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Austin Matelson (Week 11) - Nominated, PoV winner, saved himself


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Okay, Austin is creep-o-rama all the way.  He lost his balls when he hooked up with Liz almost from the start of the game but he has ridden that Summer Camp Express like the pseudo-pedophile that he is, and I'm officially declaring my hope that he now wins -- now that James is gone.  Keep in mind he is the least of the evils that remain.


To make matters worse, I hope it gets down to Austwins for final three, and Austin evicts Julia (somehow, some way -- I know.  It's nothing but fantasy at this point).

My only pleasure is to see Vanessa, Steve, and John evicted from here on out in that order.

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I wonder if Austin is man enough to use the Veto on his love Liz? That is one way for him to test if Liz is really into him or not. He knows he could count on Vanessa's vote ( she swore she would keep him over either twin) and he only needs two votes to stay. But will Liz vote for him to stay over her sis? It would be fun to find out.  :giggle:  

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I really don't much like ANY of the remaining HGs, but of the six, Austin is my LEAST favorite to win.  His constant reference to being on camera has gotten very old. 


I would be very surprised if he ever gets to do much in wrestling.  He seems to be able to think things through, but for some reason can't think through that when you file charges against a major wrestling entity you're poison to the other wrestling entities.  Maybe someone will hire him to be a thug in a television show or movie, but I think his wrestling on any high level is history.  JMO

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Thought I would die laughing at Austin's reaction to the twins reference to Sigmund and Freud's Vegas tiger show.


I suppose he has had a lot of practice controlling his reactions when it comes to the things that come out of the mouths of those Nolan twins. 

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This is why blondes get such a bad rap.

(At first I thought they were just teasing)


But are they really blondes?  Their roots were starting to look pretty dark before they gave themselves that really bad coloring job during Liz's HOH. 


Like Ginamarie, they may have been forced to dye their hair blonde because of their deficient mental abilities. 


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I wonder if Austin is man enough to use the Veto on his love Liz? That is one way for him to test if Liz is really into him or not. He knows he could count on Vanessa's vote ( she swore she would keep him over either twin) and he only needs two votes to stay. But will Liz vote for him to stay over her sis? It would be fun to find out. :giggle:

Why is it the guy in showmance are expected to save the girl "to prove his love" yet the girl never is asked to do the same for the guy? For the first time in the game I actually agree with Vanessa when she brings up the same point. In this twinmance the weaker twin (Julia) should sacrifice herself for her twin since Liz can actually win HOH'S. What the twins need to understand and Liz especially that in the crazy world of pro wrestling Austin winning BB will actually help his career and "if" her feelings for Austin are real then having him win BB will benefit her too. Hell the twins could get work in TNA alongside Austin after all of this, but not sure how this BB exposure will help Austin with returning to the WWE after the way he left.

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So Austin was in one of WWE's "farm teams"? He was never brought up to the big leagues?

According to Austin his demise was all politics. But TNA is not the WWE so with the exposure he is getting on BB will be enough to get him a job there and he would help TNA since he now has a name they can promote. Hell his good friend EC3 is TNA champ so he does have an in. I could Judas and his Twin Angels (Liz/Julia) being pushed in TNA.

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So Austin was in one of WWE's "farm teams"? He was never brought up to the big leagues?


I read that he was ranked #331 out of 500 by Pro Wrestling International in 2013,  so it doesn't sound like he was in the upper echelon of pro wrestlers.  Then he suffered an injury (he said a hip injury), but what really did him in was when he made a complaint about a trainer.  He alleged bullying, assault, sexual harassment, etc.  Of course he had a right to file complaints, but he pretty much sealed his fate in the pro wrestling world by doing so.  He made himself too much of a legal liability. That being said, maybe if he wins BB he will be attractive to some entity in pro wrestling, and they'll take him back.  He's such a weird freak that he does fit right into that world.  It's not real and is just a performance.  I don't know why anyone would want to watch that fake crap, but to each their own.  I wonder if he might get hired as a character actor in movies and such.  I'm not sure he could ever do anything in "the real world" because, again, he's such a weird freak, but acting might be right up his alley.  JMO

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According to Austin his demise was all politics. But TNA is not the WWE so with the exposure he is getting on BB will be enough to get him a job there and he would help TNA since he now has a name they can promote. Hell his good friend EC3 is TNA champ so he does have an in. I could Judas and his Twin Angels (Liz/Julia) being pushed in TNA.

