something and doesn't find it, so he grabs some ice cream from the freezer and sits down at the KT table to eat.  Chocolate Marshmallow.

1:05am BBT Liz is out of the DR and back in bed with Austin. Steve finished his snack and put the icream back in the fridge. Now he's eating a lemon. Liztin talk about Steve sucking up to Vanessa because she could be the deciding vote. Austin tells Liz that JMac said he was read to do this (vote out Steve).  Austin is pretty confident they're good and can work through the F4 together.

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1:10am BBT Steve finishes eating his lemon and pops into the Purple BR to tell LizTin goodnight, then he heads into the dark Comic BR where John scares him by not being asleep. Liz tells Austin Steve is all cocky coming in there like that.  Austin says he's lucky to have made it this far.  Steve has tot urn the light back on to remake his bed.  Liz is playing with Austin's beard and lip piercings. Lights off in the Comic BR and both head off to sleep. Van is presumably asleep in HoH.   I'm heading off to sleep. 

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136AM BBT  Liz is putting lotion on her hands, Takes a drink of lime and water.  Giggles as she climbs over Austin after turning off the light.  Steve is awake but laying in bed in Comic room with Johnny Mac.  Make out session begins between Austin and Liz.


143AM BBT Liz and Austin still chit chatting and giggling and kissing.  Steve seems to have settled down.


158AM BBT  Liz and Austin still talking and kissing.  Steve is now tossing and turning in bed, wide awake.  Liz says she wants a key.  Austin says Gold key?  she says Black n White BB key. "just a small little key".    Liz says for Austin to move, it is too hot, but they go back to kissing.   Steve is now up and walking out of the Comic room.  He passes thru the purple (ocean) room, Liz and Austin stop talking when they hear the door.  Steve goes to the WA, enters the WC.  Liz is whispering very softly.  Austin "what you want to do"  [they are sleeping in James' old bed]  Liz says she wants to play with Austin, he says Craps and Black Jack, she says no.  Austin is trying to explain craps to her.  [Vegas Trip]  the guy rolls the dice and hits 8, 8 is common number, you place money on any number but 7 cause 7 will reset the game.  Steve is out of WC, washes hands, changes sign on door, walks thru kitchen, thru living room, back to Comic room.  [the house is dark now].  Takes off his glasses and gets back in bed.  Liz and Austin stop talking about Craps and start making out again. 


215AM BBT  Austin and Liz still talking and smooching.  They are now discussing life after the game and the changes.  Austin talking about phases of his life.    Steve is out of bed again.  We see Johnny Mac sleeping.  We again see Steve come out of WC, wash his hands and  get his ADL kit out.  He brushes his teeth.  Austin and Liz are back to smooching, Austin has finally stopped talking.  Steve finishes with his teeth.  Liz starts asking about Austin's girl back home.  Austin says is he making cereal? Liz replies mmmmhmmm.. 


219AM BBT  With hoodie in hand, Steve walks to kitchen, puts on hoodie and gets a bowl off the top of fridge.  Liz says it is time restraints, the balance beam was fun, Liz you were running, Austin wants to know why he can't do puzzles.  Steve leaves the empty bowl on the counter, wanders back to the WA starts mumbling to himself.  Arranges the pillows on the couch, mumbles some more.  He starts counting pillows, heads to cabana room and counts pillows.  Heads out to back yard,  14 in bathroom, 7 in cabana room, starts counting 12 in backyard.  He has no shoes on, walks back inside.  Liz and Austin have stopped talking and are kissing again.  Steve is going back over pillow counting.  "6, 14, 12.  4 on hammock.  10, 4, there are 2 back there, there are 4,2,8,5,10,12 in backyard.  This counting comp better be something, 16 jars.  4,2,8,5,10, I will just count them...Steve is counting pillows in back yard.  He is now up to "19, 29, +12 is 41" pillows in backyard, he recounts them.  "15 lifeguard things in back yard, hope I am not wasting my time doing this."  Count plants, tomorrow.  He walks back in house muttering numbers to himself.  Walks back thru LR [lights out] Goes into Comic room, walks out of comic room ..  Austin talks about Steve's in and out, Liz says "steve go home".  Steve is looking for his "blue hoodie, I took it with me," goes outside "and there it is"  "show mom the house, around the house".  We now have Liz in WA, goes in WC.  Steve humming and picking up stuff from yard.  Walks back inside and puts a cup in sink.  Liz out of WC, washes hands, passes thru Kitchen, Steve says hero, she does not answer him and walks back to purple bedroom.  Steve has walked to Storage.  Austin tries to scare Liz, but she saw him move.  Steve is out of storage, gets a bowl, Liz and Austin are having a tickle match now.  Austin says you have me in a headlock, let go.  She is laying on the bed and he is now on the bed, but they are still playing around.  Now they are making out again.  Liz says it is 230 in the morning, Austin says it is hard to sleep with Sneaky walking around.  It looks like Steve is making himself a can of soup.


