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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.


Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


Please post pictures in the open thread: http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/topic/100939-big-brother-17-pictures-and-screen-caps/


If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.



Thank you!


12:00 AM BBT Currently all four feeds display the following message:  WE APOLOGIZE  The selected content has not yet started.  For assistance please visit our Help Center.  Other feed watchers in the chat rooms all report the same message.


12:12 AM BBT Feeds back in partial form.


12:21 AM BBT Feeds back.  Liz and Julia currently playing a game of chess against Austin.  Steve watching.


12:27 AM BBT Steve called to DR.


12:30 AM BBT Julia shouts “SNNNEEEEAKY!” when Austin makes a move.  Vanessa appears awake down in the CBR just laying in bed.  It sounds like walking can be heard within the walls.


12:43 AM BBT The chess game continues.  Austin is trying to win his queen back.  It sounded like footsteps could be heard in the walls on the camera that was aimed in the CBR at Vanessa.  Vanessa appears awake.


12:49 AM BBT The girls concede their game to Austin.  Austin says it's midnight treat time.


12:51 AM BBT Liz and Julia into WA brushing/flossing teeth.  Austin remained in the KT looking for something to make for their midnight snack.  Steve should still be in the DR and Vanessa and Johnny Mack are in the CBR in their own beds.


12:54 AM BBT Autin yells to Liz from the KT telling her not to brush.  She says she's brushing and she's not eating.  Austin says he wants her to eat with him.  She says no.  Liz and Julia continue to brush/floss in the WA.


12:55 AM BBT Steve out of DR.  Liz called to DR.  Austin tells Steve that he won.  Liz is glad they called her before she removed her makeup.  Steve asks Austin for a rematch.  He says after he eats.  Steve wonders if he should go to bed.  Steve heads into HOH and gets a drink.


01:00 AM BBT Julia says "Goodnight boys!"  Austin says "That's it?"  Julia heads into CBR and says she knows they're going to hate her but she has to turn the lights on to make her bed.  Johnny calls out "Dangit Julia!" in a scary playful voice.


01:03 AM BBT Steve asks Austin how the twins are doing.  He said there was a bit of crying this morning but now things are back to normal.  Steve asks if he (Austin) is going to wait for them to tell him how to vote.  Austin says he is.


01:07 AM BBT Lights off in the CBR.  Steve and Austin continue to chat at the KT table about previous comps and previous seasons.


01:10 AM BBT Liz out of DR.  Steve wants to play chess against someone.  Liz doesn't want to play against Steve because she will beat her in like 5 minutes.


01:12 AM BBT Steve and Liz clean off the chess table on the sky-bridge because it's very oily.  They begin to clean off the chess board and the pieces now.  Austin wonders if this is necessary to do before they're about to play.


01:20 AM BBT Chess has begun between Steve and Austin with Julia watching.


01:23 AM BBT Production can be heard walking behind the walls through the mics in the darkened CBR.  Steve called to DR.


01:29 AM BBT Austin in to use the HOH toilet, now back out on the sky bridge waiting for Steve to come out of the DR.


01:34 AM BBT Liz wiped down the table on the sky bridge with some water in order to get the residue off the table and the chess pieces that she and Steve apparently left behind when they cleaned it the first time.  Austin sits at the chess board waiting for Steve's return.


01:38 AM BBT Liz and Austin are tired.  They wonder how long Steve will be.  They agree that they are tired and should go to bed.  He took too long in DR.


01:43 AM BBT Liz and Austin into bed in the darkened OBR.  Kissing sounds with Liz whimpering/whining/moaning can be heard (as if annoyed?).


01:48 AM BBT Austin and Liz continue to cuddle/kiss in the their bed in the darkened OBR.


01:51 AM BBT Steve out of DR.  Liz shouts to him "You're too late!"  He asks if they're going to bed.  They say they are tired and he was spending too much time scampering.  He says he was in the DR (sounding rather hurt).  They say too bad he was still scampering.  Steve tells them goodnight.  Liz says he has a big day tomorrow blogging to his mommy.  Steve up to HOH.


01:55 AM BBT Liz says to Austin if they were in jury this would be a different story right now.  Austin asks what would be a different story.  Liz doesn't want to say right now.  Steve is pacing in his HOH room while listening to his music.


01:58 AM BBT Austin wonders when that room was called the cheese room and why.  Liz says all the guys smelled.  Austin wonders if he was smelling the worst (himself) and that's why Jason just happened to home in on him.  Liz repeats all the guys smelled.  Steve continues to pace back and forth through his room as he listens to music.


02:00 AM BBT Julia yells "What're you doing?!" as she bursts out of her door.  Austin and Liz shout out in surprise.  Liz says Austin jumped.  Julia cheers saying she got them both.  Austin tells Julia to go hide inside the doorway to the CBR that way when she comes back she can scare her when she opens the door.  Steve heads downstairs.


02:04 AM BBT Julia back to the darkened rooms.  Austin hides in the doorway to the HNR room.  Julia knows they're not in bed.  She says no way.  Austin jumps through the door way and scares Julia.  Julia opens the door to the CBR and Liz tries to scare her.


02:07 AM BBT Liz and Austin try to formulate a plan to scare Julia.  Liz tries to crawl in the room to scare Julia.  Julia sees her coming.  Austin tries to do it but also is seen.  Julia screams (mind you, Vanessa and Johnny Mac are trying to sleep in this room).  Julia comes out and tells them that the other two are trying to sleep and probably hate them right now.


02:10 AM BBT Meanwhile out in the BY Steve talks to himself trying to run scenarios.  Steve says his job is done because he split up either the twins or the showmance.  Steve thinks Vanessa will throw HOH this week.  He feels safe with Johnny Mac.


02:13 AM BBT Steve needs Austin to have the same doubt about Vanessa that he (Steve) does.  Steve doesn't think Johnny wouldn't put him up.  Steve feels safe on the block against Johnny Mac.  Steve might go home against Vanessa.  He doesn't think he and Austin would end up on the block together with the combination of people in the house.  Steve needs to worry about Vanessa and he on the block together.  He should be safe against Julia.


