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8/13 TV Show (Double) Eviction Night Thread


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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....


2. Which nominee staying would help or hurt your favorite BB17 HG's the most Shelli or Vanessa?



3.Who do you hope will be second person evicted Thursday in double eviction ?




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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show.... steve will win hoh


2. Which nominee staying would help or hurt your favorite BB17 HG's the most Shelli or Vanessa? no favorite but i feel vanessa adds more to the show than shelli



3.Who do you hope will be second person evicted Thursday in double eviction ? hopefully one of the do nothing so far in the game hg's




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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....  Julie will ask Austin about Liz


2. Which nominee staying would help or hurt your favorite BB17 HG's the most Shelli or Vanessa? - I don't have a favorite this season. I would like to see Shelli gone this week and Vanessa back up on the block. 



3.Who do you hope will be second person evicted Thursday in double eviction ? - Becky - she is getting annoying 




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1. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show.......... Shelli will cry


2. Which nominee staying would help or hurt your favorite BB17 player..... don't have a favorite player except maybe for Johnny Mac so I would say Vanessa staying may hurt him if she truly would go after him.

3. Who do you hope is the second person evicted Thursday in the double eviction.........Steve

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1.Predict something:

Steve will freak out if he gets a question from Julie about his game.

2. Which nominee staying: Vanessa?

I just want Vanessa out because she's too controlling of others and cannot control herself.

3.Who will be the second person evicted:

Definitely one of the twins - I find both of them extremely annoying because of their constant whining & complaining

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....


Shelli will send a special shout out to Clay.


2. Which nominee staying would help or hurt your favorite BB17 HG's the most Shelli or Vanessa?


Shelli since she would come after James or Meg if she won HOH



3.Who do you hope will be second person evicted Thursday in double eviction ?


Vanessa if she survives the first eviction.




Do we know who's going home?

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....


Becky will give us a classic scowl when Van stays.


2. Which nominee staying would help or hurt your favorite BB17 HG's the most Shelli or Vanessa?


I'm team Goblins over Austwins and I like JMack but dislike Becky and Steve so go Van! And Van is a way more interesting game player then Shelli so she needs to stay.


3.Who do you hope will be second person evicted Thursday in double eviction ? \


Becky-- she gets more annoying to me every week. Van for HOH!

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show time :animated_bouncy:

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lol happy birthday shout out to jason


why why? :animated_bouncy:

stupid judas character is back :animated_bouncy:

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That whole Judas thing is just stupid.



agree :animated_bouncy:

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show.... steve will win hoh


good at what i do


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backdoor plan must be in place :animated_bouncy:

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Becky or Vanessa? Maybe one of the Austin/twins?



probably james :animated_bouncy:

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jmac to me is the best there in comps :animated_bouncy:

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Will John use it? He wouldn't want Becky put up and Steve won't put up Van.



true that is the issue  i thought of :animated_bouncy:

big bad jackie or meg is leaving


what a waste


let down for a de for me :animated_bouncy:


big bad jackie or meg is leaving


what a waste


let down for a de for me :animated_bouncy:



funny i wanted a do nothing out  but when it happen i didnt ha..... :animated_bouncy:

john winning pov screwed up the backdoor plan


steve is pissing his pants :animated_bouncy:

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