233AM BBT  Steve is mumbling in the kitchen while fixing him some soup.  Austin and Liz are discussing him trying to scare her and that they need to try and sleep.  Steve is scampering around the kitchen counting and waiting for his soup to get hot. 


241AM BBT  Steve in kitchen eating his soup.  All others seem to be down for the night.   Even Liz and Austin are quiet.

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246AM BBT  Liz discusses her family.  something about owning a hotel chain and family fights, now her Mom does not talk to anyone in her family.  her mom having her own business and doing quite well.  Austin wants to know what Steve is doing.  Steve is in the WA, lights are back on.  HE is doing his walk around from the WA to the Memory Wall, whispering to himself.  Takes out his ADL kit again, brushing his teeth again, walks to Cabana room door and then back to WA to spit in the sink.  hums a little bit, puts his tooth brush away.  Austin and Liz have stopped talking again.  Steve washes his face, puts his glasses back on and leaves WA.  He stands in front of Memory wall for a couple seconds and continues his walk back to the Comic room.  Starts looking for something, gets a clean pair of socks, climbs back on bed, looks at JMac's bed, puts on his socks, takes off glasses and mic and seems to be laying down for the night.


302AM BBT All is quiet in the house.  HGs are tucked in

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8:42 AM BBT  Feeds back from FOTH to Vanessa and Steve in the living room. Steve enters the SR (to change batteries) and Vanessa wanders into the kitchen. Sleeping HGs on feeds 3 and 4. Steve returns and joins Vanessa who is wearing a hoodie, her brown hat and sunglasses inside. She looks cold and tires as she is shivering and yawning.  Steve asks her not to tell but does she know. She says no, she is going to flip a coin and then admits that she does, in fact, know (who the replacement nom will be). He says his stomach has been kind of upset since the double eviction and speculates that it is all self-induces stress and not some virus.  His stomach growls and Vanessa comments about it.  Steve remarks that he is getting real tired of this bullshit. He knows there are many that would kill to be where he is, but he is still tired of it. Vanessa sits with a pouty expression on her face and downturned lips and we get tanked again. (More wake-up calls?? - DRG)

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8:55 AM BBT Vanessa and Steve are in the BY raising the awnings.  BB tells Liz and Austin to change their batteries.  Vanessa asks Steve if he talked to Johnny last night.  Steve says he congratulated him on the veto but didn’t talk game.  Vanessa advises Steve to work on his relationship with John and that he needs to lock in John’s vote.  Vanessa says John is either doing a good job of convincing Vanessa that Rockstars is nothing to worry about or that he doesn’t know what he’s doing.  Vanessa tells Steve that John asked her directly if she had a deal with Steve and Vanessa said no.  She tells Steve that John can’t know about it... Steve knows that, right?  Vanessa talks more about the convo she had with John, wondering if the root of it was John trying to find out how people are voting so that he is not the odd vote out.  She cautions Steve to make sure John feels sure that Steve will take him to final 2.  Vanessa goes inside, and Steve says “good for you Johnny” and then starts counting items in the BY.  41 pillows and 3 random plants.  Steve goes inside. 


9:01 AM BBT John is laying in his bed in the CBR with his bandanna covering his eyes.  Steve is laying down too, but is wakeful.  Liz and Austin are in the WA doing ADLs.  They go to the KT and Austin asks if she wants to go back to bed.  Liz says okay, but says they need to get ready so they can only sleep for an hour.  They go to the OBR and climb under the covers.


9:13 AM BBT All feeds are quiet, with HGs napping or trying to.

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8:50 AM BBT: Feeds back to Vanessa on a lounge chair in the BY on a bright sunny day.  Steve wanders through the house and stops at the sliding glass door looking out. BB asks, Please lower the outside awnings.  Vanessa asks how she can do that and Steve comes out to offer his assistance.  She says she just wanted five minutes to warm up and he responds that is why you don't come out here in the mornings unless you are JonnyMac.  Vanessa states she needs to do cardio today.  He complains about being sore from working out yesterday having done laps of the yard and going up and down the stairs to the HOH room.  They continue to work together to raise the awnings. Steve complains about the metal poles being really hot. They finish one side and cross to the other side of the yard and Vannessa jokes about what a shitty job they did.  BB comes over the speakers and tells Liz and Austin to change their batteries. (Translation: GET UP AlREADY! -DRG)  


Vanessa asks Steve if he talked with Johnny last night and he says no.  She tells him that he needs to work on his relationship with John. She tells him that John asked her point blank yesterday if she had a deal with Steve. She says that has to stay secret and she had to act very nonchalant.  She says she thinks he thought that Steve was going to go and she would be the tie breaker.  She tells him that John needs to feel really comfortable that Steve will take him so he should work on Rock Stars today.  


Liz and Austin finally are vertical and after changing their batteries head to the BR to perform ADLs.