I could definitely see Austin being in TNA. There's already an angle for him to play as a nemesis to Jesse (Mr. Pec-tacular). Or, they could work as the team from BB. I 

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I know Liz is with him by choice (that break up didn't last near long enough) but I cannot get past feeling like he is a molester!  Maybe it is the way he holds her head when he is kissing her so she cannot move, or the way he covers her whole body when he is trying to snuggle, or the way he gets jealous of her talking to any of the other guys for more than 2 sentences.  He is just creepy in my opinion.  


I wonder how he will feel when he reads that he has been at the bottom of all popularity contests.  When he said BB pretty much had to have that competition with Jessie for him and then wore the POV necklace for hours because "the live feeders (that he called all fat nerds) like it when he does that" his ego just about exploded.


And he needs to use soap and shampoo when he showers!  GROSS

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I want to like Austin. I really do. And I've tried. But there is something about him that is very creepy. And he looks like he smells. I dunno - just gross. I would prefer that he win over either of the twins though. Now that James is out this would be my order I guess:





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I know Liz is with him by choice (that break up didn't last near long enough) but I cannot get past feeling like he is a molester! Maybe it is the way he holds her head when he is kissing her so she cannot move, or the way he covers her whole body when he is trying to snuggle, or the way he gets jealous of her talking to any of the other guys for more than 2 sentences. He is just creepy in my opinion.

I wonder how he will feel when he reads that he has been at the bottom of all popularity contests. When he said BB pretty much had to have that competition with Jessie for him and then wore the POV necklace for hours because "the live feeders (that he called all fat nerds) like it when he does that" his ego just about exploded.

And he needs to use soap and shampoo when he showers! GROSS

Molester? Austin thought Liz liked him hence Liz was sleeping with him. For me I disliked Liz for using Austin to protect her until her sister was able to come in the house as herself but my feelings changed about her after she started to have feelings for him then I was rooting them both. I do wonder how Austin will react to the early DR'S with Liz/Julia and Liz would call him gross and admit she was using him. That might cause some drama so she better come clean about it before hand.

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Molester? Austin thought Liz liked him hence Liz was sleeping with him. For me I disliked Liz for using Austin to protect her until her sister was able to come in the house as herself but my feelings changed about her after she started to have feelings for him then I was rooting them both. I do wonder how Austin will react to the early DR'S with Liz/Julia and Liz would call him gross and admit she was using him. That might cause some drama so she better come clean about it before hand.


It'll only cause drama if they're still in some sort of relationship.  I don't think their relationship out of the house will last long enough for Austin to watch the shows.  They're such completely different people.  I think they were only together in the show for their mutual benefit of furthering themselves in the game. 

But we'll see. 

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For some reason people on the Internet started the Austin is stinky and Austin doesn't shower stuff. 


He does take at least one shower a day and sometimes 2 showers a day and he uses soap. 


He does not wash his hair every day and I get that. I am a person with dry frizzy hair like Austin and washing it every day is the worst thing I did for years. The doctor told me to not wash my hair more then once a week. Bingo bango my hair became healthier and it started growing past my shoulders where it never did my whole life of over washing. I now have healthy hair thanks to cutting back on the washing. 


As far as the touching and sex part that is a real turn off to see that on the feeds. Yucko 


The self promotion talk is really boring. I always hate when people talk about BB being a stepping stone for fame. ugg


I would rather Austin win the game over Vanessa but .... not really a fan of anyone or invested in the game outcome. 

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Uh oh Steve.  LOL

For some reason people on the Internet started the Austin is stinky and Austin doesn't shower stuff. 


He does take at least one shower a day and sometimes 2 showers a day and he uses soap. 


He does not wash his hair every day and I get that. I am a person with dry frizzy hair like Austin and washing it every day is the worst thing I did for years. The doctor told me to not wash my hair more then once a week. Bingo bango my hair became healthier and it started growing past my shoulders where it never did my whole life of over washing. I now have healthy hair thanks to cutting back on the washing. 


As far as the touching and sex part that is a real turn off to see that on the feeds. Yucko 


The self promotion talk is really boring. I always hate when people talk about BB being a stepping stone for fame. ugg


I would rather Austin win the game over Vanessa but .... not really a fan of anyone or invested in the game outcome. 


I'm not invested either.  I find it entertaining to see the rest of them squirm as a result of their game play now.

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