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Sunday, August 2 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


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Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


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12:07 AM BBT Shelli finishes her fifth round and there is another parade through the KT.  Five hundred!!  Shelli starts up again for her next hundred rounds.


12:10 AM BBT In the KT, James and Meg are talking about rabbits as pets as other HGs listen. 


12:12 AM BBT Jackie and Vanessa go to the WA. Austin is showering.  Jackie apologizes to Vanessa that she uses the WC a lot and Vanessa reassures her that she does too, so it’s fine. 


12:18 AM BBT In the BY, Shelli is still looking forward to her pizza.  Steve and John are watching.  John comments that the podcast lost its focus.  It was supposed to be spiritual and sexual healing but it became “Jeff asks questions and Austin plugs Irish Spring”.  They chuckle.


12:20 AM BBT The group in the BY are talking about video games that they have played. 


12:21 AM BBT Vanessa and Jackie go to the Ocean BR to figure out where to set up Vanessa’s bed on the floor.  James comes into the room and comments that Johnny Mac is NOT in bed [John is in the BY]  Vanessa tries out her bed on the floor and Jackie laughs saying she can’t watch her.  Vanessa says “that’s done.  Took all of four minutes, but isn’t that a cute little squire’s bed?”


12:26 AM BBT Austin and Meg are hanging out in the KT while Liz and Julia prepare slop.  Steve looks on.  James comes out of the DR, but says he has to go back in.


12:32 AM BBT John and Clay sit on loungers by the pool as Shelli continues her rounds.  The counter says 585.  They are talking about the HOH comp and how cold the rain was. Becky was talking about her strategy of thinking about a song during the rain to help her through the cold.  That only worked the first time.


12:35 AM BBT Shelli completes 600 and is ringing the bell shouting “All is well in the Kingdom”  She stops to have something to eat.  She is feeling good because she is right on pace.  She’s excited to take a break for this meal.  She takes off her gloves and her shoes and settles on a couch in the BY to eat.


12:39 AM BBT In the BY, Vanessa tells Shelli she has a great attitude about her task and compares her to the girl who had to kick the soccer ball and got angry about it.  Vanessa thinks Shelli’s attitude is impressive.  Shelli wonders how far in before the girl got angry.  Vanessa and Jackie joke about their own punishments.  Jackie has to wear her costume for the whole week.  Vanessa has twenty hours to go. 


12:45 AM BBT.  Jackie says “this is the good life.”  She says she’s never been cleaned before.  Vanessa shifts position to avoid muscle cramps as she continues to shine Jackie’s armor.


12:48 AM BBT Vanessa says that she’s getting sleepy.  She tells Shelli about her cute little squire’s bed.  They collapse in laughter at the thought of Jackie dangling her leg off the bed so that Vanessa can keep shining.  Shelli says it’s SO absurd!  Shelli checks the time so she can make sure she gets back at it in good time.  They admire the full moon …or nearly full.  Shelli feels like that was the best meal she’s eaten in the house because she was so hungry.


12:53 AM BBT Meg and Becky are soaking their feet in the HT.  They are talking about Derrick and the “Hollaaa” challenge.  Becky said that was hard for Derrick because he was trying so hard to blend in.  Shelli tells them that she melted when Derrick first heard his daughter’s voice, because his daughter wasn’t talking yet when Derrick went into the house.


12:55 AM BBT Shelli is explaining to Steve where her slippers are.  He is playing with the hula hoop while he gets instructions and then goes inside to retrieve her slippers for her.  Shelli is stretching her neck and taking some deep breaths while Vanessa continues shining Jackie’s leg armor.  Becky is talking about her plan to become rich and famous….selling spa-tatoes….they’re “spudtacular”.  Steve comes back with Shelli’s slippers.  Shelli says “Steve!  Look at you taking good care of me!!” and thanks him. 


12:58 AM BBT Steve says he slept on the floor in “prison” and Vanessa is dumbfounded that he would do that.  BB warns not to talk about production.