Vanessa heads inside and Steve follows soon behind.  She climbs up to the HOH and he says he is going to sleep. He heads into the bedroom where Jmac is s till sleeping away and climbs under his comforter leaving all his clothes including his blue hoodie on.  


Liz and Austin continue working on their teeth and hair respectively. 

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9:02AM BBT:  Austin is in and out of the toilet and heads to the kitchen with Liz right behind him.. They hug in the hall and she remarks that she wants to go back to bed.  They promptly head back to bed and climb in so that all visible HGs are once again horizontal and Vanessa in the HOH is not on camera. 


JMac finally starts stirring by rotating his arm above his head, stretching out his shoulder then dives back under the covers. (The house is so still I would speculate that not even the ants are moving about this morning. - DRG)


9:12AM BBT: Liz stirs just enough to give Austin a smack on the lips and they both drop back into unconsciousness.  

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9:52AM BBT: Liz and Austin are vertical she heads to the toilet while Austin goes to the BY. Vanessa shown in HOH bathroom now also performing ADLs. Liz exits the toilet having changed her clothes into cutoff shorts and and black tshirt. She sits in front of a mirror puts on her mic pack then ties a bandana on her head. Austin wanders into the BR then out again. BB calls Steve to the DR. Jmac wanders intot he BR and begins to get ready to shower. Liz and Vanessa are applying their faces.


Austin has made his way to the HOH now and asks about Steve and his scampering around.  She says he has asked what she is going to do but she won't tell him.  Austin says Jmac told him he would be ok voting Steve out.  Vanessa says she cannot act eager and we get tanked.

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9:59PM BBT Feeds back to Vanessa talking about when the next comp will be and that she does not want Steve to feel he is heading into the final four with three other people.  Austin says he also does not know how to act.  Vanessa says she is the key and she has to not be eager and let anyone know what is going to go down.  She wants to salvage what little friendship she might have in jury.  She says John was feeling her out yesterday in their conversation and she does not really believe all he said.  Austin relates that Jmac told him that Steve came to him and forced him to make a final two deal with him.  She says she believes that Jmac is willing to vote to save Austin.  They are both still aware of Jmac's weirdness.  Vanessa says her next worry is if he wins HOH. Austin says if that happens then he needs to throw the veto to her.  They speculate who he would take to F3 if Jmac were to win the veto.  Austin says he can definitely win the HOH as long as it is not another puzzle and they both doubt it will be since they just had one.  They both wonder why they are so bad at puzzles and think that maybe it is the visual component and puzzles are not the same as riddles. Vanessa goes on about how poorly she has done in each of the puzzle comps so far.  If she ever gets a chance to come back she will practice puzzles and they will both work out more to be ready for the endurance comps.  Next week they think the HOH will either be the shovel or Before or After.  Austin thinks it will be the shovel since Liz was not in the house for everything that might be in the before or after.  They both agree that Jmac (whom they call the Taxi Driver) will not be taken to the finals and must go out this next week.  Vanessa thinks Jmac will not be good at the jury statements. She thinks that Austin will be better at it than she will be.  Austin worries because they use weird questions and recounts how Evel Dick won against Zach by a score of just one to nothing.  Austin thinks Jmac might win the first endurance part of F3 HOH but they could take the next two and decide between them who goes to the third part.  Vanessa remarks that Jmac told her that he did not know if Liz or Austin were the better strategist between Liztin.  She tells him he has to not let him know that he is the brains and he should get Liz to talk to him more.  They now consider what happens if Jmac wins HOH and Veto next week.  Austin hopes he would leave Vanessa off the block so that she would be the decision maker.  She says she will start planting seeds early and he envisions himself as a Taxi Driver savant.  He is a genius in some ways and you have to be careful with him.  She goes on to relate that Jmac told her when he was leaving that people tell him things thinking that he does not get what they mean, but he does.  Vanessa says she likes being detective girl but it means that boys relate to her better than girls do.  She will talk to him again today and she can't tell if he is a genius or not.  Austin says he is wild and and you just have to cover that base.  Vanessa asks what Liz thinks and he says that she is glad Austin wants to do this for her, but she does not know what to make of Johnny.  


Vanessa says that Steve cannot win this game, but they both agree that Steve thinks that he can.  They start to run down the jury members and whether they will vote rationally or emotionally.  Austin thinks that Becky was the only one that really was irrational.  They both say that they would vote for Johnny over Steve at this point as he had done more in the game and Steve will not be forthcoming with them.


Downstairs Steve and Liz are talking about the breakfast cereal they are eating and whether it has almonds in it or not.


Austing and Vanessa review who was a target when in the game. Austin thinks that what happens next will impact the jury too and while it is impressive that Jmac has 4 vetos he is not the person that anyone would want to represent their season as the winner.  Vanessa says she was rooting so hard for Liz in the POV yesterday.


Downstairs the ants are on the march again and Liz is having a fit  about them.


Austin looks at Vanessa's skittles on the table and asks if Steve has been doing his math again? She says no, that is hers and don't eat it or mess it up.  He says ok and heads downstairs leaving her to return to doing her hair.