02:18 AM BBT Steve needs Austin to have doubts about Vanessa but how.  Steve feels Vanessa did her a big favor about telling him about....*mumbles*.  Steve says any decisions that have to be made he'll make them when the time comes.  In the mean time he has drive a wedge between Austin and Vanessa.  Steve gets it now.  Austin is to her (Vanessa) as John is to Steve.  It makes sense now.


02:22 AM BBT Steve really wishes he could have sent Austin home this week.  The twins are blind.  They are so oblivious.  Meanwhile back in the darkened OBR Austin and Liz talk about previous comps.


02:23 AM BBT Steve heads back inside to his HOH. (He was out in the BY laying out on the hammock talking to himself).


02:26 AM BBT Liz and Austin try to get comfortable in bed before Liz gets up to go pee.  Austin asks where she's going "To go pee".  Austin gets up and wanders into the WA, sneaking up to the WC door.  Austin jumps out from behind the WC door and says "What're you doing?!"  She screams and falls to the floor.  She hates him.  He said she was deathly scared.  Meanwhile up in the HOH Steve brushes his teeth and begins to pace his room while listening to his music.


02:29 AM BBT Steve hears the yelling and screaming and wanders down.  Austin spots/hears Steve coming out of the HOH and Austin crouches down to scare him.  He jumps out around the corner and tries to scare Steve.  Liz tells Steve that he hears screaming and has to come down stairs and investigate.  Steve wonders if he should go.  They tell him they were just scaring each other.  They tell him about Julia scaring them earlier.  Steve won't be obnoxious by coming down any more.  Steve back up to HOH.  They tell him goodnight.


02:36 AM BBT Liz talking about how they (production) didn't pay any attention to them until after Clay and Shelli left and now that they're gone they (production) are beginning to realize that they are way more interesting than Clay and Shelli ever was (Gag - Niteslacker).  Austin agrees. 


02:40 AM BBT Steve turns off the lights in HOH room.  He says tomorrow he has to put as much doubt in Austin's mind as he can about Vanessa.  Down in the OBR Liz continues to mumble at Austin about different things (hard to hear due to her mic not being on).


02:46 AM BBT Steve heads down from HOH.  Liz and Austin hears the door clack shut.  Austin says "The boy is scampering, they're going to turn the lights back on."  Steve heads into the WA and uses a cotton swab in his ear.  The house is mostly dark with the lights being turned off.


02:48 AM BBT Steve heads back upstairs and leans over the balcony looking down on the KT.  Liz and Austin continue to mumble/ramble in their bed.


02:50 AM BBT Lights back on in the rest of the house.  Steve goes back into HOH room and begins playing with his mic and his key and the zipper of his hoodie, making a loud noise.  Steve talks to the camera asking for the lights to be turned off so Liz and Austin won't say he's scampering.  Steve watches the HOH spy screen looking for the lights to be turned back off.  Steve heads back out onto the balcony.


02:55 AM BBT Steve says he "can't do it because the camera won't stay off of me."  Steve says "it's just that simple.  I won't do it until you turn the lights out.  I'll just hang out here until you do."  He wonders if him turning off the HOH lights will help.  A camera can be heard whirring in his direction.  Steve says "you ruined my plan because you would not keep that camera off of me.  You completely ruined it.”


02:59 AM BBT Steve sees that a camera has been moved on the spy screen away from where he was standing.  "Any chance the lights will be going out soon?  I would be very appreciative of it!


03:00 AM BBT Steve says he needs to start the "Me versus Vanessa campaign now!"  He checks the spy screen and sees that the lights are still on.  “Dangit!"


03:12 AM BBT All four feeds currently display horizontal HGS in darkened rooms.  2 feeds on Austin and Liz and 2 feeds on Steve in HOH.  Steve can't believe the house lights are still on.  He's going to do something one more time.  He closes the HOH door quietly and walks slowly across the balcony towards the part directly over the hallway that leads to the rooms.  He squats down before walking back to his room, giving the camera an annoyed look.


03:16 AM Steve back into bed, mumbling to himself.  Meanwhile downstairs Austin and Liz remain motionless and quiet.


03:26 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.  It sounds like Austin may be talking in his sleep, though it could be Steve still mumbling to himself.


09:00AM BBT All of the HG are still sleeping in the darkened rooms. BB should be giving them a wakeup call soon.


09:39AM BBT We get FOTH. Wakeup call.


09:41AM BBT Feeds comeback on. The HG are still sleeping and the lights are still off. Liz and Austin get out of bed. Austin goes to the WC.


09:52AM BBT Austin and Liz crawl back into bed and start cuddling again. All of the HG are in bed.


09:54AM BBT Vanessa gets out of bed and goes to the WC.


09:56AM BBT Vanessa comes out of the WC and washes her hands. Looks like she is now going back to lay down.


 10:00AM BBT Jmac gets out of bed and goes to the WC. BB tells Austin to go to the DR.


10:001AM BBT We get FOTH.


10:14AM BBT Feeds are back on.  All of the Lights are on. Jmac is in the kitchen getting some cereal and Steve is getting ready for the day in the HOHR.


10:17AM BBT Steve is mumbling to himself in the HOHWA. He keeps pacing from one place to another.  Vanessa has walked out to the BY and Johnny mac is eating his cereal.


10:19AM BBT Vanessa is getting her daily dose of sun on her belly. She has done this almost every day. She is completely dress but pulls her shirt up so her belly is exposed.


10:21AM BBT Steve has joined Jmac in the KT. After looking in the cabinets Steve walked in to the SR to get a box of cereal. Vanessa walks back into the KT. Jmac says that he needs to cut his hair on Thursday. Vanessa offers to cut his hair. She says she is nervous about it but she is willing to try.


10:25AM BBT Steve says that it is a big day for him. Vanessa asks why. He tells her that he has HOH things to do today. Steve wonders if he should wear his hat or not.


10:27AM BBT BB calls Vanessa to the DR. Jmac is washing dishes and Steve is eating yogurt instead of the box of cereal he got from the SR.


10:34AM BBT Steve is still eating his yogurt, but is walking around the house. He goes to the memory board and takes his key out, looks at it, and puts it back. Steve is now done with the yogurt.