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6:30 Shelli is still up walking the triangle and Clay is still cheerleading for her. Clay has opened the shutters for the day and Shelli exclaimed, "at least I didn't have to do that!" 

Clay hugged her and nuzzled her neck and went, ewwwww. She blasted him for saying that, even if it's not true, its still rude.

Clay asked her if she would be out there with him if he was the one doing it or would she be in bed. Bed, she says, loving having it all to myself. 

6:38 Shelli says, she's happy it is not hot, shes going to stay at it and try to finish. She considered sleeping all day and starting again at 9:30 tonight, but vetoed that idea when she remembered she had to rest on the patio, and it would still be hot there. Clay reminded her it was shady over there, but she's still at it. The sun is coming up and Shelli remarked that it comes up early here. 

Shelli said the back of one leg hurts, likely from bending over to pick up the bar. If she could catch it, she'd be happier and it wouldn't hurt so bad.

6:40 Shelli thinks Audrey put something in James brain when she was here that has caused this. (?) (a random thought)

Shelli hates zombies and refuses to watch Walking Dead. She hates anything zombie, it's creepy. 

She is trying to get Clay to go in and get ice cream or coffee. She's going to take a break after she does the next 100 and they can have coffee.

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6:45 After they drew for the veto, Vanessa was in the storage room with James and when she came out she winked at Clay. Shelli says, yeah, I don't think she knew we knew James was in there. 

Clay says I don't know if I trust her anymore. 

Shelli says, "people are saying things to her about us moreso than she is saying things to other people about us." Clay agrees

Shelli says, "whatever you said last night that got her so pissed off, when she (Vanessa) said, "there have been several things that cause me to doubt your loyalty to me, one of them was the way you handled the Jason situation, what we said after noms, and not hugging her after noms."

Shelli says, "there have been times when I wanted to say, I know Vanessa, I have heard things too, but I know she'd say who did you hear that from and when did you hear that, and I don't want to get into all of that."

Clay agrees, and says I think it was mostly Jason.

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Clay and Shelli are brainstorming ways to get James to use the veto on one of them and saving them by voting out the replacement. 

Shelli says, "We could go to him on a personal level and tell him that we get paid to be in the jury too, and it's all about the $. (FOTH) 

She is at 1400, as she says just 1000 more times. Clay says, the first 1400 wasn't too bad, was it?

She says, it is getting worse because her legs are now sore and her knees are hurting.

She leaves the area, walks inside with a loud bell and proclaims, " Here, Here, your kingdom is safe, all is well in the kingdom , only 1000 more to go!!!"

When she comes back outside, Clay says, "Well, I'll bet they love that."

She says, "someone was cheering me on." (I didn't hear it)

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11:37am BBT Shelli is at 1679 while Clay soaks in the pool watching her. Jmac brings her out something to drink, BB says Jon, thank you and then a few seconds later, Shelli, thank you for your cooperation. Shelli, says, what about Clay? he has been out here supporting me the whole time. No reply.

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11:53am BBT BB says "Shine that armour squire!" waking up Jackie and Vanessa....no movement..BB again SHINE THAT ARMOUR...Vanessa's hands starts moving...

Meg wakes up

BB says" Good job squire!" Vanessa drops buff in a flash.

Meg goes to storeroom gets a banana and goes to BY leaving Jackie and Vanessa in BR sleeping.

11:58am BBT Meg and Clay lounging in chairs together watching Shelli walk the triangle at #1735

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12:14pm BBT Shelli outside walking the triangle alone, Clay is called to DR and Jonny mac is attempting to find the sink among a pile of dishes......literally the ENTIRE countertop is filled with dirty dishes.

12:22pm BBT Shelli hits 1800 and rings bell in the house. No one stirs.

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12:33pm BBT Shelli still at it with Clay out there watching. Shelli talks about wanting Raisin bran with bananas. Clay had fruit loops. She tells him to take a nap. He says "I will take a nap if I want to " 

Clay starts talking about veto "another reason they wont use veto is that they could argue that there wont be another option to take one us out. BB says "Shine that armour squire!"