Jmac joins the two in the kitchen.  Steve imitates BB calling for an OD LD. Jmac is eating cereal as well then takes his bowl to the sink.  Steve remarks that this week is the last one for DR votes. He will not be casting one but it is the last week.  Vanessa comes down as Liz is asking him how things work from this week on. 


Jmac and Austin are in the BY talking about the vote and Liz and Steve are talking about him being nervous. Steve can't believe how quickly Vanessa got recognized when they went to the concert and they wonder what it will be like for themselves when they leave the house.  


Austin trying to sell Jmac that he would be OK with him winning the veto and Jmac says that he would rather win both the final HOH and the final veto.  Jmac says worst case for him is being on the block next to Vanessa next week and she will have good reasons for them to vote him out.  


Inside Steve comments that if he goes this week then he will be in jury house and that is something to look forward to.  Vanessa has joined them again in the kitchen. 


Outside Austin is speculating whether Vanessa would take him over Liz if she had the final POV. He and Jmac agree that there are too many possibilities and you just have to go with your gut from this point on and win things. They start speculating again about the next HOH and whether it will be the shovel or a mental comp like Before or After.  They think that they have been studying the days all summer and it has to come out at some point.  They head into the kitchen. 


Vanessa is back in the HOH pouring over her Skittle strategy board on the glass coffee table.

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11:00AM BBT: Austin is eating breakfast in the kitchen. Johnny Mac and Steve and in the backyard talking about previous houseguests. An airplane goes overhead and they comment on how it is pink. They say that a lot of planes out there are pink. They talk about where Southwest airlines flies and where they don't.


Liz is now in the kitchen eating and Austin is with her. They start cleaning. All cameras are now on Austin and Liz in the kitchen. Austin walks into the bathroom area and starts to do his hair. All cameras on Austin Straightening his hair.

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11:10AM BBT: Austin walks out of the bathroom area towards the bedrooms and Liz comes into the bathroom area. Cameras switch to Johnny Mac in the kitchen where he gets an apple, washes it off and starts eating it. He goes back outside where Liz is next to the pool table. They hope they are getting food tonight. Liz wants chicken wings and french fries. Johnny Mac is eating his apple outside.


Steve is now in the HOH room talking to Vanessa. She says "is it in his best interest to keep you?" Steve says that he thinks there is some tension between him. Vanessa is coaching Steve on how to win "his" vote - I think they are talking about Johnny Mac. They say that Steve should tell him that he will take him to final two and that his odds will be better than if they keep in the power couple. Vanessa says that Steve needs to tell Johnny Mac that if he keeps Steve than there is no scenario where Johnny Mac doesn't make it to final two. They say that Steve should say that the power couple will always take each other to final two and that if he is in final three, he will always be taken to the final two. Steve says that he hasn't talked game with Johnny Mac.


Liz and Austin were sitting on the couches outside and we get Jeff's Highlight Reels - the screen says that the houseguests are playing a game that is secret until the next TV episode.


Update: 11:40AM BBT: We still have Jeff's Highlight Reels.

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12:01 PM BBT: Feeds are back. Austin and Liz in the kitchen, Austin getting ready to work out. Johnny Mac changing clothes and Steve walks in. Steve whispers it's down to Vanessa and Johnny Mac just says yeah.

12:05 PM BBT: Johnny Mac says he's going to work out and invites Steve. Steve declines and says he has to figure out what he has to do.

12:06 PM BBT: Austin doing stretches and is heading out back with Johnny Mac to work out. Liz is called to DR.

12:10 PM BBT: Johnny Mac and Austin chatting. Austin says he doesn't think Steve knew he was going up. Johnny Mac says he's worried. Austin says he inks he was caught off guard, that maybe he thought Liz would go up. Johnny Mac says he thought it might have been Vanessa's speech that it didn't matter to her which one of them went up. Austin says its expected for Steve to be nervous as he should be. Austin says he was going to talk to him, but he just took off. Johnny Mac says yeah he's sweating right now.

12:11 PM BBT: Johnny Mac says I know the feeling though, it sucks. But at the same time it could have been me if he won. Austin says oh yeah totally. That would have been a bad situation. Austin said it would have been me up versus you and he would have probably voted the way Vanessa wanted him to vote. Johnny Mac says I would have been headed to jury so I don't feel too bad. Austin is going to take his vitamins and get his shoes and they they are going to start.