 10:36AM BBT Steve walks to the WA, then runs away to the living room, then runs back to the WA. Steve starts talking to Vanessa and says that he is making Vanessa fat one Mr.Goodbar at a time. Vanessa is getting annoyed by Steve.


10:39AM BBT Steve walked upstairs hacking a lung up in the mic and tries to go into the HOHR. It is locked. Steve says they are doing things.


 10:46AM BBT BB calls Steve to the DR. I guess it is time for him to get the camera.


 10:48AM BBT Steve walks out of the WC and says you know it’s a good one when it takes two flushes. Vanessa is disgusted. She tells Steve that sometimes she wants to kill him. 

11:01am BBT: Vanessa sitting on the lounger in the BY alone, Steve in the DR. all other hg sleeping.


11:21am BBT:All HG are sleeping.


11:54am BBT: Vanessa sitting up in bed the gets up and head out of the BR. All other Hg are sleeping.


11:58am BBT: Bb calls Steve to the DR. Vanessa is in the KT making a drink. 

12:01pm BBT: Steve comes out of the DR and takes pictures of sleeping HG and  Austin says Boy now? Steve says i need pictures and i do not know what to do cause everyone is in bed.


12:03pm BBT: Steve goes outside and Vanessa ask is everyone getting up and Steve says no they said they was not getting up  for pictures. Vanessa ask really? Steve tells her they told him lastnight not to wake them for pictures.Vanessa says that's ok we will do pictures of the three of us as John walks out and she tells them the final 3 pictures. Steve says i am glad you are so confident.


12:06pm BBT: Vanessa ask they really said not to wake them? I do not get that when they did pictures they woke everyone up. Steve says i am going back inside  cause it is to hot. Julia is up in the WA doing ADL's.


12:15PM BBT Vanessa, John, Julia and Steve taking pictures in the BY Austin and Liz continue to sleep since they didn't want to be woken up for pictures.


12:22PM BBT Liz is starting to wake up. She mumbles that she wants to take a couple of pictures. She rills over and falls back to sleep with Austin.


12:26PM BBT The camera crew taking pictures all over the house. Liz whines to Austin to get up. He says YOU get up and she whines back No, YOU get up...and they both pull the covers back over them. BB calls Steve to change his mic. Austin sits up and Liz crawl up and leans against Austin's back with her arms around him.


12:32PM BBT The HG are all up/ Austin doing some ADLs. The HG all have their tutus except Austin who is slowly moving. He uses the WC and washes his hands (with soap!). The HG ask him to get his tutu. He says it's lame. He finally gets his but refuses to smile for the picture.


12:42PM BBT There are ants in the KT. Vanessa tells the HG that the ants are collecting food because they are getting ready to hibernate for the winter. The twins scream because the ants are crawling around.


12:52PM BBT Vanessa has moved outside to sit on the BY sofas. Liz and Austin making food for lunch.


1:04PM BBT In the BY Vanessa and John talk about being excited for Thursday. They know they need to bring their A game. Vanessa says she worked out hard yesterday and going to do the same today. She says she is building muscles.


1:09PM BBT Liz and Julia complaining that during the week of 4 HNs, the house got really good lunch meat. Then it was ruined during veto. Liz says the HN didn't give a f*** and Austin is the one that lost out. In the BY Vanessa and John talk about what family will come out for finale.


1:14PM BBT The twins whining and mocking Vanessa. Saying she and John are outside making deals (they are actually just general chatting). Liz says they have nothing in common so she doesn't see why they would be outside talking.


1:25PM BBT Austin is giving Liz a shoulder rub because she has knots. Steve and Vanessa talking about the pool. Vanessa says that she doesn't go into the pool because girls don't like to get their hair wet. John relaxing outside.


1:30PM BBT Liz asks Austin if he wants to go lay down. Vanessa asks Steve if he wants to go play chess.


1:36PM BBT Liz goes to brush her teeth. She and Austin head to the BR and Liz says "bra off" and removes her bra from under her top. They crawl in bed. Liz says that they are both cold and his nips are hard. They start kissing and moving under the covers and we will leave it to your imagination.


1:43PM BBT Austin and Liz are now talking game. They both feel Vanessa is up to something. She has stopped talking game to them.


1:48PM BBT Austin and Liz continue to discuss options. Austin says he isn't ready to give up on their track record. They discuss if they should try to bring John in.


1:54PM BBT Julia comes into the BR. Liz tells her they have had an epiphany. Julia asks if they are being plotted against. Austin says that John and Steve wants Vanessa out.


1:57PM BBT Julia and Austin tell each other that Vanessa has a F2 deal with each of them. Julia says they need to stick together.


2:00PM BBT In the HOH room Steve and Vanessa discuss that keeping safest keeping Julia. Vanessa says that they are the only two safest sticking together. Vanessa says that she can't guarantee that wither of them will win. Vanessa says another benefit of keeping Julia is that she is guaranteed a F4. She says if she ends up next to Julia, she will be kept. If Liz is next to her, she goes.


2:05PM BBT Austin and the twins talk about what Vanessa is up to. Austin says they should have a convo right now with John. He says what is the worst that can happen.


2:15PM BBT Austin and the twins talk. Austin says he wants to keep Liz because he loves her. Julia says that she is probably considered a floater because she only won a veto. She says that she own something and isn't Victoria. She says that she doesn't see anyone taking her to F2 though because its a scumbag move. Austin agrees.


2:19PMG BBT Steve explains to Vanessa that the reason that he wanted F6 HOH is that he can play in F4 and F3. Vanessa just realizes that works well. Vanessa tells him that if she wins Veto in F5 she will use it on him no matter who it pisses off.


2:27PM BBT All of the HG except John are scheming. The twins realize that Vanessa is all set up pretty for F3.


2:45 PM BBT Liz and Austin are in bed. He admits to her that he is upset with Julia. Liz says she is too, but that after the veto mess, he is already in hot water with her and needs to stay out of it.