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2:32 PM BBT - Liz, Julia and Austin just finished eating slop in the kitchen.  Jackie and Vanessa are in the WC.  Jackie showered with her helmet on and is putting on her armor with Vanessa's help.  Now Vanessa's turn to shower.


Liz nicknames Steve "Sleepy Steve" and "Sneaky Steve" comes to the kitchen.  Austin added "Slippery Steve."  Steve said that he kissed Meg last night.  Meg goes up to HoH to check on James.


Clay and Shelli are taking a nap in the BY.  She's up to 2000.


James told Meg that Vanessa asked him if she was keeping the nominations the same and he was like, "uh, yeah."  Meg said that Vanessa is worried that he'll back door her.  Meg said that they need 2 more votes to evict Shelli.  Meg is a little worried that they are not going to have the numbers and are worried about Liz and Julia a little bit.  She thinks that Johnny Mac would keep Clay.  James doesn't want to steer off the plan because people get mad when plans are changed.  He wants to get the couple out.  Meg talks about next week and thinks that there will be a double eviction this Thursday or next Thursday and should use it to take out a big target.  Meg said it would be smart to break up the Twins.  James wants to know where clay lies after this is said and done and it will be heavy on his heart.  Meg's gut feeling is that Clay is pissed at Vanessa. 


2:50 PM BBT - James says that this is a great game move unless Clay wins HoH.  Meg is pessimistic that he will win as it's 1 out of 12.  They are talking about who Liz would nominate.  He did this because he wanted to show everyone that they are a group, not an alliance but a group. 

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Meg thinks that they should sit down with Austin and Liz about the possibility of a DE on Thursday.  James says that it doesn't really matter, because even though everyone wants to win, that it is a huge accomplishment to make it to Jury.  Austin, Liz, and Julia owe them because Clay and Shelli wanted James to nominate them.  He's hoping that the twins would maybe put Clay up with Becky.  Meg strategizes about becoming close to Liz/Julia/Austin but is worried that it would be hard to break them up later.  James assures her that they are not that good in comps so it wouldn't really be a problem.  James says that Meg has a better chance of beating the twins.  Austin hasn't really won anything.  Meg wants to talk to them on Wednesday...it will show them that they are on board with whatever they want and to ensure that Shelli goes this week.  Meg says that Vanessa is trying to get close to her and tell her that they are lone gamers.

2:58 p.m. BBT - Liz comes up to HoH to get sunglasses and James asks her about voting out Shelli.  Liz says that Clay came to her and asked her to vote him out.  Meg agreed that he asked her as well.  Shelli is the brains of the operation and without Shelli, Clay is nothing.  Liz says that she's torn about voting out Shelli.  She's a beast at competitions.  Liz says that Shelli is going to come up and talk him into back dooring Steve because the next competition will be memory and he's good at those.  James says that his plan doesn't change.

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3:03 p.m. BBT - Speculation talk about future comp.  Liz says that she will vote however the HoH wants her to but she feels bad.  James says that if Shelli knows that Clay is trying to be evicted over him, she's being very selfish.  BB:  "Shine that armor Squire."  Meg hates that message.  Liz thinks it's too far gone and Clay/Shelli will tell James whatever he wants to hear and they are pissed.  Their initial reaction speaks the loudest.  They don't care about anyone else but each other and the people in power, they suck up to.  James said that they flip flop to whomever is in power.  Meg says that it will be fine but Tuesday/Wednesday will be bad.  They all feel bad that Shelli has to do the punishment and she's going home.  James says that he got a pair of high top Converses out it and Clay got a trip to Ireland.

3:10 p.m. BBT - WBRB

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3:12 BBT Meg and James talkinga bout future. After Liz leaves. James : trying to protect our group we'll go forward as long as we... meg: we gotta keep good with austin and twins. 

james : three votes. meg: if they believe we arent coming after them they wont go after us. i'm only worried about becky...but we still have to get out steve, clay johnnymack.  

james: we'll be in trouble if steve gets hoh. he's not going to vote out clay or johnnymac. and the strongest minded person will run his hoh.

meg: vanessa. james: true but tha t might be a good thing. 