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12:16PM BBT  Johnny Mac has entered the house and is pacing the floor between the WA and LR.  Steve tucked in bed.  Vanessa gets called to the DR.  Liz walking around, going outside after she exits from WA.  We hear a door close, Vanessa comes down stairs and heads to DR .  JMac tells Austin he has laundry to do, Austin walked into kitchen from WA.  Steve in bed [acting nervous, hiding]  Johnny Mac takes his drink and walks out to Back yard.  Austin and Liz now kissing in kitchen, she returned inside.  Austin turns to go outside, Liz walks to WA, enters WC.  JohnnyMac and Austin work out.  Austin is barefoot and complains about 3rd degree burns on his feet.  Liz exits WC and then re-enters WC.  Austin and Johnny Mac now doing weights in the backyard. Liz leaves WC, we hear toilet flush, washes hands, picks up something off floor and heads to backyard [empties garbage can].  We have Steve on Cam 1/2 and Austin with JohnnyMac on Cams 3/4

1223PM BBT  Austin tells JohnnyMac that they don't need an extensive work out, just enough to keep in shape and just go through it all. [sometimes I really wonder if Austin knows what he is doing-Granny]  Austin says we don't know if they are going to lock us in later.  Austin seems to be breathing really heavy compared to JohnnyMac doing the same exercise. 

1226PM BBT  Austin is doing his squat pull ups, testing the bar first to make sure it is not too hot.  Vanessa and Liz are hugging and jumping around in the kitchen,  Liz says Thank you to Vanessa, Liz telling Vanessa this is a huge week and with veto it will be hard, she continues that Austin has to explain it to her, Vanessa says worse case is "he" wins HoH and I win veto, otherwise we should be set to go to F3 [it sounds like Vanessa wants Steve out?]  and the "he" is Johnny Mac.  Vanessa and Liz go over a couple days, Vanessa says she gets out of it and then has to revisit to remember.  Liz wants to know when Eviction will be, Vanessa says "he said, let's get thru today", we get brief Jeff reel then go to FOH

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1231PM BBT  We come back to Vanessa and Liz still standing by kitchen table watching Austin and Johnny Mac in back yard working out.  Vanessa says one of for sure is F3 and one will win.  Liz and Vanessa talking at counter still watching the boys outside.  Liz has some clothes draped over the back of chairs in the kitchen.  Vanessa talking to Liz about Steve wanting Liz next to him on the block not Austin.   Something is said about  "it is insane 240#s."   They are still watching Austin and JohnnyMac in backyard.  Liz whispers to Vanessa "does Steve realize he leaving?"  Then says it was so nice of Vanessa to shave Johnny Mac's back hair.  Austin has no back hair.  Steve just go called to the DR.  Liz whispering about Steve so upset, Vanessa says he should be.  Liz talking about something that Julia made from the "hearts of palm".  Liz wonders what the gym is like at the Jury house, who she is hanging with and what it is like.  Julia is so happy now Vanessa says she is probably hanging with the gals. Liz says Austin will be okay he is not emotionally affected by being on the block.  Johnny Mac has no ass, or so Liz says.  they continue their chat about the "boys". 

1238PM BBT Now the discussion is about possible upcoming Comps for the last part of the game.  Liz says there were two that were totally painful.  They discuss 'dizzy land' and how hard it was to hang on without straining her body.  [excuses as to why she lost it].  Liz says Julia needed to win an HoH.  Liz is embarrassed cause she only has won 3 of the same things.  Liz says she needs to win an endurance comp.  Vanessa feeds her by saying you are okay, Steve is smart but puzzles are a girl thing.  Vanessa goes upstairs to HoH room. Liz is headed somewhere.  Vanessa lays down in HoH room and puts on her headphones.  The boys are still working out in the backyard.

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1243PM BBT  Johnny Mac asks how he thinks the episodes will work out now.  Austin starts to answer and we get FOTH, before fish, Austin said "well eviction will be Wednesday".    We return to see Vanessa still in bed and the boys now quiet in the back yard.  Austin is sitting on a lounge chair muttering to himself about the game now being about who you can trust.  There is no sign of JohnnyMac in yard.  Austin says today is day 88, he returns to the weights and starts lifting.   Cams 1/2 are on Vanessa with the beanie cap pulled down over her eyes laying in bed.  Austin is going back to shaded lounge chairs drinking his water.  Breathing very heavily.  "90 F*g days" we hear Austin say.  He gets back up from lounge as Liz comes outside.  He comments on her "pretty top"  Liz must have stopped at laundry area we hear her say "oh shit, laundry not done".  Austin is back in the yard lifting weights again.  He returns to the shaded lounge and sits. 