3:10 PM BBT Austin, Liz and Julia are in the WA. Liz is plucking Austin's eyebrows. "Oh My God, that hurts." Julia is pointing out which ones she needs to pull while Liz calls him a baby. Austin's calling out in pain has attracted the attention of Steve and John who have come in to watch the process.


3:13 PM BBT Liz snatches Steve's bag of potato chips from his hands and takes off running with them. Steve follows in pursuit. Liz loses her microphone pack in the process. Steve taunts her with the microphone pack and gets a "Steve, stop that" from BB.


3:30 PM BBT Liz, Julia and Austin are making a snack in the KT. John is upstairs listening to music, tapping his feet to the beat that only he can hear.


3:45 PM BBT Nothing has changed. Liz, Austin and Julia are still in the KT. John is still upstairs listening to music.


4:00 PM BBT Julia, Austin, Steve and Liz are sitting in the LR. Liz and Julia are trying to convince Steve that Audrey was America's Player. Steve doesn't buy it at first but they are slowly convincing him. They keep giving him examples of Audrey's behavior and how they can tie that to missions: Starting a fight with Clay, America voting for her, starting a musical. Julia finds a termite crawling on her.


4:33 PM BBT John is in the BY working out. Julia and Liz are on the hammock. Julia is telling Liz all the great things she has done in BB and it's been a good run (as if she knows for a fact she is leaving). Meanwhile Austin and Vanessa are in the WA talking about the next veto. Austin says if they don't win it, John and Steve are in the final four. Austin says they need to break them up before it gets too hard to break it up.


4:40 PM BBT Vanessa and Austin are in the WA. She tells him that John can say anything, but there is no way he is going to want a couple in the final four with him. Vanessa says she will vote to keep Liz however, she needs some assurances that Steve doesn't care and that Austin and Liz promise her a vote if she is nominated. She also gets him to agree that if they are in the finals with Liz, he throws it to her so she can duke it out with Liz. She says that's because both of them are likely to take him to the finals.


4:54 PM BBT All the HGs are in the BY. Vanessa is on the elliptical. Austin, John and Liz are working out. Julia is on the hammock. Steve is in the pool. Just general chit chat.


5:15 PM BBT Austin is in the WA with Julia. He rehashes his conversations with Steve and Vanessa throughout the day. Steve and Vanessa are both okay with letting the twins decide between themselves who stays and who goes.


5:26 PM BBT The HGs are all in the BY. Liz, Julia, Austin, John, and Vanessa are all working out. Steve just got out of the pool. BB asks them to raise the BY awnings. BB "Thank you very much."


5:30 PM BBT Not much has changed in the BB house. Everyone is outside either sitting around or working out.


5:45 PM BBT Vanessa is laying down in the BR. John walks in. Vanessa tells him that the girls decided that they want Liz to stay. We don't see any response from him, he's off camera. The HGs are looking forward to eating Chinese food tonight.


5:54 PM BBT Steve is in the BY. He starts to take off at a dead run and yells "Gotta Get There". He does this for several laps. Vanessa "Steve, you're fast." Austin "Because he scampers all night".


5:58 PM BBT John says BB should give them an Encyclopedia set to read. There is nothing in there that they aren't supposed to know and it gives them something to read. Austin says that there's nothing to read in an encyclopedia anyway. They report history all wrong anyway.


6:00 PM BBT Julia and Vanessa are in the WA. Vanessa asks her if she is sad. Julia says she is fine. She and Liz decided that Liz has a better chance to make it. She got to see Zingbot. She got to see Otev. She got to do a lot. It is her time to go. Vanessa says there are pros and cons to either of them staying. She asks Julia to send her love to her family when on the outside.


6:10 PM BBT Not much going on in the house. Steve and Julia are on the hammock talking about Chinese food on feeds 2/4. They are hoping for BB to get them some carryout tonight. Vanessa is in the shower on feeds 1/3.


6:15 PM BBT Steve and Julia are both on the hammock. He talks about unrequited love. He also says there 161 steps to the Cornell University bell tower so there are 161 things you have to do before graduating. One of them is to have sex in the library between the stacks. He admits he was enticed to do it with a fellow student but he didn't follow through. He didn't have sex on the brain at the time, but he is a sucker for cuddling.


6:30 PM BBT Austin and Vanessa are in the WA. He says he got some confidence back after winning that veto. Vanessa says he is in good shape and there is no reason he can't win again. She talks about how much he has done with his weight lifting and working out. He talks about how much he has been able to improve his ability. In the house, he is occasionally forced to wait it out allowing his body to heal some. "It's cool, I'm peaking at the right time."


6:40 PM BBT Vanessa and Austin are still in the WA. Vanessa is telling Austin about some tricks teams of two use to make profit at the casinos playing Black Jack. Austin talks about some of his experiences at the Craps Table. Austin "I have some good experiences and some bad at the Craps Table. Mostly bad." Vanessa says she is awful at Black Jack. She likes to bet too much.


6:45 PM BBT Julia and Steve are on the hammock. She is concerned about what the viewers think of her. She asks him if the viewers like mean people. Steve says she isn't mean. Jason was mean. However, yes, sometimes BB fans like mean people. They talk about former HG who were recruited so the feeds switch to Austin and Liz in the WA.


6:55 PM BBT Steve and Julia are still on the hammock. Steve is trying to reassure her that America loves the twins. He is afraid that he is going to be one of the HGs that gets boos afterwards. Meanwhile Vanessa is in the WA with Liz and Austin. She reassures them that she will vote for Liz to stay however they must promise she is not nominated on the front end. Backdoor is fine. Also, if it is between Steve and John on the block, she gets to pick who goes. Also, they have to promise her final 2. They agree.


5:30 Vanessa in the purple room concentrating. All of the other Houseguests are outside. Everyone working out except Steve who is on the lounge chair. Lots of heavy breathing and the occasional curse word from Austin. JMAC heads back into the house. He appears to be fixing a protein shake  of some kind. Steve does a walk through and says "I'm so ready for Chinese food." JMAC jokingly,"Dude you need to shut the hell up" Steve, "You can't make me." What ever John is preparing flies across on to the floor. "That didn't work" Liz and Austin share a quick kiss, before continuing to workout. 


