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9/3 TV Show (Double) Eviction Night Thread


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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the double eviction show....


2. Which nominee is the better partner  Meg or Julia?



3.What is your worst case scenario hoh winner/2nd person evicted for double eviction show?




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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the double eviction show....  one of Austwins will win hoh


2. Which nominee is the better partner  Meg or Julia? neither would make the ideal partner  i guess julia by default since being up against meg usually would means you would go home



3.What is your worst case scenario hoh winner/2nd person evicted for double eviction show? steve getting power just hate the indecision and cowardly feels of his hoh's .....




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1. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the double eviction show...     Liz will win HOH


2. Which nominee is the better partner Meg or Julia?    Neither can win - but with the HOH comp being a crap shoot, probably Meg


3. What is your worst case scenario hoh winner/2nd person evicted for double eviction show?    Liz or Austin winning / James evicted

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the double eviction show....:  Vanessa will say "why, she's all alone in this game, she doesn't have anyone"


2. Which nominee is the better partner  Meg or Julia?    Meg, she has come closest between the two to actually win a HOH or VETO



3.What is your worst case scenario hoh winner/2nd person evicted for double eviction show?   Liz winning and Jmac, James or Steve voted out

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the double eviction show.... Meg will cry.

2. Which nominee is the better partner Meg or Julia? Meg. She is far less annoying.

3.What is your worst case scenario hoh winner/2nd person evicted for double eviction show? Worst HOH- Liz. Evicted- James. I want the Austwins to lose SO badly.

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the double eviction show....  Julie will ask Liz how it feels to have her twin sister sitting in the eviction chair 


2. Which nominee is the better partner  Meg or Julia?  Meg 



3.What is your worst case scenario hoh winner/2nd person evicted for double eviction show?  Worst HOH winner would be Julia (that would belong to Vanessa) Worst case for second evicted would be James 




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here we go :animated_bouncy:

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cowardly steve at it again :animated_bouncy:

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Meg didn't even try with that speech


yep agree but not like it would have swung any votes from the cowardly duo steve and john :animated_bouncy:

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the double eviction show....  one of Austwins will win hoh









steve probably pissing his pants he didnt strike :animated_bouncy:

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hoping james wins veto just to two see one of cowardly duo leaves


fine with everyone  else


never been a fan of the returning hg's twist :animated_bouncy:

He or John deserve this eviction. I just can't stand that there is never a shift in this house lol



personality types that would flipped seems to be getting evicted earlier in the season leaves these passive pushovers in the game :animated_bouncy:

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hoping john goes 



never been a fan of his game :animated_bouncy:

vanessa i read many thought she was a great player


i dont see it


she has a huge three headed monster problem  that she helped keep in the game



john and steve cant even do this right


mostly john since his neck is on the line :animated_bouncy:

not going to lie liz is a low key comp beast :animated_bouncy:

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pathetic attempt with his life on the line


hoping for a triple eviction take both james and john lol :animated_bouncy:



Julia wins the Veto haha ... Twitterverse is gonna riot!



many claim she would never win a comp


i hate when folks proclaimed a hg's cant win comps :animated_bouncy:

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Bye James

yep  :animated_bouncy:

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