Jackie and Vanessa enter hoh with James and meg already there. 


sooo i'm out of there....going back to Clelli where Clay is rubbing her calves as she takes a break. 


Clay: plan. knock out 100. small break...100 more...let's do it. 


Shelli: doing best i can for this castle (giggle cuddle giggle) 

3:16 BBT: 

Liz and Austin in BY talking. 

Liz: clay's making a mistake. He's thinking five years from now. not the game. 

austin: oh he's goin' to regret it [lololol--the flipping irony of Austin agreeing--chipmunk]


Clay joins Austin and Liz. Liz tells clay it's not going to happen. James isn't budging--he gave up money vacation... 


Clay: did you make any deals with him? 


Liz: no.  He prob wants us to be on board with whatever he wants. 


Austin: we'll have the votes... he's got two people voting...we've got more. so it doesn't matter. 

321: by convo continues: 


Austin: just sucks he has all the power. 


Clay: I'll go talk to him when she gets through. 


Liz: meg was saying she was just like she thinks that obviously you want to go over shelli. he needs to think about himself. James probably wants to keep you over shelli because she's won more. 


LIz: really sticky situation. he sees her as more of a threat. 


aaand there was some sort of plane flying over with "I love you" on it.... 


austin: clay did you pay for that? 


then fish. 

3:27 BBT : FOTH probably from the plane situation... 

3:30 BBT still fish. [i suspect aftermath of the plane flyover]

3:32 BBT Fish still 

Ok, so liz said right before Fish: I love you... with a heart... Oh my god shelli--- then it went to fish. [so it looks like it was a message possibly?] 

336 BBT: Back for about five seconds 

Clay: It could have said clelli--sh**


Then fish... 


3:37: back to normal and quiet. Shelli doing her thing. Clay sitting on chair. 

3:38 other HGs going outside settling down around the pool. Not a lot of talk outside. 


Liz Becky Clay Shelli out


Liz thanks live feeders if they sent the banner. 


Shelli: working hard for ya! So thanks! 

3:40 BBT; 

BY as usual. going along. 


In HoH James, Meg, Van, Jackie are talking: 


Meg: too much to turn back. They did it, so they should understand. And we didn't out of nowhere blindside them. 


James: I didn't blindside. Y'all had a chance for POV. 


Basically justifying that James went back on his word. Saying how he told Clelli it was just game etc. and that they totally understood and appreciated i talked to them so hopefully everything's good... 


Vanessa: Shelli will need to sleep. Too much emotions then this. 


Meg: well she has something to focus on with this punishment at least. 


In HoH they are talking about how long shelli has left etc. no game talk. 

3:44  Discussing the future (will it be double eviction. will jackie have to wear the knight suit during hoh comp etc). 


Meg: steve's gotta stop throwing things (HoH). He's been throwing everything. 


Jackie: he needs to go before those (memory comps on history of bb) begins. 

3:46: talking about how they have to memorize the order of things etc. 


Meanwhile in the backyard.... 

Shelli continues her quest.... 


Chat in the back yard but not game related. 

3:48 BBT 

Talk about Ghost Busters III. Johnny Mack, Liz, Becky... in BY. 




Discussion in BY over whether they heard the bell and the squire announcements in middle of nights.


Shelli  "Wack street was nothing compared to this now! and you guys got a S/O from the actual Backstreet" 


General talk about how this is a brutal punishment for shelli and for vanessa/jackie 


Clay to shelli "lookin' good momma" 


nothing else going on... 


Becky: 335 away!


BB: Good job squire. 


Shelli: Good Job Castle Guard. Maybe we'll get some Game of Thrones music for our final run around. 

3:52 BBT: 


Meanwhile in HoH--- discussing older seasons... no game talk. James on HoH bed eating Doritos. 


Vanessa Jackie and James talking about the ball maze comps from years before. 

3:54 BBT: meanwhile in the BY.... 


silence. except the clunk of Shelli's sword on the items. 

3:56 BBT:

Shelli is on 2080-- out of 2400 rounds with the sword thing.... 