5:35: Austin is going over his convo with Vanessa. Austin says she told him that she was loyal to them. Liz  doesn't appear to believe it. Vanessa joins the outside workout crew. She starts by warming up by doing pushoffs on the weight bench. Julia remains on the elliptical.  The houseguests encourage Steve who is jogging around the yard. He begins doing sprints. Van tells Steve he is pretty fast. Austin says that comes from scramming every night


5:40: JMAc still in kitchen with protein shake.Steve heads inside. He is breathing heavily. JMAC asks if he ran two miles. Steve says no.."just sprints" JMAC: "Steve don't die, and don't throw up either." Steve says I'm not nauseous just "can't catch breath??"JMac advises "More lungs and less of your diaphragm."  Van has told Austin that she will keep Liz.(Van has told JMac she will keep Julia)



7:00 PM BBT John is in the CBR napping on his bed. He has his tennis shoes on, but not his light blue bandana at the moment. BB tells Steve to "Stop that!" We see FOTH!!! We see Jeff Schroeder's Highlight Reels.


7:34 PM BBT The live feeds come back & the HG's have gotten Chinese food. They are all sitting around the DT talking about all of the goblins being out of the BB house. We go to Jeff's Reels again briefly. We come back to the HG's talking about goblin wh*re's. We go back to Jeff's reels momentarily. The live feeds come back with Steve saying he needs a nap.


7:40 PM BBT Julia tells Steve that if he naps now he will be up scampering all night. Steve says, he would be up scampering all night anyway. Vanessa tells the HG's that the 2 beers in the refrigerator are hers & she's saving them. Steve asks the HG's how many beers they got tonight? Julia tells him they got 6 beers. Steve says, he's entitled to one of those beers. Julia tells him, no. John offers him one of his. Steve says, he will hold on to it until tomorrow. Steve goes to the HOHR to nap.


7:41 PM BBT Julia says, they don't have anything else to look forward to. John talks about songs on the playlists that he listens to. Austin sings a little. Julia goes to the BY & says's it's hot as tits. John says, he's starting to feel the alcohol some. Austin & John go to the BY now also.


7:44 PM BBT Vanessa is laying on the hammock relaxed with her legs crossed & her brown beanie pulled down over her eyes. Julia complains about getting Panda again since they didn't really care for it the last time they got it. (We know they wanted sushi.) Julia says, they got teased the other day with the cooler weather. We see Jeff's reels really quick. Julia says, 2 days is all it rained this summer. She says, it rained in Saved By The Smell & a day she wasn't in the house.


7:48 PM BBT Julia asks if California puts restrictions while they are in a drought? Austin tells her, yes. She tells Austin, Liz & Johnny Mac that she read an article that they are going to have to start sending them water in Ziploc bags. She says, she doesn't want to move out there if they are going to run out of water. They all joke around as they are sitting around the jacuzzi.


7:50 PM BBT Julia starts to sing & we see Jeff's reels for a few moments. The live feeds come back. Liz tells Austin he's barely drinking & he hasn't even opened the beer. Julia says, if they gave them one handle of fireball instead of the wine they would be wasted. Vanessa asks what happened to the hula hoop? They all say it was taken away.


7:52 PM BBT Austin tells them that they took his blue band. Liz tells him she knows where it is. Austin says, he had one on his wrist & it eventually snapped. He says, when it gets the little buts in it it's over.


7:53 PM BBT The conversation by the jacuzzi changes to talking about Evel Dick & Danielle Donato. Austin & Liz think that it hurt the season when Evel Dick left. He thinks that they don't even talk anymore. He tells them about stuff that was posted to his Twitter. Julia says, that's sad. We see FOTH.


7:58 PM BBT Live feeds come back with the HG's saying it's day 83 today. They talk about the earlier days in the season & when they started losing their minds. Julia says, they took the chlorine duck out of the jacuzzi. John says, it was broken. Austwins start to shout out fake Twitter handles.


7:59 PM BBT The HG's start talking about when Audrey was in the HNR for so long. They talk about how she ate regular food while being a HN & how she slept on the floor. Julia says, she's surprised she didn't get so much backlash for that, & for going against the rules.


8:02 PM BBT Julia asks what everyone think Audrey is doing right now? Austin says, she may be eating chicken nuggets. Julia says, Morning Star probably gave her unlimited chicken nuggets since she liked them so much. Vanessa goes by the jacuzzi & tells them that there was a bat right about her head, & she points to the light where it was. The twins try to see it, but they don't, it has gone away.


8:03 PM BBT Vanessa talks like a little girl & says, she was scared. They all hear the clicking noise. Vanessa says, they are blind, so they make that noise. The HG's just heard a load noise. They think it was either the sound of a gun or a wooden pallet.


8:07 PM BBT Austin & Liz start a game of pool in the BY. John is still sitting by the jacuzzi with his tennis shoes on. He gets up, carrying his two beer cans. He goes by the pool table, sits on the washer & dryer & holds 2 oranges in his hands. Julia is stretched out on the hammock & is rocking herself using her right leg.


8:14 PM BBT Austin asks Liz how she got so good at playing pool? Liz says, she's always this good. Vanessa comes out & asks why Austin is laughing? John says, Liz just about cleared the table. Vanessa comments how many ants are on the round lounger in the BY.


8:17 PM BBT Austin scratches as he tries to get the solid green ball in the pocket. Liz jumps her next shot. Austin calls it a hopscotch shot. They keep saying thank you, using inflection in their voices.


8:19 PM BBT Vanessa is now in the CBR taking a nap. She has her brownie beanie pulled down over her eyes. It's really quiet in the house at the moment, & Vanessa & Steve napping.


8:22 PM BBT In the BY Johnny Mac & Austin have started playing a game of pool. John says, he's getting a pretty good buzz. Austin says, he's like one away. Austin goes inside with Liz. Liz tells Austin it's way to hot outside. Austin says, it's hot to trot. Austin has all of his clothes on the other bed in the OBR. They lay down in bed & Austin tells Austin, no kisses. Austin says, you can't do that. He asks her why she's trying to be cruel? Liz tells him he's going to take her lip gloss off & then she won't have any.