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1251 PM BBT  Austin gets up from lounger and returns to the yard, standing on his towel and lifting weights again.  No sign of Johnny Mac, Steve or Liz.  On cam 1/2 Vanessa is still in HoH bed.  He finishes his reps and goes back to the shaded lounge, picks up his tumbler and heads for the fridge on the patio, fills his cup with water, drinks while sitting on the couch by the back door.  Austin sits for a few, catches his breath then walks inside, stands by the counter for a bit, camera guy lets us get full view of Liz's clothes over the chairs.  Austin asks Liz where is the child, "scampering" She says no, sleeping.  Liz repeats to Austin about her talk with Vanessa and how Austin has nothing to worry about.  Johnny Mac has now shown up, walking out of the house to the yard.  JohnnyMac removes his shirt, Austin says I will let you catch up and then we will continue.  Liz checks laundry area and heads back inside.  We did not hear it, but I think Austin got called to DR.  He told Johnny Mac he would be right back.  [John was in DR]  Johnny Mac asks Liz how she is doing .. she says good, cause I don't want to come up with another speech.  Liz is on the techno machine.  We have FOTH.  We come back to Johnny Mac and Liz saying there is "no production talk here".  Liz and Johnny Mac just general chat about the alliances that have left the house.  Liz whining that the techno is really hard, hills and peaks, Johnny Mac says it allows you to change it right at the first, high resistance and incline.  Austin has returned to the backyard.  Liz whines some more.  Johnny Mac says he is caught up, [ he did nothing while Austin was gone ].  Austin is changing weights on the bar.  Austin "thanks for the clamps, no injuries this week".  Austin says they closed the yard briefly but all that was different was that the clips appeared.  He is now trying to figure out what now to do with weights.

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113PM BBT  Johnny Mac and Austin are talking about what kind of gambling they do. Johnny Mac says he played card games with his Grandma, but she is not longer alive.  Liz asks how much weight Austin is lifting he says 285# cause they won't give them the other weights back so he can lift his 305#.  Austin says he will teach them how to play craps.  Johnny Mac asks how much money do you need to have when you walk up to the table Austin says 100$, he won't got to table if it is cold or no one is there.  Best to go when table is busy and hot.  Austin tells Johnny Mac how to correctly lift the weight.  Austin says 5 more reps then lighter just to get a 10 set rep.  Austin is talking to himself as he lifts the bar with weights.  Johnny Mac is standing in the shade watching him.  Austin says that 'technique is crucial when doing the lifts'  it affects everything.  'move your feet closer together, yeah there is the pocket'  Johnny Mac says he wonders if his brother is watching them now.  They talk about their Dad's being non-technical.  Austin says his family has never worked a day in their life, so he knows they are all watching.  Austin says Johnny Mac's brother Jorden is taking notes.  Austin talking about his Apple Tv and how they probably have it hooked up.  Johnny Mac says they bought his Dad a laptop just before he entered the house.  They start knocking Dell Computers, [8 yr old laptop]  Johnny Mac explains that they got his Mom and Dad both a MacBook pro.  they are praising Mac books right now ...Liz joins in on the chat about Apple products and how her parents can't live without their techno stuffs. 

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bare with me this is the first time posting and maybe last bc i cant stand 3 of the  5 left.


Sunday 9/13


8:42 Vanessa comes out of the Purple room with steve as steve goes into the diary room telling her he guesses can "give it a shot". Van is walking around aimlessly while rest of hg appear to be sleeping. Vanessa has her uniform on: sunglasses, beanie and sweat jacket. Now she is standing still looking down towards bathroom.