[aaand that's it for me.]

4:00 BBT There is no game talk at all. Jackie speculating on what would could have been if the guys bonded etc. But no game talk anywhere... 


Jackie: ok it's time for steve to go... 


Van: he means well, but he just does annoying stuff.


Jackie: He'll be in the jury house though.


Van: Austin will kill him.


James: no cameras or microphones no wonder he wants to be in jury house with Liz. 


Jackie:  Liz is not into it


(they are talking about how Liz doesn't seem to be in to Austin as much.... talking about showmances and how shelli and clay should just kiss since they are obviously a showmance....) 


James: You're being targeted as a showmance... might as well be one. 

[ok, now i'm really really out] 

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4:03 PM BBT:  In the BY, Shelli is on 2100, and sings "Your kingdom's safe..."  while ringing that really obnoxious bell.  Clay says, "You're almost there."  Shelli, "I know.  I see the light."  Shelli is trying to finish by 5:30BBT.   One of the twins (Liz, I think) cheers her on while relaxing in a lounge chair.  Austin and Julia are also outside and talk of salsa and slop gets and Ewwwwww from Julia.


4:07 PM BBT:  Meanwhile, there is a mass exodus from HOH of James, Vanessa, Jackie and they say hello to "Sneaky Steve" as they come down.  "Shine that armor, squire!"  and Vanessa does. LOL...Steve starts to hum/mumble and then stands in for BB saying to himself, "no singing."


4: 09 PM  BBT The armor shining duo has moved outside.  They talk about Shelli finishing and that she has til midnight, but she says that she wants to just get it over with.  Shelli asks James if she can have an HOH shower after she's done.  James says of course she can. 


4:12 PM BBT  Vanessa and Jackie go back inside.  Shelli is on 2120...FotH.

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4:13 PM BBT:  Feeds resume....Shelli talking slop with the twins....Fish of the House again.  Feeds come back quickly and outside talk is still on cupcakes.  Then more FotH.


4:16 PM BBT:  All 4 cams still on BY.  It's pretty quiet.  Lots of yawning.  Shelli still going.  James, Meg, Julia, and Clay still outside with Shelli.


4:21 PM BBT:  Clay takes a break from yawning and stretching and calls out to Shelli, "Looking hot."  Shelli is on 2150....Shelli replies, "Feeling hot."

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4:24 PM BBT:  James is called to the DR.  Meg comments that no one has been called in all day.  James says he hopes that it is to grant his alcohol request.  Then the HGs talk about how the sun tans differently here.


Becky in BY to tan.  Shelli makes a pitch to BB for a big glass of red wine....she adds in shower, clean clothes, brushed teeth, etc. 


4:28 PM  BBT:  Becky says, "here comes the shade, Miss Shelli. Your punching bag is in it." 


4:29 PM BBT: James out of DR with a BB card,  "Behold Behold to all BB people."  He says it's super long.  "We want to see you use all 4 photo booth frames to show us how you can transform from beauty to beast."  Basically they are to change from frame to frame.  He says that the photo booth is open and that live feeders have apps they are to use.  They are supposed to get this done soon, as in now...


4:31 PM BBT:  Meg goes in to do the photo booth activity.  Some of them cheer and seem excited.  James doesn't understand what frame means...ha!  He is at the photo booth, though.  4

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4:32 PM BBT:  Clay talks to Shelli, who takes a short break. Clay tells Shelli that James goes to the twins and Austin telling them that he (James) kept them safe this week and they should have his back. Clay says that James is just saying and that James already knew he was putting them (Clay and Shelli) up and that now James is just trying to use that in his favor with the others.  James is trying to spin this as if he had some kind of deal with Austin and the twins, but Clay says that he knows James did not and that he wants to tell James that the people James thinks are with him (Austin and the twins) are not and that is why James needs Shelli and Clay around.


4: 38 PM BBT:  Shelli still walking the triangle.  Shelli wishes she could do the photo booth to make memories.  Clay brings up the plane that flew over.  She says that she couldn't see what the second one said, but she thinks that it was for her.  Cameras switch to photo booth and then FotH.