8:26 PM BBT In the BY, Johnny Mac is walking around kicking a beach ball lightly. Julia is still on the hammock. She tells John someone needs to invent something to help elongate that spine. John says, when they do, they will make millions. John says, he really doesn't date shorter girl. Julia says, a lot of guys like girls with a higher pitched voice.


8:27 PM BBT John asks Julia if she owns a pair of UGG's? Julia says, "Yes, guilty as charged." John says, the sorority girls had UGG's with a North Face jacket. Julia says, UGG's are very warm. John says, he's heard they are comfortable. Julia says, she had UGG's in High School, but she wouldn't pay that much for them now.


8:28 PM BBT John talks to Julia about what classes he took in college. He tells her that he started out going into Electrical Engineering, & then he went Undecided. He says, he couldn't decide whether to go for Finance or Dental. He says, he majored in Finance. He says, that's what he has his B.S. in. He says, he has a Biology Minor. He says, he thinks he got a certificate for that.


8:32 PM BBT Julia says, the Minor doesn't seem to really count for anything. John tells her that he didn't get great grades for some of his classes. They change the conversation to the letter grades & GPA's. John says, people can go to the dental school to get work done if you don't have dental insurance, & you can get the work done at a reduced rate.


8:35 PM BBT John tells Julia that sometimes people are difficult to work with, but he still tries to work with them. He says, sometimes you have to tell the patients if they are having issues with them. Julia says, she can't believe that John works with 13 women. She says, that's insane. John says, it's a lot, & there's a lot of food brought in.


8:37 PM BBT Julia asks John what they call him? John says, "Dr. McGuire, you have to set the line." He says, it started at the residency. Julia says, it had to be weird. Julia asks if there were more guys in his dental school, or women? John says, it was 50/50. John says, how many of the women actually wanted to be a dentist, he doesn't know. He says, some people just go there to meet a guy. He says, they will get married & then don't ever actually work, because they want to have children.


8:38 PM BBT John talks about a friend of his who's wife is becoming an Orthodontist. He says, it's 4 years of school, 4 more of dental school & then she is doing 3 years of residency. Julia says, it's soo much. John says, when you become an Orthodontist you can delegate things to assistants, & you don't do a whole lot of work yourself. Julia says, & you make more money. Julia talks about her job when she was a dental assistant.


8:42 PM BBT Julia continues to tell John about when she was a Dental Assistant. John says, his money maker is pulling teeth. Julia asks what happens if he can't get a tooth out? John says, he had to pull 125 teeth at Temple University. He says, he thinks at University of Pennsylvania you only had to pull like 10 teeth. John says, it's a Private Ivy League School.


8:46 PM BBT Vanessa is in the OBR talking to Austin & Liz. Liz says, they probably won't do the shovel this time, she thinks that they will change it. Vanessa tells Liz they need to think about who they want to win this week. Vanessa says, it should be Austin, because she will become the bigger target. Austin says, he'll take it. Vanessa says, she feels that ever since she did squats yesterday, her butt & thighs may have gotten bigger. She asks Steve if that can happen? Austin says, yes.


8:48 PM BBT Vanessa asks if Austin got all of his stuff out of the HNR? Austin says, yes. Vanessa thinks that the room will be closed while they are doing this week's HOH. She tells then about the red button. Austin wants to know if anyone can push it? Vanessa says, yes, anyone can push it. Liz says, if there's a button, then they don't need to push it. Liz says, she will be pi**ed if someone does. Liz says, she wants to shop for new clothes.


8:50 PM BBT Austin says, there haven't been anymore twists, so that stinks. Liz says, they may have been losing viewers doing the twists. Austin complains that he needs more protein. He says, that Panda was nasty. Liz says, it was soo good though. Julia goes to the OBR. Austin tells Liz he would never take her to a cheap Chinese place. Liz asks if there are any good sushi places in L.A.? Vanessa starts telling Liz the name of some of them. Austin says, it's definitely the thing to do out there.


8:52 PM BBT Julia is in the WA getting ready to take a shower. Johnny Mac comes out of the WC. He washes & dries his hands & leaves the WA.


8:57 PM BBT John goes to the BY. He carries his cup with him & lays down on the hammock, & swings back & forth.


8:59 PM BBT Vanessa goes to the BY. She tells John to look at the bat. John asks if it's a bat or a moth? Vanessa thinks it's a bat. She goes back inside & says, there's too many bats out there.


9:03 PM BBT Austin & Liz are fooling around in their bed. Austin's feet are sticking out of the blankets & are dirty. Johnny Mac seems to really be enjoying his alone time in the BY on the hammock.


9:08 PM BBT Liz & Austin are in the middle of being hot & heavy & Julia busts in on them. Julia asks them what they are doing? Liz tells her they are napping & they are tired. Austin says, they are going to play chess in a little bit after they eat again. Julia asks where Vanessa is? Liz says, in the CBR. Julia goes in there trying to find her B.C. She finds them in the hallway wardrobe. Julia talks about Meg taking the robot again, & wants to go through Meg's stuff to get it back.


9:11 PM BBT Julia says, look at Austin's new closet. Austin says, grandma's bed is great. Julia says, he probably has a dirty room at home. Austin says, it's probably clean right now. Austin talks about the Walking Dead & eating pizza on his cheat day.


9:13 PM BBT Austin says, he didn't start really working on his tattoos until he was 21 or 22 years old. He says, when he started he just went crazy. Liz asks why he has the tree all over his body? He says, It's organica art. Liz asks why it's on one side of his body & not the other? Austin says, he already had stuff started on the other side. Liz asks about his Passions tattoo. Austin says, it's from the Soap Opera Passions & he clicks his fingers to the camera. He sings some. Liz tells him he's out of his mind.


9:16 PM BBT Steve is in the OBR now with the other HG's. Liz & Julia talk about Gabby from Day's of our Lives. Liz went to school with her sister. Austin talks about him taking a picture with Liam from The Bold & The Beautiful. He says, his ex-girlfriend took the picture, because she lives out there. Austin says, his mom does not miss that show ever. He says, his dad always wants to interrupt her & she gets mad. Liz asks if it's only 30 minutes? Austin says, yes, & the story line goes so fast. He says, he's going to catch up & hopes to find out from the cast themselves. Liz says, it's funny that the BB cast go on The Bold & The Beautiful.


