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Survivor Style BB ?


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Survivor Style Big Brother = Fan Faves vs Fans


HOH Winner = Side who wins HOH is safe. Loser members are all on the block and also are Have Nots

POV/Immunity = Losing side will play for POV/Immunity with the winning member being safe from the eviction vote and will no longer be a have not (perhaps winning menber can even use it on someone else)


Survivor game style continues until they merge (or lose enough players to form one team) then game reset to classic BB..




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Survivor Style Big Brother = Fan Faves vs Fans
HOH Winner = Side who wins HOH is safe. Loser members are all on the block and also are Have Nots
POV/Immunity = Losing side will play for POV/Immunity with the winning member being safe from the eviction vote and will no longer be a have not (perhaps winning menber can even use it on someone else)
Survivor game style continues until they merge (or lose enough players to form one team) then game reset to classic BB..



That's a really good idea.  Better than the crap that BB has come up with for the beginning of this season.

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I really like this idea, anything that will change the normal process. Every year I get to a point in the game where I'm bored and that time is here, the classic game format now is so predictable and boring.  I really like how BB is played in the uk and Australia.  not many comps, more social game, public votes, face to face noms, instant cash prizes, new houseguests during the process, food rations, fun competitions for luxury food prizes, instant evictions, kill nominations, passes to finale (bbuk2014, and the chick who got the pass won the season!), no hoh, no veto.  I just finished watching bbuk2015 it was amazing from beginning to the finale.  This is what I want for our version.

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I wonder what happened to this season.....it started out with so much promise....."a new twist each week" and all.  It's like CBS forgot that this show is still on this season.  Lately there's been NOTHING except to expect the expected.

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