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4:40 PM BBT:  Shelli up to 2200 and rings the bell.  HGs clap as Shelli goes in with the bell.  She heads back out for the last 200. Clay offers to make her a sandwich--turkey, ham, bacon, cheese, tomato, avocado, and lettuce on toasted wheat bread with BBQ sauce....Shelli's hungry!! 


4:43 PM BBT: Still talking about Shelli's sandwich.  Vanessa called to DR.  Other HGs still doing photo booth activity. 


4:44 PM BBT:  Shelli says that no matter what happens she and Clay will be able to enjoy the halfway party.  Shelli tells Clay that he is sweet to stay with her....Clay says there is no where he would rather be.  Then he adds...except bed.  They laugh. 


4:46 PM BBT:  "Shine that armor, squire!" 


4:50 PM BBT:  Shelli up to 2222.  Shelli talks about getting James on board  with them.  Clay says that the twins are not reliable.Shelli says that she doesn't have a feeling one way or the other for Austin. 

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6:30 PM BBT- Austin is caressing Liz's arm while lying on the couch and Julia is on the other couch.  No talking.  Clay is in the kitchen with a red cape on making something to eat.  [Not missing anything in the BB house tonight!]

6:37 PM BBT - Austin and Liz are playing handsies and the camera zooms in on their hands.

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5:49pm BBT Shelli has 10 more to go.

5:50pm BBT Fish

6:02pm BBT Shelli is done with her punishment and is getting ready for a shower. Liz, Austin, James, Steve in LR talking about Cholesterol.

Liz is wearing sunglasses and trying to catch some daytime zzzz's.  Austin is sitting on her legs while eating cereal. BB says "Shine that armour squire"

James said he wore HOH headphones last night and didnt hear Shelli's bell or Vanessa's punishment.

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Just as an FYI it is 7:03 BBT 

There is NOTHING going on in the BB House. 

Shelli is in HoH taking a shower etc (must have finished her quest) two cams on that. 


Other two cams on ((shudders)) Austin and Liz in HN room. He is... sort of man-groping her under the blanket, rubbing up and down her arm and it's... ((shudders))... it's not pretty. [The live feed chat room is not handling this well]. I should say she is either asleep or playing dead because.... again... ((shudders)) 


There is ZERO game talk going on right now... at least on the feeds we are seeing. 

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8:01PM BBT Steve and Vanessa talk. Steve tells her that her time is almost done. Vanessa starts doing shout outs and we get FOTH.


8:10PM BBT Meg notices that she can see the BY. She opens the door and the BY is open (BB did not announce it). James yells to the HG that the BY is open.


8:12PM BBT Shelli and Clay talk about what to say when they talk to James. Clay says that it isn't a desperation plea but that they have things that can benefit the others. Clay practices what to say.


8:18PM BBT Shelli says that they can't go up there and say how they will be gunning for people. Clay says they have to admit their mistakes with Jason and tell him that they deserve a second chance. Shelli says that they can't suggest a single persons name.


8:23PM BBT Clay asks Shelli why didn't they flip on Jason? Shelli says because they are people of their word. Shelli says she has already told James the reasons and is happy to tell him again.


8:27PM BBT Vanessa and Jackie discuss how to end her punishment and we get FOTH.

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8:31PM BBT Vanessa and Jackie prepare for the "releasing" ceremony. Someone says "dance for us monkeys" and we get FOTH.


8:34PM BBT Feeds are back and Vanessa has been released. Shelli wants to know if their theme this year is twists and lies. No one answers her. General chatting in the KT.


8:43PM BBT Clay and Shelli talk about her legs hurting. Clay giving her legs a massage.


8:44PM BBT Shelli talking about the banner (it was actually a sky writer not a banner) Shelli says that Liz saw 4 planes. Shelli says it was a sweet shout out. (There is no confirmation the message was for the house.) It said I Love You (heart) S.


8:51PM BBT Steve and meg cleaning the KT. Clay and Shelli still in the BY.

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