9:19 PM BBT Julia asks Austin about being on Google since he said that Liam Googled him right in front of him. Austin says, it probably says, he had a catastrophic back injury & had to retire from wrestling, but it wasn't true. He says, it was routine hip surgery.


9:21 PM BBT Julia can't believe that Austin has had articles written about him on-line. Austin says, he has an article about a coach on-line. Julia asks if he was a source in the article? Austin says, he was the article. Julia says, she wants to go & research this. Austin says, he has no problem with WWE & he wants to get back in with them after the show.


9:23 PM BBT Liz is soo tired & she wants to go to sleep. Austin wants more food & treats. Julia is so curious & wants to hear about that story. Austin says, he was forced to stop talking about it before he came in because of the lawyers. He says, it's all confidential. He says, things got leaked that he didn't want to get leaked, & it became a big mess. We see FOTH.


9:24 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Austin says, he was talking about his personal life. Julia says, you were just saying you couldn't talk about it, so we're done. Liz asks Julia what WWE stands for? Austin says, World Wrestling Entertainment. Julia asks if you had to know someone to get into it? Austin says, no, you just have to have a look. Liz says, he got in there without the ponytail beard. Austin says, yes, & he laughs. They talk about his first show.


9:26 PM BBT Julia & Austin talk about Hulk Hogan & The Rock. Austin says, he never met The Rock. He says, some of the guys helped him, but he wasn't one of the guys chosen.


9:28 PM BBT Liz tells Austin, "These are very kinky beds as she puts his chains around his hand. Austin talks about other stars in WWE that he would hang out with.


09:30PM BBT Steve and Jmac are in the BY. Steve tells Jmac that he should not have thrown the comp to him this week. Steve tells Jmac that he has to win next week. Jmac agrees. Steve asks what day did he nominate Julia and what day he won HOH for the second time.


09:34PM BBT Jmac and John think that the final 5 eviction will be next week. They start discussing possibilities for the final 4. Steve honestly believes there is an Americas player this year. Jmac asks if he is ever going to drop that and Steve says no. BB calls Liz to the DR.


09:37PM BBT Steve says that if there is an Americas play it is a new form of it. They say Audrey could have been America’s player. Jmac says that he is very confident that there is no Americas player this year.


09:40PM BBT Steve asks if Jmac needs anything from him. Jmac says he has everything pretty much figured out in his head. Steve says he will go inside and tells Jmac good night.


09:43PM BBT Julia starts talking in Spanish again. Steve walks into the WA. Julia asks the live feeders to not screen shot her with her mask on.


09:46PM BBT Steve and the Austwins are all in the WA. Austin is talking about a speech he thought of using for the Veto meeting. BB got a camera on Julias face and zoomed in really far for the live feeders to get a screen shot.


09:51PM BBT Steve and Austin are now playing chess and talking chess. There is no game talk going on right now. Julia is just lying in the WA with her face mask on. 


09:54PM BBT Vanessa and Jmac are now talking game in the CBR. Vanessa is talking about all of the different ratios for certain scenarios. Vanessa is telling Jmac that they are going to need to vote to keep Liz. Jmac asks what they are going to tell Steve. Vanessa starts going over more reasons why Liz would be the the better one to keep.


10:00PM BBT Vanessa says that her and Jmac have to go with the odds and then pray that Steve doesn’t win the veto. They are saying that they are going to have to do what the twins want them to do. Vanessa says that it is not worth pissing them off. Vanessa asks Jmac what comps he has won and he starts going over them.


10:02PM BBT Vanessa asks Jmac if Steve is going to get mad and Jmac says no. Vanessa says that she will just tell Steve that they are cool. Julia walks into the CBR and Vanessa tells her that they will all vote to keep Liz. Julia says that’s what she wants. Julia says tomorrow is her last day and that she had a good run. Julia is now talking about sitting in front of the audience with Julie.


10:05PM BBT Jmac, Vanessa, and Julia are now talking about the different comps throughout the season. They are talking about different positions they were in for different comps and who lasted longer in what position.


10:09PM BBT Julia, Vanessa, and Jmac are now talking about space and how people go to the bathroom in space. Vanessa says that you have to catch your pee because there is no gravity. Liz walks into the room and Vanessa tells her the plan to vote for Liz to stay on eviction night. Liz tells them thank you. They are just hoping that Steve doesn’t get mad.


10:12PM BBT Liz says that Vanessa and Jmac will be fine because Steve is her new target because there are consequences for taking out her twin. Liz says that she will still be sad for her sister. They both want each other to win. Liz says it means a lot that they are going to honor the twin’s wishes.


10:14PM BBT Vanessa says that Liz now gets more time with Austin. Liz says that she has to think of a speech now. She says this is the first time that she has been on the block in front of Julie Chen. Liz says that she is going to get really nervous and thinking of a speech is really hard. She is now talking about a speech from high school that she messed up and people laughed at ther. Jmac says just think of this, you are now in front of millions of people, but they won’t remember in a few months anyway.


10:18PM BBT The three in the CBR now come up with a plan to scare Julia. They are turning off the lights and hiding to scare Julia with a blowup shark. They are waiting for Julia, but she is brushing her teeth in the WA.


10:20PM BBT Jmac is going to spy on Julia and warn Liz and Vanessa before she walks into the room so they are ready. The girls are actually scaring themselves looking into the mirrors. They think they see people. BB yells Liz and her and Vanessa jump and scream. They turn the lights back off and they are still scaring themselves with the mirror. Julis is pulling off her face mask in the WA. They are going to be waiting for a little while still.


10:23PM BBT Jmac opens the door and Liz and Vanessa turn on the lights and throw the shark thinking it was Julia. Julia is now walking towards the room. Lights are off and they are waiting for Julia to open the door. They were not successful with the scare. Julia was tipped off because the lights were off.


