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8/6 TV Show Eviction Night Thread


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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....


2. Who would you rather stay Shelli or Clay?



3.Who do you want to win the next hoh Team Six Sense or Team Underdogs/Summer camp(Meg, Jackie)or someone else..... ?




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1. Jackie will freak over something


2. Rather see Shellie Stay simply because I don't care for the other side. (James/Jackie/Meg)


3.Team 6th sense...maybe Julia?

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1. Meg will cry when Clay walks out the door. Vanessa will make a big deal of Clay not giving her a goodbye hug.

2. Definitely want Clay to stay, the girls have been running things long enough, it's time for the boys to step up & win something.

3. Austin, Steve & Johnny Mac.

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1. Someone's face will be greyed out.


2. Neither, hoping for a super surprise double eviction twist called "Y'all Go!!" where the entire nom block is cleared.


3. The chlorine duck,  the only cool HG this season other than Meg.

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....    Vanessa will cry and make it all about her. She will say "This is soooooo hard on my you guys. You don't even know" 


2. Who would you rather stay Shelli or Clay? -  Clay



3.Who do you want to win the next hoh Team Six Sense or Team Underdogs/Summer camp(Meg, Jackie)or someone else..... ? -  I want Jackie to win so she can put Vanessa on the block or JohnnyMac to see how he plays 




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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....  julie will ask whichever one is evicted if there is a future between the two


2. Who would you rather stay Shelli or Clay? i was going to say shelli but after seeing the meg segment with clay i changed my mind....want to see shelli go home and see that and boom at finale she gives clay the cold shoulders



3.Who do you want to win the next hoh Team Six Sense or Team Underdogs/Summer camp(Meg, Jackie)or someone else..... ? i guess underdogs just to see the game even out a bit more




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If Clay goes, Meg will cry.

If Shelli goes, Clay will cry

I want Shelli to go. I'm tired of her acting like a princess.

I'd like to see Johnny Mac win HOH. It is time for him to show who he stands with in the game and to start playing his own game, and stop doing what everyone else tells him to do.

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....

-Vanessa will ring her hands, run to the person not evicted, talk a mile a minute about how sorry she is (the usual Vanessa blah-blah)

-Austin will cast his vote as "Judas"

-If Clay is evicted Shelli will smirk behind tears; if Shelli is evicted, Clay will get right in James' face and yell at him

-Steve will stand there looking clueless


2. Who would you rather stay Shelli or Clay?

Clay definitely.  I want to see the smirk wiped off Shelli's face and Clay will go ballistic on the house.



3.Who do you want to win the next hoh Team Six Sense or Team Underdogs/Summer camp(Meg, Jackie)or someone else..... ?

Jackie or Meg

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1. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show.      The twins will look at each other and smile


2. Who would you rather stay Shelli or Clay?  Clay


3. Who do you want to win the next HOH? Steve or Johnny Mac or Jackie

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Rather than predictable voting, I would love to see an appearance from Judas voting to evict Shelli because she was the person in her alliance to rat out the Audrey vote to the other side.

Judas where are you when we need you???

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show time :animated_bouncy:

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really hate the derrick n cody filler



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i hate when they go to commercial when the back end is no real mystery to the results :animated_bouncy:

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What a LOSER that Cody was!  Hahahahahah 

He would have had the half million dollars had he taken Victoria instead of Derrick to the finals!


And then he and Derrick had the nerve to diss the men who choose a showmance over the money!

Oh, the IRONY!!!

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what a simp that clay is



he is one of few hg's types i hate :animated_bouncy:

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ITA with uvp

Clay is a JOKE

and I have to say Julie didn't do a very good job of hiding that she thinks so too

In fact, I don't know that I've ever seen Julie show how little she thinks of a houseguest in

their exit interview.

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placing all my money on meg winning this comp :animated_bouncy:

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poor james his alliance mates sucks :animated_bouncy:

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Sorry to hear about your upcoming bankruptcy. LOL!

ha.... :animated_bouncy:

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