843 steve walks into kitchen from DR as Van sits on stool, glasses stay on which is odd bc we all were schooled by Van that its “rude and disrespectful” to talk to someone with sunglasses on (shout out to James), oh wait she doesn’t follow her own rules.
Van asks steve “any news?” closing herself off by crossing her arms in front of her. Cant hear steve mumbled answer but Van responds with a little chuckle.
843 Steve continues to speak but we cant hear then van says “but they have to give me my meds-“ and we cut to Fish.
844 come back to Steve and Van in kitchen she says how they usually give her her meds between 9-1030 but they have to give it when she “like wake up, do shit, do my day”. She says she needs to get her day going. (All of vans game talk, strategizing and bullying is visually taking a toll on her.) Steve says they woke them up “before 9” and van asks why and he says maybe todays a veto  meeting coming up.  then they try to determine the day and settle on it being sunday.
vanessa said "they don’t usually do it .. i bet it is today”
844 Steve asks if Van knows what she is doing today and immediately follows with don’t tell me. he just wanted to know if she made her decision about the replacement nom. (liz or austin)
845 Van says no I’m gonna flip a coin with a smirk on her face and steve says ok so you know what your doing then and she just puts on her poker face ( glasses and all).Steve says "so don’t tell the decision, but you made one?” and she says “mhmm” arms crossed beanie, sunglasses and the smirk.
845 Van talks in her baby voice (annoying) says she was really mad yesterday but she gets mad and gets over it, she wakes up happy everyday like a reset button has been pushed. steve talks about not wanting to eat and that his stomach has been upset- he thinks its self induced from stress since the double eviction. Van could be sleeping for all we know but she fakes interest. 
846 Van has figured out why they wanted them up early- she thinks bb wants the hg to sit outside while she does it, because then its lockdown ( referring to opening the siders saying “hey everybody its time for the veto ceremony” but wouldn’t that be john??) van says “then they have to lock us down to prepare for the comp. Steve asks “the next hoh?” and van says “correct”. steve follows with “oh wow”  sounding upset and then van hears his stomach growl and laughs ( I guess its funny when other people stress on the block)
Steve says he is so over this bullshit, that he is grateful to be hear bc so many people would kill to be in his shoes, van yawns for the 10th time agreeing with steve. Van and Steve agree he is just so over it.
846 steve says day 3 was the first time he said that line. Van whispers to steve, mouthing her words, the camera closes in on her. Steve is waiting for bb to say yes he has to get ready or no he can go back to sleep. cut to fish
851 steve is in colorful bedroom walking around- john under blanket asks steve the time he says 850 vanessa is doing her morning sun routine, steve starts toward outside standing at sliders, just looking out. it seems like he is going to turn around but bb says “ please lower the outside awnings” so steve goes outside and asks of vanessa would care to lower awning and she said i cant do it myself, and he said thats why i came out. vanessa is annoyed bc she just wanted to come out and warm up. steve said thats why she shouldn’t go outside unless johnny mac is there first.
853 van says whatever I’m over it, he said the game she said exercising in the morning, she says she needs to do cardio, steve says he is sore and van is asking (grilling) on if he workout before the veto and what he did and who he worked out with.
854 vanessa gets something in her eye (karma possibly)
855 they continue with the awning and steve catches his finger- apologizing that they are really high ( or hot). they are a hot mess. She says they did a shitty job with the awning-  not sure what that means
856 bb "liz austin please change your batteries”
austin gets up stretching
857 steve must have said hot bc he now says it goes by quickly when the bar is cold- they are on the shaded side. Van asks steve if he spoke to Johnny mac last night and he says no, so being van she asks the same exact question again and he says no- he congratulated him after the veto before he went to bed but no game talk. Van advises Steve to work on his relationship with johnny mac. steve says oh ok should i ask or just leave it at that?she says he needs to lock in johns vote bc attempting to convince him that rockstars isn’t anything to worry about, or he (johnny) didn’t know what he was gonna do- steve seemed to understand what that meant or he is just so afraid of Van that he is pretending to understand. she says this is between me and you- deal? between you and me. then she said johnny came out and asked her if she had a deal with steve and she said no and warns steve that jphnny can never know they have a deal bc he will vote steve out..(apparently everything she does is to help other people- help them out the door but she considers that helping.) steve agrees that this is good to know. austin and liz are in storage room changing batteries
858 van said she had to simutaneously act like she didn’t care, steve asks if she means between the 3 of them- who gets voted out, and she confirmed saying she was being casual saying oh its a really big decision we’ll just have to see what happens, blah blah blah. that john and her can decide together and said” in reality you know exactly what i want but she has to get johnny to come around and see ease him into it" ( thank goodness steve has vanessa protecting him) liz goes to the bathroom. austin goes to look at who is outside and stands there a minute before he heads to washroom for adls. van said that her biggest obstacle is- steve interrupts her to move her mic so she didn’t get dinged of it, she does, and finishes saying that johnny thought steve was gonna go with vans tie break, but she isn’t sure if he said that to not go against the house not be the odd man out or if he really thinks that. so steve needs to get him to make john think steve is taking him to finals and needs to work on the rockstars today.
859 Van says she feels sick and goes inside. Steve says " good for you johnny” to no one, then does a round of counting things outside before going in. Austin is talking to van while brushing teeth. 
900 vanessa says she is a complainer to anyone listening and head upstairs - steve says he is going to sleep and heads to the comic room.  in wa austin brushes his hair while liz brushes her teeth.
901 liz is really cleaning her teeth for a long time
902 still cleaning them, austin heads to bathroom
903 liz brushes her hair austin comes out and washes his heads then heads to kitchen- they are quiet, liz heads to kitchen and hugs austin- austin asks if she wants to go back to bed and she said yes- but she needs to get ready and he says they have time
904 austin and liz back in bed
921 these hgs sleep a lot
951 liz gets up and goes to her closet
955 liz and austin are in wa doing makeup while van is in oh bath doing the same- gone are the days of the girls doing their makeup together…(I’m often amazed at how much eye makeup van actually slops on)
956 steve called to dr, austin leaves wa to kitchen and johnny mac is coming in to shower and says “next time i go in its a sign” (?)
957 liz keep looking toward kitchen but i don’t see anyone
957 austin goes up to hoh asks van if steve is scampering around today, she said he is just nervous about what she is going to do and she said she told him she isn’t going to tell him what she is going to do.  Austin says johnny said he has no problem voting steve out.  about not having the votes
958 van says she has to be very careful with that dance bc she cant act eager with steve, and austin agreed she starts to say why but we get fish
958 fish
1000 johnny in shower liz in wa doing makeup,van and austin in hoh.  van says lshe doesn’t want anyone singled out and that that conversation will have to be later today or tomorrow she will tell him and they try to guess the timing of the next eviction. Austin said he knows what to do and van says she if she acts to eager she doesn’t want john to have time to talk to steve and get his mind changed and she doesn’t want john to feel like he isn going into final four with 3 people that are together ( vanessa newsflash austin and liz are together you are "all alone in the house”).
1000 austin says he just wants to know how to play it out with him and said he doesn’t want to act too eager too (you see vanessas brain start working in overtime- austin usually does a better job of watching his words around van so she doesn’t get all crazy but it looks like she may pull something out of thin air and go bonkers) she says “why not?” and austin starts to dance saying he doesn’t want to act like he is assuming he has her vote. she now directs him saying you do whatever you would normally do of you didn’t have the vote locked down, that is the most reasonable. (Lucky austin meltdown averted) van continues that the key is her- if johnny gets a read that she is working with them then he is gonna know and he is gonna vote the other way then she will have to get blood on her hands with steve and she wants to avoid that- austin said they both have blood on their hands. ( i think its hysterical how they all to say they have no votes in the jury house, they are afraid that van will think they could beat her, bc van is so busy telling everyone how bad she is at everything and how no one likes her and no one will vote for her but she is ok with number 2))
1001 austin says the blood will come from steve realizing they have been locked in together and vanessa says no no its all gonna be directed towards her, so she is trying to salvage what little friendship she will have in jury, thats where her mentality is at. she thinks john was feeling her out and baiting her to see what she says, and austin totally agrees. they both think johns lying. 
1002 austin says that johnny told him last night about how steve came to johnny to ask if they could be final 2 and how johnny just agreed to whatever then went and told clay and shelli, he said johnny is confusing dates.. but austin says steve says johnny forced him into a final 2 and johnny says the reverse and that john said its been screwing this whole game up since then, and john is just ready to be done with it.
Van says that he is taxi driver and she believes he is willing got vote for austin
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126PM BBT Austin heads inside for shoes, says it is too slippery and he needs something for his feet.  Johnny Mac puts down a towel and sits on the ground with the long bar weighted over his lap.  HE adds a pillow to his lap to cover his "jewels".   Austin says "are they going to do photo booth today"  Liz says "oh shit" Austin replies "I hope they get rid of it."  Austin says "I will hook you up with some reebok connection that I have, she gave me a bunch for the show".  now we get an infomercial from Austin for Reebok.  Liz is seen walking around the yard.  Liz is picking up towels out of the yard, she says she wants to be in shape like Austin.  She is looking for the 10# dumbbell. 