10:26PM BBT Feeds are back to boring stuff again. Julia laying on the hammock in the BY. And Austin is waiting for someone to play chess with. Vanessa is in the KT and Steve walks down to the KT. Steve keeps saying that it is day 83. Steve made a dirty comment and Vanessa says she is shocked at Steve.


10:32PM BBT Steve is playing with the blowup shark. Vanessa tells Steve to come play with her upstairs. Steve accepts the challenge for chess. Steve says Vanessa has to eat a Mr. Good bar if Steve wins.


10:34PM BBT Julia is telling Austin that he needs to blow up Vanessa’s game. They have figured out Vanessa playing all sides of the house. Julia says that she is going to blow Vanessa’s game up on Thursday because she won’t be in the house anymore anyways.


10:36PM BBT Austwins are talking about how Vanessa has shown her hand. Julia wants to know why Steve’s opinion matters to Vanessa. Liz says that the favorites to win are her and Austin. Julia tells Liz that she has to win everything from now on. They say they need to stop having comps for guys.


10:39PM BBT Austin is in the KT with Jmac. They are not talking. The twins are still on the hammock. They are all over Vanessa and Liz says that she knows she has stuff to hide. Liz says that it is critical that her or Austin win this week or they are going on the block. Liz says that Vanessa is going to try and thrown the next HOH, but Liz thinks that is stupid. Julia says there is two weeks left so there is no throwing anything. Julia asks Liz to rehearse her days, no more cuddling. Julia says Liz is their last chance to win.


10:43PM BBT Liz says that she hopes that it is an endurance comp so that Steve will not win because he does not have a chance. Liz really wants Steve out next week. Jmac and Austin are in the CBR Austin tells Jmac that Steve wants to have a Hammock meeting with them tonight. Jmac says that he is all for it. Austin says that an HOH is coming up so Steve really wants to talk, a lot of scampering going on. Austin says he is ready to get things going in the BB house. 


10:49PM BBT Austwins are all in the BY again. They are still talking about Vanessa and how she is deceiving all of them.


10:51PM BBT The Austwins are talking scenarios. Austin says that the only scary scenario is that if Steve and Jmac are on the block and Vanessa wins the Veto and uses it. That would mean that Liz has to go up.


10:52PM BBT Julia asks Liztin to promise her that they will get Steve out. Austin tells Julia that she has to tell the Jury how bad Vanessa has been to everybody because there is no way she should win doing what she is doing. They are now coming up with different combinations that could be in the finals. Vanessa walks into the BY. Austwins stop talking and Vanessa announces that she has beat Steve in chess. Austin is now going to play chess with Vanessa.


10:55PM BBT The twins go to play pool when Steve comes out to the BY. Vanessa and Austin are now playing chess.


11:00PM BBT There hasn’t been any game talk for a little bit. Jmac is trying to sleep. Van and Austin are playing chess and Austin is getting beat. The twins are still playing pool and Steve is being awkward by himself as usual. When Steve walks inside. Julia says he is scampering because he is scared. Julia really wants Steve out of the house. They think Steve is terrified, Liz doesn’t know why anybody is scared of her anyways.


11:02PM BBT Julia thinks that Vanessa is now going to have to tell Steve that he needs to act mad that they are going to keep Liz instead of Julia. The twins say that they have had a really good summer. Julia says that she never should have listened to Vanessa and that she played her. Liz says that you can just tell that he is nervous right now (steve). Julia says that Liz should have not said that she was going after Steve. Liz says that she is not going to hide the fact that she is going after Steve, because he caused her so much this week. Julia says that she loves it, he is squirming (Steve).


11:04PM BBT Julia says that she cannot wait for tonight, she can’t wait to see what Austin has to say about the conversation he is going to have with the boys. Julia says that Becky was right, Vanessa has jumped from power to power.


11:09PM BBT The twins are still talking about how bad Vanessa is and how much trouble Steve is going to be. They keep saying that the air smells like Burger King. Julia talks in Spanish with no subtitles.


11:15PM BBT Julia is setting up the pool table for another game. Vanessa and Austin are still playing chess. Austin is losing again. Liz come back out to the BY and they say it still smells like Burger King. Julia says that Austin has a good chance at winning. She then starts to call the other HG leaches and talks about how they have leached on to them and how they are so lucky they have made it this far. It sounded really mean.


11:19PM BBT Liz says that she wants a girl to win. Julia tells her that she cannot take Van to the finals. She tells her that her best chance is to take Jmac. She thinks he has no chance at winning at all.


11:21PM BBT Julia starts to sing a song from frozen and we get FOTH. Feeds came right back on and Julia says that she is upset that all of this happened with Vanessa. They say they won’t tell her anything again. They call her a liar.


11:30PM BBT Not much happing now. Twins just finished playing pool. Austin and Vanessa are still playing chess. Twins are now by the Jacuzzi still talking bad about Vanessa. They cant believe that Vanessa has done them wrong after everything they have done for her. They are just mad because they got played.


11:33PM BBT Julia says that she has a gut feeling that Vanessa orchestrated the twins being on the block. She says she knows 100%. They are talking about embarrassing Steve on live T.V..


11:40PM BBT Twins are still talking bad about the HG. Austin and Vanessa are still playing chess. Steve and Jmac are out of the picture.


11:41PM BBT Julia starts talking about being in sequester and we get FOTH.


11:42PM BBT Feeds come back on then off then on again. Nothing has changed.


11:44PM BBT Steve walks into the BY. Steve says that the chess game is very intense. Steve joins the twins at the Jacuzzi. The chess game has been going on forever. The twins stop saying mean things about the HG when Steve joins.


11:47PM BBT The twins tell Steve what the plan is about Julia is going to jury on Thursday. Steve seems shocked that they have come to that decision already. They are telling Steve all the reason why Julia is going home on Thursday. Steve is trying not to get emotional about everything.


11:53PM BBT Steve and the twins are talking about how Julia is nothing like Victoria because Julia actually played a part in the game and she has been in alliances. We get FOTH. Feeds come right back on and all of the cameras are on the intense chess game. 

11:56PM BBT Feeds are back on the twins and Steve. They start talking about production a little bit. They say the Chinese food is making them feel bad. HA. 

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