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Liz Nolan (Week 8) - HoH, + PoV winner


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I'm not sure I can handle all of the extra airtime the whiny twins are going to get now that Liz is HOH. One of them was bad enough, but that double dose of their awful voices is just too much. My mute button will be getting a workout.

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Some producer must be laughing themselves silly over torturing the audience with such a farce as are the twins + Austin.  I mean, this joke might have been funny the first

half hour when the second one was sprung into the house, but weeks of this is just too much.


It has to be somebody's idea of a cruel turn of events to watch this man (a wrestler no less) babysit a pair of twins and contribute absolutely NOTHING to the game.

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Congratulations to Liz, the twin that wins comps. Since she & Austin have been getting more affectionate with each other, this might be the week that Austin makes a more intimate move on Liz.

Austin better be careful because if he goes too far he might find himself getting backdoored by Liz. I think that Liz is a bit pissed off by Austin's poor comp performance. As of now Liz has 2 HOH comp wins & 1 BOB win. Austin only has his one HOH win back in week 3 with Vanessa where he was ultimately dethroned. The Gronk Pong comp was really a crapshoot, not much athletic prowess involved.

If Liz doesn't nominate Becky then I'll believe that she's playing her own game and not Vanessa's.

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Well Becky and JMac are up on the block. Becky is safe. 


Jmac is the target but they are not sure about the back door if Jmac comes down. 


Meg, James, Becky, Austin, Liz and Julia have an alliance (maybe)


They will consider Vanessa as a back door target if she goes gonzo 

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I can't stand this girl. I don't think I have ever had to listen to someone that is so self centered. I don't care for Austin either but it is hard to watch how she treats him and talks about him to other people. Everytime she opens her mouth I want to throw my tablet out the window

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Oh hell no, useless idiot #1 as HoH?  What will this whiny voiced b**** do?   Surely, not something that she might attempt to think up.   This should be fun and we get to see A with his disgusting picture arms up her back as the puppet master.


A - Here's your plan for this week:   Put up useless idiot #2 and Vanessa on the block.   We can then back door Meg.   She will never see it coming.


UI#1 - (in the whiniest voice ever)  but she's my sssssiiiiissssttttteeeerrrrrrr?   Wwwwhhhhyyyyy wwwwwwoooouuuulllllldddd wwwwwweeeee dddddddooooo  tttttttthhhhhaaaaattttttt?


A - (thinking:  because you are mine to control and I don't need useless idiot #2 making any more trouble for me than neccessary)  Oh, she will be cool, she wants to be the pawn.   She told me that being your pawn is the best way that she can support you.  (thinking - JUST DO IT, or I might have to cry again).


UI#1 - (pouting and in that voice again)   OOOOOOOkkkkkkaaaaaayyyyyyy  As long as she wants it.



Where is freaking Darwin when the voice genes of that family are getting passed along????????

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I would love it if Liz won the veto and used it on Becky and named Vanessa as the replacement nominee.

Vanessa would go on a week long rampage through the house demeaning Johnny Mac in every way imaginable. Vanessa has already been planting seeds about Johnny Mac's emotional state and actually referring to him as a "rager". She even inferred to Austin that she was afraid to share the HN room with Johnny Mac.

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News update from CBS - Today BB requistioned NAS level audio processors to be used to save the hearing and sanity of the production staff.  They have already lost 34% of the production crew and something desperately needed to save the others.

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News update from CBS - Today BB requistioned NAS level audio processors to be used to save the hearing and sanity of the production staff.  They have already lost 34% of the production crew and something desperately needed to save the others.

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The only thing good that I can say about Liz is that at least she can win some comps.

Julia, the twin that sucks is lucky that Liz won. I just wonder if Liz is getting tired carrying Austin & her sister.

Because Austin came in second place in the veto comp, he tells Liz that they are co-winners of the veto. What the hell!!!!

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Because Austin came in second place in the veto comp, he tells Liz that they are co-winners of the veto. What the hell!!!!

Probably because it was the OTEV competition, and they were the only 2 left, so he sacrificed it and let her win.

(That way, no one will pressure him to use it, they'll have to talk to her, the HoH.)

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The twins should at least be happy that they've had alcohol for the past 2 nights. And from some of the stories they tell it kinda makes me think that these 2 might be 'binge drinkers'.

From some of the stupid things that they say, I find it hard to believe that they're college graduates.

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The twins should at least be happy that they've had alcohol for the past 2 nights. And from some of the stories they tell it kinda makes me think that these 2 might be 'binge drinkers'.

From some of the stupid things that they say, I find it hard to believe that they're college graduates.


Perhaps they graduated from the school of hard knocks. They majored in advanced drug abuse and communicable diseases with a minor in alcohol consumption.  

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On Liz's linkedIn page she states that she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in marketing from Loyola.  I have a hard time believing that she graduated cum laude, and wonder why she wouldn't have mentioned that on LinkedIn.  It sounds like she may have had one good semester, for whatever reason.  She could be one of those people who do well scholastically but are otherwise pretty much stupid.  Or maybe she has just indulged in too much alcohol and killed some of those neurons that served her well during her one shining semester.  Or she has exaggerated her credentials.   Or she used the credentials of another Elizabeth Nolan.....one with a brain.

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Austin said that Vanessa was acting "self-righteous", and then had to explain what it meant. The twins have said that they attended catholic school and I would expect that "righteousness" would be included somewhere in their primary education.

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