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1:15pm Camera's 1 & 2 show Vanessa laying in bed with red beanie over her eyes.


1:16pm Camera's 3 & 4 Liz on the bike, Austin on couch, JMac lifting. Austin is talking about gambling. JMac asks if they saw Vegas Vacation. Liz says YES, she loves that movie! Austin has joined JMac lifting.


1:21pm Liz says her Dad is a tech dinosaur. JMac says he hopes his family is watching. He said that on the tapes, his Dad said they were watching him on the computer. Austin says his family has probably has used his Apple TV to watch him. JMac talking about his Dad would not use the Dell laptop his Mom had that was 8 years old. They got her Mom a Mac. Then his Dad started using the old one to look up baseball stuff; that when they got him a MacBook Pro. Says his whole family has Macs. Liz has a white Mac book that is 5 years old and still works.


1:25pm Camera 3 showing shark floating in pool with Austin and Jmac lifting in the background. Austin heads in house to get shoes.


1:27pm Austin walks out saying think they will do photo booth Sunday. Liz still on bike says oh I hope not. Austin tells JMac he will send him some Reebok after the show. He will hook him up with his source. She gave him a bunch for the show. Austin says Reebok are good for everything.


1:32pm Austin goes to give Liz a kiss and she tells him to go away he's all sweaty. He says so is she.


1:33pm Camera's 1 & 2 still on Vanessa sleeping in HOH


1:36pm Liz off bike, walking around backyard. Goes into house.


1:38pm There was movement from Vanessa, she rolled over!

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132PM BBT The workout continues with Johnny Mac and Austin.  On Cams 1/2 we see Vanessa still in bed.  Liz is working out also, she has lifted some dumbbells, pulled herself up using the bar and watched the boys.  Liz has now stopped working out, Austin is doing stretches and asks Johnny Mac if he can feel it in his lower back.  We get a glimpse of Liz by the Laundry area.  Austin goes and fills his glass from the fridge on the patio.  Austin is lifting weights again and Johnny Mac is stretching.


149PM BBT  We know see Austin, Johnny Mac and Liz wandering around the kitchen, they are either drinking juice, water or a protein shake.  Austin was on floor in LR doing some stretches.  Johnny Mac shows Austin how to do stairs without the stairs, he says no way and goes to the spiral steps and works there.   Johnny Mac says he has to do laundry he is out of shirts.  Liz is cleaning up in the kitchen, putting things away, drinking her protein shake, asking what is for supper.  Johnny Mac walks into the comic room, Steve rolls over.  Austin is working on the steps.  Liz is walking around with her drink in hand.  Johnny Mac is putting clothes is his laundry bag.  he takes the bag and heads out the door.  Liz is still cleaning up, she empties the coffee grounds out.  rinses the holder.  Austin still working on the steps. 

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