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JUROR #5 James Huling (Week 10 ) - Nominated, PoV winner, Saved himself + D/E Nominee (Evicted Sep. 3)


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James needs to step it up if he has any idea of staying. It looks like Messy Vanessy is going to nominate him and Meg. I doubt that James will campaign against Meg, he likes her too much. And obviously Meg isn't known for winning comps. Just seems like last nights comp was rigged. I don't think Vanessa won it fair and square. I hate that at this point in the game there is not one person in power I can root for. Vanessa, Austin and the twins are all gross. Egads. James, please get out of your summer camp mentality and get your game face back on!

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I was hoping that James would try to get back in the game and really put forth an effort to win, but he admits he gave up on the competition early.  I think he realizes that he would have to win either the Veto or HOH  from now until the end of the season to avoid eviction.  He knows that Vanessa and Austwins will have to target him because he is the biggest threat in the house standing between them and the win.  He probably has resigned himself to going to jury. Let us see what he will do in the veto competition.

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I was hoping that James would try to get back in the game and really put forth an effort to win, but he admits he gave up on the competition early.  I think he realizes that he would have to win either the Veto or HOH  from now until the end of the season to avoid eviction.  He knows that Vanessa and Austwins will have to target him because he is the biggest threat in the house standing between them and the win.  He probably has resigned himself to going to jury. Let us see what he will do in the veto competition.


I think the veto comp is stacked against James.  It sounds like Austwins and Vanessa have a solid strategy to insure James loses.  It's not looking good.

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I want James to win SO badly! If Vanessa steps up and puts up an Austwin and they get evicted, he might just see the path to F2 open up for him and light a fire under his ass.

He's no dummy, he's just easy going, and he does want to win, and he just might. :)  I'd love a F2 of James & Meg. He'd definitely win and I don't think he'd be taking Meg as a sure thing; it would be because she's his friend. They are nice people and there's no reason they don't deserve it if they can pull it off.

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hopefully James will join Steve and John once Meg leaves. Then they could take a run at the threesome.

I wasn't sure who I wanted to win until the past couple of days....go team James


That's my hope too, and then  I think Vanessa would side with them.  If she's half as smart as she tries to make people believe she is, she'll realize that it's time to chisel away at the power of Austwins.

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Not sure he would join the two of them or at least not Jmac if he can't get him to vote Julia out. He would go toward Austwins and go after Vanessa and Steve. I believe Austin would rather go F2 with James and state that he had a hand in taking them all out using Liz and Vanessa.

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I so want to see James win the next HOH!!  Liz and Vanessa on the block with Austin as a backup!!!  That would make my night


Mine too!  We've had virtually no excitement this season, so it's about time.  I won't get to watch tomorrow night's show until Thursday because football will be on where I'm at, but I'll definitely keep up online. 

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James sees the rehearsals are gearing up for a DE Thursday. He talks Steve and John into evicting Julia. James wins HOH and they evict Liz at DE. John wins HOH and says to Van and Austin let's save time. Cop a squat. Thursday's show ends.

If you are gonna dream dream big!

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